Fujitsu LOOX T810, LOOX T830 User Manual

Handheld English

LOOX T Series

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Additional information is contained in the Help Desk list and the "Warranty" manual.
Latest information on our products, tips, updates etc. can be found on our website at: ""
This manual w as produced by Xerox Global S ervices
Published by Fujitsu Siemens Computer GmbH
Edition 2
October 2006
Order n o.: A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619
LOOX T Series
Your Pocket LOOX... 1 Important notes 3 Equipment overview 4 Getting started 17 Making telephone calls with the Pocket PC 28 Operating the Pocket Creating messages 53 Using the Internet 60 Using GPS functions 6 Using the camera (optional) 62 Working with data 65 Security functions 6 Connecting and networking the Pocket PC
with other devices 70 Energy saving funct Troubleshooting and tips 76 Technical data 80 Manufacturer’s not Index 87
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Copyright © F ujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH 2006
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Your Pocket LOOX... . .................................................................. 1
Notational conventions .................................................................. 2
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 3
Safetyinformation ....................................................................... 3
Usingthe Pocket PC .................................................................... 3
Equipment overview ................................................................... 4
Indicators(LEDs)and status indicators inthe display ....................................... 5
Indicators(LEDs) .................................................................... 5
Status indicatorsonthedisplay ....................................................... 6
Using the operating elements . . ....................................................... 7
Using thekeyboard .................................................................. 7
Key combinations (short cuts) ........................................................ 9
Using thepen anddisplay ............................................................ 9
Using the online buttons for telephony . . . . . ............................................ 9
Using the3-way scroll button andthenavigationkey ................................... 10
Using theapplicationbuttons andthe softkey buttons ................................... 12
Using theon-screen keyboard ........................................................ 14
Software overview ...................................................................... 15
Accessories ............................................................................ 16
Cradle .............................................................................. 16
External GPS antenna (optional) . . . ................................................... 16
Getting start
checking the c Removing the Installing t Connecting t Starting up Calibratin Entering a Familiari
Today scr Internet
User dat
GPRS/UM Data syn
Data sy
Data sy Using
Making telephone callswith thePocket PC ............................................. 28
Making acall ........................................................................... 28
Entering a phone number . ........................................................... 28
Selectingaphonenumber from yourcontacts .......................................... 28
Select a phone number from your list o f calls . . ........................................ 28
Making emergency calls . . . . . . ........................................................... 29
Answering anincoming call .............................................................. 29
ed .........................................................................
ontents ofthe package .....................................................
protective lmfromthe cameraand thescreen ...............................
he battery and the (optional) SIM card . . ........................................
he mains adapter and cha rging the battery ....................................
your Pocket PC for the rst time ...............................................
gthe screen ...................................................................
PIN (optional) . . . . . . ...........................................................
sing yourself withthe basicoperationofthe device .................................
een .......................................................................
and intranet connections with CONNECTMO BI LITY-E2C . . .........................
CONNECTMOBILITYE2C ...................................................
adialogue ..................................................................
TS providerselection ......................................................
chronisation ....................................................................
nchronisation via Exchange Server ............................................
nchronisationwith ActiveSync .................................................
the online help ....................................................................
ing the online help independently of an application: . . . .............................
ing the online help from an application ............................................
17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 27 27 27
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Ending acall ........................................................................... 29
Displayingmissedcalls ................................................................. 29
Using voice dialling (Voice Commander) . ................................................. 30
Making a call via Voice Commander . ................................................. 30
Speed dial function . . . . . . ................................................................ 30
Programming the speed dial function . ................................................. 30
Making a call via the speed dial number . . ............................................. 30
Using the hands-free function ............................................................ 31
Muting the telephone . . . . ................................................................ 31
Holding acall ........................................................................... 32
Making aconference call ................................................................ 32
Setting upa conference call .......................................................... 32
Disconnecting all connections from the conference call . . . .............................. 32
Disconnecting selected connections . . . . . ............................................. 32
Making video phone calls (optional) . . . . . . ................................................. 33
Answering an incoming video phone call . ............................................. 33
Making a video phone call ............................................................ 33
Further options for video phone calls . ................................................. 34
Managing contacts ...................................................................... 35
Copying contact details fromthe PocketPC totheSIM card ............................. 35
Copying contacts from theSIMcard tothe PocketPC .................................. 35
Displaying services on the SIM card (network provider specic) ............................. 36
SIM security ............................................................................ 36
SIM Lock ............................................................................... 36
Blocking the SIMcard ................................................................... 36
Conguring phone settings . . . ............................................................ 36
Selecting anetwork ................................................................. 37
Setting upa Voicemailnumber ....................................................... 37
Setting upthe SMSService Centre ................................................... 38
Call Forwarding ..................................................................... 38
Operating the PocketPC ............................................................... 39
Using your Pocket PC’s proles .......................................................... 40
Selecting proles .................................................................... 40
Conguring proles .................................................................. 41
Switching thePocket PConand off ....................................................... 41
Switching the Pocket PC off and on during normal use (Standby mode) . . . ............... 42
Switchingoff thePocket PCto savethebattery ........................................ 42
ResettingthePocket-PC ................................................................. 43
Soft reset(warm start) ............................................................... 43
Cold starting andrestoring factory defaultsettings ...................................... 44
Out and about with the Pocket PC ........................................................ 45
Transporting thePocket PC .......................................................... 45
