Fujitsu M10-4S, M10-4 User Manual

Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/ SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S
Service Manual
Manual Code: C120-E682-06EN December 2013
Copyright © 2007, 2013, Fujitsu Limited. All rights reserved. Oracle and/or its affiliates provided technical input and review on portions of this material. Oracle and/or its affiliates and Fujitsu Limited each own or control intellectual property rights relating to products and technology described in this document, and such products, technology and this document are protected by copyright laws, patents, and other intellectual property laws and international treaties. This document and the product and technology to which it pertains are distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of such product or technology, or of this document, may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Oracle and/or its affiliates and Fujitsu Limited, and their applicable licensors, if any. The furnishings of this document to you does not give you any rights or licenses, express or implied, with respect to the product or technology to which it pertains, and this document does not contain or represent any commitment of any kind on the part of Or acle or Fujitsu Limited or any affiliate of either of them. This document and the product and technolog y described in this docume nt may incorporate third-pa rty intellectual property copyrighted by and/or licensed from the suppliers to Oracle and/or its affiliates and Fujitsu Limited, including software and font technology. Per the terms of the GPL or LGPL, a copy of the source code governed by the GPL or LGPL, as applicable, is available upon request by the End User. Please contact Oracle and/or its affiliates or Fujitsu Limited. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. Parts of the product may be deri ved from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited. SPARC Enterprise, SPARC64, SPARC64 logo and all SPARC trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and other countries and used under license. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Govern ment end users are "com mercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No otherrights are granted to the U.S. Government. Disclaimer: The only warranties granted by Oracle and Fujitsu Limited, and/or any affiliate in connection with this document or any product or technology described herein are those expressly set forth in the license agreement pursuant to which the product or technology is provided. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN SUCH AGREEMENT, ORACLE OR FUJITSU LIMITED, AND/OR THEIR AFFILIATES MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIE S OF ANY KIND (EXPRESS OR IMPLIED) REGARDING SUCH PRODUCT OR TECHNOLOGY OR THIS DOCU MENT, WHICH ARE ALL PROVIDED AS IS, AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED,EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY IN VALID. Unless otherwise expressly set forth in such agreement, to the extent allowed by applicable law, in no event shall Oracle or Fujitsu Limited, and/or any of their affiliates have any liability to any third party under any legal theory for any loss of revenues or profits, loss of use or data, or business interruptions, or for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential dama ges, even if advised of the possibility of such dam ages. DOCUMENTATIO N IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WA RRANTIES, INCLUDING AN Y IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID.
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Sauf mention contraire expressément stipulée dans c e contrat, dans la mesure autorisée par la loi applicable, en aucun cas Oracle ou Fujitsu Limited et/o u l'une ou l'autre de leurs sociétés affiliées ne sauraient ê quelconque partie tierce,sous quelquethéorie juridique que ce soit, de tout manque à gagner ou de perte de profit, de problèmes d'utilisation oude perte dedonnées, ou d'interruptions d'activités, ou de tout dommage indirect, spécial, secondaire ou consécutif, même si ces entités ont été préalablement informées d'une telle éventualité. LA DOCUMENTATION EST FOURNIE "EN L'ETAT" ET TOUTE AUTRE CONDITION, DECLARATION ET GARANTIE, EXPRESSE OU TACITE, EST FORMELLEMENT EXCLUE, DANS LA MESURE AUTORISEE PAR LA LOI EN VIGUEUR, Y COMPRIS NOTAMMENT TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE RELATIVE A LA QUALITE MARCHANDE, A L'APTITUDE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE OU A L'ABSENCE DE CONTREFACON.
