Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10, M10, SPARC M10, SPARC M10-1 Installation Manual

Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems
PCI Card Installation Guide
Manual Code: C120-E710-04EN July 2014
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Preface v
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 1
1.1 Prerequisites 1
1.1.1 Domain OS 1
1.1.2 System firmware XCP version 2
1.2 Maximum Number of Each Type of Mounted PCI Card and Available
PCI Slots 2
1.2.1 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 is installed on
all the domain
1.2.2 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 10 is installed on
all the domains or if XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris
and Oracle Solaris 10 are mixed 6
s 3
1.2.3 XCP2044 or earlier 12
1.3 Hardware Configuration Diagram 17
Chapter 2 PCI Card Mounting Ru
2.1 Prerequisites 19
2.1.1 Domain OS 19
2.1.2 System firmware XCP version 20
2.1.3 Number of CPUs and number of root complexes 20
2.2 Maximum Number of Each Type of Mounted PCI Card and Available
PCI Slots 21
les for the SPARC M10-4 19
2.2.1 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 is installed on
all the domains 22
2.2.2 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 10 is installed on
all the domains or if XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris
and Oracle Solaris 10 are mixed 26
2.3 XCP2044 or earlier 34
2.3 Relationship between the CPU Configuration and the Number of Root
Complexes 42
Chapter 3 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-4S 47
3.1 Prerequisites 47
3.1.1 Domain OS 47
3.1.2 System firmware XCP version 48
3.1.3 Number of CPUs and number of root complexes 48
3.2 Ma
ximum Number of Each Type of Mounted PCI Card and Available
PCI Slots 49
3.2.1 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 is installed on
all the domains 50
3.2.2 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 10 is installed on
all the domains or if XCP2050 or la
and Oracle Solaris 10 are mixed 54
ter is used and Oracle Solaris
3.2.3 XCP2044 or earlier 62
3.3 Relationship between the CPU Configuration and the Number of Root
Complexes 70
Chapter 4 Factory-default Mounting Order of PCI Cards 75
Appendix A Cards that Support PCI Hot Plug and Dynamic Reco
Appendix B Cards that Support SR-IOV 89
Appendix C Cards that Support Direct I/O 93
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 2014iv


This document describes the rules for mounting PCI cards that are mounted in the SPARC M10 systems from Oracle or Fujitsu.
Fujitsu M10 is sold as SPARC M10 Systems by Fujitsu in Japan. Fujitsu M10 and SPARC M10 Systems are identical products.
This preface includes the following sections:


Related Documentation
Text Conventions
Safety Precautions
Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI)
Document Feedback
This document is designed for system administrators with advanced knowledge of computer networks and Oracle Solaris, the service engineers who are in charge of system maintenance, and field engineers.

Related Documentation

All documents for your server are available online at the following sites:
Documents related to Oracle software (Oracle Solaris, etc.)
Fujitsu documents Japanese site
Global site w nl oa ds/m a nu a l/
The following table lists documents related to the SPARC M10 systems.
SPARC M10 Systems related documentation (*1)
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Getting Started Guide (*2)
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Quick Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Important Legal and Safety Information (*2)
Software License Conditions for Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Safety and Compliance Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Security Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems/SPARC Enterprise/PRIMEQUEST Common Installation Planning Manual
Fujitsu M
Fujitsu M10-1/SPARC M10-1 Service Manual
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
PCI Expansion Unit for Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Service Manual
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Domain Configuration Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Sy
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems RCIL User Guide (*3)
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Product Notes
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Glossary
*1 The listed manuals are subject to change without notice. *2 The printed manual comes with the product. *3 This document applies specifically to the FUJITSU M10 and FUJITSU ETERNUS storage system.
10/SPARC M10 Systems Installation Guide
stems XSCF Reference Manual
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 2014vi

Text Conventions

This document uses the following fonts and symbols to express specific types of information.
Font/Symbol Meaning Example
Italic Indicates the names of reference manuals. See the SPARC M10 Systems
" " Indicates the names of chapters, sections, items,
Indicates what you enter, in contrast to what is displayed on the screen. This font is used to indicate an example of command input.
Indicates the names of commands, files, and directories displayed in computer output and on the screen. This font is used to indicate an example of command in
buttons, and menus.
put within the relevant framework.
XSCF> UserName: Privileges:
Installation Guide.
See "Chapter 2 Network Connection."

