ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 Disk storage systems
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This manual describes how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to configure and manage a RAID system
using the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system, ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2 Disk
storage system, or ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 Disk storage system.
This manual is written for standard-level users who are familiar with the basic functions of the FUJITSU Storage
ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system, ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2 Disk storage system, or
ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 Disk storage system.
This manual is written for controller firmware version V10L50 or later. Some of the functions herein may not
be supported for firmware version V10L4x or earlier.
Note that the FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system, ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2
Disk storage system, and ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 Disk storage system are represented as ETERNUS DX
Disk storage system in this document.
Content and Structure
This manual contains the following six chapters and appendices:
● Chapter 1 Overview
This chapter introduces the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system Command Line Interface (CLI).
● Chapter 2 Status Display
This chapter explains the commands used for displaying the status details for the ETERNUS DX Disk storage
system as a whole, as well as for various ETERNUS DX Disk storage system components.
● Chapter 3 Configuration Settings and Display
This chapter explains the commands used for Thin Provisioning management, RAID group management,
volume management, and host interface management, these being the basic settings for the ETERNUS DX
Disk storage system.
Ninth Edition
August 2015
● Chapter 4 Function/System Settings and Display
This chapter explains the commands used for user account management, advanced copy management,
network management (Redundant IP/SNMP etc.), date and time/NTP, system configuration (Box ID,
Storage system name), power synchronization, and SSH/SSL security configuration.
● Chapter 5 Information Settings and Display
This chapter explains the commands used to provide performance data and a variety of other information.
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
● Chapter 6 CLI Original Function
This section explains the commands used by some original functions of the CLI environment.
The appendices describe "Error Messages", "List of Supported Commands", "Firmware Version Support for Commands", "Basic Settings", and "Default Value List".
Latest Information
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice for functionality expansion and
improvement of the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100
S2/DX8700 S2 Disk storage systems. The latest version of this manual and the latest information of the
ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 Disk
storage systems are released in the following web-site.
Access the following address if needed.
The following manuals contain further relevant information on the ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, the ETERNUS
DX410 S2/DX440 S2, and the ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2:
• ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system Overview
• ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Site Planning-
• ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Installation-
• ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Operation-
• ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2 Disk storage system Overview
• ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Site Planning-
• ETERNUS DX410 S2/DX440 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide -Installation & Operation-
• ETERNUS DX8100 S2/DX8700 S2 Disk storage system User's Guide
• ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems User's Guide -Server Connection- (*1)
*1:Download the necessary manuals to match the environment (such as the server OS and the Fibre Channel card
type) from the specified Web site. For the URL of the download site, refer to the Documentation CD that is
supplied with the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
• Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
• AIX is a trademark of IBM Corp.
• Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.
• HP-UX is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company in the United States and other countries.
• VMware, VMware logos, Virtual SMP, and VMotion are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
VMware, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
• VERITAS Volume Manager is a trademark of Symantec Corp. and its affiliated companies.
• The company names, product names and service names mentioned in this document are registered
trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
Additional Information
■Naming conventions
• Oracle Solaris might be described as Solaris, Solaris Operating System, or Solaris OS.
• The following abbreviations are used for Microsoft® Windows Server®.
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Datacenter
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 Standard
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 for Itanium-Based Systems
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 HPC Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Datacenter
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 HPC Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, Datacenter Edition
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, Standard Edition
Official nameAbbreviation
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2003Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003, Enterprise Edition
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
■Typographic conventions
[ ]Brackets indicate that the enclosed parameter is optional.[
[ | ]A separator within brackets indicates that only one of the
separated parameters can be specified.
{ | }A separator within braces indicates that only one of the
separated parameters must be specified.
Note that some cases, two or more parameters can be
specified by separating them with a comma.
• Italics are used to show variables such as values and characters that appear in command parameters and
output examples.
