Fujitsu ESPRIMO Q55 Series, ESPRIMO Q957, ESPRIMO Q956, ESPRIMO Q558, ESPRIMO Q556 Operating Manual

Operating Manual
ESPRIMO Q55x / Q958
ESPRIMO Q956 / Q957
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u Technology Solutions GmbH 2018. All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Order No.: A26361-K1012-Z320-1-7619, edition 5
ESPRIMO Q55x / Q958
Operating Manual
Your ESPRIMO 7 Ports and Operating Elements 9 Important notes 15 Getting started 17 Operation 40 Troubleshooting and tips 56 System expansions 60 Technical data 101 Index 102
Notes on the product description are consistent with Fujitsu´s design specications and are made available for comparison purposes. The actual results may differ due to several factors. Technical data is subject to change without notication. Fu jitsu does not accept any responsibility for technical or editorial errors nor for omissions.
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and ESPRIMO are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited or its subsidiaries in the USA and other countries.
PS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc.
Kensington is a registered trademark of the ACCO brand.
USB Type-C™ and USB-C™ are trademarks of the USB Implementers Forum in the USA and other countries.
Microsoft and Windows a re trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and/o r other cou ntries respectively.
All other trademarks mentioned here are the property of their particular owner.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or translated without prior written permission from Fujitsu.
No part of this publication may be stored or transmitted in any electronic manner without written permission from Fujitsu.


Your ESPRIMO ......................................................................... 7
ValidityoftheReferenceManual ......................................................... 7
Notational conventions .................................................................. 8
Ports and Operating Elemen
Front ................................................................................... 9
Rear ................................................................................... 12
Important notes ........................................................................ 15
Safetynotes ............................................................................ 15
Transportingthedevice .................................................................. 15
Cleaning thedevice ..................................................................... 16
Energy-saving,disposalandrecycling .................................................... 16
Important notes onESPRIMOQ957 .................................................. 16
Gettingstarted ......................................................................... 17
Unpacking and chec Steps for initial Fitting the under Setting up the dev
Operating posit Attaching the ad Fitting the bas
Fitting the de Connecting th Connecting ex
Ports on the d
Connecting t
Connecting a
witch-on: Software will beinstalled .................................................
Initial s
Switch on
ngthesoftware ...............................................................
Operation .............................................................................. 40
Switchthedeviceon .................................................................... 40
Switching thedeviceoff ................................................................. 40
Indicators onthedevice ................................................................. 41
Keyboard ............................................................................... 42
Important keys andkey combinations ................................................. 42
Optical drive (device-dependent) . . ....................................................... 44
Handling storage media .............................................................. 44
Inserting orremovingstoragemedia .................................................. 45
Manual removal of stora ge media (emergency removal) . . . ............................. 46
Wireless LAN / Bluetooth wireless components (device-dependent) ......................... 46
Switching the wireless components on and off . ........................................ 46
Settings inBIOS Setup Utility ............................................................ 47
Starting theBIOSSetupUtility ........................................................ 47
Operating theBIOSSetupUtility ...................................................... 48
kingthe delivery .....................................................
setup ....................................................................
side cover (device-dependent) ............................................
ice ....................................................................
ion ...................................................................
hesivefeet(optional) .................................................
e(optional) ............................................................
viceto the VESAinterfaceon amonitor(optional) .........................
epowercable .............................................................
ternaldevices .............................................................
evice ..................................................................
hemonitor ..............................................................
USBmouse ............................................................
a USB keyboard . . .......................................................
external devices totheserialinterface .....................................
gexternaldevicesto the USBports .........................................
gaPS/2device ............................................................
themonitorandthemachine ...............................................
ts .........................................................
17 17 18 20 20 24 25 26 33 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 39
Fujitsu 3
Shutting downthe BIOSSetupUtility ................................................. 48
Property anddataprotection ............................................................. 49
BIOSSetup securityfunctions ........................................................ 49
Using the SmartCard reader (device-dependent) . . . . . .................................. 49
Using a palm sensor (device-dependent) . ............................................. 51
Usingthe securitylock ............................................................... 52
Usinga locking slide ................................................................. 53
Lead-sealing the casing .............................................................. 55
Troubleshootingand tips .............................................................. 56
Helpif problems occur ................................................................... 56
Troubleshooting . . ....................................................................... 56
Power-onindicator remains unlit after youhaveswitchedon yourdevice ................. 56
The device cannot be switched off with the On/O ff switch. .............................. 57
Monitorremainsblank ............................................................... 57
Nomousepointerdisplayedonthemonitor ............................................ 58
Dateand time arenotcorrect ........................................................ 58
SmartCard reader is not recognised . ................................................. 58
SmartCard PINforgotten ............................................................. 58
SmartCard lost ...................................................................... 58
User and/or supervisor SmartCard lost . . . ............................................. 59
Errormessageson thescreen ........................................................ 59
Installing new software .................................................................. 59
Tips .................................................................................... 59
Systemexpansions .................................................................... 60
Information about boards ................................................................ 61
Overview ofthe installationopeningsand drives in yourdevice ............................. 62
Preparing to remove components ........................................................ 65
Removing andsecuringthe top casing cover .............................................. 66
Removing thecasingtopcover ....................................................... 66
Securing thetop casingcover ........................................................ 67
Inserting andremovingthe drivecage .................................................... 68
Removing thedrivecage ............................................................ 68
Installing the drive cage .............................................................. 69
Installing and removing an optical drive (device-dependent) . . .............................. 69
Installing the optical drive ............................................................ 69
Removing theopticaldrive ........................................................... 73
Installing and removing the second harddisk .............................................. 76
Installing the second harddisk ....................................................... 76
Removing second harddisk .......................................................... 81
Installing and removing the SmartCard reader and palm sensor (device-dependent) . . . . . . .... 85
Installing the SmartCard reader/palm sensor . . ......................................... 85
Removing the SmartCard reader / palm sensor . . . . . . .................................. 87
Removing andinstallingthe2.5"hard disk ................................................ 89
Removing a2.5 inch harddisk ....................................................... 89
Installing a2.5inchharddisk ......................................................... 90
Removing andinstallingthefan .......................................................... 92
Removing thefan ................................................................... 92
Installing the fan .................................................................... 93
Inserting and removing the M.2 module . . ................................................. 94
Removing M.2 module . . . ............................................................ 94
Installing the M.2module ............................................................ 95
Changing the lithium ba ttery . ............................................................ 96
4 Fujitsu
Removing andattachingthe bottom casing cover .......................................... 97
Removethe casingbottomcover ..................................................... 97
Securing thebottomcasingcover ..................................................... 98
Installing and removing additional memory . . . . ............................................ 98
Openthe service cover .............................................................. 99
Removing memorymodules .......................................................... 99
Installing amemorymodule .......................................................... 100
Closingtheservicecover ............................................................ 100
Finishing component removal . ........................................................... 100
Technicaldata ......................................................................... 101
Index .................................................................................. 102
Fujitsu 5
6 Fujitsu