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Preface xxi
Chapter 1 Before Starting Maintenance Work 1
1.1 Warning/Caution Indications 1
1.2 Warning Labels 2
1.3 Labels/Tags 2
1.4 Safety Precautions 5
1.5 Notes Regarding Static Electricity 6
1.6 Other Precautions 7
1.7 Emergency Power Off 8
Chapter 2 Understanding the System Components 11
2.1 Identifying the Names and Locations of Components 11
2.2 Confirming the Functions of the Operation Panel 16
2.2.1 Display function of the operation panel 19
2.2.2 Control function of the operation panel 20
2.3 Checking the LED Indications 23
2.3.1 Operation panel LEDs 23
2.3.2 LEDs on the rear panel (System locator) 24
2.3.3 LEDs on each component 26
2.4 Confirming the Types of Cable 29
2.4.1 Types of cable 29
2.4.2 Cable connection ports 29
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting 33
3.1 Suspected Failure Conditions 33
3.2 Determining the Causes of Individual Failures 33
3.3 Identifying a Failure 34
3.3.1 Checking the LED indications 35
3.3.2 Checking error messages 35
3.3.3 Checking the status of a component 35
3.3.4 Checking the status of a PCI expansion unit 37
3.3.5 Checking log information 38
3.3.6 Checking the messages output by the predictive self-repairing
tool 39
3.3.7 Identifying the location of the chassis requiring maintenance 40
3.4 Downloading Error Log Information 40
Chapter 4 Preparing for Maintenance 41
4.1 Preparing Tools Required for Maintenance 41
4.2 Confirming the System Configuration 41
4.2.1 Confirming the hardware configuration 42
4.2.2 Confirming the software and firmware configurations 42
4.3 Understanding Types of Maintenance 44
Chapter 5 Understanding the Preparations for Enabling Maintenance 53
5.1 Releasing an FRU from the System with the replacefru Command 53
5.2 Releasing a Chassis from the Physical Partition 56
5.3 Powering Off the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance 60
5.4 Stopping the Entire System 62
5.4.1 Stopping the system with the XSCF command 63
5.4.2 Stopping the system from the operation panel 63
5.5 Accessing Components 64
5.5.1 Lowering the cable support 64
5.5.2 Removing the power cord 65
5.5.3 Removing the front cover 67
Chapter 6 Understanding the Preparations for Restoring the System 69
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6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru Command
6.2 Incorporating a Chassis into a Physical Partition 71
6.3 Powering On the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance 73
6.4 Starting the Entire System 74
6.4.1 Starting the system with an XSCF command 75
6.4.2 Starting the system from the operation panel 75
6.5 Restoring the Chassis 76
6.5.1 Installing the power cord 76
6.5.2 Fixing the cable support 78
6.5.3 Installing the front cover 79
Chapter 7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units 83
7.1 Configuration of the CPU Memory Units 83
7.2 Before Maintaining a CPU Memory Unit 85
7.2.1 Types of maintenance 85
7.2.2 Maintenance flow 86
7.2.3 Precautions for replacement 87
7.2.4 Precautions for installation 87
7.2.5 Precautions for removal 88
7.3 Enabling the Removal of a CPU Memory Unit 88
7.3.1 Active/Cold maintenance 89
7.3.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 89
7.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 90
7.4 Removing a CPU Memory Unit 91
7.4.1 Accessing a CPU memory unit 92
7.4.2 Removing the CPU memory unit lower 96
7.4.3 Removing the CPU memory unit upper 98
7.4.4 Removing a PCI Express cable 105
7.5 Installing a CPU Memory Unit 124
7.5.1 Installing a PCI Express cable 124
7.5.2 Installing the CPU memory unit upper 136
Contents v
7.5.3 Installing the CPU memory unit lower 146
7.5.4 Restoring the chassis 146
7.6 Restoring the System 147
7.6.1 Active/Cold maintenance 148
7.6.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 149
7.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 152
Chapter 8 Maintaining the Memory 159
8.1 Memory Configuration 159
8.2 Memory Configuration Rules 163
8.2.1 Memory mounting rules 164
8.2.2 Checking memory information 167
8.3 Before Maintaining Memory 168
8.3.1 Types of maintenance 168
8.3.2 Maintenance flow 169
8.3.3 Precautions for replacement 169
8.3.4 Precautions for installation 169
8.3.5 Precautions for removal 170
8.4 Enabling the Removal of Memory 170
8.4.1 Active/Cold maintenance 170
8.4.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 171
