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This manual is printedonpaper treated with chlorine-free bleach.
This manual introduces the FUJITSU S torage ETERNUS CS800 enhanced data protection
system and provides information about:
●Features and Hardware
●System operations
●Web interface
●Basic troubleshooting
●Basic spare parts replacement procedures
This manual is written for ETERNUS CS800 system operators and system administrators.
This manual applies to the ETERNUS CS800 V2.3.1 software which supports the
ETENUS CS800 S5 hardware. For hardware related topics for an ETERNUS
CS800 S2/S3/S4 system, please continue to use the appropriate manual.
It is useful for the audience to have a basic understanding of Windows, Linux, and
UNIX® as well as backup/recovery systems.
Document Organization
Following is a brief description of chapter contents.
●Chapter "Important Information" provides essential information regarding safety when
working on your ETERNUS CS800.
●Chapter "System Description" provides an overview of the ETERNUS CS800 system.
●Chapter "Hardware Description and Basic Operations" describes the hardware compo-
nents of the ETERNUS CS800 system and instructions for turning on/off the system.
●Chapter "Installing the Rack",
Chapter "Installing the ETERNUS CS800 S5 Modules",
Chapter "Initial Configuration, Connecting with the Network" describe all steps to install
the hardware for the ETERNUS CS800 S5 system an d the initial software configuration.
●Chapter "Remote Management" describes how to use the management pages to
control the system remotely, and gives an overview over the management pages.
●Chapter "Configuration Wizards" describes how to use the wizards that provide
guidance for setting up the CS800.
●Chapter "Home Page" describes the information that appears on the Home p age of the
remote management console.
●Chapter "Configuration" describes in detail the configuration of the system.
●Chapter "Replication" describes the remote replication capabilities of the ETERNUS
●Chapter "Status",
Chapter "Alerts",
Chapter "Utilities" describe the ETERNUS CS800 system management pages related
to the menu items Status, Alerts, and Utilities.
●Chapter "Troubleshooting" de scribes problems you may face and how to resolve them.
●Chapter "Removal and Replacement Procedures for CRUs" describes how the
Customer can exchange Customer Replaceable Units.
●Chapter "Storage Exp ansion" describes how additional storage modules are introduced
●Glossary provides definitions of terms used in this guide.
16 U41840-J-Z125-7-76
Notational Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
A note emphasizes important information related to the main topic.
Data sizes are reported in base 1000 rather than base 1024.
For example: 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes, 1 TB = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
A caution indicates potential hazards to equipment or data.
A warning indicates potential hazards to personal safety.
Related Documents
The following documents are also available for ETERNUS CS800 systems:
Order NumberDocument TitleDocument Description
A26361-F1452-Z253-6-8N19Safety Notes and RegulationsLists Fujitsu’s general
U41841-J-Z125-7-76 ETERNUS CS800 S5
U41848-J-Z125-4-76ETERNUS CS800 S4
U41853-J-Z125-4-76ETERNUS CS800 S4
Command Line Interface
Advanced Reporting
OST Guide
Online Help
safety and regulatory information.
Provides information about
the command line interface.
Provides information about
performance data logging
and visual reporting
Provides information for
setting up the ETERNUS
CS800 S5 for OST
operation with NetBackup
and Backup Exec.
Provides task-oriented
information for the Remote
Management GUI.
Support and Help
Where to Find Information
Product information and
ETERNUS CS800 manuals
Release notes
Downloads and Software
Technical Support
The ETERNUS CS800 system includes AIS real-time support via remote access
(see "AIS Connect" on page 345).
The Support section of the Fujitsu web site provides links with contact information and information about available support programs:
If you have an active support agreement, you may contact your service provider.
If you do not have an active support agreement, contact your Fujitsu sales representative
Support phone+49-180-54040
Support fax+49-180-5336779
Your Comments
Your suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall
quality of the user publications. Please send your opinion of this document to:
If you have issues, comments, or questions about specific information or procedures,
please include the title and, if available, the part number, the page numbers, and any other
details that will help us locate the subject you are addressing.