■Symbol conventions
The following symbols are used throughout this manual:
This symbol indicates restrictions and cautions for setting up and operating the
ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
This symbol indicates supplementary information about functions and methods
that may be useful when setting up and operating the ETERNUS DX Disk storage
1.2.1Command Format .......................................................................................................................................... 19
1.2.2Keywords and Parameters .............................................................................................................................19
1.2.4Alias Name Syntax ......................................................................................................................................... 20
1.2.5Thin Provisioning Pool Syntax ........................................................................................................................ 20
1.2.6Flexible Tier Pool Syntax ................................................................................................................................ 21
1.2.7Flexible Tier Sub Pool Syntax .........................................................................................................................21
1.2.8RAID Group Syntax ......................................................................................................................................... 22
1.2.11Affinity Group Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 24
1.2.14Host Interface Port Syntax .............................................................................................................................25
1.2.15Port Group Syntax .......................................................................................................................................... 26
1.2.16Host Group Syntax ......................................................................................................................................... 26
1.3Size of Devices and Logical Units ......................................................................................27
1.4Command Auto-complete and History Recall .................................................................... 27
2.1Storage System Status ...................................................................................................... 32
show status ..............................................................................................................................................33
show enclosure-status .............................................................................................................................. 34
show fru-ce ...............................................................................................................................................41
show fru-de ..............................................................................................................................................62
show disks ................................................................................................................................................ 64
show hardware-information ..................................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 3 Configuration Settings and Display69
3.1Thin Provisioning Pool Management ................................................................................ 69
3.1.1Thin Provisioning Pool ................................................................................................................................... 69
set thin-pro-license .................................................................................................................................. 71
show thin-pro-license ............................................................................................................................... 73
set thin-pro-pool ...................................................................................................................................... 77
show thin-pro-pools .................................................................................................................................79
show thin-pro-pool-progress .................................................................................................................... 81
format thin-pro-pool ................................................................................................................................ 85
3.1.2Thin Provisioning Pool ECO Management ...................................................................................................... 86
set eco-thin-pro-pool ...............................................................................................................................87
show flexible-tier-pools ............................................................................................................................ 94
show flexible-tier-pool-progress ..............................................................................................................97
set flexible-tier-sub-pool .......................................................................................................................... 99
show flexible-tier-sub-pools ................................................................................................................... 101
show balancing-flexible-tier-pools .........................................................................................................109
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Table of Contents
3.3RAID Group Management ............................................................................................... 111
3.3.1RAID Group ..................................................................................................................................................111
set raid-group ........................................................................................................................................ 114
show raid-groups ................................................................................................................................... 118
show raid-group-progress ......................................................................................................................120
set global-spare .....................................................................................................................................124
set dedicated-spare ................................................................................................................................126
set eco-mode .........................................................................................................................................129
show eco-mode ...................................................................................................................................... 130
set eco-schedule ....................................................................................................................................134
show eco-schedule ................................................................................................................................. 138
set eco-raid-group ..................................................................................................................................140
set volume .............................................................................................................................................149
show volumes ........................................................................................................................................153
show volume-progress ...........................................................................................................................158
show volume-mapping ..........................................................................................................................160
format volume .......................................................................................................................................162
show migration ......................................................................................................................................168
set flexible-tier-volume .......................................................................................................................... 178
format flexible-tier-volume .................................................................................................................... 180
set odx-mode .........................................................................................................................................187
show odx-mode ..................................................................................................................................... 188
3.5.1Host Interface Port Parameters ....................................................................................................................195
set fc-parameters ...................................................................................................................................196
show fc-parameters ................................................................................................................................ 200
set sas-parameters .................................................................................................................................204
show sas-parameters .............................................................................................................................206
set iscsi-parameters ...............................................................................................................................208
show iscsi-parameters ............................................................................................................................217
set fcoe-parameters ...............................................................................................................................220
show fcoe-parameters ............................................................................................................................223
set host-sas-address ............................................................................................................................... 235
set host-iscsi-name ................................................................................................................................ 243
3.5.3Affinity Groups ............................................................................................................................................. 251
set affinity-group ................................................................................................................................... 254
show affinity-groups .............................................................................................................................. 258
3.5.4LUN Groups .................................................................................................................................................. 260
set lun-group .........................................................................................................................................263
show lun-groups ....................................................................................................................................267
set host-path-state .................................................................................................................................269
show host-path-state ............................................................................................................................. 270
3.5.5Mapping (When Affinity Groups are Used) .................................................................................................. 272
set host-affinity ......................................................................................................................................273
show host-affinity ..................................................................................................................................279
