Fujitsu Lifebook S6420, LIFEBOOK S6520 Easy Manual

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Published by
Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, Edition 1 2009/04
Produced by XEROX Global Services
Innovative technology... 1 Important notes
Ports and operati
ng elements
Removing and installing components during servicing
Technical dat
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Innovativetechnology... ............................................................... 1
Notational conventions .................................................................. 2
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 3
Help ifproblemsoccur ................................................................... 3
Ports andoperatingelements ......................................................... 4
Notebook open . . . ...................................................................... 4
Left side ................................................................................ 5
Right side .............................................................................. 5
Rear ................................................................................... 6
Underside . . . . .......................................................................... 6
Switching on the notebook . . . . ........................................................... 7
Switching off the Notebook . . . ........................................................... 8
Status indicators ........................................................................ 9
Keycombinations ....................................................................... 12
Application keys ........................................................................ 14
Programming the application keys .................................................... 15
Camera (optional) . ...................................................................... 15
Removing andinstalling thebattery ....................................................... 16
Removing the battery ................................................................ 16
Installingbattery .................................................................... 17
Removing and installing the air lter ...................................................... 18
Air lter removal .................................................................... 18
Install air lter ...................................................................... 19
Module ................................................................................. 20
Removing a module . . . . . . ........................................................... 20
Installing a module .................................................................. 21
SIM card ............................................................................... 21
Inserting the SIMcard ............................................................... 21
Removing aSIM card ............................................................... 22
Radio components:UMTS (optional)/wireless LAN/Bluetoo th . . . ............................. 22
Switching the wireless components on and off . ........................................ 23
Security functions ....................................................................... 23
Brief overview ofsecurityfunctions ................................................... 24
g and installing components during servicing . .. . .............................
Notes on
installingand removing boards andcomponents ..................................
gand installingmemory modules ................................................
ngcover .....................................................................
ngmemorymodules ..........................................................
lling amemory module ..........................................................
hing thecover ..................................................................
Technicaldata ......................................................................... 29
Notebook . . ............................................................................. 29
Battery ................................................................................. 30
Mains adapter .......................................................................... 31
ex ..................................................................................
A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Innovative tech nology...
Innovative technology...
and ergonomic design make your LIFEBOOK S Series not ebook a user-friendly and reliable notebook.
Your notebook is available in several different versions. Most of the sections in this manual apply to a ll models – any differences are indicated separately. Some of the illustrations and features in this manual may differ from your model and are for guidance only.
Your operating system (e.g. Microsoft Windows) has already been preinstalled and optimally congured so that you can be up and running from the moment you switch on your note book for the rst time.
Your notebook features the very latest technology so that you get the best performance from your computing experience. Depending on the model, the following components may be included:
A module bay suitable for housing the following modules: a DVD Super Multi
Drive, a second battery, or a blind insert (Weight Saver)
a built-in camera for snapshots and video chats (optional)
USB ports for easy connection of printers, external hard drives, USB ash memory and much more
A PC c a rd slot for use with a type II PC car d
a memory card slot for quick transfer of digital pho tos, music and video clips onto your notebook
a SIM card s lot that can be used to operate a SIM card
An on-board audio controller and two stereo loudspeakers for true audio enjoyment. It is also
possible to connect a microphone and external speakers for even better performance. For mouse control, the notebook has a touchpad. Briey tou ching the touchpad twice
is all that is required to open an application, for example.
With the user-friendly BIOS Setup you can control the hardware of your notebook and better protect
your syst em against unauthorised access by using the powerful password features.
This Operating Manual tells you how to get your notebook up and running and how to operate it in daily use.
Further information on this notebook can be found in the following documentation:
In the "Professional Notebook" Operating Manual
In the "Safety" and "Warranty" manuals
In the documentation for the operating system
In informa tion les (e.g. *.TXT, *.DOC, *.WRI, *.HLP, *.PDF)
You c an nd information on accessories for your Notebook at
A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 1
Innovative t echnology...
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe these warnings could pose a risk to health, damage the device or lead to loss of data. The w arra nty will be invalidated if the device becomes defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informat
ion for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered usin
g the keyboard in a program dialogue or
command line, e.g. your pass
word ((Name123) or a command used to
start a program (start.ex
This font
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This f ont"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g . a web address: For more information, go to ""
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations of other materials, e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety" Manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do not switch off the d evice
2 A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Important notes
Important notes
Take note of the safety hints provided in the "Safety" m anual, in the "Professional Notebook" operating manual and in this manual.
Help if problems occur
Should you ever have a problem with your computer that you cannot solve yourself, in many cases
you can solve it quickly using the SystemDiagnostics prog ram pre-installed on your comput er.
To start the SystemDiagnostics programme, click on Startsymbol - Program -
Fujitsu Siemens Computers - SystemDiagnostics
To s t a r t t h e SystemDiagnostics programme, click on Startsymbol - Program
- Fujitsu - SystemDiagnostics.
If a problem is detected du
ring the test run, the System Diagnostics program outputs
a code (e.g. DIFS c ode YXXX
Take a note of this DIFS code and the ID number of your device. The ID number can
be found on the type rating plate on the back of the casing.
For further clarification o
f the problem, contact the Help Desk for your country (see the
Help Desk list or visit the
Internet at ""). For this, please have
ready the ID number & seri
al number of your system and the DIFS code.
A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 3
Ports and operating elements
Ports and operating elements
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. This will provide you with an overview of the ports and operating elements on the device. Please fam iliarise yourself with these compon ents before starting to work with yo ur device.
Notebook open
Camera(optional)MicrophoneLCDscreenLoudspeakerApplicationkeysStatusindicatorsLoudspeakerKeyboardTouchpadandtouchpadbuttonsFingerprintsensorScreen loc kLoudspeakerportMicrophoneportFireWireportON/OFFswitchforradiocomponents
1 = Camera (optional) 2 = Microphone 3 = LCD screen 4 = Loudspeaker 5 = Application keys 6 = ON/OFF switch 7 = Status indicators 8 = Keyboard
9 = Touchpad and touchpad buttons 10 = Fingerprint sensor 11 = Screen lock 12 = S-Video out socket 13 = Microphone port 14 = Loudspeaker port 15 = FireWire port 16 = ON/OFF switch for radio components
4 A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, edition 1
Ports and operating elements
Left side
LANportDC inputconnectorMonitorportPCcards lotPCcardejectbuttonInfraredi nterfaceMemorycardslot
12 3 4 5
1 = LAN port 2 = DC input connector (DC IN) 3 = Monitor port 4 = PC card slot
5 = PC card eject button 6 = Infrared interfac e 7 = Memory card slot
Right side
ModulebayOpticaldriveIn sert/ejectb uttonUSBportModemport
123 4 2
1 = Kensington Lock 2=USBports
3 = Modem port 4 = Module bay with optical drive
A26391-K273-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 5
+ 28 hidden pages