Fujitsu ESPRIMO X913, ESPRIMO X913-T, FUTRO X913, FUTRO X913-T, ESPRIMO X956 Operating Manual

Operating Manual
ESPRIMO X913 / X913-T
FUTRO X913 / X913-T
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Published by / Contact address in the EU
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u Technology Solutions GmbH 2013. All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Order No.: A26361-K1065-Z320-1-7619, edition 3
ESPRIMO X913 / X913-T
FUTRO X913 / X913-T
Operating Manual
Ports and operating elements 7
Important notes 12
Getting started 19
Operation 31
Troubleshooting and tips 52
Technical data 58
Index 59
Information on the product description meets the design specications of Fujitsu and is provided for comparison purposes. Several factors may cause the actual results to differ. Technical data is subject to change without prior notication. Fujitsu rejects any responsibility with regard to technical or editorial mistakes or omissions.
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and FUTRO are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited or its subsidiaries in the United States of America and other countries.
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No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or translated without the prior written consent of Fujitsu.
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YourESPRIMO / FUTRO ................................................................ 5
Validityofthe ReferenceManual ......................................................... 5
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 5
Notational conventions .................................................................. 6
Ports and operating elem
ents .........................................................
Front ................................................................................... 7
Leftside ................................................................................ 8
Right-hand side . . . ...................................................................... 9
Rearside(FUTRO) ..................................................................... 10
Rearside(ESPRIMO) ................................................................... 11
Important notes ........................................................................ 12
Generalsafety notes .................................................................... 12
Safetynotes for thesystem .............................................................. 13
Powercable ............................................................................ 14
Transporting thedevice .................................................................. 14
Cleaningthe device ..................................................................... 14
Energysaving, disposalandrecycling .................................................... 14
Explanatory information about standard ISO 9241 -307 . .................................... 15
CEmarking ............................................................................ 16
FCCCompliance Statement ............................................................. 17
FCCClassB ComplianceStatement .................................................. 17
FCCRadiation ExposureStatement .................................................. 17
Disposaland recycling .................................................................. 18
Getting star
ted .........................................................................
Unpacking an
dcheckingthe delivery .....................................................
Steps for ini
tialsetup ....................................................................
Setting up t
hedevice ....................................................................
Setting up a
n ergonomic video workstation ............................................
Setting up
thePC ...................................................................
height .....................................................................
gtheinclination ..............................................................
ngthepower cable .............................................................
ngexternaldevices .............................................................
ingthecables ...............................................................
ectingthecables ............................................................
Ports on
thedevice ..................................................................
tingaUSB mouse ............................................................
ting a USB keyboard . . .......................................................
ctingexternaldevices totheUSB ports .........................................
ctinganexternal monitor .......................................................
ctingexternalaudio devices ....................................................
chingonfortherst time: installingthe software .......................................
chingthedevice on ..............................................................
allingthesoftware ...............................................................
Operation .............................................................................. 31
Switchthedevice on .................................................................... 31
Switchingoffthedevice ................................................................. 31
Activatingpower-saving mode ........................................................ 31
Fujitsu 3
LCDscreen ............................................................................ 32
Changing the monitor settings with the buttons of the control panel . . . ................... 32
Changing the monitor settings using the OSD menu . . .................................. 34
Adjustingthebrightness andcontrast ................................................. 35
Selectingtheapplication mode ....................................................... 36
Adjustingthepicture sizeand position ................................................ 36
Settingcolourtemperatureandcolours ................................................ 36
Settingfunctions .................................................................... 37
Displayinginformation ............................................................... 37
Notes on ergonomic colour adjustment . . . ............................................. 38
Preset opera ting modes . ............................................................ 38
Most frequent operating modes . . . . . . ................................................. 39
Indicatorsonthe device ................................................................. 40
Keyboard ............................................................................... 41
Important keys and keyboard shortcuts . . . ............................................. 41