In-ight usage ....................................................................... 45
Usage whiledriving ................................................................. 45
Cleaning the Pocket PC . ................................................................ 45
Charging the battery ..................................................................... 46
Charging the batterydirectlyviathe mainsadapter ..................................... 47
Charging the batteryvia thecradle .................................................... 48
Charging the batteryvia aUSBport ................................................... 48
Optimisingbattery life ................................................................ 48
Inserting andremoving anexpansion card ................................................. 49
Inserting an expansion card . ........................................................ 49
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Removing the expansion card . ....................................................... 50
Using thePocket PCasaUSB Hostdevice ............................................... 51
Conguring devicesettings .............................................................. 51
Customising menus . . . .................................................................. 52
Fast access to programs via FSC SpeedMenu . ............................................ 52
Creating messages . ................................................................... 53
Inbox . ................................................................................. 53
Displaying the inbox . . . .............................................................. 53
SMS .................................................................................. 54
Creating and sending SMS . . . ....................................................... 54
MMS .................................................................................. 54
Conguring theMMS application ...................................................... 55
E-mail .................................................................................. 56
Setting up e-mail accounts for PO P3, SMTP or IMAP4 . . . . . ............................. 56
Setting up an e-mail account for the VPN corporate network ............................. 57
Setting up sending e-mail via ActiveSync . . ............................................ 57
Creating and sending e-mails . . ....................................................... 57
Downloading e-mails from a server (e-mail pull) ........................................ 58
Receiving e-mails andother data automatically inreal-time(e-mail push) .................... 59
Using theInternet ...................................................................... 60
Accessing the Internet withInternet Explorer .............................................. 60
Calling upInternet Explorer Mobile .................................................... 60
Using GPSfunctions ................................................................... 61
FSC GPSLocator ....................................................................... 61
Using thecamera (optional) ............................................................ 62
2 megapixel autofocus camera ........................................................... 62
Starting the Pictures & Videos application . ............................................ 62
Startingthecamera directly .......................................................... 62
Takingpictures ...................................................................... 62
Recording a video sequence . . ....................................................... 63
Conguring thecamera andvideo settings ............................................. 64
Working with data ..................................................................... 65
Windows Media Player .................................................................. 65
Using Javaapplications .............................................................. 65
Downloading Java applicat ions ....................................................... 65
Starting Java applications . ........................................................... 65
UninstallingJava applications ........................................................ 66
Compressing les withFSCMobileZip .................................................... 66
Security functions ..................................................................... 67
Password protection ..................................................................... 67
Device lock (keyanddisplay lock) ........................................................ 68
Locking the device .................................................................. 68
Deactivatingthedevice lock .......................................................... 68
FSC KeyLock ........................................................................... 68
ActivatingFSCKeyLock ............................................................. 68
Switchingonwithlock active ......................................................... 68
FSC SecureLock (optional) . . . ........................................................... 69
Connecting and networking the Pocket PC with other devices . ......................... 70
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Activating and deactivating radio modules ................................................. 70
Wireless connection via Wireless LAN . . . ................................................. 70
Wireless communicationwithBluetooth ................................................... 71
Example: ........................................................................... 71
Energy saving functions ............................................................... 72
General information on energy management . ............................................. 72
Using energy saving functions ............................................................ 72
conguring Standby mode ............................................................... 72
Switching offbacklight .................................................................. 72
Conguring backlight .................................................................... 73
Conguring Keyboard backlight . . ........................................................ 73
Conguring device behaviour whenE-mail pushis activated ................................ 73
Switching off the sound and setting the volume . . . ......................................... 74
Wireless connection via Wireless LAN . . . ................................................. 75
Using Wireless Manager ............................................................ 75
Troubleshooting and tips .............................................................. 76
Installingnewsoftware .................................................................. 76
The PocketPC’s time ordateare notcorrect .............................................. 76
The PocketPC’s display remains dark .................................................... 76
The display is difcult toread ............................................................. 76
The PocketPC switches off .............................................................. 77
The Pocket PC does not start after being switched on . . . . .................................. 77
The Pocket PC does not respond any more . . ............................................. 77
The battery discharges tooquickly ........................................................ 78
The End button does not respond properly . . . ............................................. 78
No soundorminimalvolume ............................................................. 78
Poor reception viaGPS .................................................................. 78
Contact with hotline/help desk ........................................................... 79
Calling upthe IMEInumber .............................................................. 79
Calling upthe UUID .................................................................... 79
Technical data ......................................................................... 80
Pocket PC .............................................................................. 80
Battery (Li-Ion) .......................................................................... 81
Mains adapter . . . ....................................................................... 81
Manufacturer’snotes .................................................................. 82
Environmentalprotection ................................................................ 82
Disposal and recycling ............................................................... 82
CE marking ............................................................................. 83
Information on exposure/specicabsorptionrate(SAR) .................................... 84
FCC Regulations ........................................................................ 85
FCC Warning Statement forWLAN product ............................................... 85
RF ExposureInformation(SAR) ......................................................... 86
Index .................................................................................. 87
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2

