Fujitsu LIFEBOOK U747, LIFEBOOK U727, LIFEBOOK U757 Operating Manual

Operating Manual
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ujitsu America, Inc. All rights reser
Operating Manual
Declarations of conformity 9 Fujitsu Contact Information 10 Ports and controls 12 Important notes 21 First-time setup of your device 25 Working with the notebook 28 Your USB Type-C dock (optional) 55 Security functions 59 Connecting external devices 65 Removing and installing components
during servicing 72 Settings in BIOS Setup Utility 83 Troubleshooting and tips 86 Technical data 93 Manufacturer’s notes 96 Appendix 105 Index 116
Copyright and Trademark Information
Fujitsu America, Incorporated has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document; however, as ongoing development efforts are continually improving the capabilities of our products, we cannot guarante e the accuracy of the contents of this document. We disclaim liability for errors, omissions, or future changes.
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and LIFEBOOK are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Intel and Intel Core are trademarks or registered trad emarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in t he United States and other countries.
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trad emarks or trade marks of Microsoft Corporation in the United Sta tes and/or other countries.
Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA.
The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Denition Multim edia Interface and the HDMI Logo are either a registered trademarks or trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC in the United States and/or othe r countries.
USB Type-C is a trademark or registered trademark of USB Implementers Forum in the United States and other countries.
USB Type-C is a trademark or registered trademark of USB Implementers Forum in Can ada and other countries.
All other trademarks specied here are the property of their respective owne rs.