Webcam module (optional) . . ............................................................ 43
Yourwebcam module ................................................................ 43
Presencesensor ........................................................................ 45
Wireless LAN/Bluetooth radio components (optional) . . . . . .................................. 46
Switching the wireless components on and off ......................................... 46
Power over Ethernet module for FUTR O X913/X913-T (optional) . . .......................... 47
SettingsinBIOS SetupUtility ............................................................ 48
StartingtheBIOS SetupUtility ........................................................ 48
OperatingBIOS SetupUtility ......................................................... 49
ExitingBIOS Setup Utility ............................................................ 49
Propertyanddata protection ............................................................. 49
UsingtheSecurity Lock .............................................................. 49
BIOSSetup security functions ........................................................ 50
SmartCard reader (optional) . . ........................................................ 51
Troubleshooting andtips .............................................................. 52
Helpifproblems occur ................................................................... 52
Troubleshooting . . ....................................................................... 52
Power-onindicator remainsunlitafter youhaveswitched onyourdevice ................. 52
The device cannot be switched off with the ON/OFF switch. . . .......................... 53
Monitorremains blank ............................................................... 53
Theexternalmonitor remainsblank ................................................... 54
Theexternalmonitor isblank or theimage is unstable .................................. 54
Nomouse pointer displayedon the screen ............................................ 55
Time and/or date is not correct . . . . . . ................................................. 55
SmartCard reader is not recognised. . ................................................. 55
SmartCardPIN forgotten ............................................................. 55
SmartCardlost ...................................................................... 56
User and/or supervisor SmartCard lost . . ............................................. 56
Errormessages on thescreen ........................................................ 56
Installingnewsoftware .................................................................. 56
Restoringthehard diskcontents ......................................................... 56
Tips .................................................................................... 57
Technicaldata ......................................................................... 58
Index .................................................................................. 59
4 Fujitsu
... is available with various conguration levels which differ in terms of hardware and software equipment.
This manual tells you how to start using your device and how to operate it in daily use. This manual applies for all c onguration levels. Depending on the cho sen conguration level, some of the hardware components described may not be ava ilable on your PC. Please also read the notes about your operating system.
Depending on the selected co nguration, the operating system is preinstalled on your hard disk. Further information on this device is provided:
in the "Quick Start Guide" poster
in the "Safety/regula
tions" manual
in the "Warranty" manual
in the op erating ma
nual for the monitor
in the manual for the mainboard
in your operating
system documentation
in the information les (e.g. *.PDF, *.H T ML, *.DOC, *.CH M, *.TXT, *.HLP)
Some of the manuals listed can be found in electronic form on the "Drivers & Utilities" DVD. You can access and view the required information using the Acrobat Reader
program, which is also included on the DVD. You can of course also print out a copy of the manual if you prefer.
This Reference Manual is valid for the following systems:
Further information
For ergonomic reasons, we recommend a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. Because of the technology used (a ctive matrix) an LCD monitor provides a totally
icker-free picture even with a refresh rate of 60 Hz.
Fujitsu 5
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe these warnings could pose a risk to health, damage the device or lead to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informa
tion for the proper use of the device .
Indicates an activity t hat must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data e ntered
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the command line, e.g.
your password (Name123) or a command used to
start a program (star
This font
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external s ource, e.g. a web address: For more information, go to ""
Names of CD s, DVDs and titles or designations for other materials, e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety/Regulations" manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms a nd texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do not switch off th e device
6 Fujitsu
Ports and operating elements
Ports and operating elements
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. This will provide you with an overview of the ports and operating elements on the device. Please familiarise yourself with these components before starting to work with your device.
ons for the OSD menu
FF switch
Fujitsu 7
Ports a nd operating elements
Left side
1 2
1 = SmartCard reader 2 = USB ports (ESPRIMO: USB 3.0,
FUTRO: USB 2 .0)
3 = Microphone port 4 = Headphones port
8 Fujitsu
Ports and operating elements
Right-hand side
1 = Security Lock device / BIOS
Recovery bu tton
The internal BIOS Recovery button can be actuated through the Security Lock device and protected against misuse by securing the Kensington lock.
Fujitsu 9
Ports a nd operating elements
Rear side (FUTRO)
1 45672 3 98
1 = Power connection (AC IN) 2 = PS/2 mouse port 3 = PS/2 keyboard port 4 = Serial port 5 = DVI-I monitor port
6 = USB ports (USB 2.0) 7 = LAN port 8 = Webcam slot device 9 = Security Lock device
10 Fujitsu
Ports and operating elements
Rear side (ESPRIMO)
1 245 763
1 = Power connection (AC IN) 2 = DVI-I monitor port 3 = USB ports (USB 3.0) 4 = USB ports (USB 2.0)
5 = LAN port 6 = Webcam slot d evice 7 = Security Lock device
Fujitsu 11
Important notes
Important notes
In th is chapter you will nd information regarding safety which it is essen tial to take note of when working with your device.