8.4.3 System-stopped maintenance 172
8.5 Removing Memory 173
8.5.1 Accessing memory 173
8.5.2 Removing memory 173
8.6 Installing Memory 174
8.6.1 Installing memory 174
8.6.2 Restoring the chassis 175
8.7 Restoring the System 175
8.7.1 Active/Cold maintenance 175
8.7.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 176
8.7.3 System-stopped maintenance 178
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Chapter 9 Maintaining the Crossbar Units 179
9.1 Configuration of the Crossbar Units 179
9.2 Before Maintaining a Crossbar Unit 180
9.2.1 Types of maintenance 180
9.2.2 Maintenance flow 181
9.3 Enabling the Removal of a Crossbar Unit 181
9.3.1 Active/Cold maintenance 182
9.3.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 182
9.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 183
9.4 Removing a Crossbar Unit 184
9.4.1 Accessing a crossbar unit 184
9.4.2 Removing a crossbar unit 184
9.5 Installing a Crossbar Unit 186
9.5.1 Installing a crossbar unit 187
9.5.2 Restoring the chassis 187
9.6 Restoring the System 187
9.6.1 Active/Cold maintenance 187
9.6.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 188
9.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 190
Chapter 10 Maintaining the Power Supply Units 191
10.1 Configuration of the Power Supply Units 191
10.2 Before Maintaining a Power Supply Unit 192
10.2.1 Types of maintenance 192
10.2.2 Maintenance flow 193
10.2.3 Precautions for replacement 193
10.3 Enabling the Removal of a Power Supply Unit 194
10.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 194
10.3.2 Active/Cold maintenance 195
10.3.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 196
10.3.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 197
10.3.5 System-stopped maintenance 198
Contents vii
10.4 Removing a Power Supply Unit 198
10.4.1 Accessing a power supply unit 199
10.4.2 Removing a power supply unit 199
10.5 Installing a Power Supply Unit 200
10.5.1 Installing a power supply unit 200
10.5.2 Restoring the chassis 200
10.6 Restoring the System 200
10.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 201
10.6.2 Active/Cold maintenance 201
10.6.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 202
10.6.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 202
10.6.5 System-stopped maintenance 203
Chapter 11 Maintaining the Fan Units 205
11.1 Configuration of the Fan Units 205
11.2 Before Maintaining a Fan Unit 206
11.2.1 Types of maintenance 207
11.2.2 Maintenance flow 207
11.2.3 Precautions for replacement 207
11.3 Enabling the Removal of a Fan Unit 208
11.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 208
11.3.2 Active/Cold maintenance 209
11.3.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 209
11.3.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 211
11.3.5 System-stopped maintenance 211
11.4 Removing a Fan Unit 212
11.4.1 Accessing a fan unit 213
11.4.2 Removing a fan unit 213
11.5 Installing a Fan Unit 214
11.5.1 Installing a fan unit 214
11.5.2 Restoring the chassis 214
11.6 Restoring the System 214
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11.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 215
11.6.2 Active/Cold maintenance 215
11.6.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 216
11.6.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 216
11.6.5 System-stopped maintenance 217
Chapter 12 Maintaining the Internal Disks 219
12.1 Configuration of the Internal Disks 219
12.1.1 Identification of disk slot 220
12.2 Before Maintaining an Internal Disk 226
12.2.1 Types of maintenance 226
12.2.2 Maintenance flow 226
12.2.3 Precautions for installation 227
12.2.4 Precautions for removal 227
12.3 Enabling the Removal of an Internal Disk 227
12.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 228
12.3.2 Active/Cold maintenance 229
12.3.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 230
12.3.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 230
12.3.5 System-stopped maintenance 231
12.4 Removing an Internal Disk 231
12.4.1 Accessing an internal disk 232
12.4.2 Removing an internal disk 232
12.5 Installing an Internal Disk 233
12.5.1 Installing an internal disk 233
12.5.2 Restoring the chassis 234
12.6 Restoring the System 234
12.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 234
12.6.2 Active/Cold maintenance 235
12.6.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 236
12.6.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 236
12.6.5 System-stopped maintenance 237
Contents ix