Command syntax in the text

adduser jsmith
jsmith useradm auditadm
Though the XSCF commands have a section number of (8) or (1), it is omitted in the text. The Oracle Solaris commands have a section number such as (1M) in the text. Each command has a section number in the command name when prompting users
refer to it.

Safety Precautions

Read the following documents thoroughly before using or handling any SPARC M10 system:
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Important Legal and Safety Information
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Safety and Compliance Guide
Preface vii

Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The command syntax is as follows.
A variable that requires input of a value is in italics.
An optional element is enclosed in [ ].
A group of options for an optional keyword is enclosed in [ ] and delimited by |.

Document Feedback

If you have any comments or requests regarding this document, please contact us from the following URL with the relevant manual number, manual title, and pages
along with specific details:
Japanese site
Global site w nl oa ds/m a nu a l/
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 2014viii
Chapter 1
PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1
This chapter describes the maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the rules for mounting PCI cards in PCI slots when mounting PCI cards in the SPARC M10-1. Be sure to observe these mounting rules when designing the system and when installing a PCI card or changing the mounting location of a PCI card
Maximum Number of Each Type of Mounted PCI Card and Available PCI Slots
Hardware Configuration Diagram

1.1 Prerequisites

Domain OS
System firmware XCP version

1.1.1 Domain OS

The maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the available PCI slots may vary depending on the version of the Oracle Solaris that is installed on the domain. Mounting rules vary depending on whether all OS versions of the control domain,
I/O root domain, and I/O domain are Oracle So
mixture of the two. If an Oracle Solaris 10 environment is used in the following configurations, apply the rules for Oracle Solaris 11.
A guest domain of an Oracle Solaris 10 environment is configured using the virtual I/O services of a control domain or the I/O root domain of Oracle Solaris
An Oracle Solaris 10 zone is configured on an Oracle Solaris 11 domain.
laris 11 only, Oracle Solaris 10 only, or
If there are plans to add an I/O root domain or I/O domain of Oracle Solaris 10 after the start of system operation, apply the rules for Oracle Solaris 10.
Note -
For details on the design of control domain, I/O root domain, and I/O domain
configurations, see the Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Domain Configuration Guide.

1.1.2 System firmware XCP version

The maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the slots available for mounting may vary depending on the system firmware version. For XCP2050 or later, see the tables in "1.2.1 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 is
installed on all the domains" and "1. Solaris 10 is installed on all the domains or if XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle Solaris 10 are mixed" according to the Oracle Solaris version.
For XCP2044 or earlier, see "1.2.3 XCP2044 or earlier" r Solaris version.
2.2 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle
egardless of the Oracle

1.2 Maximum Number of Each Type of Mounted PCI Card and Available PCI Slots

For the maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the available PCI slots, see Table 1-1 to Table 1-6 according to the domain OS version.
"Maximum number mounted" in the tables means the maximum number of PCI cards that can be mounted in the SPARC M10-1 or PCI expansion unit. The numbers in ( ) indicate the slot numbers where cards can be mounted, among the PCI slots of the SPARC M10-1. If there are no ( ), all of th mounting. In any PCI expansion unit where cards can be mounted, all of the slots are available for mounting.
The SPARC M10 has an I/O bandwidth of 8 GB/s per root complex. The bandwidth between the PCI expansion unit and the SPARC M10 is also 8 GB/s. The PCI cards mounted in the PCI expansion unit share that bandwidth, which caps the performance of all the PCI cards operating at th high-speed communication card requires a certain level of performance, mount the card in a PCI slot in the SPARC M10-1 instead of mounting it in the PCI expansion unit.
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
e slots are available for
e same time. If a
July 20142

1.2.1 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 is installed on all the domains