General safety notes
Please note the informat
ion provided in the "Safety/regulations" manual
ty notes.
When installing and ope
rating the device, please observe the notes on
environmental conditi
ons in Chapter "
Technical data", Page 58 as well as
the instructions in Cha
pter "
Getting started", Page 19.
When setting up the dev
ice, make sure there is clearance all around it so that
the casing r eceives
enough ventilation. In order to avoid overheating, do not
cover the ventilati
on areas of the monitor or the device.
You must only opera
te the device if the rated vo ltage used by the
device is set to the
local mains voltage.
You m ust remove the
power plug f rom the power socket so that the
mains voltage is c
ompletely disconnected.
Caution, compone
nts in the system can get very hot.
The activities
described in these instructions must always be
performed with
the greatest care.
Repairs to the
device must only be performed by qualied technicians.
Incorrect rep
airs could put the user at great risk or cause serious damage
to the equipme
nt (electric shock, risk of re).
Only op erate
the device with the casing closed.
12 Fujitsu
Important notes
Safety notes for the system
This device co mplies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment, including electronic o fce machines for use in an ofce environment. If you have any questions about whether the device can be used in the intended environment, please contact your sales ofce or our Service Desk.
The display surface of the device is sensitive to pressure and scratches. You should therefore be careful with the display surface in order to avoid lasting damage (scratches).
If the device is brought into the installation site from a cold environment, condensation can form. Before op erating the device, wait until it is absolutely dry and has reach ed approximately the same temperature as the installation site.
When installing and operating the device, please observe the notes on ambient conditions in "
Technical data", Page 58 and the instructions in "Setting up
an ergonomic video workstation", Page 20.
To ensure sufcient ventilation, the air inlet and outlet openings of the device mu st be kept clear.
The device automatically sets itself to the correct voltage within the range from 100 V to 240 V. Make sure that the local mains voltage is neither higher nor lower than this range.
Ensure that the po wer socket on the device and the mains outlet are freely accessible.
The ON/OFF switch does not disconnect the monitor from the mains v oltage. To disconnect fully from the mains supply, disconnect the power plug from the socket.
The device is equipped with a power cable that complies with safety standards.
Use the supplied power cable only.
Lay the cables in such a way tha t they do not create a hazard (danger of tripping) and cannot be damaged. When connecting the device, observe the relevant notes in chapter "
Connecting extern al devices", Page 25.
No data transfer cables should be connected or disconnected during a thunderstorm.
Make sure that no objects (e.g. jewe llery chains, paper clips, etc.) or liquids get inside the device (danger of electric shock, short circuit).
The device is not waterproof! N ever immerse the device in w ate r and protect it from spray water (rain, sea water).
In an emergency (e.g. damaged casing, operation controls or cables, penetration of liquids or foreign matter), switch off the device, disconnect the power plug and contact your sales outlet or our Service Desk.
Repairs to the device must only be performed by qua lied technicians. Unauthorised opening and incorrect repair may greatly endanger the user (electric shock, re risk ).
Only use the screen resolution settings an d refresh rates specied in C hapter
Technical data", Page 58. Otherwise you may damage the device. If you are in
any doubt, con tact your sales outlet or our Help Desk.
Use a screen saver with moving images and activate the power management for your monitor to prevent still images from "burning in".
We recommend that you place your device on a durable, non-slip surface. In view of the many different nishes and varnishes used on furniture, it is possible that the feet of the device may mark the surface they stand on.
Fujitsu 13
Important notes
Power cable
Use the supplied power cable only. Use the following guidelines if it is nece ssary to replace the original cable set.
The female/male receptacles of the cord set must meet IEC60320/CEE-22 requirements.
The cable has to be HAR-certied or VDE-certied. The mark HAR or VDE will appear on the outer sheath.
For devices which are mounted on a desk or table, type SVT or SJT cable sets may be used. For devices which sit on the oor, only SJT type cable sets may be used.