Chapter 13 Maintaining the PCI Express Cards 239
13.1 Configuration of the PCI Express Cards 239
13.2 Before Maintaining a PCI Express Card 241
13.2.1 Types of maintenance 241
13.2.2 Maintenance flow 241
13.2.3 Precautions for replacement 242
13.2.4 Precautions for installation 242
13.2.5 Precautions for removal 242
13.3 Checking If PCI Hot Plug (PHP) Can Be Used 243
13.4 Enabling the Removal of a PCI Express Card 246
13.4.1 Active/Hot maintenance (with PHP) 246
13.4.2 Active/Hot maintenance (with DR) 250
13.4.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 252
13.4.4 System-stopped maintenance 252
13.5 Removing a PCI Express Card 253
13.5.1 Accessing a PCI Express card cassette 253
13.5.2 Removing a PCI Express card cassette 253
13.5.3 Removing a PCI Express card 255
13.6 Installing a PCI Express Card 258
13.6.1 Installing a PCI Express card 258
13.6.2 Installing a PCI Express card cassette 260
13.6.3 Restoring the chassis 260
13.7 Restoring the System 260
13.7.1 Active/Hot maintenance (with PHP) 261
13.7.2 Active/Hot maintenance (with DR) 262
13.7.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 262
13.7.4 System-stopped maintenance 263
Chapter 14 Maintaining the PSU Backplane Unit 265
14.1 Location of the PSU Backplane Unit 265
14.2 Before Maintaining the PSU Backplane Unit 266
14.2.1 Types of maintenance 267
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14.2.2 Maintenance flow 267
14.3 Enabling the Removal of the PSU Backplane Unit 267
14.3.1 Active/Cold maintenance 268
14.3.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 269
14.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 269
14.4 Removing the PSU Backplane Unit 270
14.4.1 Accessing the PSU backplane unit 271
14.4.2 Removing the PSU backplane unit 273
14.5 Installing the PSU Backplane Unit 274
14.5.1 Installing the PSU backplane unit 274
14.5.2 Restoring the chassis 275
14.6 Restoring the System 276
14.6.1 Active/Cold maintenance 276
14.6.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 277
14.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 278
Chapter 15 Maintaining the Operation Panel 281
15.1 Location of the Operation Panel 281
15.2 Before Maintaining the Operation Panel 282
15.2.1 Types of maintenance 282
15.2.2 Maintenance flow 283
15.2.3 Precautions for replacement 283
15.3 Enabling the Removal of the Operation Panel 283
15.3.1 Active/Cold maintenance 284
15.3.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 285
15.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 285
15.4 Removing the Operation Panel 286
15.4.1 Accessing the operation panel 287
15.4.2 Removing the operation panel 289
15.5 Installing the Operation Panel 290
15.5.1 Installing the operation panel 290
15.5.2 Restoring the chassis 291
Contents xi
15.6 Restoring the System 292
15.6.1 Active/Cold maintenance 292
15.6.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 293
15.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 294
Chapter 16 Maintaining the Crossbar Units of the Crossbar Box 297
16.1 Configuration of the Crossbar Units 297
16.2 Before Maintaining a Crossbar Unit 298
16.2.1 Types of maintenance 298
16.2.2 Maintenance flow 299
16.3 Enabling the Removal of a Crossbar Unit 299
16.3.1 Active/Cold maintenance 299
16.3.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 300
16.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 301
16.4 Removing a Crossbar Unit 301
16.5 Installing a Crossbar Unit 303
16.6 Restoring the System 304
16.6.1 Active/Cold maintenance 304
16.6.2 Inactive/Cold maintenance 305
16.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 305
Chapter 17 Maintaining the XSCF Unit of the Crossbar Box 307
17.1 Location of the XSCF Unit 307
17.2 Before Maintaining the XSCF Unit 308
17.2.1 Types of maintenance 308
17.2.2 Maintenance flow 309
17.3 Enabling the Removal of the XSCF Unit 309
17.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 310
17.3.2 Inactive/Hot maintenance 310
17.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 311
17.4 Removing the XSCF Unit 312
17.5 Installing the XSCF Unit 314
17.6 Restoring the System 315
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17.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 315
17.6.2 Inactive/Hot maintenance 315
17.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 316
Chapter 18 Maintaining the Power Supply Units of the Crossbar Box 317
18.1 Configuration of the Power Supply Units 317
18.2 Before Maintaining a Power Supply Unit 318