Table 1-1
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Link PCI expansion unit connection card SPME8LK1F - 2 (#0,#1)
LAN Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD2F 3 23
FCoE Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical
FC Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with Oracle Solaris 11 (Fujitsu product ID)
Without PCI expansion unit
Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD1F 3 23
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ2F 3 23
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ1F 3 23
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card (10GBase-T)
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card SE1X7HE3G 3 23
Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (f
or optical cable) (QLogic)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable) (QLogic)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical cable) (Emulex)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable) (Emulex)
Channel card (SR SFP+)
Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre Channel card (LR SFP+)
Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre Channel card (SR SFP+)
Dual-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (QLogic)
Single-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (QLogic)
SP1X7HF1F 3 23
SE0X7EF12F 3 23
SE0X7EC12F 3 23
SP1X7FAR2F 3 23
SP1X7FAS2F 3 23
SP1X7FBR2F 3 23
SP1X7FBS2F 3 23
SP1X7FAA2F 3 23
SP1X7FAB2F 3 23
1X7FBA2F 3 23
SE0X7F22F 3 23
SE0X7F21F 3 23
With PCI expansion unit
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 3
Table 1-1
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with Oracle Solaris 11 (Fujitsu
product ID) (continu ed)
Dual-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (Emulex)
Single-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (Emulex)
Without PCI expansion unit
SE0X7F32F 3 23
SE0X7F31F 3 23
With PCI expansion unit
SAS 6Gbps SAS card SE0X7SA2F 3 23
SAS card SE0X7SA1F 3 23
FLASH Flash Accelerator F80 card SP1X7Y21F 3 23
Flash Accelerator F40 card SP1X7Y11F 3 23
IB Dual Port InfiniBand 4x QDR card SP1X7BA12F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Dual Port InfiniBand 4x QDR card SE1X7BA12F 3 23
Graphic Graphics card SP0X7GR1F - -
Table 1-2
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with Oracle Solaris 11 (Oracle
product ID)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
Link Link card kit 7105513(7105576) - 2 (#0,#1)
LAN Sun Dual Port GbE PCIe2.0
Sun Quad PortGbE PCIe2.0 LowProfile Adapter,UTP
7100482(7100481) 3 23
7100479(7100477) 3 23
Sun Dual Port 10GBase-T Adapter 7100563(7100488) 3 23
Sun Dual 10GbE SFP+ PCIe 2.0 Low Profile Adapter
PCIe Quad port GigE (copper) x8 lane card
PCI-E Low-Profile Dual GigE MMF 7281A-2-N(X7281A-
1109A-Z(X1109A-Z) 3 23
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 20144
Table 1-2
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with Oracle Solaris 11 (Oracle product ID) (continued)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
Sun Storage 10 GbE PCIe FCoE Converged Network Adapter: QLogic low profile, dual port and
Sun Storage 10 GbE PCIe FCoE Converged Network Adapter: QLogic low profile, dual port and Twin-AX
Sun Storage 16Gb Fibre Channel PCIe Universal Host Bus Adapter, Qlogic
with the 16 Gb FC short wave optics
with the 16 Gb FC long wave optics
with the 10 Gb FCoE short reach optics or TwinAx cables
Sun Storage 16Gb Fibre Channel PCIe Universal Host Bus Adapter, Emulex
with the 16 Gb FC short wave optics
with the 10 Gb FCo reach optics or TwinAx cables
E short
7101673(7101674) - -
with 7101675(7101676) 3 23
with 7101679(7101680) 3 23
with 7101677(7101678)
TwinAx cables
7101683(7101684) - -
with 7101685(7101686) 3 23
with 7101687(7101688) 3 23
8 Gb FC PCIe, QLogic, Dual Port SG-PCIE2FC-QF8-Z
8 Gb FC PCIe, QLogic, Single Port SG-PCIE1FC-QF8-Z
8 Gb FC PCIe, Emulex, Dual Port SG-PCIE2FC-EM8-
8 Gb FC PCIe, Emulex, Single Port SG-PCIE1FC-EM8-
SAS Sun Storage 6 Gb SAS PCIe HBA: 8
rts, external
SG-SAS6-EXT-Z (7105387,SGX-SAS6­EXT-Z)
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 5
Table 1-2
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
FLASH Flash Accelerator F80 PCIe Card:
IB Oracle Dual port QDR InfiniBand
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with Oracle Solaris 11 (Oracle
product ID) (continu ed)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
Sun StorageTek 8-port External SAS PCI-Express Host Bus Adapter
800GB, eMLC
Flash Accelerator F40 card 7104480(7104482) 3 23
Adapter M3
Sun InfiniBand QDR Host Channel Adapter PCIe: low profile
7107091(7107092) 3 23
7104073(7104074) 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
4242A(X4242A) 3 23
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
1.2.2 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 10 is installed on all the domains or if XCP2050 or later
used and Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle Solaris
are mixed
Table 1-3
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Link PCI expansion unit connection card SPME8LK1F - 2 (#0,#1)
LAN Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD2F 3 23
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Fujitsu product ID)
Without PCI expansion unit
Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD1F 3 23
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ2F 3 23
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ1F 3 23
With PCI expansion unit
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 20146
Table 1-3
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Fujitsu product ID) (continu ed)
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card (10GBase-T)
