Fujitsu DTA01IPAD100 Users Manual

FCC information
FCC notice This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, (2) this device must accept any interference received, includ i ng i nt erferenc e th at ma y ca us e undesire d o pe ra tion. FCC Caution CAUTION: This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End user can not modify this transmitter device. Any unauthorized modification made on the device could avoid the user's authority to operate this device.
IC (Industry Canada)
To prevent radio interference to the li censed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing. The term “IC:” before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specificati o ns we r e met. “Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.” "The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Cod e 6, o bt ainable from Health Canada’s website www.hc -s c pb" < Notice > This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End user can not modify this transmitter device. Any unauthorized modification made on the device could avoid the user's authority to operate this device.
iPAD (IPAD100-xx)
User’s Manual(Draft)
Using the IPAD
This manual contains important information required for using the iPAD safely. Before attempting to use the iPAD, read this manual carefully to ensure that you understand its contents. F or safe o peration o f the product, pay particular attention to the section "Notes on Safety." Also keep this manual in a safe but convenient location for quick reference. Since Fujitsu takes every precaution to ensure that its products can be used safely without physical harm to users or damage to a product or peripheral equipment, use the iPAD only as instructed in this manual.
Thank you for purchasing the iP AD. Before using the iP AD, read this manual thoroughly so that you will be able to ta ke full of its functions.
July 2002 First Edition
VCCI Compatibilit y Stand ar d This product is a Class A information technology
device that complies with the standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipm ent (VCC I). Since use of t he IPAD in a home environment can cause interferen ce, appr opr iat e pr ote ct ive measures may be requ ired .
Microsoft, Windows CE, and eMbedded V isual To ols are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporat ion in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. Other company and product names appearing in this manual are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Using the iP AD in Mission-Critical Situations
The iPAD is designed and manufactured for use in standard applications such as those for general office, personal, and household use. It is not intended for specialized uses, su ch as atomic energy cont rol systems, aer onautical or space systems, mass transportation control systems, medical devices for life support, or weapons firing control systems where particularly high reliability requirements exist, the pertinent levels of safety are not guaranteed, or a failure or operational error could be life threatening or result in physical injury (referred to hereafter as "mission-critical" use). Customers considering the use the iPAD for mission-critical applications must have safety-assurance measures in place beforehand, and should consult a Fujitsu sales representative before proceeding.
Warning Indications and Symbols
This user's manual uses warning indications and symbols to help users use the iPAD safely and to prevent personal injury and property damage.
This manual uses warning indications and symbols in the text to indicate safety conditions. The meaning of each indication and symbol is explained below.
Warning Indications
Indicates a hazardous situation
that could result in personal injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
Indicates a hazardous situation that could result in minor or moderate personal injury if the user do e s not perform the procedure correctly. Also indicates that damage to the product or other property could occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
Warning Symbols
Indicates the possibility of injury from an electric shock.
Indicates a condition that requires caution and a specific action that must not be performed.
Indicates a condition that requires general caution.
Indicates the possibility of an electric shock or fi r e .
Indic ates an action that is prohibited (prohibited action).
Indicates a required action.
Notes on Safety
Do not damage the power cord
when you use the AC adapter, single-pack charger, or cradle.
Doing so may result in an electric shock or fi r e .
Use only the specially design ed
cradle, AC adapter, and single-pack charger.
If another item is used, differences in voltage or current can damage the iPAD.
If the battery is not handled
correctly, the iPAD may overheat, explode, or catc h fire.
Be sure to observe the following precautions:
Neither throw the battery into a fire nor heat it.
Connect the terminals correctly.
Do not connect the terminals using a wire or other metallic material. Do not carry or store the battery while wearing a metal necklace or hair pin.
Do not puncture the battery with a needle, hit it with a hammer, stamp on it, or otherwise apply a strong shock to it.
Do not disassemble or modify the battery.
The laser scanner carried in this product complies with CDRH Class2 laser products. Read the following instructions, operating the scanner.
When using the laser scanner, do
not direct t he laser beam tow ar d anyone's eyes.
Doing so ma y injure the eyes.
Do not look into the aperture of
the laser scanner.
Because a laser beam is emitted from the aperture, you may injure your eyes.