Your Pocket LOOX...

Your Pocket LOOX...
... is the rst integrated Pocket PC from Fujitsu Siemens Computers which combines a GSM/UMTS mobile phone with an innovative and high-performance handheld and a GPS navigation system.
With Bluetooth and wireless LAN you can establish a connection to other devices at the ofce and away from it without bothersome cables. W ith your Pocket LO OX, you can access the Internet via UMTS/GSM or a Wireless LAN for example. You can call up both web and WAP pages with Internet Explorer. The ergonomic keyboard is perfect for writing and sending e-mails as well as for SMS and MMS messaging. Thanks to the e-mail push function, you no longer need to download incoming e-mails yourself anymore – instead, they are conveniently transferred au tomatically directly to your Pocket LOOX. Calendars, contacts and tasks are automatically updated.
Depending on equipment level, your Pocket LOOX will have one or two integrated cameras. The VGA camera is used for video telephony via UMTS. With the aid of the 2 megapixel autofocus camera you can take photographs and then view the results on the high-resolution touchscreen. Alternatively, you can also record video sequences.
Microsoft Windows 5.0 Phone Edition also includes the MS Ofce applications Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. You can store notes in written form or verbally, as you would do with a dictation device.
With Microsoft Windows 5.0 Phone Edition your data will be preserved even if the battery is at. Install ActiveSync on your computer, connect the Pocket LOOX to your computer and
you are ready to synchronise you r data. In the ofce you can then effortlessly transfer all your data and newly created documents to your computer.
With th e optional USB Host cable you can use your Pocket LOOX as a USB Host device. You can connect different USB devices, such as an external hard disk, to the Pocket PC. Read your favourite book in total comfort away from home on screen or use th e MP3 player.
The following documentation contains additional information on your Pocket PC and the operating system:
the "Getting Started" poster
the "Saf ety" and "Warr
the help function on your Pocket PC
•thefiles on the Microso
anty" manuals
ft Getting Started CD (e.g. *.TXT, *.PDF)
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 1
Your Pocket LOOX...