3.5.6Mapping (When Host Affinity Mode is Not Used) ........................................................................................ 283
set mapping ........................................................................................................................................... 284
show mapping .......................................................................................................................................289
set host-response ................................................................................................................................... 292
show host-response ...............................................................................................................................297
3.5.8Host Sense Conversion ................................................................................................................................. 299
set host-sense ........................................................................................................................................300
show host-sense .....................................................................................................................................303
3.5.9Reset Group for Host Interface Port .............................................................................................................. 304
set ca-reset-group ..................................................................................................................................305
show ca-reset-group ............................................................................................................................... 306
3.5.10Ping Command for iSCSI hosts .....................................................................................................................307
test iscsi-ping .........................................................................................................................................308
3.5.11Port Groups .................................................................................................................................................. 310
set port-group ........................................................................................................................................ 312
show port-groups ................................................................................................................................... 315
3.5.12Host Groups .................................................................................................................................................317
set host-group ........................................................................................................................................320
show host-groups ...................................................................................................................................323
3.5.13Host LU QoS ................................................................................................................................................. 326
set host-lu-qos-mode ............................................................................................................................. 327
show host-lu-qos-mode .........................................................................................................................328
set lu-qos-group .....................................................................................................................................329
show lu-qos-groups ................................................................................................................................331
set host-lu-qos .......................................................................................................................................334
show host-lu-qos ....................................................................................................................................338
set lu-qos-schedule ................................................................................................................................343
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Table of Contents
show lu-qos-schedule ............................................................................................................................. 346
create role .............................................................................................................................................. 358
set role ...................................................................................................................................................359
delete role ..............................................................................................................................................360
show role ............................................................................................................................................... 361
create user .............................................................................................................................................362
set user ..................................................................................................................................................363
delete user ............................................................................................................................................. 364
show users .............................................................................................................................................365
show login-users ....................................................................................................................................366
set password ..........................................................................................................................................367
4.1.2RADIUS Server Settings ................................................................................................................................372
set radius ...............................................................................................................................................373
show radius ............................................................................................................................................ 376
show rec-path ........................................................................................................................................424
set rec-round-trip-time ........................................................................................................................... 434
set rec-multiplicity .................................................................................................................................435
set rec-buffer .......................................................................................................................................... 437
show rec-buffer ......................................................................................................................................442
set rec-disk-buffer ..................................................................................................................................445
show rec-disk-buffer ............................................................................................................................... 447
format rec-disk-buffer ............................................................................................................................449
set network ............................................................................................................................................452
show network ......................................................................................................................................... 458
set firewall .............................................................................................................................................463
show firewall .......................................................................................................................................... 466
set snmp ................................................................................................................................................469
show snmp ............................................................................................................................................. 471
set snmp-view ........................................................................................................................................ 478
set snmp-user ........................................................................................................................................485
show snmp-user ..................................................................................................................................... 489
show community-profile ........................................................................................................................496
set snmp-trap ......................................................................................................................................... 498
show snmp-trap .....................................................................................................................................501
test snmp-trap ....................................................................................................................................... 502
set email-notification ............................................................................................................................. 506
show email-notification .........................................................................................................................511
test email ............................................................................................................................................... 513
set event-notification ............................................................................................................................. 515
show event-notification .........................................................................................................................522
set lcd-suppress ...................................................................................................................................... 524
show lcd-suppress .................................................................................................................................. 526
set smi-s ................................................................................................................................................. 528
show smi-s .............................................................................................................................................529
set ais-connect .......................................................................................................................................542
show ais-connect ....................................................................................................................................547
set ais-connect-remote-session .............................................................................................................. 549
test ais-connect ...................................................................................................................................... 550
4.4.1Date, Time and NTP ..................................................................................................................................... 554
set date .................................................................................................................................................. 555
show date .............................................................................................................................................. 558
set ntp .................................................................................................................................................... 559
show ntp ................................................................................................................................................560