... is available with various conguration levels, which differ in terms of hardware and software equipment. You can install additional drives (for example a DVD drive) and other boards.
This manual tells you how to start using your device and how to operate it in da ily use. This manual applies for all con gu ration levels. Depending on the conguration level chosen some of the hardware com ponents described may not be available on your device. Please observe the notes on your Operating System.
Depending on the conguration selected, the operating system is pre-installed on your hard disk (e.g. Windows).
Detailed information on this device is also provided:
in the "Q uick Start Guide" poster
in the "Safety/regul
in the "Warranty" manual
in the BIOS manual f
in the operating manual for the monitor
in the manual for t
in your Operating System documentation
in the informati


This Reference Manual is valid for the following systems:
FUJITSU Desktop ESPRIMO Q556 (if applicable, followed by sufxes)
ations" manual
or your device
he motherboard
on les (e.g. *.PDF, *.HTML, *.DOC, *.CHM, *.TXT, *.HLP)
ktop ESPRIMO Q558
sktop ESPRIMO Q957
Fujitsu 7

Notational conventions

Pay particular atten tion to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe these warnings could pose a risk to health, damage the device or lead to loss of data. The w arranty will be invalidated if the device becomes defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informa
tion for the proper use of the device.
This font
This font
This fo n t
"This font"
This font
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
indicates data entered the command line, e.g. start a program (star
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For more information, go to "
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations for other materials, e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety/Regulations" manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g: indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do
not switch off the device
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
your password (Name123) or a command used to
8 Fujitsu

Ports and Operating Elem e n ts

Ports and Operating Elements
This chapter presents the individual hardware c ompon ents of your device. This will provide you with an overview of the p orts and operating elements on the device. Please familiarise yourself with these components before you start to work with the device.