Declarationsofconformity ............................................................. 9
Fujitsu Contact Informatio
Notational conventions .................................................................. 11
Portsand controls ..................................................................... 12
FUJITSULIFEBOOK U727 .............................................................. 12
FUJITSULIFEBOOK U747 .............................................................. 15
FUJITSULIFEBOOK U757 .............................................................. 18
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 21
Safetyinstructions ...................................................................... 21
Additional safety no
Energysaving .......................................................................... 22
Energy saving unde
Traveling with you
Beforeyou travel ................................................................... 23
Transporting the
Cleaning the note
First-timesetupofyourdevice ......................................................... 25
Unpacking and checking the device . . . ................................................... 25
Choose a location . ...................................................................... 26
Connecting the AC adapter . . . ........................................................... 26
Switching on the device for the rst time .................................................. 27
Installing Bonus Apps . . . . . ........................................................... 27
Working with
Status indic Switching t Switching t
Keyboard ............................................................................... 31
Hot keys an F Lock set Key combi Virtual n Separat Country
LCD sc
Webc Rech
Usi Mem
dandtouchpadbuttons ..........................................................
Moving Select Execut Dragg
reen ............................................................................
am ...............................................................................
argeablebattery ...................................................................
ging,caring for andmaintainingthe battery .......................................
ovingand installing the battery ...................................................
ng the energy saving functions . .......................................................
orycards ..........................................................................
pported formats ..................................................................
r notebook . . ...........................................................
book ..................................................................
thenotebook ............................................................
ators ........................................................................
he notebook on . . . . ...........................................................
he notebook off . . . . ...........................................................
dfunctionkeys ...........................................................
tings ......................................................................
nations ...................................................................
umberkeys .................................................................
enumberkeypad ............................................................
andkeyboardsettings .......................................................
thepointer ..................................................................
inganitem ....................................................................
ing commands . . . . . ...........................................................
ingitems ......................................................................
ngers .......................................................................
n ............................................................
tes for devices with wireless components . . .............................
r Windows .......................................................
notebook ...........................................................
22 23
24 24
28 30 30
33 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 43 44 46 47 47
Fujitsu 5
Insertingthememorycard ........................................................... 47
Removingthe memory card .......................................................... 47
Speaker and microphone ................................................................ 48
Wireless LAN / Bluetooth / wireless compo nents . . ......................................... 49
Switching the wireless components on and off ......................................... 49
ConguringWLAN access ........................................................... 49
Furtherinformationon WLANand Bluetooth ........................................... 49
Ethernetand LAN ....................................................................... 50
Your port replicator ...................................................................... 51
Portson theportreplicator ........................................................... 51
Connecting the notebook to the port replicator . . . . . . .................................. 52
Connecting the AC adapter to the port replicator . . . . .................................. 53
Switching on the notebook via the port replicator . . . . . .................................. 53
Disconnecting the notebook from the port replicator . .................................. 54
Your USBType-Cdock (optional) ....................................................... 55
Portson thedock ....................................................................... 55
Settingup thedock ..................................................................... 56
Connecting the AC adapter to the dock . . ................................................. 56
Connecting the notebook to the dock ..................................................... 57
Switching on the notebook via the port replicator . ......................................... 58
Switching off notebook via dock . . ........................................................ 58
Disconnecting thenotebookfromthedock ................................................ 58
Securityfunctions ..................................................................... 59
Conguring the ngerprint sensor ........................................................ 59
Settingup thepalmveinsensor .......................................................... 60
Usingthe Security Lock ................................................................. 60
Conguringpasswordprotectionin BIOS SetupUtility ...................................... 61
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor passw ord and user password) .. ............... 61
Password protection for booting the operating system .................................. 62
Passwordprotectionfor theharddisk ................................................. 63
Trusted Platform Module - TPM (device dependent) . . . . . . .................................. 63
EnablingTPM ....................................................................... 63
DisablingTPM ...................................................................... 63
Smart Card reader . . . . . . ................................................................ 64
InsertingtheSmartCard ............................................................. 64
Connectingexternaldevices ........................................................... 65
Connecting an external monitor . . ........................................................ 66
HDMIport .............................................................................. 67
Connecting USB devices ................................................................ 68
USBportwith charging function (USBType-C) ......................................... 69
USBportwith charging function (Anytime USBcharge) ................................. 70
HowtoremoveUSB devices correctly ................................................ 70
Headsetport ........................................................................... 71
Removing and installing co mponents during servicing .. . .............................. 72
Notes on installing and removing boards and components .................................. 72
Preparing to remove components ........................................................ 73
Removing and installing memory expansion . . ............................................. 73
Removethe cover ................................................................... 74
Removinga memory module ......................................................... 74
Installing amemorymodule .......................................................... 75
6 Fujitsu
Attachingthecover .................................................................. 75
Installing and removing an M.2 module ................................................... 76
Removethe cover ................................................................... 76
Installing theM.2 module ............................................................ 77
Removingthe M.2 module ........................................................... 77
Attachingthecover .................................................................. 78
Removingand installingtheharddisk(HDD,LIFEBOOK U757 only) ........................ 79
Removingthe hard disk .............................................................. 79
Installing ahard disk ................................................................. 81
Finishing component removal . ........................................................... 82
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility . . . ....................................................... 83
Startingthe BIOS SetupUtility ........................................................... 83
BIOSSetupUtilityoperation ............................................................. 84
ExitingBIOS Setup Utility ................................................................ 85
Exit Saving Changes - save changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . ..................... 85
Exit Discarding Changes - Reject changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . . . . .............. 85
Load Setup Defaults – load default values . ............................................ 85
Discard Changes - Discard Changes without exiting BIOS Setup Utility . . . . .............. 85
Save Changes - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . . . . . . .............. 85
Savechanges and poweroff ........................................................ 85
Troubleshootingandtips .............................................................. 86
Helpifproblems occur ................................................................... 86
In the event you need to recover your system . ............................................ 86
The notebook’s date or time is incorrect ................................................... 87
Whencertaincharactersare entered onthe keyboard, only numerals arewritten ............. 87
The notebook’s LCD screen remains blank . . . . ............................................ 87
The LCD screen of the notebook is difcultto read ......................................... 87
Theexternalmonitorremainsblank ...................................................... 88
Theexternalmonitorisblankortheimageis unstable ..................................... 88
The notebook does not start a fter switching it on . . . ........................................ 89
The notebook stops working . . ........................................................... 89
The printer does not print . . . . . ........................................................... 89
The wireless connection to a network does not work . . . .................................... 90
Acousticwarning ........................................................................ 90
Smart Card reader is not recognized . . . ................................................... 90
SmartCard PINforgotten ................................................................ 90
SmartCard lost ......................................................................... 90
Errormessageson the screen ........................................................... 91
Technical data ......................................................................... 93
LIFEBOOK ............................................................................. 93
WLAN specications .................................................................... 94
Rechargeable battery ................................................................... 95
AC adapter . . . .......................................................................... 95
Manufacturer’s notes .................................................................. 96
Disposaland recycling .................................................................. 96
Recyclingyourbattery ................................................................... 96
DOC(IndustryCANADA)Notices ........................................................ 97
ENERGYSTARCompliance ............................................................. 99
Declarations ofconformity ............................................................... 100
FCC Regulatory Information . . ........................................................... 101
Fujitsu 7
Regulatory Notes and Statements . . . ................................................. 101
Canada, Industry Canada (IC) . . . ........................................................ 103
Canadian Notice . ................................................................... 104
Avis pour le Canada . ................................................................ 104
Appendix .............................................................................. 105
Before Using the Optional Wireless LAN . ................................................. 105
WirelessLAN Devices Covered bythisDocument ...................................... 105
Characteristics oftheWLANDevice .................................................. 105
Wireless LAN Modes Using this Device . . ............................................. 106
Deactivating/Disconnectingthe WLANDevice ......................................... 108
Conguringthe Wireless LAN ............................................................ 108
Conguring the WLAN Using Windows . . . ............................................. 108
Connection to the network . . . ........................................................ 108
TroubleshootingtheWLAN ........................................................... 109
Usingthe Bluetooth Device .............................................................. 111
Image Backup and Recovery Procedures ................................................. 112
Windows 10 Procedures . ............................................................ 112
Creatinga recovery drive ............................................................ 112
RecoveryoptionsinWindows10 ..................................................... 112
Downloading driver updates . ............................................................ 115
Index .................................................................................. 116
8 Fujitsu