18.2.1 Types of maintenance 318
18.2.2 Maintenance flow 319
18.2.3 Precautions for replacement 319
18.3 Enabling the Removal of a Power Supply Unit 319
18.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 320
18.3.2 Inactive/Hot maintenance 320
18.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 321
18.4 Removing a Power Supply Unit 322
18.5 Installing a Power Supply Unit 323
18.6 Restoring the System 324
18.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 324
18.6.2 Inactive/Hot maintenance 324
18.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 325
Chapter 19 Maintaining the Fan Units of the Crossbar Box 327
19.1 Configuration of the Fan Units 327
19.2 Before Maintaining a Fan Unit 328
19.2.1 Types of maintenance 329
19.2.2 Maintenance flow 329
19.2.3 Precautions for replacement 329
19.3 Enabling the Removal of a Fan Unit 329
19.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 330
19.3.2 Inactive/Hot maintenance 330
19.3.3 System-stopped maintenance 331
19.4 Removing a Fan Unit 332
19.4.1 Accessing a fan unit 332
Contents xiii
19.4.2 Removing a fan unit 332
19.5 Installing a Fan Unit 333
19.5.1 Installing a fan unit 333
19.5.2 Restoring the chassis 333
19.6 Restoring the System 333
19.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 334
19.6.2 Inactive/Hot maintenance 334
19.6.3 System-stopped maintenance 334
Chapter 20 Maintaining the XSCF Interface Unit of the Crossbar Box 337
20.1 Location of the XSCF Interface Unit 337
20.2 Before Maintaining the XSCF Interface Unit 338
20.2.1 Types of maintenance 338
20.2.2 Maintenance flow 339
20.3 Enabling the Removal of the XSCF Interface Unit 339
20.4 Removing the XSCF Interface Unit 340
20.5 Installing the XSCF Interface Unit 342
20.6 Restoring the System 342
Chapter 21 Maintaining the Crossbar Backplane Unit of the Crossbar Box
21.1 Location of the Crossbar Backplane Unit 343
21.2 Before Maintaining the Crossbar Backplane Unit 344
21.2.1 Types of maintenance 344
21.2.2 Maintenance flow 345
21.3 Enabling the Removal of the Crossbar Backplane Unit 345
21.4 Removing the Crossbar Backplane Unit 346
21.5 Installing the Crossbar Backplane Unit 353
21.6 Restoring the System 354
Chapter 22 Maintaining the Fan Backplane of the Crossbar Box 357
22.1 Configuration of the Fan Backplane 357
22.2 Before Maintaining the Fan Backplane 358
22.2.1 Types of maintenance 359
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22.2.2 Maintenance flow 359
22.3 Enabling the Removal of the Fan Backplane 359
22.4 Removing the Fan Backplane 360
22.4.1 Accessing the fan backplane 360
22.4.2 Removing the fan backplane 361
22.5 Installing the Fan Backplane 365
22.5.1 Installing the fan backplane 365
22.5.2 Restoring the chassis 366
22.6 Restoring the System 366
Chapter 23 Maintaining the Operation Panel of the Crossbar Box 367
23.1 Location of the Operation Panel 367
23.2 Before Maintaining the Operation Panel 368
23.2.1 Types of maintenance 368
23.2.2 Maintenance flow 369
23.2.3 Precautions for replacement 369
23.3 Enabling the Removal of the Operation Panel 369
23.4 Removing the Operation Panel 370
23.4.1 Accessing the operation panel 370
23.4.2 Removing the operation panel 373
23.5 Installing the Operation Panel 375
23.5.1 Installing the operation panel 376
23.5.2 Restoring the chassis 377
23.6 Restoring the System 378
Chapter 24 Maintaining the Crossbar Cables (Electrical) 379
24.1 Configuration of the Ports for the Crossbar Cables (Electrical) 379
24.2 Before Maintaining a Crossbar Cable (Electrical) 381
24.2.1 Types of maintenance 381
24.2.2 Maintenance flow 381
24.2.3 Precautions for replacement 382
24.3 Enabling the Removal of a Crossbar Cable (Electrical) 382
24.3.1 Inactive/Cold maintenance 382
Contents xv
24.3.2 System-stopped maintenance 383
24.4 Removing a Crossbar Cable (Electrical) 384
24.5 Installing a Crossbar Cable (Electrical) 385
24.6 Restoring the System 386
24.6.1 Inactive/Cold maintenance 386
24.6.2 System-stopped maintenance 387
Chapter 25 Maintaining the Crossbar Cables (Optical) 389
25.1 Configuration of the Ports for the Crossbar Cables (Optical) 389
25.2 Before Maintaining a Crossbar Cable (Optical) 392
25.2.1 Types of maintenance 392
25.2.2 Maintenance flow 392
25.2.3 Precautions for replacement 392
25.3 Enabling the Removal of a Crossbar Cable (Optical) 393
25.3.1 Inactive/Cold maintenance 393
25.3.2 System-stopped maintenance 394
25.4 Removing a Crossbar Cable (Optical) 394
25.5 Installing a Crossbar Cable (Optical) 396
25.6 Restoring the System 397