In this chapter you find essential information regarding safety when working on the
hardware of your system.
Safety Instructions
This system meets the relevant safety regulations for IT equipment. If you have any
questions about whether you can install the ETERNUS CS800 system in the intended
environment, please contact your sales outlet or our customer service team.
For safety instructions see also the manual Safety notes and other important
●The actions described in this manual shall be performed by technical
●Some components of the ETERNUS CS800 system may be replaced by the
●Any failure to observe the guidelines in this manual, and any improp e r re pairs
Before Starting up
specialists. A technical specialist is a person who is trained to install the system
including hardware and software.
customer if they fail. These components are called Customer Replaceab le Units
(CRUs). Other units may not be replaced by the customer. Please note that
unauthorized interference with the system will void the warranty and exempt the
manufacturer from all liability.
could expose the user to risks (electric shock, energy hazards, fire hazards) or
damage the equipment.
●During installation and before operating the device, ob serve the instructions on
environmental conditions for your device.
●If the system has been moved from a cold environment, conden sation may form
both inside and on the outside of the machine.
●Wait until the system has acclimatized to room temperature and is absolutely
dry before starting it up. Material damage may be caused to the system if this
requirement is not met.
U41840-J-Z125-7-76 19
Safety InstructionsImportant Information
Installation and Operation
●This unit should not be operated in ambient temperatures above 35 °C.
●If the unit is integrated into an installation that draws power from an industrial
power supply network with an IEC309 connector, the power supply's fuse
protection must comply with the requirements for non-industrial power supply
networks for type A connectors.
●The unit automatically adjusts itself to a mains voltage in a range of 100-240 V
(50-60 Hz). Ensure that the local mains voltage lies within these limits.
●This device must only be connected to pr operly g rounded shock-p roof socket s
or insulated sockets of the rack's internal power supply with tested and
approved power cables.
●Ensure that the device is connected to a grounded shockproof socket close to
the device.
●Ensure that the power sockets on the device and the grounded shockproof
sockets are freely accessible.
●The ON/OFF button or the main power switch (if present) does not isolate the
device from the mains power supply . T o disconnect it completely from the mains
power supply, unplug all network power plugs from the grounded shockproof
●Always connect the system components and the attached peripherals to the
same power circuit. Otherwise you run the risk of losing dat a if, for example, the
ETERNUS CS800 server unit is still running but a storage subsystem fails
during a power outage.
●Data cables must be adequately shielded.
●The EN 50173 and EN 50174-1/2 standards apply for LAN cabling. The
minimum requirement is the use of a category 5 screened LAN cable for
10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet, or a category 5e cable for Gigabit Ethernet. The
requirements from the ISO/IEC 11801 specification must also be met.
●Route the cables in such a way that they do not create a potential ha zard (make
sure no-one can trip over them) and that they cannot be damaged.
●Never connect or disconnect data transmission lines during a storm (risk of
lightning strike).
●Make sure that no objects (e.g. jewelry , paperclips etc.) or liquids can get inside
the system (risk of electric shock, short circuit).
20 U41840-J-Z125-7-76
Important InformationSafety Instructions
●In emergencies (e.g. damaged casing, controls or cables, penetration of liq uids
or foreign bodies), switch off the system immediately, remove all power plugs
and contact your sales outlet or customer service team.
●Proper operation of the system (in accordance with IEC 60950-1/ EN 60950-1)
is only ensured if the casing is completely assembled (electric shock, cooling,
fire protection, interference suppression).
●Only install system expansions that satisfy the requirements and rules
governing safety and electromagnetic compatibility and those relating to
telecommunication terminals. If you install other expansions, they may damage
the system or violate the safety regulations. Information on which system
expansions are approved for installation can be obtained from our customer
service center or your sales outlet.
●The components marked with a warning notice (e.g. lightning symbol) may only
be opened, removed or exchanged by authorized, qualified personnel.
Exception: CRU (Customer Replaceable Units) components can be replaced.
●The warranty is void if the system is damaged during installation or r eplacement
of system expansions.
