Fujitsu MHU2100AT User Manual



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FUJITSU makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or from suffering damage to their property. Use the product according to this manual.
While FUJITSU has sought to ensure the accuracy of all information in this manual, FUJITSU assumes no liability to any party for any damage caused by any error or omission contained in this manual, its updates or supplements, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. In addition, FUJITSU assumes no liability with respect to the application or use of any product or system in accordance with the descriptions or instructions contained herein; including any liability for incidental or consequential damages arising therefrom. FUJITSU DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES REGARDING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, WHETHER EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY.
FUJITSU reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein without further notice and without obligation.
This product is designed and manufactured for use in standard applications such as office work, personal devices and household appliances. This product is not intended for special uses (atomic controls, aeronautic or space systems, mass transport vehicle operating controls, medical devices for life support, or weapons firing controls) where particularly high reliability requirements exist, where the pertinent levels of safety are not guaranteed, or where a failure or operational error could threaten a life or cause a physical injury (hereafter referred to as "mission-critical" use). Customers considering the use of these products for mission-critical applications must have safety-assurance measures in place beforehand. Moreover, they are requested to consult our sales representative before embarking on such specialized use.
The contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice.
The contents of this manual shall not be disclosed in any way or reproduced in any media without the express written permission of Fujitsu Limited.
All Rights Reserved, Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2004

Revision History

Edition Date
01 2004-01-20
Revised section (*1)
*1 Section(s) with asterisk (*) refer to the previous edition when those were deleted.
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This manual describes MHU2100AT model of the MHU Series, 2.5-inch hard disk drives. These drives have a built-in controller that is compatible with the ATA interface.
This manual describes the specifications and functions of the drives and explains in detail how to incorporate the drives into user systems. This manual assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of hard disk drives and their implementations in computer systems.
This manual consists of seven chapters and sections explaining the special terminology and abbreviations used in this manual:
Overview of Manual
CHAPTER 1 Device Overview


This chapter gives an overview of the disk drive and describes their features.
CHAPTER 2 Device Configuration
This chapter describes the internal configurations of the disk drive and the configuration of the systems in which they operate.
CHAPTER 3 Installation Conditions
This chapter describes the external dimensions, installation conditions, and switch settings of the disk drive.
CHAPTER 4 Theory of Device Operation
This chapter describes the operation theory of the disk drive.
CHAPTER 5 Interface
This chapter describes the interface specifications of the disk drive.
CHAPTER 6 Operations
This chapter describes the operations of the disk drive.
The glossary describes the technical terms that need to be understood to read this manual.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
This section gives the meanings of the definitions used in this manual.
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Conventions for Alert Messages
This manual uses the following conventions to show the alert messages. An alert message consists of an alert signal and alert statements. The alert signal consists of an alert symbol and a signal word or just a signal word.
The following are the alert signals and their meanings:
This indicates a hazardous situation could result in minor or moderate personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. This alert signal also indicates that damages to the product or other property may occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
This indicates information that could help the user use the product more efficiently.
In the text, the alert signal is centered, followed below by the indented message. A wider line space precedes and follows the alert message to show where the alert message begins and ends. The following is an example:
Data corruption: Avoid mounting the disk drive near strong magnetic sources such as loud speakers. Ensure that the disk drive is not affected by external magnetic fields.
The main alert messages in the text are also listed in the “Important Alert Items.”
Operating Environment
This product is designed to be used in offices or computer rooms.
An MHU series device is sometimes simply referred to as a "hard disk drive," "HDD," "drive," or "device" in this document.
Decimal numbers are represented normally.
Hexadecimal numbers are represented as shown in the following examples: X'17B9', 17B9h, 17B9H, or 17B9H.
Binary numbers are represented as shown in the following examples: 010 or 010b.
ii C141-E202-01EN
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this manual.
To make this manual easier for users to understand, opinions from readers are needed. Please write your opinions or requests on the Comment at the back of this manual and forward it to the address described in the sheet.
Liability Exception
“Disk drive defects” refers to defects that involve adjustment, repair, or replacement.
Fujitsu is not liable for any other disk drive defects, such as those caused by user misoperation or mishandling, inappropriate operating environments, defects in the power supply or cable, problems of the host system, or other causes outside the disk drive.
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Important Alert Items