25.6.1 Inactive/Cold maintenance 397
25.6.2 System-stopped maintenance 398
Chapter 26 Maintaining the XSCF BB Control Cables 401
26.1 Configuration of the Ports for the XSCF BB Control Cables 401
26.2 Before Maintaining an XSCF BB Control Cable 403
26.2.1 Types of maintenance 403
26.2.2 Maintenance flow 403
26.3 Enabling the Removal of an XSCF BB Control Cable 404
26.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 404
26.3.2 Active/Cold maintenance 405
26.3.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 405
26.3.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 406
26.3.5 System-stopped maintenance 406
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual • December 2013xvi
26.4 Removing an XSCF BB Control Cable 407
26.5 Installing an XSCF BB Control Cable 409
26.6 Restoring the System 410
26.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 410
26.6.2 Active/Cold maintenance 410
26.6.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 411
26.6.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 411
26.6.5 System-stopped maintenance 411
Chapter 27 Maintaining the XSCF DUAL Control Cables 413
27.1 Configuration of the XSCF DUAL Control Ports 413
27.2 Before Maintaining an XSCF DUAL Control Cable 415
27.2.1 Types of maintenance 415
27.2.2 Maintenance flow 415
27.3 Enabling the Removal of an XSCF DUAL Control Cable 416
27.3.1 Active/Hot maintenance 416
27.3.2 Active/Cold maintenance 417
27.3.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 417
27.3.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 418
27.3.5 System-stopped maintenance 418
27.4 Removing an XSCF DUAL Control Cable 419
27.5 Installing an XSCF DUAL Control Cable 421
27.6 Restoring the System 421
27.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance 421
27.6.2 Active/Cold maintenance 422
27.6.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance 422
27.6.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance 423
27.6.5 System-stopped maintenance 423
Chapter 28 Maintaining the Cable Kit of the Crossbar Box 425
28.1 Configuration of the Cable Kit 425
28.1.1 Cables for the connection between the crossbar backplane unit
and terminal board 425
Contents xvii
28.1.2 Cables for the connection between the terminal board and fan
backplane 427
28.1.3 Locations for the cable kit 428
28.2 Before Maintaining the Cable Kit 429
28.2.1 Types of maintenance 429
28.2.2 Maintenance flow 430
28.3 Enabling the Removal of the Cable Kit 430
28.4 Removing the Cable Kit 431
28.4.1 Removing the cables for the connection between the crossbar
backplane unit and terminal board 431
28.4.2 Removing the cables for the connection between the terminal
board and fan backplane 436
28.5 Installing the Cable Kit 444
28.5.1 Installing a cable between the crossbar backplane unit and
terminal board 444
28.5.2 Installing a cable for the connection between the terminal board
and fan backplane 445
28.6 Restoring the System 451
Chapter 29 Maintaining the Dedicated Power Distribution Unit Mounted on
the Rack for Expanded Connection 453
29.1 Configuration of the Dedicated Power Distribution Unit 453
29.2 Before Maintaining the Dedicated Power Distribution Unit 455
29.2.1 Types of maintenance 455
29.2.2 Maintenance flow 455
29.2.3 Precautions for replacement 455
29.3 Enabling the Removal of the Dedicated Power Distribution Unit 456
29.3.1 Active/Cold maintenance 456
29.3.2 System-stopped maintenance 456
29.4 Removing the Dedicated Power Distribution Unit 457
29.5 Installing the Dedicated Power Distribution Unit 461
29.6 Restoring the System 461
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29.6.1 Active/Cold maintenance 462
29.6.2 System-stopped maintenance 462
Appendix A Component List 463
Appendix B Component Specifications 467
B.1 CPU Memory Unit 467
B.2 Crossbar Unit 468
B.3 XSCF Unit 469
B.4 Power Supply Unit 470
B.5 Fan Unit 471
B.6 Internal Disk Drive 471
B.7 PCI Express Card 472
B.8 XSCF Interface Unit 472
B.9 Backplanes 473
B.10 Operation Panel 476
Appendix C Oracle Solaris Troubleshooting Commands 477
C.1 iostat(1M) Command 477
C.2 prtdiag(1M) Command 479
C.3 prtconf(1M) Command 482
C.4 netstat(1M) Command 485
C.5 ping(1M) Command 486
C.6 ps(1) Command 488
C.7 prstat(1M) Command 489
Appendix D External Interface Specifications 491
D.1 Serial Port 491
D.1.1 Wire connection chart for serial cable 492
D.2 USB Port 492
D.3 SAS Port 493
D.4 RESET Switch 493
Index 495
Contents xix
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual • December 2013xx