Without PCI expansion unit
SP1X7HF1F 3 1 (#0,#1)
With PCI expansion unit
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card SE1X7HE3G 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
FCoE Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical
Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCo (for optical cable) (QLogic)
E card
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable) (QLogic)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical cable) (Emulex)
SE0X7EF12F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SE0X7EC12F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SP1X7FAR2F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SP1X7FAS2F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SP1X7FBR2F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 7
Table 1-3
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
FC Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Fujitsu product ID) (continued)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable) (Emulex)
Without PCI expansion unit
SP1X7FBS2F 3 1 (#0,#1)
With PCI expansion unit
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SP1X7FAA2F 3 23
Channel card (SR SFP+)
Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre Channel card (LR SFP+)
Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre Channel card (SR SFP+)
Dual-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (QLogic)
Single-channel 8Gbps Fi Channel card (QLogic)
Dual-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (Emulex)
Single-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (Emulex)
SP1X7FAB2F 3 23
SP1X7FBA2F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SE0X7F22F 3 23
SE0X7F21F 3 23
SE0X7F32F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SE0X7F31F 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
SAS 6Gbps SAS card SE0X7SA2F 3 23
SAS card SE0X7SA1F 3 23
FLASH Flash Accelerator F80 card SP1X7Y21F 3 23
Flash Accelerator F40 card SP1X7Y11F 3 23
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 20148
Table 1-3
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Fujitsu product ID) (continu ed)
Without PCI expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
IB Dual Port InfiniBand 4x QDR card SP1X7BA12F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Dual Port InfiniBand 4x QDR card SE1X7BA12F 3 23
Graphic Graphics card SP0X7GR1F 1(#2) 1(#2)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Table 1-4
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Oracle product ID)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
Link Link card kit 7105513(7105576) - 2 (#0,#1)
LAN Sun Dual Port GbE PCIe2.0
Sun Quad PortGbE PCIe2.0 LowProfile Adapter,UTP
7100482(7100481) 3 23
7100479(7100477) 3 23
Sun Dual Port 10GBase-T Adapter 7100563(7100488) 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Sun Dual 10GbE SFP+ PCIe 2.0 Low Profile Adapter
1109A-Z(X1109A-Z) 3 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 9
Table 1-4
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Oracle product ID) (continued)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
PCIe Quad port GigE (copper) x8 lane card
PCI-E Low-Profile Dual GigE MMF 7281A-2-N(X7281A-
Sun Storage 10 GbE PCIe FCoE Converged Network Adapter: QLogic low profile, dual port and
Sun Storage 10 GbE PCIe FCoE Converged Network Adapter: QLogic low profile, dual port and Twin-AX
Sun Storage 16 PCIe Universal Host Bus Adapter, Qlogic
Gb Fibre Channel
with the 16 Gb FC short wave optics
with the 16 Gb FC long wave optics
with the 10 Gb FCoE short reach optics or TwinAx cables
Sun Storage 16 PCIe Universal Host Bus Adapter, Emulex
Gb Fibre Channel
7101673(7101674) - -
with 7101675(7101676) 3 23
with 7101679(7101680) 3 23
with 7101677(7101678)
TwinAx cables
7101683(7101684) - -
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
(#0,#1) PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
(#0,#1) PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
(#0,#1) PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
(#0,#1) PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
(#0,#1) PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 201410
Table 1-4
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Oracle product ID) (continued)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
with the 16 Gb FC short wave optics
with the 10 Gb FCoE short reach optics or TwinAx cables
with 7101685(7101686) 3 1 (#0,#1)
with 7101687(7101688) 3 1 (#0,#1)
8 Gb FC PCIe, QLogic, Dual Port SG-PCIE2FC-QF8-Z
8 Gb FC PCIe, QLogic, Single Port SG-PCIE1FC-QF8-Z
8 Gb FC PC
Ie, Emulex, Dual Port SG-PCIE2FC-EM8-
8 Gb FC PCIe, Emulex, Single Port SG-PCIE1FC-EM8-
SAS Sun Storage 6 Gb SAS PCIe HBA: 8
ports, external
SG-SAS6-EXT-Z (7105387,SGX-SAS6­EXT-Z)
Sun StorageTek 8-port External SAS PCI-Express Host Bus Adapter
FLASH Flash Accelerator F80 PCIe Card:
800GB, eMLC
7107091(7107092) 3 23
Flash Accelerator F40 card 7104480(7104482) 3 23
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
(#0,#1) PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
(#0,#1) PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 11
Table 1-4
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
IB Oracle Dual port QDR InfiniBand
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with either Oracle Solaris 10
the mixture of Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (Oracle product ID) (continued)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
7104073(7104074) 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
Adapter M3
Sun InfiniBand QDR Host Channel Adapter PCIe: low profile
4242A(X4242A) 3 23