Important Alert Messages
The important alert messag es in th is manu al are as fol l ows :
A hazardous situation could result in minor or moderate personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. Also, damage to the product or other property, may occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
Task Alert message Page
Normal Operation
Data corruption: Avoid mounting the disk near strong magnetic sources such as loud speakers. Ensure that the disk drive is not affected by external magnetic fields. Damage: Do not press the cover of the disk drive. Pressing it too hard, the cover and the spindle motor contact, which may cause damage to the disk drive.
Static: When handling the device, disconnect the body ground (500 k or greater). Do not touch the printed circuit
board, but hold it by the edges.
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Manual Organization

<This manual>
• Device Overview
• Device Configuration
• Installation Conditions
• Theory of Device Operation
• Interface
• Operations
• Maintenance and Diagnosis
• Removal and Replacement Procedure
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CHAPTER 1 Device Overview........................................................................1-1
1.1 Features ..............................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Functions and performance.....................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Adaptability.............................................................................................1-2
1.1.3 Interface...................................................................................................1-3
1.2 Device Specifications.........................................................................................1-4
1.2.1 Specifications summary ..........................................................................1-4
1.2.2 Model and product number .....................................................................1-5
1.3 Power Requirements...........................................................................................1-6
1.4 Environmental Specifications ............................................................................1-8
1.5 Acoustic Noise ...................................................................................................1-9
1.6 Shock and Vibration...........................................................................................1-9
1.7 Reliability.........................................................................................................1-10
1.8 Error Rate .........................................................................................................1-11
1.9 Media Defects...................................................................................................1-11
1.10 Load/Unload Function....................................................................................1-11
1.11 Advanced Power Management.......................................................................1-12
CHAPTER 2 Device Configuration ................................................................2-1
2.1 Device Configuration.........................................................................................2-2
2.2 System Configuration.........................................................................................2-3
2.2.1 ATA interface..........................................................................................2-3
2.2.2 1 drive connection...................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 2 drives connection..................................................................................2-4
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CHAPTER 3 Installation Conditions ............................................................. 3-1
3.1 Dimensions........................................................................................................ 3-2
3.2 Mounting............................................................................................................ 3-3
3.3 Cable Connections............................................................................................. 3-9
3.3.1 Device connector.................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.2 Cable connector specifications............................................................. 3-10
3.3.3 Device connection ................................................................................ 3-10
3.3.4 Power supply connector (CN1) ............................................................ 3-11
3.4 Jumper Settings................................................................................................ 3-11
3.4.1 Location of setting jumpers.................................................................. 3-11
3.4.2 Factory default setting.......................................................................... 3-12
3.4.3 Master drive-slave drive setting ........................................................... 3-12
3.4.4 CSEL setting......................................................................................... 3-13
3.4.5 Power Up in Standby setting................................................................ 3-14
CHAPTER 4 Theory of Device Operation..................................................... 4-1
4.1 Outline ............................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2 Subassemblies.................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Disk......................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.2 Spindle.................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.3 Actuator .................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.4 Air filter.................................................................................................. 4-3
4.3 Circuit Configuration......................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Power-on Sequence ........................................................................................... 4-6
4.5 Self-calibration .................................................................................................. 4-7
4.5.1 Self-calibration contents......................................................................... 4-7
4.5.2 Execution timing of self-calibration....................................................... 4-8
4.5.3 Command processing during self-calibration......................................... 4-8
4.6 Read/write Circuit.............................................................................................. 4-9
4.6.1 Read/write preamplifier (PreAMP)........................................................ 4-9
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4.6.2 Write circuit.............................................................................................4-9
4.6.3 Read circuit............................................................................................4-10
4.6.4 Digital PLL circuit.................................................................................4-11
4.7 Servo Control ...................................................................................................4-12
4.7.1 Servo control circuit..............................................................................4-12