This document describes the maintenance procedure for Oracle or Fujitsu SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and the crossbar box. The maintenance work should be performed by service engineers and/or field engineers.
Fujitsu M10 is sold as SPARC M10 Systems by Fujitsu in Japan. Fujitsu M10 and SPARC M10 Systems are identical products.
The preface includes the following sections:


Related Documentation
Text Conventions
Notes on Safety
Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI)
Document Feedback
This document is intended for service engineers and field engineers who perform maintenance work on the system.

Related Documentation

All documents for your server are available online at the following locations.
Sun Oracle software-related documents (Oracle Solaris, etc.)
Fujitsu documents Japanese site
Global site
The following table lists documents related to SPARC M10 Systems.
Documentation Related to SPARC M10 Systems
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Getting Started Guide (*2)
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Quick Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Important Legal and Safety Information (*2)
Software License Conditions for Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Safety and Compliance Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Security Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems/SPARC Enterprise/PRIMEQUEST Common Installation Planning Manual
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Installation Guide
Fujitsu M10-1/SPARC M10-1 Service Manual
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
PCI Expansion Unit for Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Service Manual
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Domain Configuration Guide
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems XSCF Reference Manual
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Product Notes
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Glossary
*1 The listed manuals are subject to change without notice. *2 Printed manuals are provided with the product.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual • December 2013xxii

Text Conventions

This manual uses the following fonts and symbols to express specific types of information.
Font/Symbol Meaning Example
Italic Indicates the name of a reference manual. See the Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10
" " Indicates the names of chapters, sections, items,
What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output. This font indicates an example of command input.
The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output. This font indicates an example of command input in the frame.
buttons, or menus.
XSCF> User Name: jsmith Privileges: useradm
Systems Installation Guide.
See "Chapter 2 Network Connection."

Command syntax in the text

While the XSCF commands have a section number of (8) or (1), it is omitted from the text. The Oracle Solaris commands have a section number such as (1M) in the text. Each command has a section number in a command name to prompt users to refer to it.
adduser jsmith
showuser -P

Notes on Safety

Read the following documents thoroughly before using or handling any SPARC M10 Systems.
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Important Legal and Safety Information
Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Safety and Compliance Guide
Preface xxiii

Syntax of the Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The command syntax is as follows:
A variable that requires the input of a value must be put in Italics.
An optional element must be enclosed in [].
A group of options for an optional keyword must be enclosed in [] and delimited by |.