Declarations of conformity

Declarations o f conformity
according to FCC Part 15
Responsible Party Name: Fujitsu America, Inc. Address: 1250 E.
lephone: (408) 746-6000
Declares that product: Base Model Configuration: LIFEBOOK U727,
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operations are subject to the following two conditions: (1) device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
This device may not cause harmful interference. (2) This
Arques Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA
Fujitsu 9

Fujitsu Contact Information

Fujitsu Contact Information
Service and Support
You can contact Fujitsu Service and Support in the following ways:
Toll free phone: 1-800-8Fujitsu (1-800-838-5487)
Website: "
Fujitsu Shopping Online
Please go to "
Maintaining Latest Conguration
To ensure that you always have the most current driver updates related to your system, you should occasionally access the Fujitsu So ftware Download Manager (FSDM) utility. The FSDM utility is available from the Fujitsu Support site. FSD M will allow you to view a l ist of the most current drivers, utilities and applications to determine whether you have the latest versions. If you have a Windows 10 operating system, you will need to go to the Support Site to download the FSDM Utility: "
Limited Warranty
Your LIFEBO OK notebook is backed by a Fujitsu International Limited Warranty. Check the Limited Warranty Terms and Conditions Booklet that came with your notebook."
Before you place the call, have the following information ready so that the customer support representative can provide you with the fastest possible solution:
Product name
Product conguration number
Product serial number
Purchase date
Conditions under which the problem occurred
Any error messages that have occurred
Type of device connected, if any ".".
10 Fujitsu

Notational conventions

Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe this warning will endanger your life, will damage the device or lead to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informa
Fujitsu Contact Information
tion which is required to use the device properly.
This style
This style
This style
"This style" indicates
This style indicates terms and text that are emphasized or highlighted, e.g.: Do not
indicates an activity that must be performed indicates a result
indicates data entered command line, e.g. you a pro gram (start.exe
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
terms and texts u s ed in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save.
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
Cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a w eb address: For more information, go to "
names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations of other materials, e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety/Regulations" manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
switch off the device
using the keyboard in a program dialog or at the
r password (Name123) or a command used to start
Fujitsu 11

Ports and controls

Ports and controls
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. It gives an overview of the indicators and ports on the device. Please familiarize yourself with these items before you start to work with the device.