4.7.2 Data-surface servo format.....................................................................4-15
4.7.3 Servo frame format................................................................................4-17
4.7.4 Actuator motor control..........................................................................4-18
4.7.5 Spindle motor control............................................................................4-19
CHAPTER 5 Interface .....................................................................................5-1
5.1 Physical Interface...............................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 Interface signals.......................................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Signal assignment on the connector........................................................5-3
5.2 Logical Interface.................................................................................................5-6
5.2.1 I/O registers.............................................................................................5-7
5.2.2 Command block registers........................................................................5-8
5.2.3 Control block registers ..........................................................................5-13
5.3 Host Commands ...............................................................................................5-14
5.3.1 Command code and parameters ............................................................5-14
5.3.2 Command descriptions..........................................................................5-18
(1) RECALIBRATE (X’10’ to X’1F’).................................................5-20
(2) READ SECTOR(S) (X’20’ or X’21’) ............................................5-21
(3) READ LONG (X’22’ or X’23’) .....................................................5-23
(4) WRITE SECTOR(S) (X’30’ or X’31’)...........................................5-24
(5) WRITE LONG (X’32’ or X’33’)....................................................5-26
(6) WRITE VERIFY (X’3C’)...............................................................5-27
(7) READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) (X’40’ or X’41’).............................5-28
(8) SEEK (X’70’ to X’7F’) ..................................................................5-29
(9) EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC (X’90’) ................................5-30
(10) INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS (X’91’) .........................5-32
(11) DOWNLOAD MICRO CODE (X’92’)........................................5-33
(12) STANDBY IMMEDIATE (X’94’ or X’E0’) ...............................5-35
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(13) IDLE IMMEDIATE (X’95’ or X’E1’).........................................5-36
(14) STANDBY (X’96’ or X’E2’) .......................................................5-37
(15) IDLE (X’97’ or X’E3’).................................................................5-38
(16) CHECK POWER MODE (X’98’ or X’E5’).................................5-40
(17) SLEEP (X’99’ or X’E6’) ..............................................................5-41
(18) SMART (X’B0) ............................................................................5-42
(19) DEVICE CONFIGURATION (X'B1')..........................................5-59
(20) READ MULTIPLE (X’C4’) .........................................................5-63
(21) WRITE MULTIPLE (X’C5’) .......................................................5-65
(22) SET MULTIPLE MODE (X’C6’) ................................................5-67
(23) READ DMA (X’C8’ or X’C9’)....................................................5-69
(24) WRITE DMA (X’CA’ or X’CB’).................................................5-71
(25) READ BUFFER (X’E4’)..............................................................5-73
(26) FLUSH CACHE (X’E7’)..............................................................5-74
(27) WRITE BUFFER (X’E8’) ............................................................5-75
(28) IDENTIFY DEVICE (X’EC’) ......................................................5-76
(29) IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA (X’EE’) ............................................5-77
(30) SET FEATURES (X’EF’).............................................................5-88
(31) SECURITY SET PASSWORD (X’F1’).......................................5-92
(32) SECURITY UNLOCK(X’F2’) .....................................................5-94
(33) SECURITY ERASE PREPARE (X’F3’)......................................5-96
(34) SECURITY ERASE UNIT (X’F4’)..............................................5-97
(35) SECURITY FREEZE LOCK (X’F5’) ..........................................5-98
(36) SECURITY DISABLE PASSWORD (X’F6’) ...........................5-100
(37) READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS (X’F8’) ...............................5-102
(38) SET MAX (X’F9’)......................................................................5-103
(39) READ SECTOR (S) EXT (X’24’): Option (customizing)........5-109
(40) READ DMA EXT (X’25’): Option (customizing)....................5-110
Option (customizing)...................................................................5-111
(42) READ MULTIPLE EXT (X’29’): Option (customizing)..........5-112
(43) READ LOG EXT (X’2F’) [Optional command
(Customize)] ................................................................................5-113
(44) WRITE SECTOR (S) EXT (X’34’): Option
(45) WRITE DMA EXT (X’35’): Option (customizing)..................5-116
xii C141-E202-01EN
(46) SET MAX ADDRESS EXT (X’37’): Option
(47) WRITE MULTIPLE EXT (X’39’): Option (customizing)........5-119
(48) WRITE LOG EXT (X’3F’) [Optional command
(49) READ VERIFY SECTOR (S) EXT (X’42): Option
(50) FLUSH CACHE EXT (X’EA’): Option (customizing).............5-123
5.3.3 Error posting........................................................................................5-124
5.4 Command Protocol.........................................................................................5-126
5.4.1 PIO Data transferring commands from device to host........................5-126
5.4.2 PIO Data transferring commands from host to device........................5-129
5.4.3 Commands without data transfer.........................................................5-131
5.4.4 Other commands..................................................................................5-132
5.4.5 DMA data transfer commands ............................................................5-132
5.5 Ultra DMA Feature Set ..................................................................................5-134
5.5.1 Overview .............................................................................................5-134
5.5.2 Phases of operation..............................................................................5-135
5.5.3 Ultra DMA data in commands ............................................................5-135 Initiating an Ultra DMA data in burst......................................5-135 The data in transfer ..................................................................5-136 Pausing an Ultra DMA data in burst........................................5-136 Terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst.................................5-137