4.4.2ETERNUS DX Disk Storage System Name ...................................................................................................... 561
set storage-system-name ....................................................................................................................... 562
show storage-system-name ................................................................................................................... 563
set encryption ........................................................................................................................................565
show encryption ..................................................................................................................................... 566
4.4.4Box ID .......................................................................................................................................................... 567
set boxid ................................................................................................................................................568
show boxid ............................................................................................................................................. 569
set power-synchronization .....................................................................................................................571
show power-synchronization .................................................................................................................. 574
4.4.6Self-Encrypted Disk (SED) Authentication Settings ...................................................................................... 576
set sed-authentication ........................................................................................................................... 577
show sed-authentication ........................................................................................................................ 578
4.4.7Syslog Server Settings .................................................................................................................................. 579
set syslog-notification ............................................................................................................................580
show syslog-notification ......................................................................................................................... 582
set audit ................................................................................................................................................. 584
show audit .............................................................................................................................................586
4.4.9Key Management Server Linkage Function ..................................................................................................587
set sed-key-machine-name ....................................................................................................................589
show sed-key-machine-name ................................................................................................................590
set sed-key-server ..................................................................................................................................591
show sed-key-servers ............................................................................................................................. 592
set sed-key-group .................................................................................................................................. 596
4.4.10Shutdown/Restart System ............................................................................................................................ 603
5.1.1Performance Information ............................................................................................................................ 605
show performance .................................................................................................................................. 608
set raid-tuning .......................................................................................................................................617
show raid-tuning .................................................................................................................................... 619
set cache-parameters ............................................................................................................................. 620
show cache-parameters ......................................................................................................................... 622
5.2Event Log Information .................................................................................................... 623
show events ...........................................................................................................................................624
hot expansion ........................................................................................................................................ 628
show btu-date ........................................................................................................................................ 630
show remote-dir ..................................................................................................................................... 632
show panic-dump ................................................................................................................................... 644
5.3.6Configuration Information ........................................................................................................................... 645
show config-information ........................................................................................................................ 648
5.3.7Error Information ......................................................................................................................................... 649
show disk-error ...................................................................................................................................... 650
show port-error ......................................................................................................................................652
5.3.8Bad Data Information in Volumes ................................................................................................................ 655
show bad-data-info ................................................................................................................................656
show diagnosis ....................................................................................................................................... 659
set led .................................................................................................................................................... 666
show led ................................................................................................................................................. 667
show reservation .................................................................................................................................... 677
set clienv-force-unlock ...........................................................................................................................683
set clienv-idle-timeout ........................................................................................................................... 684
help ........................................................................................................................................................686
Appendix A Error Messages688
Appendix B List of Supported Commands703
B.1List of Supported Commands ........................................................................................... 703
B.2List of Supported Commands (Policies)............................................................................712
B.3List of Supported Commands (Default Roles)...................................................................722
Appendix C Firmware Version Support for Commands731
Appendix D Basic Setting Examples739
D.1Settings When Using Volumes .........................................................................................739
D.3.2Deleting Affinity Groups .............................................................................................................................. 747
D.3.3Deleting LUN Groups ................................................................................................................................... 748
D.3.4Deleting Port Groups ................................................................................................................................... 748
D.3.8Deleting RAID Groups .................................................................................................................................. 749
Appendix E Default Value List750
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1
ETERNUS DX Disk storage system command line interface (hereinafter referred to as "CLI") is installed in
controllers of the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system. CLI is used for performing settings and maintenance via
commands and command scripts.
This chapter describes the outlines for the CLI.
1.1Accessing CLI
The CLI software embedded in each ETERNUS DX Disk storage system controller module enables storage
systems to be configured, monitored, and managed. This may be done via LAN connection to the controller
module's Ethernet port, using telnet, an SSH application, or a terminal emulator on a remote administrator
client. For telnet connection, a user name and password are required. For SSH, in addition to a user name and
password, SSH public key authentication is also supported. For details, refer to the "import ssh-public-key"
Default IP address, user name, and password are as follows:
IP address:
user name:root
CLI will display the following pre-login message on the terminal:
ETERNUS login is required. [2010-01-01 05:38:00]
The date and time are the local values. However, this message may not be displayed when logged in with
SSH. This is due to the fact it depends on terminal software.
• Basically, a command name consists of a verb section and an object section (Example: "create volume").
However, there are also some commands that consist of one word (Example: "logoff" and "shutdown").
• A parameter consists of a parameter name section and an operand section. A parameter name is
appended with a hyphen (-) before it (Example: "-name").
• An operand is always required after a parameter name (Example: "-name abcdef").
1.2.2Keywords and Parameters
Command and parameter names are not case-sensitive and can be entered in either or both uppercase and
lowercase. Operands, however, are case-sensitive. Any of the printable ASCII codes 0x20 – 0x7e (hexadecimal
notation) are allowed as input characters. Note that the following additional restrictions apply:
• Question marks (?) cannot be used.
• When spaces ( ) are used as characters, they must be enclosed by double quotation marks (") (Example:
• When double quotation marks (") and single quotation marks (') are used as characters, they must be
backslash(\) escaped. Example: "\"
1.2.3Disk Syntax
The format that can used for disk drive numbers is either "xxyy" or "xyy". "xx" or "x" indicates the enclosure
number. "xx" indicates a 2-digit number for the enclosure number and "x" indicates a one digit number for the
enclosure number. When a 2-digit enclosure number is specified, the format "xxyy" must be used. When a 1digit enclosure number is specified, either format can be specified. For example, "1yy" can be specified for a 1digit number. However, if the format "xx" is used, 0 must be specified before the enclosure number. For
example, when an enclosure number is 1, "01yy" must be specified. For ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2, 00 or 0
indicates the controller enclosure. The "yy" is the disk drive number (a 2-digit decimal). For a 3.5" disk drive,
between 00 and 11 (a 2-digit decimal) can be specified for "yy". For a 2.5" disk drive, between 00 and 23 can
be specified for "yy".