Notational conventions

Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe this warning may endanger your health, cause the equipment to malfunction or lead to lo ss of data. The warranty does not cover defects of the equipment caused by failure to follow these instructions.
indicates important inform properly.
ation that is required to use the device
This style
This style
This style
"This style"
This style indicates words and phrases that are emphasised, e.g.: Do not
refers to an action which you must carry out.
indicates a result
relates to entries which you program dialog or command or a command for s tarting a
refers to information displayed by a program on the screen, e.g.:
Installation is completed
is for
terms and texts in a software user interface, e.g.: ClickSave.
Program names or le names, e.g. Windows XP or netscape.exe.
is for
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
Cross-references to an ext For further information v
Names of hard disks, CDs, DVDs and names and titles of other materials, e.g.: "CD Drivers & Utilities" or "Security" manual
refers to a key on the keyboard, e.g.:
switch off the device
must make with the keyboard in a
line, such as your password (Name123)
program (start netscape.exe)
ernal source, s uch as a web address:
isit ""
2 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2

Important notes

Important notes
This chapter contains safety notes and important information you must observe when using your Pocket PC.
This Pocket PC complies with the relevant safety regulations for IT equipment. I f you have questions as to whether you can set up and operate the Pocket PC in the intended environment, please contact your sales point or our hotline/help desk.

Safety information

Observe the safety notes in the "Safety" manual and the following safety notes to prevent injuries, damag e to your device or data loss.
Please follow the instructions relating to environmental conditions in the "
Page 80 chapter during installation and before operating the device.
Connect the mains adapter plug to the mains adapter. The mains adapter plug must never be connected to an electrical outlet without the mains adapter.
The mains adapter must only be connected to an electrical outlet when the Pocket PC or the cradle is conn ecte d to the mains adapter.
Do not use the mains adapter for other devices.
Please observe the information in the "
45 chapter when travelling or transporting the device.
After resetting the Pocket PC (i.e. after a cold start or resetting the device to the factory defaults) the phone functions are active. In the process, the WLAN radio component will brieybecome active while it is initialised. Please be aware of this if you are in a n environment where radio components must not be used (e.g. hospital, aircraft). Bluetooth is not activated after a reset.
Prolonged use of headphones, especially at very loud volumes, can cause hearing damage.

Using the Pocket PC

BatteryStorage,bat t eryBattery
Store the Pocket PC in a fully charged state in a dry environment. When storing the device please do not exceed the permissible temperature limits – see "
Page 80,section"Pocket PC", Page 80. The lower the temperature at which the
batteries are stored, the lower the rate of self-discharge.
Avoid leaving your Pocket PC lying in direct sunlight in a car. The temperature could exceed the permissible temperature in such cases.
To protect the battery, battery charging is discontinued at excessively high temperatures.
Please note that batteries discharge themselves over time. Therefore, recharge the battery of your Pocket PC at reg ular intervals during the storage period.
Protect your Pocket PC against dirt. Dirt or other contamination can cause contact faults on the connections.
Out and about with the Pocket PC", Page
Technical data",
Technical data",
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 3

Equipment overview

Equipment overview
MiniUSB portMicrophoneEndbuttonAnswer buttonOverviewHardware,overviewControlsPortsStatusindicatorsGSMportPower indicatorNavigation keyApplicationbuttonApplicationbuttonApplication button3-wayscrollbuttonApplication buttonDisplayVoicenotesVGAca m eraSDslot2megapixel autofocus cameraRadioindicator
1 = Antenna indicator 2 = VGA camera 3 = Battery/events indicator 4 = Display 5 = Navigation key 6 = Softkey button 2 7 = End button 8 = Application button 2: Inbox 9 = Keyboard with integrated number block 10 = GPS a ntenna port 11 = Mini USB port 12 = Application button 1: Calendar
13 = Answer button 14 = Softkey button 1 15 = Application button 5: SpeedMenu
and camera 16 = 3-way scroll button 17 = Pen slot 18 = Socket for headpho nes or headset 19 = GSM port 20 = 2 megapixel autofocus camera 21 = Battery compartment 22 = Slot for SD/MMC expansion card 23 = Application button 6: Voice notes
4 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Equipment overview