5.5.4 Ultra DMA data out commands ..........................................................5-140 Initiating an Ultra DMA data out burst....................................5-140 The data out transfer ................................................................5-141 Pausing an Ultra DMA data out burst......................................5-141 Terminating an Ultra DMA data out burst...............................5-142
5.5.5 Ultra DMA CRC rules.........................................................................5-144
5.5.6 Series termination required for Ultra DMA........................................5-145
5.6 Timing ............................................................................................................5-146
5.6.1 PIO data transfer..................................................................................5-146
5.6.2 Multiword data transfer.......................................................................5-147
5.6.3 Ultra DMA data transfer......................................................................5-148
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Contents Initiating an Ultra DMA data in burst..................................... 5-148 Ultra DMA data burst timing requirements............................ 5-149 Sustained Ultra DMA data in burst......................................... 5-152 Host pausing an Ultra DMA data in burst............................... 5-153 Device terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst..................... 5-154 Host terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst......................... 5-155 Initiating an Ultra DMA data out burst................................... 5-156 Sustained Ultra DMA data out burst....................................... 5-157 Device pausing an Ultra DMA data out burst......................... 5-158 Host terminating an Ultra DMA data out burst..................... 5-159 Device terminating an Ultra DMA data out burst................. 5-160
5.6.4 Power-on and reset ............................................................................. 5-161
CHAPTER 6 Operations.................................................................................6-1
6.1 Device Response to the Reset............................................................................ 6-2
6.1.1 Response to power-on............................................................................. 6-2
6.1.2 Response to hardware reset .................................................................... 6-3
6.1.3 Response to software reset ..................................................................... 6-5
6.1.4 Response to diagnostic command........................................................... 6-6
6.2 Power Save ........................................................................................................ 6-7
6.2.1 Power save mode.................................................................................... 6-7
6.2.2 Power commands.................................................................................... 6-9
6.3 Defect Processing .............................................................................................. 6-9
6.3.1 Spare area................................................................................................ 6-9
6.3.2 Alternating processing for defective sectors ........................................ 6-10
6.4 Read-ahead Cache ........................................................................................... 6-12
6.4.1 DATA buffer structure ......................................................................... 6-12
6.4.2 Caching operation................................................................................. 6-13
6.4.3 Using the read segment buffer.............................................................. 6-15
xiv C141-E202-01EN
Contents Miss-hit ......................................................................................6-15 Sequential Hit.............................................................................6-16 Full hit........................................................................................6-17 Partial hit....................................................................................6-18
6.5 Write Cache......................................................................................................6-19
6.5.1 Cache operation.....................................................................................6-19
Acronyms and Abbreviations.........................................................................AB-1
Index ................................................................................................................. IN-1
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Figure 1.1 Negative voltage at +5 V when power is turned off ......................... 1-6
Figure 1.2 Current fluctuation (Typ.) at +5 V when power is
turned on............................................................................................ 1-8
Figure 2.1 Disk drive outer view........................................................................ 2-2
Figure 2.2 1 drive system configuration............................................................. 2-3
Figure 2.3 2 drives configuration........................................................................ 2-4
Figure 3.1 Dimensions........................................................................................ 3-2
Figure 3.2 Orientation......................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3.3 Mounting frame structure.................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3.4 Location of breather.......................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3.5 Surface temperature measurement points ......................................... 3-6
Figure 3.6 Service area ....................................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3.7 Handling cautions.............................................................................. 3-8
Figure 3.8 Connector locations........................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3.9 Cable connections ........................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3.10 Power supply connector pins (CN1) ............................................... 3-11
Figure 3.11 Jumper location............................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3.12 Factory default setting..................................................................... 3-12
Figure 3.13 Jumper setting of master or slave drive .......................................... 3-12
Figure 3.14 CSEL setting.................................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3.15 Example (1) of Cable Select............................................................ 3-13
Figure 3.16 Example (2) of Cable Select............................................................ 3-14
Figure 4.1 Power Supply Configuration............................................................. 4-4
Figure 4.2 Circuit Configuration ........................................................................ 4-5
Figure 4.3 Power-on operation sequence............................................................ 4-6
Figure 4.4 Read/write circuit block diagram...................................................... 4-9
Figure 4.5 Frequency characteristic of programmable filter............................ 4-10