1.2.3 XCP2044 or earlier

Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Table 1-5
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with XCP2044 or earlier
(Fujitsu product ID)
Without PCI expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
Link PCI expansion unit connection card SPME8LK1F - 2 (#0,#1)
LAN Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD2F 3 23
Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD1F 3 23
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ2F 3 23
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ1F 3 23
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card (10GBase-T)
SP1X7HF1F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card SE1X7HE3G 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 201412
Table 1-5
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
FCoE Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical
FC Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with XCP2044 or earlier (Fujitsu product ID) (continued)
Without PCI expansion unit
SE0X7EF12F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical cable) (QLogic)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Tw
inax cable) (QLogic)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical cable) (Emulex)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable) (Emulex)
SE0X7EC12F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
SP1X7FAR2F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
SP1X7FAS2F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
SP1X7FBR2F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
SP1X7FBS2F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
SP1X7FAA2F 3 23
Channel card (SR SFP+)
Dual-channel 16 Channel card (LR SFP+)
Gbps Fibre
SP1X7FAB2F 3 23
With PCI expansion unit
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 13
Table 1-5
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with XCP2044 or earlier
(Fujitsu product ID) (continued)
Without PCI expansion unit
Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre Channel card (SR SFP+)
Dual-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (QLogic)
Single-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (QLogic)
Dual-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (Emulex)
Single-channel 8Gbps Fibre Channel card (Emulex)
SP1X7FBA2F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
SE0X7F22F 3 23
SE0X7F21F 3 23
SE0X7F32F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
SE0X7F31F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
With PCI expansion unit
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit
unting not
mo possible
SAS 6Gbps SAS card SE0X7SA2F 3 23
SAS card SE0X7SA1F 3 23
FLASH Flash Accelerator F80 card SP1X7Y21F 3 23
Flash Accelerator F40 card SP1X7Y11F 3 23
IB Dual Port InfiniBand 4x QDR card SP1X7BA12F 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Dual Port InfiniBand 4x QDR card SE1X7BA12F 3 23
Graphic Graphics card SP0X7GR1F 1(#2) 1(#2)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 201414
Table 1-6
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with XCP2044 or earlier (Oracle product ID)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
Link Link card kit 7105513(7105576) - 2 (#0,#1)
LAN Sun Dual Port GbE PCIe2.0
Sun Quad PortGbE PCIe2.0 LowProfile Adapter,UTP
7100482(7100481) 3 23
7100479(7100477) 3 23
Sun Dual Port 10GBase-T Adapter 7100563(7100488) 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Sun Dual 10GbE SFP+ PCIe 2.0 Low Profile Adapter
PCIe Quad port GigE (copper) x8 lane ca
PCI-E Low-Profile Dual GigE MMF 7281A-2-N(X7281A-
Sun Storage 10 GbE PCIe FCoE Converged Network Adapter: QLogic low profile, dual port and
Sun Storage 10 GbE PCIe FCoE Converged Network Adapter: QLogic low profile, dual port and Twin-AX
1109A-Z(X1109A-Z) 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 15
Table 1-6
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with XCP2044 or earlier
(Oracle product ID) (continu ed)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
Sun Storage 16Gb Fibre Channel PCIe Universal Host Bus Adapter, Qlogic
with the 16 Gb FC short wave optics
with the 16 Gb FC long wave optics
with the 10 Gb FCoE short reach optics or TwinAx cables
Sun Storage 16Gb Fibre Channel PCIe Universal Host Bus Adapter, Emulex
with the 16 Gb FC short wave optics
with the 10 Gb FCoE short reach optics or TwinAx cables
7101673(7101674) - -
with 7101675(7101676) 3 23
with 7101679(7101680) 3 23
with 7101677(7101678)
TwinAx cables
7101683(7101684) - -
with 7101685(7101686) 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
with 7101687(7101688) 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
8 Gb FC PCIe, QLogic, Dual Port SG-PCIE2FC-QF8-Z
8 Gb FC PCIe, QLogic, Single Port SG-PCIE1FC-QF8-Z
8 Gb FC PCIe, Emulex, Dual Port SG-PCIE2FC-EM8-
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 201416
Table 1-6
Type Product name For mounting before shipment
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-1 with XCP2044 or earlier (Oracle product ID) (continued)
from factory
(For installation on site) Without PCI
8 Gb FC PCIe, Emulex, Single Port SG-PCIE1FC-EM8-
SAS Sun Storage 6 Gb SAS PCIe HBA: 8
ports, external
SG-SAS6-EXT-Z (7105387,SGX-SAS6­EXT-Z)
Sun StorageTek 8-port External SAS PCI-Express Host Bus Adapter
FLASH Flash Accelerator F80 PCIe Card:
800GB, eMLC
7107091(7107092) 3 23
Flash Accelerator F40 card 7104480(7104482) 3 23
IB Oracle Dual port QD
Adapter M3
Sun InfiniBand QDR Host Channel Adapter PCIe: low profile
R InfiniBand
7104073(7104074) 2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
4242A(X4242A) 3 23
Maximum number mounted
expansion unit
With PCI expansion unit
2 (#0,#1) 1 (#0,#1)
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible
PCI expansion unit mounting not possible