Indicators (LEDs) and status indicators in the display

Your Pocket-PC has two ashing indicators (LEDs) on the casing which light up in different colours, as well as various status indicators in the title bar of the display which will provide you with information about the current status of your device.
1 2
1 = Antenna indicator 2 = Battery/events in
BluetoothGPSIndicatorIndi catorIndicatorIndicatorRadio indicatorPowerindicatorStatusStatus

Indicators (LEDs)

Battery and events
If more than one event occurs at the same time, the coloured LED lights will ash in turn.
For example, if a new e-mail is received while the battery is being charged, the indicator will ash o range and green in turn.
Green Is ashing GPS has been
Green Slow ashing
Indicator state Meaning
Is ashing
On Battery is fully cha
Slow ashing
Quick ashing
Slow ashing
Bluetooth activated
Battery being charg
Battery is overheating
New message available, missed call or schedule reminder active.
New e-mail waiting.
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 5
Equipment overview

Status indicators on the display

The most important status indicators are shown below:
on-screen display
New e-mail, SMS or MMS
on-screen display
No signal
Incoming telephone call
Active telephone call Establishing connection
Active data connection
Call forwarding
call is held.
Missed call(s) Telephone switched off
Battery indicator, battery full
Battery low
Battery being charged WLAN active
Signal strength
GPRS available
UMTS available
Synchronisation error
All system tones switched on
All system tones switched off
WLAN access point available
Caps Lock activated Special characters and numbers
6 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Equipment overview

Using the operating elements

operatingelem ents
Your Pocket PC offers various operating elements
Keyboard with integrated number block
Pen and display
Online buttons for telephony
3-way scroll button
Navigation key, application buttons and softkey buttons
On-screen keyboard

Using the keyboard

The keyboard is designed to offer all of the functions of a keyboard with an integrated number block. Some e nhanced keyboard functions are accessed via key combinations (short cuts).
Lower case letters are output by default.
To obtain a higher case letter, press and hold the corresponding letter button.
Description of buttons
Descriptionof buttons
Key Function
Backspace key
The Backspace key deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Enter key (return)
Brief press of the button
The enter key terminates a command executed w hen you press this key.
line. The command you have entered is
Holding button down
lay lock) is set or cancelled, see also
k)", Page 68.
Shift key
The device lock (key lock and disp
Device lock (key and display loc
The Shift key causes uppercase characters to appear. In the case of overlay keys, the character printed on the upper left of the key appears when that keyispressed.
Double-clicking the button
Set permane nt use of higher case.
FN key Pressing the button once
key activates the special characters or numbers on overlay keys.
Holding button down
Holding the
key down switches the keyboard backlight on or off.
Double-clicking the button
To ggle the
key to activate or deactivate FN mo de.
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 7
Equipment overview
Key Function
Tab ke y The Tab key moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
Start key The Start key opens the Windows St
OK key Closes th e active window.
Symbol key
Inserts a space.
Pressing the button once
Replaces the current character with a related character w ith an accent, e.g. the letter “a” is changed to “á”. Up to 5 different related characters are available. Pressing the button again switches to the next available related character.
Holding button down
A window containing all available characters is opened or closed (if open).
Star key
Holding button down
The Pocket PC is set to Silent Mode, or Silent Mode is deactivated. All tones and the vibration alarm are activated or deactivated.
Inbox application button
Press the button once
Scrolling through voicemail.
Hold button down
The menu for SMS, MMS and e-mail messaging is called up
Scrolling with
Switching off ringtone 3-way scroll b utton during a call
Scrolling during
Increasing or decreasing volume a call using the 3-way scroll button
Hold camera application button down
Calling up SpeedMenu
Use FSC SpeedM enu to accelerate daily tasks on your Pocket LOOX!
Create and organise your own list of frequently used docume nts, programs and folders.
Open them quickly and directly from the menu.
One-handed or stylus operation as desired.
Hold End button
Calling up proles
art menu.
8 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Equipment overview

Key combinations (sho rt cuts)