The device is available
Device variant with opt
Device variant with Sma rtCard reader and / or palm sensor
Device variant with s
in several device variants:
ical drive
econd hard disk
If you have not insta sensor or a s econd h
You c a n nd informa components in Sec
Device variant with the maximum of comp onents
12 34 76 8
1 = Microphone port 2 = Audio output 3 = USB port (USB 3.1, type A) 4 = USB port (USB 3.1, type A) 5 = Insert/eject button, optical drive (optional)
lled either an optical drive o r a SmartCard reader / palm
ard disk, mount the blanking plate.
tion on modifying the device and on installing and removing
tion "
System expansions", Page 60.
6 = USB port (USB 3.1 , type C) (optional) 7 = Hard disk indicator 8 = On/Off switch with power-on indicator 9 = Emergency removal
Fujitsu 9
Ports and Operating Elements
Device variant with SmartCard reader and / or palm sensor
8 91 2 3 4 5 76 10
1 = Microphone port 2 = Audio output 3 = USB port (USB 3.1, type A) 4 = USB port (USB 3.1, type A) 5 = SmartCard reader (optional)
10 Fujitsu
6 = USB port (USB 3.1, type C) (optional) 7 = SmartCard reader indicator (optional) 8 = Hard disk indicator 9 = On/Off switch with power-on indicator 10 = Palm sensor (optional)
Device variant with second hard disk
7 81 2 3 4 5 6
Ports and Operating Elem e n ts
1 = Microphone port 2 = Audio output 3 = USB port (USB 3. 4 = USB port (USB 3.1, type A) 5 = Removing seco
Fujitsu 11
1, type A)
nd hard disk (optional)
6 = USB port (USB 3.1 7 = Hard disk indicator 8 = On/Off switch w 9 = Hard disk indicator of second hard
disk (optional)
, type C) (optional)
ith power-on indicator
Ports and Operating Elements



14 13 12 10 9
1 = Latching clip (optional) 2 = Top casing cover unlocking mechanism 3 = Security lock device 4 = Padlock clamp 5 = LAN port 6 = PS/2 port 7 = Audio output
3 42
8 = 2 USB ports (USB 3.1) 9 = 2 USB ports (USB 2.0) 10 = Display port 11 = Bottom casing cover unlocking mechanism 12 = DVI-D monitor port 13 = Serial port 14 = Mains connection (AC IN)
5 6
711 8
12 Fujitsu


Ports and Operating Elem e n ts
1 = Latching clip (optional) 2 = Top casing cover unlocking mechanism 3 = Security lock device 4 = Padlock clamp 5 = LAN port 6 = 4 USB ports (USB 2.0) 7 = PS/2 port (optional)
13 12 10
3 42 7
811 9
8 = Audio output 9 = 2 USB ports (USB 3.1) 10 = Display ports 11 = Bottom casing cover unlocking mechanism 12 = DVI-D monitor port 13 = Serial interface (optional) 14 = Mains connection (AC IN)
Fujitsu 13
Ports and Operating Elements


1 = Latching clip (optional) 2 = Top casing cover unlocking mechanism 3 = Security lock device 4 = Padlock clamp 5 = LAN port 6=2USBports(USB2.0) 7 = PS/2 port (optional)
13 12 10
3 42 7
811 9
8 = Audio output 9 = 4 USB ports (USB 3.1) 10 = Display ports 11 = Bottom casing cover unlocking mechanism 12 = DVI-D monitor port 13 = Serial interface (optional) 14 = Mains connection (AC IN)
14 Fujitsu

Important notes

In this chapter you will nd information regarding safety which it is essential to take note of when working with your device.

Safety notes

Please follow the safety as well as the safety note
When installing and ope ambient conditions in C
started", Page 17 or the no
When setting up the dev thecasingreceives cover the ventilati
You should operate is the same as the lo
For c omplete disco the mains plug out
Please note that c of the device ma
The activities
Only qualied at great risk o
Do not lay or p
Do not apply a
described in these instructions must always be performed with special care.
technicians should repair the device. Incorrect repairs could put the user
r cause serious damage to the equipment (electric shock, risk of re).
lace any objects on the upper side of the device.
ny pressure to the upper side of the device during operation.
notes provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual
s given below.
rating the device, please observe the notes on
hapter "
Technical data", Page 101 and Chapter "Getting
tes in the data sheets.
ice, make sure there is clearance all around it so that
enough ventilation. I n order to avoid overheating, do not
on areas on the monitor or the device.
the device only if the rated voltage of the device
cal mains voltage.
nnection from the mains voltage, you m ust pull
of the socket.
omponents in the syste m as w ell as the surface
y become very hot.
Important notes
portation DeviceTranspor
ing the device
Transport all devices separately in their original packaging or in a packaging that protects them from knocks and jolts.
Unpack them only at the insta llation site.
If the device is brought from a cold environment into the room where it will be used, condensation may occur. In order to avoid dama ge to the device, wait before preparing it for use until the device has reached the ambient temp erature and it is absolutely dry.
Fujitsu 15
Important notes