1.3 Hardware Configuration Diagram

Figure 1-1 is a hardware configuration diagram of the SPARC M10-1.
Chapter 1 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-1 17
Figure 1-1
Hardware configuration diagram of the SPARC M10-1
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 201418
Chapter 2
PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-4
This chapter describes the maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the rules for mounting PCI cards in PCI slots when mounting PCI cards in the SPARC M10-4. Be sure to observe these mounting rules when designing the system and when installing a PCI card or changing the mounting location of a PCI card
Maximum Number of Each Type of Mounted PCI Card and Available PCI Slots
Relationship between the CPU Configuration and the Number of Root Complexes

2.1 Prerequisites

Domain OS
System firmware XCP version
Number of CPUs and number of root complexes

2.1.1 Domain OS

The maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the available PCI slots may vary depending on the version of the Oracle Solaris that is installed on the domain. Mounting rules vary depending on whether all OS versions of the control domain,
I/O root domain, and I/O domain are Oracle So
mixture of the two. If an Oracle Solaris 10 environment is used in the following configurations, apply the rules for Oracle Solaris 11.
A guest domain of an Oracle Solaris 10 environment is configured using the virtual I/O services of a control domain or the I/O root domain of Oracle Solaris
laris 11 only, Oracle Solaris 10 only, or
An Oracle Solaris 10 zone is configured on an Oracle Solaris 11 domain.
If there are plans to add an I/O root domain or I/O domain of Oracle Solaris 10 after the start of system operation, apply the rules for Oracle Solaris 10.
Note -
For details on the design of control domain, I/O root domain, and I/O domain
configurations, see the Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Domain Configuration Guide.