The cable set must be selected according to the rated current for your device.
If necessary, replace the original power cable with a regular grounded 3-core mains lead.
Transporting the device
Transport all parts separately in their original packaging or in a packaging which protects them from knocks and jolts, to the new site.
Do not unpack them until all transportation manoeuvres are completed. If the device is brought from a cold environment into the room where it will be
used, condensation m ay occur. To avoid damaging the device, wait until it has reached room temperature and is absolutely dry before initial startup.
Cleaning the device
Turn off all power and equipment switches and disconnect the power plug from the mains outlet.
Do not clean any interior parts yourse lf, leave this job to a service technician. Do not use any cleaning agents that contain abrasives or may corrode
plastic (alcohol, thinner or acetone). Never clean the device with water! Water entering into th e device could
present a serious risk to users (e.g. electric shock). Ensure that no liquid enters the system . The surface of the m onitor is sensitive to pressure and scratches. Clean
it only u sing a soft, slightly moistened cloth.
The surface can be cleaned with a d ry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth that has been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
Use disinfectant wipes to clean the keyboard and the mouse.
Energy saving, disposal and recycling
You ca
n nd information on these subjects in chapte r "
Activating power-saving
", Page 31, on the "Drivers & Utilities", the recovery DVD or on our website
14 Fujitsu
Important notes
Explanatory information about standard ISO 9241-307
Permanently unlit or lit pixels
Today’s production techniques cannot guarantee an absolutely fault-free screen display. Depending on the total number of pixels (resolution), there may be a few constantly lit or u nlit pixels or subpixels.
A pixel consists of 3 subpixe
ls, normally red, green and blue. A pixel is
the smallest element that
can be generated by complete functionality of
the display.
A subpixel is a separatel
y addressable internal structure within a pixel that
enhances the pixel func
The maximum permitted number o f faulty pixels is stipulated in the international standard ISO 9241-307. In accordance with standard ISO 9241-3, LCD displays by Fujitsu comply with Class II for low resolutions and Class I for resolutions of 1680 x 1050 ( 1764000 pixel) and higher.
Examples: A at-screen monitor w ith a resolutio n of 1280 x 1024 has 1280 x 1024 = 1310720 pixels. Each pixel
consists of three s ubpixels (red, green and blue), so there are almost 3.9 million subpixels in total. According to ISO 9241-3 (Class II), a maximum of 3 lit and 3 unlit pixels plus 7 lit or 13 unlit subpixels, or a corresponding combination, may be faulty (1 lit subpixel counts as tw o unlit subpixels).
A at-screen monitor w ith a resolutio n of 1920 x 1080 has 1920 x 1080 = 2073600 pixels. Each pixel consists of three s ubpixels (red, green and blue), so there are almost 6.2 million subpixels in total. According to ISO 9241-3 (Class I), a maximum o f 2 lit and 2 unlit pixels plus 5 lit or 10 unlit subpixels, or a corresponding combination, may be faulty (1 lit subpixel counts as tw o unlit subpixels).
Fujitsu 15
Important notes
CE marking
The shipped version of this device complies with th e req uirements of European Union directives 2004/108/EC "Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit", 2006/95/EC "Niederspannungsrich tlinie" and 2009/125/EC "Ökodesign Richtlinie".
CE marking for devices with radio component
This equipment complies with the requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC of the Europea n Parliament and Commission from 9 M arch, 1999 governing Radio and Telecommunications Equipment and mutual recognition of conformity.
This equipment can be used in the following countries: Belgium Bulgaria Denmark
Estonia Finland France
Greece UK Ireland Iceland Italy Croatia
Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Austria Poland Portugal Rumania Sweden Switzerland Slovakia Slovenia Spain Czech Republic
Cyprus Turkey Contact the corresponding government ofce in the respective country for current information on
possible operating restrictions. If your country is not included in the list, then please contact the corresponding supervisory authority as to whether the use of this product is permitted in your country.
on on the "Ecodesign directive":
n 1275/2008, based on the EU Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC), denes requirements
for the po
wer consumption of electrical and electronic domestic and ofce devices in stand-by
and off mo
de. Please see chapter "
Activating power-saving m ode", Page 31.
16 Fujitsu
+ 45 hidden pages