1 = Microphone (optional) 2 = Webcam (optional) 3 = Webcam LED (optional) 4 = Touchpad 5 = Speaker 6 = Status indicators
12 Fujitsu
7 = ON/OFF button 8 = Fingerprint sensor (optional) or palm
sensor (optional) 9 = Memory card slot 10 = Touchpad buttons 11 = Status indicators

Left side

Ports and controls
1 2 3 4 56
1 = DC input connector (DC IN) 2 = LAN port 3 = USB port 3.1 Gen 1 with charging
function (USB Type-C®)

Right side

1=USBport3.0 2=DisplayPort
4 = USB port 3.0 with charging function
(Anytime USB charge) 5 = Headset port 6 = Smart Card reader (optional)
1 2 34
3 = External monitor po rt (VGA) 4 = Security Lock device
Fujitsu 13
Ports and controls


1 = Rechargeabl 2 = Battery lock slider switch 1 3 = M.2 module c
e battery
4 = Memory upgra 5 = Port replicator port 6 = Battery loc
de compartment
k slider switch 2
14 Fujitsu



Ports and controls
3 1
1 = Microphon 2 = Webcam (optional) 3 = Webcam LED 4 = Touchpad 5 = Speaker 6 = Status indicators
Fujitsu 15
e (optional)
7=ON/OFFbut 8 = Fingerprint sensor (optional) or palm
sensor (optional) 9 = Memory ca 10 = Touchpad buttons 11 = Status i
rd slot
Ports and controls

Left side

1 2 3 45
1 = DC input connector (DC IN) 2 = External monitor port (VGA) 3 = USB port 3.1 Gen 1 with charging
function (USB Type-C)

Right side

1 = Headset port 2 = USB port 3.0 3 = Display Port
4 = USB port 3.0 with charging function
(Anytime USB charge)
5 = Smart Card reader (optional)
1 2 35
4 = LAN port 5 = Security Lock device
16 Fujitsu


Ports and controls
1 = Rechargeabl 2 = Battery lock slider switch 1 3 = M.2 modu le c
e battery
4 = Memory upgra 5 = Port replicator port 6 = Battery loc
de compartment
k slider switch 2
Fujitsu 17
Ports and controls



3 1
1 = Microphon 2 = Webcam (optional) 3 = Webcam LED 4 = Touchpad 5 = Speaker 6 = Status indicators 7=ON/OFFb
18 Fujitsu
e (optional)
8 = Separate n 9 = Fingerprint sensor (optional) or palm
sensor (optional) 10 = Memory ca 11 = Touchpad buttons 12 = Status i
umber keypad
rd slot

Left side

Ports and controls
1 2 3 45
1 = DC input connector (DC IN) 2 = External monitor port (VGA) 3 = USB port 3.1 Gen 1 with charging
function (USB Type-C)

Right side

1 = Headset port 2=USBport3.0 3=DisplayPort
4 = USB port 3.0 with charging function
(Anytime USB charge)
5 = Smart Card reader (optional)
1 2 35
4=HDMIport 5 = LAN port 6 = Security Lock device
Fujitsu 19
Ports and controls


1 = Rechargeabl 2 = Battery lock slider switch 1 3 = Hard drive a
(HDD or M.2
e battery
ccess compartment
4 = Memory upgra 5 = Port replicator port 6 = Battery loc
de compartment
k slider switch 2
20 Fujitsu