Figure 4.6 Block diagram of servo control circuit............................................ 4-12
Figure 4.7 Physical sector servo configuration on disk surface....................... 4-16
Figure 4.8 Servo frame format.......................................................................... 4-17
Figure 5.1 Interface signals................................................................................... 5-2
xvi C141-E202-01EN
Figure 5.2 Execution example of READ MULTIPLE command.....................5-63
Figure 5.3 Read Sector(s) command protocol.................................................5-127
Figure 5.4 Protocol for command abort ..........................................................5-128
Figure 5.5 WRITE SECTOR(S) command protocol.......................................5-130
Figure 5.6 Protocol for the command execution without data
transfer ...........................................................................................5-132
Figure 5.7 Normal DMA data transfer............................................................5-133
Figure 5.8 Ultra DMA termination with pull-up or pull-down.......................5-145
Figure 5.9 PIO data transfer timing.................................................................5-146
Figure 5.10 Multiword DMA data transfer timing (mode 2)............................5-147
Figure 5.11 Initiating an Ultra DMA data in burst............................................5-148
Figure 5.12 Sustained Ultra DMA data in burst................................................5-152
Figure 5.13 Host pausing an Ultra DMA data in burst .....................................5-153
Figure 5.14 Device terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst............................5-154
Figure 5.15 Host terminating an Ultra DMA data in burst ...............................5-155
Figure 5.16 Initiating an Ultra DMA data out burst..........................................5-156
Figure 5.17 Sustained Ultra DMA data out burst..............................................5-157
Figure 5.18 Device pausing an Ultra DMA data out burst................................5-158
Figure 5.19 Host terminating an Ultra DMA data out burst .............................5-159
Figure 5.20 Device terminating an Ultra DMA data out burst..........................5-160
Figure 5.21 Power-on Reset Timing .................................................................5-161
Figure 6.1 Response to power-on........................................................................6-3
Figure 6.2 Response to hardware reset................................................................6-4
Figure 6.3 Response to software reset.................................................................6-5
Figure 6.4 Response to diagnostic command......................................................6-6
Figure 6.5 Sector slip processing ......................................................................6-10
Figure 6.6 Automatic alternating processing ....................................................6-11
Figure 6.7 Data buffer structure ........................................................................6-12
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Table 1.1 Specifications ................................................................................... 1-4
Table 1.2 Examples of model names and product numbers.............................. 1-5
Table 1.3 Current and power dissipation........................................................... 1-7
Table 1.4 Environmental specifications............................................................ 1-8
Table 1.5 Acoustic noise specification.............................................................. 1-9
Table 1.6 Shock and vibration specification..................................................... 1-9
Table 1.7 Advanced Power Management........................................................ 1-13
Table 3.1 Surface temperature measurement points and standard
values................................................................................................. 3-6
Table 3.2 Cable connector specifications........................................................ 3-10
Table 5.1 Signal assignment on the interface connector................................... 5-3
Table 5.2 I/O registers....................................................................................... 5-7
Table 5.3 Command code and parameters ..................................................... 5-15
Table 5.4 Diagnostic code............................................................................... 5-30
Table 5.5 Operation of DOWNLOAD MICRO CODE .................................. 5-34
Table 5.6 Example of rewriting procedure of data 384 KBytes
(30000h Bytes) of microcode.......................................................... 5-34
Table 5.7 Features Register values (subcommands) and functions ................ 5-43
Table 5.8 Format of device attribute value data.............................................. 5-47
Table 5.9 Format of insurance failure threshold value data............................ 5-47
Table 5.10 Off-line data collection status ......................................................... 5-50
Table 5.11 Self-test execution status................................................................. 5-50
Table 5.12 Off-line data collection capability................................................... 5-51
Table 5.13 Failure prediction capability flag.................................................... 5-51
Table 5.14 Error logging capability .................................................................. 5-52
Table 5.15 Log Directory Data Format............................................................. 5-52
Table 5.16 Data format of SMART Summary Error Log................................. 5-54
Table 5.17 Data format of SMART Comprehensive Error Log........................ 5-55
Table 5.18 SMART self-test log data format.................................................... 5-56
Table 5.19 Selective self-test log data structure................................................ 5-57
Table 5.20 Selective self-test feature flags ....................................................... 5-58
structure........................................................................................... 5-62
Table 5.22 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE
command......................................................................................... 5-78
Table 5.23 Features register values and settable modes ................................... 5-88
Table 5.24 Contents of SECURITY SET PASSWORD data ........................... 5-92
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Table 5.25 Relationship between combination of Identifier and
Security level, and operation of the lock function...........................5-92
Table 5.26 Contents of security password .......................................................5-100
Table 5.27 Command code and parameters ....................................................5-124
Table 5.28 Recommended series termination for Ultra DMA.........................5-145
Table 5.29 Ultra DMA data burst timing requirements ..................................5-149
Table 5.30 Ultra DMA sender and recipient timing requirements..................5-151
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CHAPTER 1 Device Overview