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 The Command Syntax
Disk numbers can be combined as follows:
• A single disk number: 1003
• A list of disk numbers: 1003,004
• A hyphenated range of disk numbers from a to z: 0210-0211
• A list of disk numbers, disk ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not permitted before or after
commas: 0003,0006,010-011
1.2.4Alias Name Syntax
The format of an alias is a character string that has a maximum of 16 ASCII characters. Usable characters are
those given in "1.2.2 Keywords and Parameters" (page 19)
1.2.5Thin Provisioning Pool Syntax
of the document overview. Commas (,) cannot be
There are two methods for specifying Thin provisioning pool identifiers; Thin provisioning pool numbers or
Thin provisioning pool names.
• Thin provisioning pool number
A Thin provisioning pool number is automatically created by the system when a Thin provisioning pool is
created. This is a decimal number. Thin provisioning pool numbers can be displayed by using the "show
thin-pro-pools" command.
Thin provisioning pool numbers can be combined as follows:
- A single Thin provisioning pool number: 1
- A list of Thin provisioning pool numbers: 1,8,12
- A hyphenated range of Thin provisioning pool numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of Thin provisioning pool numbers, Thin provisioning pool ranges, or both, separated by commas.
Spaces are not permitted before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
• Thin provisioning pool name
A Thin provisioning pool name must be specified when creating a Thin provisioning pool. For details about
the syntax, refer to "1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
of Thin provisioning pool names. A Thin provisioning pool name and a Thin provisioning pool number
cannot both be specified in the same command. Do not include spaces before or after commas.
• Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
• Since Thin provisioning pools and Flexible Tier Sub Pools use the same resource, the same number and
name cannot be used for both a Thin provisioning pool and a Flexible Tier Sub Pool. If the Thin
Provisioning pool number or the Thin Provisioning Pool name that is specified for a command is already
used for an FTSP, the command is not executed.
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 The Command Syntax
1.2.6Flexible Tier Pool Syntax
There are two methods for identifying an entered Flexible Tier Sub Pool; Flexible Tier Pool numbers or Flexible
Tier Pool names.
• Flexible Tier Pool number
A Flexible Tier Pool number is automatically created by the system when a Flexible Tier Pool is created.
This is a decimal number. Flexible Tier Pool numbers can be displayed by using the "show flexible-tierpools" command.
Flexible Tier Pool numbers can be combined as follows:
- A single Flexible Tier Pool number: 1
- A list of Flexible Tier Pool numbers: 1,8,12
- A hyphenated range of Flexible Tier Pool numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of Flexible Tier Pool numbers, ranges, or both, separated by commas: 1,3,10-12
• Flexible Tier Pool name
A Flexible Tier Pool name must be specified when creating a Flexible Tier Pool. For details about the
syntax, refer to "1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
Flexible Tier Pool names. A Flexible Tier Pool name and a Flexible Tier Pool number cannot both be
specified in the same command. Do not include spaces before or after commas.
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
1.2.7Flexible Tier Sub Pool Syntax
There are two methods for identifying an entered Flexible Tier Sub Pool; Flexible Tier Sub Pool numbers or
Flexible Tier Sub Pool names.
• Flexible Tier Sub Pool number
A Flexible Tier Sub Pool number is automatically created by the system when a Flexible Tier Sub Pool is
created. This is a decimal number. Flexible Tier Sub Pool numbers can be displayed by using the "show
flexible-tier-sub-pools" command.
Flexible Tier Sub Pool numbers can be combined as follows:
- A single Flexible Tier Sub Pool number: 1
- A list of Flexible Tier Sub Pool numbers: 1,8,12
- A hyphenated range of Flexible Tier Sub Pool numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of Flexible Tier Sub Pool numbers, ranges, or both, separated by commas: 1,3,10-12
• Flexible Tier Sub Pool name
A Flexible Tier Sub Pool name must be specified when creating a Flexible Tier Sub Pool. For details about
the syntax, refer to "1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
of Flexible Tier Sub Pool names. A Flexible Tier Sub Pool name and a Flexible Tier Sub Pool number cannot
both be specified in the same command. Do not include spaces before or after commas.