Cleaning the device

Device,Trans portationRetransportationSystemunit,see Device
Turn off all power and equipm ent switches and disconnect the power plug from the m ains outlet.
Do not clean an y interior pa rts yourself, leave this job to a service technician.
Do not use any cleaning agents that contain abrasives or may corrode plastic (alcohol, thinner or acetone).
Never clean the device with water! Water entering into the device could present a serious risk to users (e.g. electric shock).
Ensure that no liquid enters the system.
The surface can be clea moistened in mild dome
Use disinfectant wi
ned with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth that has been stic detergent and then carefully w rung out.
pes to clean the keyboard and the mouse.

Energy-saving, disposal and recycling

You c an ndinformationonthesesubjectsinthe"Environment and Energy Information" manual or on our website ("

Important notes on ESPRIMO Q957

In an unlikely extreme situation (CPU completely utilised and many external USB devices with high current consumption connected to the ESPRIMO Q95x simultaneously), the internal CPU frequency can be reduced to prevent a current overload. The mouse, keyboard, headphones and similar devices are low current consumers and are not affected.
As soo n as the overload is ended, the CP U frequency returns to the normal value.
In the unlikely case of an extreme overload, the USB 3.1 port, type C, is deactivated and a reset is carried out to limit the output level to 4.5 W (900 mA).
If an extreme system load occurs again, the USB 3.1 port, type C, will be permane ntly deactivated. To prevent restricted performance or the deactivation of devices, the device causing the overload must be stopped or the number of USB devices with high current consumption and connected to the ESPRIMO must be reduced. .
The deactivated or throttled USB 3.1 port, type C, then automatically returns to full power when the d evice is reconnected or the system is restarted.").
16 Fujitsu

Getting started

Getting started

Unpacking and checking the delivery

It is recommended not to throw away the original packaging material! It may be required for reshipment at some later date.
Unpack all the individual parts.Check the contents of the package for any visible damage caused during transport.Check whether the delivery c onfo rms to the details in the delivery note.Should you discover that the delivery does not correspond to the delivery

Steps for initial setup

Preparingforfirstuse,overvie wPreparingforuse,
Only a few steps are necessary to put you r new device into operation for the rs t time:
Select a location for device and set up device
Connect external devices such as mouse, keyboard and monitor
Check the voltage at the mains outlet and connect the device to an electrical outlet
Switch the device on You will learn more about the individual steps in the following sections.
Please observe the safety information in the "Important notes", Page 15 chapter.
note, notify your local sales outlet immediately.

External devices

If you have received other external devices in addition to your own device (e.g. a printer), do not connect these until after the initial installation. The following sections describe how to connect these external devices.

Drives and boards

If you have received drives or boards with your device, please do not install them until after rst-time setup. How to install drives and boards is described
System expansions", Page 60 chapter.
in the "
Fujitsu 17
Getting started

Fitting the underside cover (device-dependent)

Rating type plate FUJITSU Desktop ESPRIMO Q956/Q957:
At the time of device delivery, the bottom cover (2) is not yet mounted on the bottom of the device, but packed along with the system so that you can read the type rating plate (3) and the software licence information when preparing it for use.
The type rating plate and the softwa re licence are afxed on the device cover and is usually located below the mounted bottom cover so that it is not visible.
FUJITSU Desktop ESPRIMO Q55x/Q958:
With the FUJITSU Desktop ESPRIMO Q55x, the type rating plate is attached to the underside of the device or to the right side of the device (w hen used vertica lly).
Only t the undersi vertical operatin Section "
If you are tting t must not t the und attachment will
e with device cover (1), with bottom cover
ed (2)
Setting u
de cover if you are u sing the device in a horizontal or
g position without attaching it to a VESA interface (see
p the device", Page 20).
he device onto the VESA interface of a monitor, you
erside cover. If you do, the screw holes for the VESA
no longer be accessible.
21 31
RIMO Q 956/Q 957:
Devic plate cover
e with device cover (1) and visible type (3, ESPRIMO Q956/Q967 only), no bottom .
The device has a device cover (1) at the bottom. The device cover is divided into two: during operation, the bottom cover (2) is inserted in the device cover.
In order to be able to mount the bottom cover prior to preparing it for use, proceed as follows:
18 Fujitsu
Getting started
Turn the device over and place it on a stable, flat and clean surface. If necessary, place a
slip-resistant cloth on this surface to prevent the device from being scratched.
Put the bottom cover as shown on the bottom of the device.Hook th e bottom cover in the openings provided for this purpose at the bottom (1).Fold the cover in the direction of the arrow (2) until it engages noticeably and audibly.
Information about removing the bottom cover is provided in Section "
Page 26.
Remove the bottom cover",
Fujitsu 19
Getting started