Key combinations are entered as follows:
Press and hold the rst key in the combination.While holding the rst key down, press the second key in the combination.
Key combination Function
FN + navigation key down
FN + navigation key up
FN + navigation key left Jump to the start of a list or e-mail
FN + navigation key right
FN and Shift/Double-click on Shift Set permanent use of higher case
Shift + navigation key left
Shift + navigation key right
Shift + Del Delete character to the right of the cursor
Application-dependent key-combinations
Key combinations are a useful wa inbox or the Phone function. Yo
Press the right-hand softkey bu
A menu showing the available functions is displayed.
Press the letter which is under
The function is then executed.
y of quickly accessing functions in many applications, e.g. your
u can operate the device almost entirely without the pen.
tton in the applications.
lined in the function you wish to execute.
Scroll down
Scroll up
Jump to the end of a list or e-mail
Decrease backlight brightness
Increase backlight brightness

Using the pen and display

With the aid of the supplied pen, you can also perform actions by touching the display.
Tap the desired element on the display once with the pen to trigger an action.To activate popup menus, again tap the desired element with the p en, but this time
leave the pen to rest on the element for a moment. The popup menu appears and you can select an element by touching it.

Using the online buttons for telephony

Onlinebuttons for telephony
When you launch the Phone application, a window will pop up with the online telephony buttons:
enter the required telephone number by touching the display with the stylus.
Enter the required telephone number via the integrated number block on the keyboard. You can now make a call, see "Making a call", Page 28.
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 9
Equipment overview

Using the 3-way scroll button and the navigation key

3-way scroll button
3-wayscroll buttonNavigation key
With the scroll button y or application. You ac
When you are in the Pho adjust the phone vol
ou can scroll up or down and forward or backward (1, 2) within the menu
tivate menu entries by pressing the middle scroll button (3).
ne application you can use the 3-way scroll button to
ume and to switch off the ring tone.
10 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Equipment overview
Navigation key
The way in which the navigation key (1) works depends on the application you are in. In some applications you scroll line-by-line up, down, left or right in a menu. To activate menu items press the middle of the navigation key. By contrast, in other applications – e.g. e-mail – you can page up or down with the navigation key.
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 11
Equipment overview

Using the application buttons and the softkey buttons

ApplicationbuttonsSoftkey buttons
Using the application buttons and the appropriate presets (see "Conguring the applicatio n
buttons", Page 14) it is possible to open your preferred programs and applications
directly from standby mode or from within an application.
As the application buttons react differently dependin on how long they are pressed, you can assign a total of eight different programs or applications to the application buttons.
In addition, y our Pocket PC also has two softkey buttons.
1 = Softkey button 2 2 = End button 3 = Application button 2: Inbox 4 = Application button 1: Calendar
5 = Answer button 6 = Softkey button 1 7 = Application button 5: C amera 8 = Application button 6: Voice note
12 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Equipment overview
Allocated function when pressed once
End button During an a ctive call: ends the
For an incoming call: refuses the call
In the Today screen: puts the device into Standby mode
In other applications: switches to the Today screen
For active data connections: terminates the data connection
Each time you press the button, a connection is terminated (call, data connection) or the device switches to the Today screen. You may have to press the button several times consecutively to put the device in Standby m od e.
Answer button During an active call: call is held.
For an incoming call: the call is answered.
If no call is active: opens the Telephone application
Softkey button 1
Depends on the particular application.
Softkey button 2
Application Button
Application Button2Inbox
Allocated function when held down
During a call: ends the call
Otherwise: the Proles me nu is displayed.
During a call:
Activates or deactivates the internal loudspeaker (handsfree mode). Any other connected devices, e.g. BT headset or receiver, are deactivated or activated accordingly. This means that the loudspeaker can be activated even with the headset connected.
New calendar entry.
Creating new messages
Application Button 5
FSC SpeedMenu or camera application (depending on the device
FSC SpeedMenu or not assigned (depending on the device type)
In the camera application:
press once: operates shutter release.
Tap briey: Autofocus
Application Button 6
Application for creat (dictaphone)
ing voice notes
Creating a new voice no
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 13
Equipment overview
Conguring the application buttons
You can also assign other applications or functions to the preselected application buttons.
Select Start – Settings – Personal – Buttons.Tap the corresponding button in the selection list with the pen.Assign an application or function to the button.Conrm with OK.