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 The Command Syntax
• Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
• Since Thin provisioning pools and Flexible Tier Sub Pools use the same resource, the same number and
name cannot be used for both a Thin provisioning pool and a Flexible Tier Sub Pool. If the FTSP number or
FTSP name that is specified for a command is already used for a Thin Provisioning Pool, the command is
not executed.
1.2.8RAID Group Syntax
There are two methods for specifying RAID group identifiers; RAID group numbers or RAID group names.
• RAID group number
A RAID group number is automatically created by the system when a RAID group is created. This is a
decimal number. RAID group numbers can be displayed by using the "show raid-groups" command.
RAID group numbers can be combined as follows:
- A single RAID group number: 1
- A list of RAID group numbers: 1,8,12
- A hyphenated range of RAID group numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of RAID group numbers, RAID group ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not
permitted before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
• RAID group name
A RAID group name must be specified when creating a RAID group. For details about the syntax, refer to
"1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
names. A RAID group name and a RAID group number cannot both be specified in the same command. Do
not include spaces before or after commas.
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
1.2.9Volume Syntax
There are two methods to specify a volume identifier; a volume number or a volume name.
• Volume number
A volume number is automatically created by the system when a volume is created. This is a decimal
number. Volume numbers can be displayed by using the "show volumes" command.
Volume numbers may be combined as follows:
- A volume number: 1
- A list of volume numbers: 5,10
- A hyphenated range of volume numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of volume numbers, volume ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not permitted
before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of RAID group
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 The Command Syntax
• Volume name
A volume name must be specified when creating a volume. For details about the syntax, refer to "1.2.4
Alias Name Syntax" (page 20). Some commands accept a comma-separated list of volume names. A
volume name and a volume number cannot both be specified in the same command. Do not include
spaces before or after commas.
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
1.2.10Host Syntax
There are two methods to specify a host identifier; a host number or a host name.
• Host number
A host number is automatically created by the system when a host identifier or a host alias is registered.
This is a decimal number.
The following types of host identifier are available:
- Host WWN name (FC)
- SAS address (SAS)
- iSCSI host name (iSCSI)
The identifier can be displayed by using the following commands:
- "show host-wwn-names"
- "show host-sas-addresses"
- "show host-iscsi-names"
Host numbers may be combined as follows:
- A single host number: 1
- A list of host numbers: 2,3
- A hyphenated range of host numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of host numbers, host ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not permitted before or
after commas: 1,3,10-12
• Host name
A host alias must be specified when registering a host identifier. For details about the syntax, refer to
"1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
host name and a host number cannot both be specified in the same command. Do not include spaces
before or after commas.
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of host names. A
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 The Command Syntax
1.2.11Affinity Group Syntax
There are two methods to specify an affinity group identifier; an affinity group number or an affinity group
In GUI, "LUN group number" and "LUN group name" is respectively displayed instead of "affinity group
number" and "affinity group name".
• Affinity group number
An affinity group number is automatically created by the system when an affinity group is created. This is a
decimal number. Affinity group numbers can be displayed by using the "show affinity-groups" command.
Affinity group numbers can be combined as follows:
- A single affinity group number: 1
- A list of affinity group numbers: 2,8
- A hyphenated range of affinity group numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of affinity group numbers, affinity group ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not
permitted before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
• Affinity group name
An affinity group name must be specified when creating an affinity group. For details about the syntax,
refer to "1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
group names. An affinity group name and an affinity group number cannot both be specified in the same
command. Do not include spaces before or after commas.
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
1.2.12Host Response Syntax
There are two methods to specify a host response identifier; a host response number or a host response name.
• Host response number
The host response number can be assigned by the user. This is a decimal number. A host response number
of "#0" is the system default and it cannot be assigned by the user. However, the parameters for host
response #0 can be changed. Host response settings can be displayed by using the "show host-response"
Host response numbers may be combined as follows:
- A single host response number: 1
- A list of host response numbers: 2,5
- A hyphenated range of host response numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of host response numbers, host response ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not
permitted before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of affinity
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 The Command Syntax
• Host response name
A host response name must be specified when registering a host response. For details about the syntax,
refer to "1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
response names. A host response name and a host response number cannot both be specified in the same
command. Do not include spaces before or after commas.