Document Feedback

If you have any comments or requests regarding this document, please take a moment to share it with us by indicating the manual code, manual title, and page, and stating your points specifically through the following websites:
Japanese site
Global site
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual • December 2013xxiv
Chapter 1
Before Starting Maintenance Work
This chapter describes the safety precautions that must be observed before starting any maintenance work. Note the meanings of each of the following symbols and labels to ensure that the work is done correctly.
Warning/Caution Indications
Warning Labels
Safety Precautions
Notes Regarding Static Electricity
Other Precautions
Emergency Power Off

1.1 Warning/Caution Indications

This manual uses the following conventions to indicate warning and alert messages, which are intended to prevent injury to the user and others as well as damage to property.
serious personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
moderate personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. This also indicates that damage to the unit or other property may occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
- "WARNING" indicates a potential hazard that could result in death or
- "CAUTION" indicates a potential hazard that could result in minor or

1.2 Warning Labels

Observe the warning labels (A in the figure) affixed on the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and the crossbar box during the maintenance work. The warning label on the crossbar box also describes certification standards.
Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
- Never peel off the labels.
Location of warning labels (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S)
Location of warning labels (crossbar box)

1.3 Labels/Tags

This section explains labels and tags that are affixed on the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and the crossbar box.
- The contents of the labels and tags may differ from those that are actually affixed.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual・December 20132
The system name plate label (A in the figure) describes the model number, serial number, and version required for maintenance and management.
The standard label (B in the figure) describes the following certification standards. The warning label on the crossbar box describes certification standards.
SPARC M10-4/M10-4S
Safety: NRTL/C
Radio wave: VCCI-A, FCC-A, DOC-A, KCC, and C-Tick
Safety and radio wave: CE, BSMI, and GOST-R
Crossbar box
Safety: NRTL/C
Radio wave: VCCI-A, FCC-A, DOC-A, KCC, and C-Tick
Safety and radio wave: CE and CU
Figure 1-3
Figure 1-4
Location of the system name plate label and standard label (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S)
Location of the system name plate label and warning label (crossbar box)
Chapter 1 Before Starting Maintenance Work 3
The RFID tag carries an Asset ID. The RFID tag of the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S is affixed on the front cover.
Figure 1-5
RFID tag (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S)
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Figure 1-6
RFID tag (crossbar box)

1.4 Safety Precautions

Observe the following precautions to protect yourself when performing maintenance.
Observe all the precautions, warnings, and instructions described on the chassis.
Do not insert foreign objects into the openings in the chassis. Any such foreign object could come into contact with high-voltage circuitry or could short circuit the components, causing a fire or an electric shock.
Contact a service engineer to inspect the chassis.
Chapter 1 Before Starting Maintenance Work 5
Safety precautions on electricity
Confirm that the voltage and frequency of your input power supply match those shown on the electric rating label affixed on the chassis.
Wear a wrist strap when handling a hard disk drive, CPU memory unit, or other printed boards.
Use grounded power outlets.
Do not attempt to make any mechanical or electrical modifications. Fujitsu shall
not be responsible for the regulatory compliance of a chassis that has been modified.
Safety precautions on the racks
The racks should be fixed on the floor, ceiling, or the adjacent frame.
The racks may be supplied with a quakeresistant options kit. The use of the quakeresistant options kit prevents the racks from falling over during installation or maintenance service on the chassis.
Prior to installation or maintenance, a safety assessment should be conducted by a service engineer in the following cases:
When the quakeresistant options kit is not supplied and the rack is not fixed on the floor with bolts: Check for the safety such as whether the rack should not fall over.
If multiple chassis are mounted in a rack, perform maintenance for each of the chassis.
For details of the racks, see "Chapter 2 Planning and Preparing for System Installation" in the Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Installation Guide.

1.5 Notes Regarding Static Electricity

Observe the precautions concerning the electrostatic discharge (ESD) as described in
Table 1-1 to ensure the safety of personnel and the system.
Table 1-1
Item Precaution
Wrist strap Wear an antistatic wrist strap when handling printed boards.
ESD mat An approved ESD mat provides protection from static damage
Antistatic bag/ ESD safe packaging box
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual・December 20136
ESD precautions
when used with a wrist strap. The mat also acts as a cushion to protect the small parts that are attached to printed boards.
After removing a printed board or component, place it in the antistatic bag or ESD safe packaging box.
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