Restoring Microsoft
In the event that you want to overwrite the existing operating system (OS) on your computer
and/or you would like to install Windows 7, please perform the following procedures.
Recovering your Factory Image using Recovery and Utility (for new hard drive or
non-bootable hard drive)
If you have installed a new hard drive or your hard drive is not bootable, perform the following
steps. Note that first you will need to create new partitions on the hard drive, then restore the
Factory Image:
1. Power on your system. When the Fujitsu logo appears on the screen. press the [Enter] key
or click on the left mouse or touchpad button; the SecureCore™ Menu will appear.
2. Select the Boot Menu from the SecureCore Menu.
3. Highlight the CD/DVD option.
4. Insert the bootable disc in your DVD drive, then click [OK].
5. When System Recovery Options window appears, click on <Recovery and Utility>.
6. When the System Recovery Options dialog opens, select a new keyboard layout, if necessary, then click [Next].
7. When the Operating System dialog appears, click [Next].
8. If necessary, enter your password, then click [OK].
9. When System Recovery Options window appears, click on <Recovery and Utility>.
10. Click the Recovery tab in the Recovery and Utility window, then click <Restoring the Factory Image (full hard drive recovery> icon.
11. Click [Execute].
12. Read the precautions, then select “I Agree”.
13. Click [Next], then click [Next] to start the recovery process.
14. “1. Recovery Disc Check” will be in bold and the rest will be grayed out. Follow the
instructions and “Insert the Recovery Disc #1”. In some cases, you may prompted to “Insert
the Recovery Disc #2”, depending upon the size of the Recovery Image
15. Click [Next] to begin the check. Click [Next] again when the check is complete.
16. “2. Initializing hard disk drive” will be in bold with the message “Please insert the Bootable
Disc into your optical drive”. Insert the bootable disc. Click [Next] to proceed. A dialog
box appears, with a checking disc message.
17. “Warning All DATA on the Hard Disk will be completely erased!!!” will appear. Select
[OK]. The partition creation process will begin.
18. “3. Restoring Factory Image to hidden partition” will be in bold with the message “Please
insert the Recovery Disk#1 into the optical drive”. Click [Next] to proceed.
19. After completion, the tool will automatically go back to "3.Restoring Factory Image to hidden partition" but will include the note "Please insert your Application Disc(s) starting with
#1, then click [OK]. After installation of each disc, insert the next and continue until all
7 Edition
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, and LifeBook are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Ltd. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks
mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

have been installed. If you don't have your Application Disc(s) or you have inserted all your
application discs. Please click [Cancel] to continue." At this point, you can either:
• Insert Application Disc(s) to restore back to hidden partition, or,
• Click [Cancel] to skip restoring Application disc(s) and continue with restore.
20. If you select to insert Application Disc, after copying of application disc(s) to hidden partition is completed, the message will appear again. Repeat inserting application disc(s) until
all discs have been copied, then click [Cancel] to continue with Restore.
21. After clicking [Cancel], a confirmation message will appear "If you want to skip copying or
copy has been finished, click [OK]. Click [Cancel] to return to Restoring Factory Image to
hidden partition."
22. Click [OK] and Restoring Factory Image will begin.
23. When restoration is complete, you will see the message “Restoration has been completed.
Click [OK] to reboot the computer.” Click [OK].
Windows Initialization:
1. Select a language in the "Set Up Windows" dialog, if necessary, then click [Next].
2. Follow the instructions that appear.
3. When Windows desktop is loaded, make sure that Wireless LAN switch is On (refer to the
system user's guide for exact location) before executing the ClickMe! utility.
4. The first time you boot up your system, you will see a “Primary Settings for the
PC” window. This window explains the installations which will be performed by
the ClickMe! utility. Click [Execute]. ClickMe! will begin installing.
5. If after clicking the button you receive a “User Account Control” window, you
will be asked for permission to continue. Click [Yes] to continue. If you cancel the
operation, a Click Me! icon will appear on your desktop for later installation.
Additional drivers and 3rd party applications
Some drivers and 3rd party applications are not included in the recovery image. You will need to
install them from the discs supplied with your system.
Installation from Drivers and Applications Restore (DAR) disc:
1. Insert the DAR disc in your DVD drive.
2. Select [Run Setup.exe] in "AutoPlay" dialog. If the "AutoPlay" dialog doesn't appear,
double-click on Setup.exe in the root folder of the DAR disc.
3. Click [Allow] in "User Account Control" dialog, then click [Continue].
4. Review the End User License Agreement. Select "I Agree", then click [Next].
5. Click [Select All], then click [Install Selected Subsystems].
6. After the components are installed, click [OK].
7. Click [OK] to reboot your system. You must save and close all of your documents at this
8. After the system has rebooted, start the DAR disc again following steps 1-4.
9. Review the list of the available components. Select and install the applications marked in
green by clicking [Install Selected Subsystems] button.
Please note that some components are optional and may not be installed in the system.
Installation from 3rd party discs:
Some of the applications might be provided on separate discs with your system in the box.
1. Insert a disc in your DVD drive.
2. Start the installation (typically by clicking Setup.exe).
3. Follow the installation wizard.