Setting up the device


Operating position

You can use the device in various operating positions.
Horizontal, top casing cover upwards
When setting up your device, please read the recommendations and safety notes in the "Safety/regulations" manual.
We recommend that you place your device on a surface with good anti-slip qualities. In view of the multitude of different nishes and varnishes used on furniture, it is possible that the rubber feet will mark the surface they stand on.
Depending on the location of your device, bothersome vibrations and noises may occur. To prevent this, a distance of at least 10 mm / 0.39 inch should be maintained from other devices or objects on casing sides without ventilation areas.
In order to avoid overheating, do not cover the ventilation areas on the monitor or the device.
A minimum distance of 200 mm / 7.87 inch from the device must be observed for ventilation areas.
Do not place multiple devices on one another and do not keep any monitor on the d evice.
Do not e xpo se the device to extreme ambient conditions (see "
Page 101, "Ambient conditions"). Protect the device from dust, humidity, and heat.
With the FUJITSU Desktop ESPRIMO Q55x/Q957/Q958 device version, you will need to afx the adhesive feet you were supplied with to the four corners of the underside of the device in this opera ting position, refer to Section
Attaching the adhesive feet (optional)", Page 24.
Technical data",
20 Fujitsu
Vertical with no base, ON/OFF switch facing upwards
If you are not using a base, you will need to afx the adhesive feet you w ere supplied with to the four corners of the left side of the device (side with screw holes for attaching the base). Afx the adhesive feet in such a way that no fan vents are covered (see S ection "
Attaching the adhesive feet (optional)", Page 24).
Operation in th e vertical operating position is not allowed in Taiwan.
Getting started
Fujitsu 21
Getting started
Vertical with base, ON/OFF switch facing upwards
For mounting, refer to Section "
Fitting the base (optional)", Page 25
22 Fujitsu
On the VESA interface of a monitor, ON/OFF switch facing upwards
For tting see Section "
Fitting the device to the VESA interface on a monitor (optional)", Pag e 26
Getting started
Fujitsu 23
Getting started

Attaching the adhesive feet (optional)

With the horizontal and vertical operating positions with no base, you will need to attach the adhesive feet to the device.
Vertical opera
of the left sid Afx the adhes
Horizontal operating position with no base: Position the adhesive feet on the four
corners of the underside of the device as illustrated (2).
24 Fujitsu
ting position with no base: Position the adhesive feet on the four corners
e of the device as illustrated (side with scre w holes for attaching the base).
ive feet in such a way that no fan vents are covered.

Fitting the base (optional)

Screw holes for attaching the base can only be found on the left side of the device.
Getting started
Place the devic
The screw holes (1) and guide openings (2) for securing the base on the
left side of the device are facing upwards.
Place the base
Place the screws into the overlapping screw holes (1 & 4) and attached
the base to the device using the screws.
e on the right side as shown.
on the left side of the device such that the locking lugs (3) are inserted into the
g guide openings (2) on the device and the screw holes (1) and (4) directly overlap.
Fujitsu 25
Getting started

Fitting the device to the VESA interface on a monitor (optional)

With ESPRIMO Q956/957 type devices, the casing cover is already tted with the corresponding screw holes by default.
With ESPRIMO Q55x/Q958 type devices, you can order the corresponding casing cover with screw holes separately if necessary.
The device must be tted onto the screen in such a way that the connecting and operating elements can be used from the side.
Remove the bottom cover
Requirement: The casing is opened and the casing cover is removed (refer to
Remove the casing bottom cover", Page 97).
Release th e locking lug (1) on the underside cover from the casing cover
and remove the underside cover (2).
Information about xing the underside cover is provided in Section "
underside cover (device-dependent)", Page 18.
26 Fujitsu
Fitting the
+ 78 hidden pages