Fujitsu MAU3036NC, MAU3073NC, MAU3147NC, MAU3036NP, MAU3073NP User Manual

Careful handling and installation of your disk drive is paramount to the longevity of the unit. Serious damage can occur to the internal mechanisms if forces outside the environmental specifications are exerted to the casing. In transportation, always use the original packing in which the drive was supplied and avoid sharp changes in temperature to minimise the risk of condensation.
1. Never drop. Handle with care.
2. Never move the disk dr ive while the disks are s pinning. This is when t he dr ive i s po wered o n and also imme diately afte r po wer of f. Refer
3. Al w ays turn off the power bef ore conne cti ng or disco nnect ing the interface cable . The s ame applies t o changi ng any o f the switche s or terminal settings except Write protect switch on NP model drives.
4. Never place the drive in the vicinity of strong magnetic fields such as monitors, televisions, or loudspeakers.
5. Never use any c leaning agents or liquids o n the drive.
6. Al w ays use an antistatic mat and wrist strap when handling the drive. Hold the drive by the Base casting and never touch the components on
printe d circuit boar d.
7. Never remove any label s from the drive and do not de face them in any way; these labels ar e part of the disk dri ve desi gn.
8. Never open t he dis k encl osur e fo r any re ason. Doi ng so voi ds any warranty.
9. Al w ays pay close attention to the mounting specifications such as sway space and cooling. If the temperature difference between storage
location and installation locations is more than 10°C, leave the drive in the new location for at least two hours for Temperature acclimation. This minimises any ris k of c ondensatio n for ming on the dri ve.
1. ORIENTATION–The drive can be installed in each six surface down orientations. Inclination from vertical or horizontal should not
exceed 5
2. MOUNTING SCREW INSTALLATION–When the mounting screw holes on the side of the drive are used, be sure to use the two pairs of outer holes. Do not use the center hole in conjunction with only one of the outer holes. The screws must not penetrate the drive by more than 5.0 millimeters. Impact caused by the electric driver must be within the device specifications.
3. COOLING– Allow space above and below the drive to provide an adequate air flo w. Fan coo ling is recommende d. The di sk enc los ure temperature measured at center of base cover (label side) should never exceed 60°C. See Table 1.
4. TERMINATION– A terminator should be installed externally at both ends of the SCSI bus.
5. TERMINATOR POWER–Terminator power must be supplied to terminator for correct operation. This can be supplied from either the
drive, except for NC model or the SCSI bus. If only NC model drives are connected to the SCCI bus, terminator power should be supplie d externally.
6. ATTACHING THE CABLES–To avoid po ssible damage to t he drive, make sure the dire ction of the c onnec tor matche s.
CAUTION: Warranty may be avoide d if damage to t he co nnector i s caus ed by wrong i nser tion.
The Drive needs NO preventative or periodic maintenance during its li fe time if properly used in the correct environment.
Table 1. Reference value of airflow
Environmental temperature Required velocity of airflow
°C > 0.3m/s
35°C > 0.6 m/s
40°C > 0.9 m/s
45°C > 1.5 m/s
FUJITSU LIMITED Storage P roducts Group 4-1-1 Kamik odanaka, Nakahara-ku, Kawas aki 211-8588, Kanagawa-k en, J apan
Copyright © 2004 FUJ ITS U LIMI TED
Corporate USA EUROPE http: // om/
Diagram and user-selectable options (on NP models o nly)
Below is a diagram of the main board o f SCSI dis k drives and als o a summary o f the user -se lec table options incl uding guideli nes for installation of the drives.
This se tting applies only for NP model drives.
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 23
Pin 24
Figure 1. Option select terminal
Table 2. CN2 Terminal Setting (on NP models only)
Pin #
1-2 SCSI ID 0 See Table 3.
3-4 SCSI ID 1
5-6 SCSI ID 2
7-8 SCSI ID 3
9-10 Write protect Open ……Write operation is enabled. (default)
11-12 Motor start mode Open ……Starting of motor is controlled with START/STOP
13-14 Force Narrow Open ……16-bit bus mode (default)
15-16 Force Single Ended Open ……Follo ws DIFFSNS sign al lev el on SCSI bu s. (default)
17 GND
18, 19 N.C
20 IDD Reset Input signal
21-22 Remote LED Output signal
23-24 Terminal power
Setting Item
Ope n ……Drive does not supply terminator power to SCSI
Table 3. SCSI ID Setting on CN2 (on NP models only)
Pin 1-2 Pin 3-4 Pin 5-6 Pin 7-8 ID Pin 1-2 Pin 3-4 Pin 5-6 Pin 7-8 ID
Ope n Op en Op en Ope n 0 Op en Op en Ope n Sh o rt 8
Short Open Open Open 1 Short Open Open Short 9
Open Short Open Open 2 Open Short Open Short 10
Short Short Open Open 3 Short Short Open Short 11
Open Open Short Open 4 Open Open Short Short 12
Short Open Short Open 5 Short Open Short Short 13
Open Short Short Open 6 Open Short Short Short 14
Short Short Short Open 7 Short Short Short Short 15 (default)
……Write operation is disabled.
UNIT co mmand .
……Motor is started immediately after power supply is
turned on or microcode is downloaded.
……Pull upper 8bits and parity internally when drive is
connected to Narrow SCSI bus.
……Single-Ended mode
……Drive supplies terminator power to SCSI bus. (default)