Using the on-screen keyboard

On-screenkey boar d
In some applications which allow text input you will see the symbol for the on-screen keyboard in the footer.
You can use the on-screen keyboard in different ways:
Mode Description
Letter Recognizer Write individual letters, numbers and punctuation marks – they are
Block Recognizer
Keyboard showing all available symbols and special characters
Standard on-screen keyboard
Touch the keys on the on-screen keyboard to enter text.
then converted into typed text.
Input te xt as a connected block of text to write letters, numbers, symbols and punctuation marks which are then converted into type d text. Use gestures to input the E nte r key and the Backspace key.
Write using handwriting or block letters, or in a co mbination of the two, and convert the result into typed text.
Displaying/hiding the on-sc
Touch the symbol for the on-screen keyboard.
The on-screen keyboard is dis
Touch the symbol for the on-screen keyboard again to close the keyboard.
Changing on-screen keyboard
The on-screen keyboard is displayed.
Click on the arrow next to the on-screen keyboard symbol.
The popup window with the avai
Select your preferred mode.
More information about the on-screen keyboard and its different modes can be found in your Pocket PC’s online help function.
14 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
reen keyboard
played on-screen.
lable modes appears.
Equipment overview

Software overview

The following table provides an overview of the most important programs w hich are already installed on your Pocket PC and where you can nd information on using these programs.
Software Used for Operating information
Word Mobile Excel Mobile PowerPoint Mobile
Outlook Mobile
Internet Explorer Mobile
Windows Media Player Mobile 10
Pocket MSN
FSC SpeedMenu
FSC Voice Recorder
FSC Panning
Phone application with video
Help le on Pocket PC
telephony functionality
For w ord processing
Help le on Pocket PC
For spreadsheet functions Help le on Pocket PC
For opening and viewing
Help le on Pocket PC
presentations created on a PC
Voicemail, calendar, contacts,
Help le on Pocket PC
notes, tasks
For data synchronisation
Help le on the Pocket PC and on the computer on which you installed ActiveSync.
Browser for websites and WAP
Help le on Pocket PC
For playing audio and video
Help le on Pocket PC
MSN Messenger for receiving
Help le on Pocket PC and sending text messages via the Internet
MSN Hotmail for receiving
and sending e-mails via an MSN Hotmail account
Quick start menu for simplifying
Help le on Pocket PC
daily procedures. Customising the menu to your needs. Support for one-handed operation
Connection manager for
Help le on Pocket PC
efcient management and control of complex Internet and Intranet connections. Automates and minimizes user actions.
Brings genuine Dictaphone
Help le on Pocket PC
functionality to the Pocket PC
Experiencing problems when
Help le on Pocket PC
scrolling in Internet Explorer
Mobile? FSC Panning quickly brings
window contents into view. Especially useful on large websites.
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 15
Equipment overview
Software Used for Operating information
FSC KeyLock
FSC MobileZip
FSC Backup (optional) Voice Commander
SIM Manager


We offer a range of accessories to make it easier and more convenient to work with your Pocket PC. Information on additional accessories for your Pocket PC can be found on our website at "
Below you will nd a short description of the specic accessories for your Pocket PC.".
Protects against accidental starting of the Pocket-PC when a key is pressed
Open, unpack, create and edit Zip arc hives
Data backup and restoration.
Control the device with your voice. For ph one calls, calling up information about your contacts and about your programs.
GPSLocator illustrates the basic functions of your GPS s ystem
Manages the data on your S IM card
Help le on Pocket PC
Help le on Pocket PC
Help le on Pocket PC
Help le on Pocket PC
Help le on Pocket PC
Help le on Pocket PC


With the cradle you can ch data between the Pocket P
arge the batte ry in the Pocket PC and/or synchronise

External GPS antenna (optional)

With a Pocket PC with integrated GPS, you can connect an external GPS antenna to the u nderside of the Pocket PC. The external GPS antenna improves performance in difcult reception conditions.
16 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2