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
1.2.13ECO Schedule Syntax
There are two methods to specify an ECO schedule identifier; an ECO schedule number or an ECO schedule
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of host
• ECO schedule number
A schedule number is automatically created by the system when an ECO schedule is created. This is a
decimal number. ECO schedule numbers can be displayed by using the "show eco-schedule" command.
ECO schedule numbers may be combined as follows:
- A single ECO schedule number: 1
- A list of ECO schedule numbers: 2,5
- A hyphenated range of ECO schedule numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of ECO schedule numbers, ECO schedule ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not
permitted before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
• ECO schedule name
An ECO schedule name must be specified when creating an ECO schedule. For details about the syntax,
refer to "1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
schedule names. An ECO schedule name and an ECO schedule number cannot both be specified in the
same command. Do not include spaces before or after commas.
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
1.2.14Host Interface Port Syntax
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of ECO
A fixed 3-digit "xyz" numbering format is used. "x" indicates the controller module (CM) number, "y" indicates
the channel adapter (CA) number, and "z" indicates the host interface port number. For example, "110"
indicates CM#1-CA#1-Port#0. Two or more parameters can be specified by separating them with a comma. To
indicate both CM#0-CA#0-Port#0 and CM#1-CA#1-Port#0, specify "-port 000,110".
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.2 The Command Syntax
1.2.15Port Group Syntax
There are two methods to specify an port group identifier; an port group number or an port group name.
• Port group number
An port group number is automatically created by the system when an port group is created. This is a
decimal number. Port group numbers can be displayed by using the "show port-groups" command.
Port group numbers may be combined as follows:
- A single port group number: 1
- A list of port group numbers: 2,8
- A hyphenated range of port group numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of port group numbers, port group ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not
permitted before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
• Port group name
An port group name must be specified when creating an port group. For details about the syntax, refer to
"1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
names. An port group name and an port group number cannot both be specified in the same command.
Do not include spaces before or after commas.
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of port group
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
1.2.16Host Group Syntax
There are two methods to specify an host group identifier; an host group number or an host group name.
• Host group number
An host group number is automatically created by the system when an host group is created. This is a
decimal number. Host group numbers can be displayed by using the "show host-groups" command.
Host group numbers may be combined as follows:
- A single host group number: 1
- A list of host group numbers: 2,8
- A hyphenated range of host group numbers from a to z: 2-5
- A list of host group numbers, host group ranges, or both, separated by commas. Spaces are not
permitted before or after commas: 1,3,10-12
• Host group name
An host group name must be specified when creating an host group. For details about the syntax, refer to
"1.2.4 Alias Name Syntax" (page 20)
names. An host group name and an host group number cannot both be specified in the same command.
Do not include spaces before or after commas.
. Some commands accept a comma-separated list of host group
Two or more parameters might not be able to be specified for several commands. For details, refer to the
command descriptions.
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.3 Size of Devices and Logical Units
1.3Size of Devices and Logical Units
The size of disks and logical units (such as RAID groups and volumes) are presented in base 2 (binary)
UnitSize in binary
Kilobyte (KB)1024 bytes
Megabyte (MB)1024KB (1,048,576 bytes)
Gigabyte (GB)1024MB (1,073,741,824 bytes)
Terabyte (TB)1024GB (109,951,162,776 bytes)
1.4Command Auto-complete and History Recall
CLI supports an auto-complete command function and also a command history recall function. When using
the auto-complete command function, if too few letters are entered to uniquely identify a keyword, the CLI
lists keywords that match the entered string and redisplays the string so it can be completed. The autocomplete function applies to a command name, a parameter name and an operand name. It does NOT apply
when two or more operands are used that are separated with a comma. Except for operand names, even if not
all the letters of the keyword are not entered, once enough letters are entered to identify a unique keyword, it
is handled as a complete character string.
The history contains all the commands entered in the active CLI session. A command from the history can be
recalled, edited, and run.