Important notes


Safety instructions

This chapter contains essential safety information which must be followed when working with your notebook. Other notes also provide useful information which will help you with your notebook.
Please observe the following safety information.
e pay special attention to the sections in the manual marked
Pleas with the symbol on the left.
When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant notes in this operating manual.
Read the information on the ambient conditions in the " chapter and the "First-time setup of your device", Page 25 chapter before preparing your notebook for use and switching it on for the first time.
When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the section "Cleaning the note book", Page 24.
Pay attention to the additional safety notes for devices with radio components provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
Please refer to the notes in the chapter "Removing and installing
components during se rvicing", Page 72.
When handling this device, you will come into contact with lead, a chemical which in California is held to be a possible cause of birth defects and other damage to fertility.
Wash your hands after using the device.
Do not place objects or apply heavy pressure on your computer Do not apply too much force to the display corners Do not rotate display with excessive force Do not pick up or hold the computer by display only Do not shake or bump the display Avoid excessive vibration and shocks Avoid excess force when tapping or writing on the screen Do not block the air vents Do not leave the computer turned on when enclosed in a briefcase or backpack In the event you drop your tablet PC or damage the housing in any way, immediately turn off power and disconnect the power plug. Failure to do so could result in a short circuit, smoke, and/or fire. Contact Fujitsu Service and Support to learn how to get the computer repaired.
Important notes
Technical data", Page 93
This noteboo If you have a please con
Fujitsu 21
k complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment.
ny questions about setting up your notebook in the intended environment,
tact your sales outlet or our Hotline/Service Desk.
Important notes

Additional safety notes for devices with wireless components

If a wireless c ompon ent (wireless LAN, Bluetooth) is incorporated in your notebook, y ou must be sure to observe the following safety notes when using your notebook:
Switch off the wireless components when you are in an aircraft or driving in a car.
Switch off the wireless components when you are in a hospital, an operating room or near a medical electronics system. The transm itted radio waves can impair the operation of medical devices.
Switch off the wireless components, when you let the device g et near ammable gases or into hazardous environments (e.g. gas station, paintshops), as the transmitted radio waves can cause a n explosion or a re.
For further information on how to switch the wireless componen ts on and off, refer to chapter "
Switching the wireless components on and off", Page 49.

Energy saving

Switch the notebo they are not in us will then be abl
Energy savin
Make use of the available energy saving functions as described in chapter
Using the energy saving functions", Page 46.
ok off when it is not in use. Switch off any connected external devices when
e. If you use the energy saving functions, the notebook uses less power. You
e to work for longer before having to recharge the battery.
The energy effic You save money
iency is increased and environmental pollution is reduced.
and help protect the environment.
g under Windows
22 Fujitsu
Important notes

Traveling with your notebook

MobileoperationNotesTrans portNotebook
Please observe the points listed below when traveling with your notebook.

Before you travel

Back up important data stored on your hard disk.
Switch off the radio component for data security reasons. W ith data traffic via a wireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorized third parties to receive data.
Information on activating data encryption is provided in the documentation for your radio component.
If you wish to use your notebook during a flight, check with the ight attendants if its use is safe.
When traveling in other countries
If you are traveling abroad, check that the AC adapter can be operated with the local AC
voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate AC adapter for your notebook. Do not use any other converter!
Check whether the local AC voltage and the AC cable are compatible. If this is not
the case, buy an AC cable that suits the local conditions.
Enquire with the corresponding government office of the country you will be traveling to,
whether you may use your notebook with its integrated radio component there.
Take the ne cessary travel adapters with you when traveling abroad. Check the following
table to see which travel adapters you will need, or ask your travel organizer.
Power con nection Travel destination
United States, Canada, Mexico, parts of Latin America, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan
Russia and the Commonwealth of Indepe ndent States (C IS), much of Europe, parts of Latin America, the Middle East, parts of Africa, Hong Kong, India, much of south-east Asia
United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaya, Singapore, parts of Africa
China, Australia, New Zealand
Fujitsu 23
Important notes

Transporting the notebook

Protect the notebook from severe shocks and extreme temperatures (e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
Switch the notebook off.
Unplug the AC plug of the AC adapter and all external d evices from the power ou tlets.Disconnect the AC adapter cable and the data cables for all external devices.Close the LCD screen.To protect against damaging jolts and bumps, use a notebook carrying
case to transport your notebook.