●Only set screen resolutions and refresh rates that are specified in the o perating
manual for the monitor . Oth erwise, you may damage you r monitor. If you are in
any doubt, contact your sales outlet or customer service center.
Working with CDs/DVDs and CD/DVD Drives
When working with devices with CD/DVD drives, these instructions must be followed.
U41840-J-Z125-7-76 21
●Only use CDs/DVDs that are in perfect condition in your server's CD/DVD drive,
in order to prevent data loss, equipment damage and injury.
●Check each CD/DVD for damage, cracks, breakages etc. before inserting it in
the drive.
Note that any additional labels applied may change the mechanical properties
of a CD/DVD and cause imbalance.
Damaged and imbalanced CDs/DVDs can break at high drive speeds (data
Under certain circumstances, sharp CD/DVD fra gments can pierce the cover of
the CD/DVD drive (equipment damage) and can fly out of the device (danger of
injury, particularly to uncovered body parts such as the face or neck).
Safety InstructionsImportant Information
Y ou can preve nt mechanical damage and damage to the CD/DVD drive, as well as
premature CD/DVD wear, by observing the following suggestions:
●Only insert CDs/DVDs in the drive when needed and remove them after use.
●Store the CDs/DVDs in suitable sleeves.
●Protect the CDs/DVDs from exposure to heat and direct sunlight.
Laser Information
The FC HBAs (Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters) comply with IEC 60825-1 laser class 1.
Class 1M Laser Product (PRO/10GbE SR Server Adapter)
●The laser device must be factory serviced ONLY by the responsible manufac-
●Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other th an those
turer! NO adjustments, service or maintenance is to be performed otherwise.
specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
●Incorrect replacement of batteries may lead to a risk o f explosion. The batteries
may only be replaced with identical batteries or with a type recommended by
the manufacturer (see the technical manual for the system board).
●Do not throw batteries into the trash can. They must be disposed of in accor-
dance with local regulations concerning special waste.
●The battery must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations
concerning special waste.
●Replace the lithium battery on the system board in accordance with the instruc-
tions in the technical manual for the system board.
●All batteries containing pollutants are marked with a symbol (a crossed-out
garbage can). In addition, the marking is provided with the che mical symbol of
the heavy metal decisive for the classification as a pollut ant:
Cd Cadmium
Hg Mercury
Pb Lead
22 U41840-J-Z125-7-76
Important InformationSafety Instructions
Modules with Electrostatic-Sensitive Devices
Modules with electrostatic-sensitive devices are identified by the following sticker:
Figure 1: ESD label
When you handle components fitted with ESDs, you must always observe the following
●Switch off the system and remove the power plugs from the power outlets before
installing or removing components with ESDs.
●You must always discharge static build-up (e.g. by touchin g a gro unded ob ject) be fore
working with such components.
●Any devices or tools that are used must be free of electrostatic charge.
●Wear a suitable ground ing cable that connects you to the external chassis of the system
●Always hold components with ESDs at the edges or at the point s marked gree n (touch
●Do not touch any connectors or conduction paths on an ESD.
●Place all the components on a pad which is free of electrostatic charge.
For a detailed description of how to handle ESD components, see the relevant
European or international standards (EN 61340-5-1, ANSI/ESD S20.20).
Notes on Cleaning the Devices
U41840-J-Z125-7-76 23
●Switch the device off and disconnect the power plugs from the groun ded shock-
proof sockets.
●Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician.
●Do not use any cleaning agents that contain abrasives or may corrode plastic.
FCC Class A Compliance StatementImportant Information
●Ensure that no liquid enters the system. Ensure that the ventilation areas of the
device are clear.
Wipe the device casing with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth that has been
moistened in a mild domestic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
Other Important Information
Keep all documentation (documentation CD, poster; accompanying documentation if
delivered with special components) close to the device. All documentation must be included
if the equipment is passed on to a third party.
FCC Class A Compliance Statement
If there is an FCC statement on the device, then:
The following statement applies to the products covered in this manual, unless otherwise
specified herein. The statement for other products will appear in the accompanying
This is a class A product. In a domestic environmen t this prod uct may cause radio
interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a "Class A"
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and meets all requirements of
the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Standard ICES-003 for digital
apparatus. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in strict
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no warranty that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equip ment does cause harm ful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmen t off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
●Increase the separation between equipment and the receiver.