1.1 Features
1.2 Device Specifications
1.3 Power Requirements
1.4 Environmental Specifications
1.5 Acoustic Noise
1.6 Shock and Vibration
1.7 Reliability
1.8 Error Rate
1.9 Media Defects
1.10 Load/Unload Function
1.11 Advanced Power Management
Overview and features are described in this chapter, and specifications and power requirement are described.
The disk drive is 2.5-inch hard disk drives with built-in disk controllers. These disk drives use the AT-bus hard disk interface protocol and are compact and reliable.
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Device Overview

1.1 Features

1.1.1 Functions and performance

The following features of the disk drive is described.
(1) Compact
The disk drive has 2 disks of 65 mm (2.5 inches) diameter, and its height is 9.5 mm (0.374 inch).
(2) Large capacity
The disk drive can record up to 50 GB (formatted) on one disk using the RLL recording method and 30 recording zone technology. The disk drive has a formatted capacity of 100 GB (MHU2100AT).
(3) High-speed Transfer rate
The disk drive (the MHU Series) has an internal data rate up to 41.3 MB/s. The disk drive supports an external data rate up to 100 MB/s (U-DMA mode 5).
(4) Aver age posit ioning t im e
Use of a rotary voice coil motor in the head positioning mechanism greatly increases the positioning speed. The average positioning time is 12 ms (at read).