Cleaning the notebook

Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician. Only use cleaning products designed for computers. Normal household
cleaners and polishes can damage the markings on the keyboard and the device, the paintwork or the notebook itself.
Ensure that no liquid enters the notebook. The LCD screen is very sensitive to scratches. Only clean the display
surface with a very soft, slightly damp cloth.
Switch the notebook off.
To preve nt the device being switched on unintentionally, remove the AC plug
of the AC adapter from the power outlet and remove the battery (see chapter
Removing and installing the battery", Page 44).
The casing surfaces may be cleaned with a dry cloth.
If particularly dirty, use a damp cloth which has been dipped in water containing some mild domestic detergent and then well wrung out.
To clean th Ensure tha
e keyboard a nd the touchpad, you can use disinfectant wipes. t no moisture reaches the inside of the device!
24 Fujitsu

First-time setup of your device

First-time setup of your devic
First-timesetu pGettingstarted
When the device is delivered, the battery is located in the battery compartment. The battery must be charged if you want to operate your device using the battery.
When used on the move, the built-in battery provides the device w ith the necessary power. You can increase the operating time by using the available energy saving functions.
For instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. mouse, printer) to your device, please refer to the operating manual for y our device.
Unpacking and
Unpack all the individual parts.Check your
Please read the chapter "Important notes", Page 21. If your device is equipped with a Windows operating system, the necessary
hardware drivers and supplied software are already pre-installed. Before switching it on for the rst time, connect the device to the AC voltage using
the AC adapter, see " remain connected during the whole of the installation process.
A system test is pe rformed when your device is rst switched on. Various messages can appear. The display may remain dark for a short time or may icker.
Please follow the instructions on the screen. NEVER switch off your device during the rst-time setup process.
Connecting the AC adapter", Page 26. The AC adapter must
checking the device
If you nd that damage has occurred during transport, please notify your local sales outlet immediately!
device for any visible damage which may have occurred during transportation.
You may ne you need t
Fujitsu 25
ed to reuse the packaging in the future, for example if
o ship your device.
First-time setup of your device

Choose a location

Choose a suitable location for the device before setting it up. In doing so, please follow these instructions:
Never place the device or the AC adapter on a heat-sensitive surface. The surface could be damaged as a result.
Never place the device on a soft surface (e.g. carpeting, upholstered furniture, bed). This ca n block the air vents and cause overheating and damage.
The underside of the device heats up during normal operation. Prolonged contact with the skin can become unpleasant or even result in burns.
Place the device on a stable, at, non-slippery surface. Please note that the rubber feet of the device may mark certain types of delicate surfaces.
Keep other objects at least 100 mm / 3.97 inches away from the device and its AC adapter to ensu re adequate ventilation.
Never cover the ventilation openings of the device.
Do not expose the device to extre me environmental conditions. Protect the device against dust, humidity and heat.

Connecting the AC adapter

Observe the safety notes in the enclosed "Safety/Regulations" manual. The supplied AC cable conforms to the requirements of the country in which
you purchased your device. Make sure that the A C cable is approved for use in the country in which you intend to use it.
Connect the AC cable (1) to the AC adapter.Plug the AC cable (2) into a power outlet.Connect the AC adapter cable (3) to the
DC jack socket (DC IN) of the device.
26 Fujitsu
First-time setup of your device
Switching on the device for the rst time
To make it easier to use your device for the rst time, the operating system is pre-installed on the hard disk.
Switch your device on.
During the installation process, follow the on-screen instructions.
You can nd information and help on the Windows operating system functions on the Internet at "".

Installing Bonus Apps

The Bonus Apps can be found in the Start menu In the Start menu, click on Bonus Apps to view the additional apps that are available to you.
Applications that are already installed appear in grey, those that are
available for installation appear in blue.
Select the applications you wish to install by selecting the checkbox adjacent to your selection.
Click Select All if you would like to install all available applications.
To conrm yo
ur selection, click Install.
Note that i installat
There are but one of installi
n some cases (depending upon which application was selected for
ion) after installation completes, the system will prompt you to reboot.
also cases in which if multiple applications are selected to install
them needs a reboot, the system will reboot and continue
ng the rest of the selected applications.
Fujitsu 27

Working with the notebook

Working with the notebook
This chapter describes the basics for operating your notebook. Please refer to
Connecting external device s", Page 65 for instructions on how to connect external
devices such as a m ouse and a printer to the notebook.
Please r efer to the notes in the chapter "Important notes", Page 21.

Status indicators

The status indicators provide information about the status of the power supply, the hard disks and the keyboard functions.
28 Fujitsu
+ 91 hidden pages