●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
24 U41840-J-Z125-7-76
Important InformationNotes on Transporting the Devices
●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Fujitsu is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by
unauthorized modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of
connecting cables and equipment other th an thos e specified by Fujitsu. The
correction of interferences caused by such unauthorized modification, substitution
or attachment will be the responsibility of the user.
The use of shielded I/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any
and all optional peripheral devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC and ICES
Notes on Transporting the Devices
●Only transport the devices in their original packaging or in packaging that
protects them from impacts and jolts. Do not unpack the devices until they are
at their installation location.
●If you need to lift or transport the ETERNUS CS800 devices, ask other people
to help you.
●Never lift or carry the devices by the handles on the front panel.
Notes on Installing Devices in the Rack
●Never lift the devices into the rack using the handles on the front panel.
●For safety reasons, not more than one unit may be u nlocked or pulled out of the
rack at a time, otherwise the rack may tip over.
This is illustrated by the following pictogram:
U41840-J-Z125-7-76 25
Environmental ProtectionImportant Information
●If necessary, have other people help you mount the individual components in
the rack because of the weight involved.
●When connecting and disconnecting cab le s, ob se rv e the rele va nt instr uc tio ns
in the "Important Information" chapter of the technical manual for the corresponding rack. The technical manual is supplied with the corresponding rack.
●Route cables in such a way that they do not form a potential hazard (make su re
no one can trip over them) and that they cannot be damaged.
●The rack must be connected to the power supply by an authorized electrician
approved by the local utility company.
●If the rack model is integrated into an installation that draws power from an
industrial power supply network with an IEC309 type connector, the power
supply's fuse protection must comply with the requirements for non-industrial
power supply networks for the type A connector.
●An ETERNUS CS800 configuration can carry a leakage current > 3.5 mA.
Therefore, a ground connection must be established before connecting to the
Environmental Protection
Environmentally-friendly Product Design and Development
This product has been designed in accordance with the Fujitsu standard for "environmentally friendly product design and development". This means that key factors such as
durability, selection and labeling of materials, emissions, packaging, ease of dismantling
and recycling have been taken into account.
This saves resources and thus reduces the harm done to the environment.
Energy-saving Information
Devices that do not need to be constantly switched on should be switched off until th ey are
needed as well as during long breaks and after completion of work.
Packaging Information
Do not throw away the packaging. You may need it later for transporting the system. If
possible, the equipment should only be transported in its original packaging.
26 U41840-J-Z125-7-76
Important InformationEnvironmental Protection
Information on Handling Consumables
Please dispose of printer consumables and batteries in accordance with the applicable
national regulations.
In accordance with EU directives, batteries must not be disposed of with unsorted domestic
waste. They can be returned free of charge to the manufacturer, dealer or an authorized
agent for recycling or disposal.
All batteries containing pollutants are marked with a symbol (a crossed-out garbage can).
They are also marked with the chemical symbol fo r the heavy metal that causes them to be
categorized as containing pollutants:
Cd Cadmium
Hg Mercury
Pb Lead
Labels on Plastic Casing Parts
Please avoid sticking your own labels on plastic par ts wherever p ossible, since this make s
it difficult to recycle them.
Returns, Recycling and Disposal
The device must not be disposed of with domestic waste. This
device is labeled in compliance with European directive
2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment
This directive sets the framework for returning and re cyc ling
used equipment and is valid across the EU. When returning you r
used device, please use the return and collection systems
available to you. Further information can be found at
Details regarding the return and recycling of devices and consumables within Europe can
also be found in the "Returning used devices" manual, via your local Fujitsu branch or from
our recycling center in Paderborn:
Recycling Center
D-33106 Paderborn
Tel. +49 5251 8 18010
Fax +49 5251 8 333 18010
U41840-J-Z125-7-76 27
Environmental ProtectionImportant Information
28 U41840-J-Z125-7-76
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