2.1.2 System firmware XCP version

The maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the slots available for mounting may vary depending on the system firmware version. For XCP2050 or later, see the tables in "2.2.1 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 is
installed on all the domains" and "2. Solaris 10 is installed on all the domains or if XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle Solaris 10 are mixed" according to the Oracle Solaris version.
For XCP2044 or earlier, see "2.2.3 XCP2044 or earlier" r Solaris version.
2.2 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle
egardless of the Oracle

2.1.3 Number of CPUs and number of root complexes

A root complex consists of an I/O controller mounted on a processor and the PCI switches, PCI devices, etc. under the I/O controller. For details, see "2.3 Relationship between the CPU Configuration and the Number
Root Complexes."
The maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the available PCI sl vary depending on the number of root complexes. The number of root complexes of the SPARC M10-4 is as follows according to the CPU configuration.
For a 2-CPU configuration, four root complexes
For a 4-CPU configuration, four or eight root complexes
Note -
For cases where a CPU module is installed after the installation of the equipment with a change from the 2-CPU configuration to the 4-CPU configuration, the recommended configuration is the one with four root complexes. This configuration inherits the I/O bus configuration and mounting rules of the 2-CPU configuration. Changing the conf into one with eight root complexes increases the maximum number of mounted PCI cards. However, system reconfiguration is required because the I/O bus is reconfigured.
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 201420

2.2 Maximum Number of Each Type of Mounted PCI Card and Available PCI Slots

For the maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card and the available PCI slots, see Table 2-1 to Table 2-6 according to the domain OS version.
"Maximum number mounted" means the maximum number of PCI cards that can
mounted in the SPARC M10-4 or PCI expansion unit. The numbers in ( ) indicate the slot numbers where cards can be mounted, among the PCI slots of the SPARC M10-4. If there are no ( ), all of the slo PCI expansion unit where cards can be mounted, all of the slots are available for mounting.
"2CPU" and "4CPU" under "Maximum number mounted" in the tables refer to the following cases.
- 2CPU: Configuration with 4 root complexes
In one case, a CPU memory unit has not been installed. In another case, a CPU memory unit has been installed on site, and the I/O bus has not been reconfigured.
- 4C
PU: Configuration with 8 root complexes In one case, a CPU memory unit has been ordered together with the server (installed at the factory). In another case, a CPU memory unit has been installed on site and the I/O bus has been reconfigured.
The SPARC M10 has an I/O bandwidth of 8 GB/s per root complex. The bandwidth between the PCI expansion unit and the SPARC M10 is also 8 GB/s. The PCI cards mounted in the PCI expansion unit share that bandwidth, which caps the performance of all the PCI cards operating at the sam high-speed communication card requires a certain level of performance, mount the card in a PCI slot in the SPARC M10-4 instead of mounting it in the PCI expansion unit.
ts are available for mounting. In any
e time. If a
Chapter 2 PCI Card Mounting Rules for the SPARC M10-4 21

2.2.1 If XCP2050 or later is used and Oracle Solaris 11 is installed on all the domains

Table 2-1
Type Product name Product ID Maximum number mounted
Link PCI expansion unit connection card SPME8LK1F - 2CPU:3(#0,#3,
LAN Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD2F 11 2CPU:41
FCoE Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical
FC Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre
Maximum number of each type of mounted PCI card: SPARC M10-4 with Oracle Solaris 11 (Fujitsu
product ID)
Without PCI expansion unit
Dual Gigabit Ethernet card (MMF) SP1X7GD1F 11 2CPU:41
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ2F 11 2CPU:41
Quad Gigabit Ethernet card (UTP) SP1X7GQ1F 11 2CPU:41
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card (10GBase-T)
Dual 10Gigabit Ethernet card SE1X7HE3G 11 2CPU:41
Dual 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical cable) (QLogic)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable) (QLogic)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for optical cable) (Emulex)
Dual-channel 10Gbps FCoE card (for Copper Twinax cable) (Emulex)
Channel card (SR SFP+)
Dual-channel 16Gbps Fibre Channel card (LR SFP+)
SP1X7HF1F 11 2CPU:41
SE0X7EF12F 11 2CPU:41
SE0X7EC12F 11 2CPU:41
SP1X7FAR2F 11 2CPU:41
SP1X7FAS2F 11 2CPU:41
SP1X7FBR2F 11 2CPU:41
SP1X7FBS2F 11 2CPU:41
SP1X7FAA2F 11 2CPU:41
P1X7FAB2F 11 2CPU:41
With PCI expansion unit
#7) 4CPU:6(#0,#1, #3,#5,#7,#9)
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide
July 201422
+ 74 hidden pages