Getting started

Getting started
It will only take a few moments to have your Pocket PC up and running, ready for use. The steps you will need to work through include:
checking the contents of the package
removing the protective lm from
installing the battery and the (optional) S IM card
connecting the power adapter
• StartingupyourPocketPCfortherst time
Calibrating the touchscreen
Familiarising yourself with the basic operation of the device
Performing initial data synchroni More information on these individual ste ps can be found on the "Getting Started"
poster and in the following chapters.

checking the contents of the package

Check the contents of your delive
poster to make sure nothing is mis
Removing the protective lm from the camera and the screen
The camera lens (optional) and the display are covered with a protective lm to protect them against scratches.
Before starting up the Pocket PC, remove the protective films on the camera lens and the display.
the camera and the screen
sation with ActiveSync or Exchange Server (optional)
ry package – use the "Getting Started"
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 17
Getting started

Installing the battery and the (optional) SIM card

Preparingfor useBattery
You can use your Pocket PC in two different modes of operation:
without a SIM card: no telephony functions available
with a S IM card: telephony functions are available The SIM card is provided by your telephone network operator. Use of a SIM card is optional. If
you choose to use the Pocket PC without a SIM card then the telephony functions will not be available. However, calls to emergency services are also possible without a SIM card.
Slide the cover off the Pocket PC in the direction of the arrow ( 1).If using a SIM card, insert it in the direction of the arrow into the SIM card slot (2).
Insert the battery into the battery com par tm ent (1).Slide the battery catch in the direction of the arrow (2).Slide the cover back on in the direction of th e arrow as far as it will go (3).
Your new battery will not be charged when you unpack it. Therefore, before using the device for the rst time without a mains power supply, you should charge the battery until the corresponding LED indicator stops ashing.
18 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
Connecting the mains adapter and charg­ing the battery
Preparationfor useMains adapter
Pay attention to the relevant safety notes provided in the "Important notes" chapter.
Getting started
Information on connecting the mains adapter and charging the bat tery can be found in the "
the Pocket PC", Page 39 chapter in the section "Charging the battery", Page 46.
Starting up your Pocket PC for the rst time
-up Preparatio
Firsts tart
StylusPocket PC
Press the End button to switch on th e Pocket PC (1).
The Pocket PC is switched on.
Pull out the stylus in the direction of the arrow (2).

Calibrating the screen

The display of your Pocket PC is a touchscreen. To ensure that the touchscreen of your Pocket PC reacts correctly when touched with the pen, you will be asked to calibrate the touchscreen after the initial start-up.
Preparationfor useCalibrating the screen
With the stylus, touch the centre of the cross hairs that appear on the screen.You will need to repeat this procedure several times, whereby the cross hairs will
appear at different locations on the screen each time.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2 19
Getting started

Entering a PIN (optional)

If you are using a SIM card you will be asked to enter your PIN once th e calibration process is nished.
Familiarising yourself with the basic o per­ation of the device
The operating system provides a brief introduction on how to use the Pocket PC with the pen after initial start-up.
Preparationfor useOperation, basic
Follow the instructions on the display.

Today screen

After the introduction the Today screen appears. The Today screen shows all important current information at a glance. From this screen you have access to all programs and to the system settings.
Please also use the help function available on your Pocket PC if yo u want to know more about using the program s contained in the operating system.
ruse Preparationfo

Internet and intranet connections with CONNECTMOBILITY-E2C

CONNECTMOBILITY-E2C (E2C in short) is a tool that enables you to establish a connection to the Internet or to your company’s intranet very easily by simply pressing a button.
With a few clicks you can change between your company WLAN, your private WLAN at home or a WLAN hotspot in a cafe or at the a irport. You can connect to BT or IrDA via your GPRS-enabled telephone without having to think about settings, and start your preferred application automatically.
If you are using a SIM card from one of the major network operators in Europe then the pre-settings of your network operator will be automatically adopted.
Detailed information on the use of CONNECTMOBILITY-E2C can be found in the help le on your Pocket PC.
Select Start – Programs – CONNECT MOBILITY-E2C.
20 A26391-K182-Z120-1-7619, edition 2
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