1.1.2 Adaptability

(1) Power save mode
The power save mode feature for Idle operation, Standby and Sleep modes makes the disk drive ideal for applications where power consumption is a factor.
(2) Wide tem perature range
The disk drive can be used over a wide temperature range (5 °C to 55 °C).
(3) Low noise and vibration
In Ready status (while the device is waiting for any commands), the Sound Power level of the disk drives in idle mode is 2.4B(A). The Sound Pressure level is 25dB(A), as measured 0.3 m from the drive in Idle mode.
(4) High resist ance against shock
The Load/Unload mechanism is highly resistant against non-operation shock up to 8820 m/s
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1.1 Features

1.1.3 Interface

(1) Connect ion t o ATA int erface
The disk drive has built-in controllers compatible with the ATA interface.
(2) Data buffer
The disk drive use a 8MB data buffer to transfer data between the host and the disk media.
In combination with the read-ahead cache system described in item (3) and the write cache described in item (7), the buffer contributes to efficient I/O processing.
(3) Read-ahead cache system
After the execution of a disk read command, the disk drive automatically reads the subsequent data block and writes it to the data buffer (read ahead operation). This cache system enables fast data access. The next disk read command would normally cause another disk access. But, if the read ahead data corresponds to the data requested by the next read command, the data in the buffer can be transferred instead.
(4) Master/slave
The disk drive can be connected to ATA interface as daisy chain configuration. Drive 0 is a master device, drive 1 is a slave device.
(5) Error correction and retry by ECC
If a recoverable error occurs, the disk drive itself attempt error recovery. The ECC has improved buffer error correction for correctable data errors.
(6) Self-diagnosis
The disk drive has a diagnostic function to check operation of the controller and disk drive. Executing a diagnostic function of the smart command invokes self­diagnosis.
(7) Write cache
When the disk drive receives a write command, the disk drive posts the command completion at completion of transferring data to the data buffer completion of writing to the disk media. This feature reduces the access time at writing.
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Device Overview

1.2 Device Specifications

1.2.1 Specifications summary

Table 1.1 shows the specifications of the disk drives.
Table 1.1 Specifications (1 of 2)
Format Capacity (*1) 100 GB Number of Sectors (User) 195,371,568 sector Bytes per Sector 512 bytes Rotational Speed 4,200 rpm ± 1% Average Latency 7.14 ms Positioning time (read and seek)
Minimum (Track-Track)
Maximum (Full)
Start time 3.5 sec (typ.) Interface ATA-6 (Max. Cable length: 18inches (0.46 m))
Data Transfer Rate (*1)
To/From Media
To/From Host
(equipped with expansion function)
100 MB/s Max (U-DMA mode5)
1.5 ms (typ.)
Read: 12ms (typ.)
22 ms (typ.)
43.7 MB/s Max.
Data Buffer Size (*2) 8MB (8,388,608 bytes) Physical Dimensions
(Height × Width × Depth) Weight 99 g (max) *1: 1GB is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes and 1MB is equal to 1,000,000 bytes. *2: 1MB is equal to 1,048,576 bytes.
9.5 mm × 100.0 mm × 70.0 mm
1-4 C141-E202-01EN
1.2 Device Specifications
Table 1.1 lists the formatted capacity, number of logical cylinders, number
of heads, and number of sectors of every model for which the CHS mode has been selected using the BIOS setup utility on the host.
Table 1.1 Specifications (2 of 2)
Model Capacity No. of Cylinder No. of Heads No. of Sectors
MHU2100AT 8.45 GB 16,383 16 63

1.2.2 Model and product number

Table 1.2 lists the model names and product numbers of the disk drive.
The model name does not necessarily correspond to the product number as listed in Table 1.2 since some models have been customized and have specifications that are different from those for the standard model.
If a disk drive is ordered as a replacement drive, the product number must be the same as that of the drive being replaced.
Table 1.2 Examples of model names and product numbers
Model Name
MHU2100AT 100 GB M3 depth 3 CA06499-B040
(user area)
Mounting screw Order No.
C141-E202-01EN 1-5
Device Overview

1.3 Power Requirements

(1) Input Voltage
+ 5 V ± 5 %
(2) Ripple
+5 V Maximum 100 mV (peak to peak) Frequency DC to 1 MHz
(3) A negative voltage like the bottom figure isn't to occur at +5 V when power is turned
off and, a thing with no ringing.
Permissible level: 0.2 V
Voltage [V]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time [ms]
Figure 1.1 Negative voltage at +5 V when power i s t urned of f
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