For details about usable keys, refer to "1.5 Command Editing Hotkeys" (page 28)
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.5 Command Editing Hotkeys
1.5Command Editing Hotkeys
The following table lists the CLI command editing functions:
Complete a partially entered keywordTab
Get previous command from historyUp Arrow, Ctrl-P, or Ctrl-p
Get next command from historyDown Arrow, Ctrl-N, or Ctrl-n
Move cursor leftLeft Arrow, Ctrl-B, or Ctrl-b
Move cursor rightRight Arrow, Ctrl-F, or Ctrl-f
Move back one wordEsc-B or Esc-b
Move forward one wordEsc-F or Esc-f
Move cursor to start of lineCtrl-A or Ctrl-a
Move cursor to end of lineCtrl-E or Ctrl-e
Transpose current and previous characterCtrl-T or Ctrl-t
Delete current characterCtrl-D or Ctrl-d
Delete previous characterCtrl-H or Ctrl-h
Delete word up to cursorCtrl-W or Ctrl-w
Delete rest of wordEsc-D or Esc-d
Delete text up to cursorCtrl-U or Ctrl-u
Delete the rest of a lineCtrl-K or Ctrl-k
Convert the rest of a word to uppercaseEsc-C or Esc-c
Convert the rest of a word to lowercaseEsc-L or Esc-l
Enter command and redisplay promptCtrl-Z or Ctrl-z
Refresh input lineCtrl-L or Ctrl-l
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.6 Viewing Command Help
1.6Viewing Command Help
By inputting a question mark (?) after the CLI command name or the parameter name, a brief description can
be displayed. By using the "help" command, the command syntax can also be displayed. For further
information, refer to the "help"
# If a question mark [?] is entered by itself, the entire verb list is displayed.
# If [s?] is entered, all the verbs beginning with "s" are displayed.
CLI> s?
set show start stop
# # If [show ?] is entered (note the space between the "show" and "?"), only the "show" command is
possible, so all the "show" command objects are displayed.
CLI> show ?
advanced-copy-licens - Display the Extended Advanced Copy license status.
advanced-copy-parame - Display the Advanced Copy parameters.
advanced-copy-policy - Display the currently registered Advance Copy policy.
advanced-copy-sessio - Display the list of Advance Copy sessions.
affinity-groups - Display a list of affinity groups or display the details of a specified affinity
... (snip)
# If [show m?] is entered, all the "show" command objects beginning with "m" are displayed.
CLI> show m?
mapping migration
# If [create raid-group ?] is entered (note the space between the "create raid-group" and "?"), the
parameters that can be specified for the "create raid-group" command are displayed.
# Bracketed parameters are optional. All other parameters are required.
# Bracketed parameters are optional. All other parameters are required.
CLI> create raid-group ?
-name - Name of a RAID group
-disks - Disks to use in the RAID group
-level - RAID level
[-assigned-cm] - Assigned controller for the RAID group
# Long parameters and command names are truncated at 20 characters, as in the following example.
# Note that one or more spaces are required before a question mark.
CLI> ?
[-host-response-num - Host response numbers to display details
[-host-response-nam - Host response names to display details
1.7Error Message Format
This section explains the CLI error messages format. When the CLI command ends normally, there is no output
on the terminal and the CLI prompt is returned to the next line. If an error occurs, an error message is
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
Chapter 1 Overview
1.8 Multiple Sessions
displayed. For further details of the error messages, refer to "Appendix A Error Messages" (page 688)
Error: E0019 Inconsistent parameter.
Note that there are messages without an error message number. The location of the error is indicated by a
circumflex (^). This will display where there is a syntax error. Check the input parameters and the error
message as indicated by the circumflex (^).
The following are examples.
CLI> create raid-group -a
Error: Missing parameter data
CLI> show disks -de 1 -de 2
1.8Multiple Sessions
A maximum of 16 CLI sessions can run on a single system simultaneously (including accesses with the
Software role). A session for an exclusive resource may conflict with a GUI session or another CLI session.
When a resource is locked by exclusive access control, the command terminates with an error message. If this
occurs, wait until the GUI session or another CLI session that uses the locked resource completes, and then
execute the command again. Resources can be forcibly released by using the "set clienv-force-unlock"
command. This is useful when a terminal is suddenly disconnected or unexpected errors occur.
1.9Slave Controller Logins
For dual controller ETERNUS DX Disk storage system models, at any given time one of the controllers is the
master and the other the slave. Normal logins are to the master controller, and are able to access all the
normal functions. However, if the master controller becomes inaccessible, a redundant IP address function is
available that allows a (reduced functionality) login to the slave controller. Slave controller login is only
possible if a redundant IP address has been preset, and only some of the "show" commands to check the
status of components are available. It also allows the "change master" command to be used to forcibly swap
the master-slave relationship of the two controllers. This command can only be used from the slave controller.
Commands that are not supported by the current login type will fail with an error message if attempted. For
further details, refer to "Appendix B List of Supported Commands" (page 703)
ETERNUS CLI User’s Guide
Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITEDP2X0-1030-09ENZ0
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