Do not use or leave the battery near a flame, fire, stove, or other source of heat, in direct sunlight, or in a car exposed to sunlight.
Do not put the battery in a microwave oven or other hot container.
Charge the battery only on the special cradle or single-pack charger.
Do not charge the battery by directly connecting it to a wall outlet or cigarette lighter in a car.
Do not charge the battery near a flame or fire or under a hot sun.
If the iPAD generates heat, smoke, or
an unusual smell or noise, turn off the power immediat ely and cont act maintenance perso nnel.
Failur e to do so may res ult in an electric shock or fi r e .
Do not modify the iPAD without
Doing so may result in an electric shock or fire.
Turn off the iPAD before cleaning it. Do not clean the iPAD using a damp
or chemically treated cloth, and do not use thinner or other volatile chemical. Doing so may cause the iPAD to malfunction.
Do not remove th e battery without
turning off the iPAD.
Do not unplug the AC adapter or
single-pack charger until c harging has been complet ed.
Doing do may cause the battery to be improperly charged.
Do not apply a strong shock to the
iPAD. Do not drop the iPAD.
Although the iPAD is resistant to
breakage for ordinary operations (for example, putting it on a desk), Fujitsu recommends that us ers use a neck strap so that the iPAD cannot be accidentally drop ped.
Do not carry the iPAD do in your hip
Sitting down with the iPAD in your hip pocket may break the display unit.
Because the fluorescent tubes in the
liquid crysta l display (LCD) used in the iPAD contain mercury, dispose of the LCD in accordance with any local laws and regulations.
Dispose of the main batt er y in
accordance wit h any local laws and regulations after insulating the battery term inals with tape or other means to prevent a short circ uit.
Always keep the magnetic card reader
and magnetic cards clean. If dust, oil, or water gets on them, an error occurs or the magnetic head malfunctions or deteriorates.
Do not lubricate the magnetic card
If you drop an object into the magnetic
card reader slot, use tweezers or a similar means to extract it.
Keep magnetic cards and the magnetic
card reader away from magnets or magnetic objects. Magnetism will destroy data on a magnetic card.
Always keep the IC card reader/writer
and IC cards clean. If dust, oil, or water gets on them, an error occurs or the card reader/writer malfunctions or deteriorates.
Do not lubricate the IC card
(* Only the FWT31B2 accepts IC cards.)
Do not remove any component that is
screwed on.
Doing so may result in an electric shock, burns, or injury.
For safety reasons, unplug the AC
adapter and single- pac k charg er if they will not be used for a long time.
Failur e to do so may res ult in an electric shock or fi r e .
Correctly Using the iPAD
Using the main battery
To prevent deterioration, do not store the main
battery for a long time when it is fully charged. For long-term storage, remove the battery from the IP AD when it is about 50% c harged and s tore it at room temperature.
If the batt ery has not been used for a long time,
recharge it.
Be careful not to short-circuit the battery
terminals with a necklace or other metallic object.
Do not heat the battery or throw it into a fire. Do not leave the battery in a car exposed to
sunlight or in direct sunlight.
Do not allow the battery to become wet. Do not apply a strong shock to the battery. Do
not drop the battery.
Using the iPAD at low temperatures (below
At low temperatures (below 10oC), the iP AD does not operate as long as it does at room
temperature. In an environment of 10 operating time is about 70% of that at room temperature, and in an environment of 0 is about 50% (new battery used). If operation in a low-temperature environment is possible, review charging procedures and operation.
In operation at low temperatures (below
C), replacing the battery with one that is
10 only partially charged will result in a very short operating time. Be sure to replace the battery with a fully charged one.
Keep a spare battery warm until y ou use it by, for example, putting it in your pocket. I f y o u warm a battery with a body warmer, b e careful that the battery does not come into direct contact with the body warmer.
If a message indicating that charging is required
(battery status message) is displayed, promptly charge the battery or replace the battery with a spare battery.
C, it
Be careful that no dust, sand, or other foreign
matter enters the terminal section while you are using the iPAD. If any foreign matter gets in, completely remove it using a soft-tipped cotton swab or gauze, then repeat several times inserting the iPAD into the charger or device and then removing it.
The iPAD may not charge if the terminals are
Despit e complete charging, the battery naturally
discharges little by little as time passes. If possible, charge the battery again just before using it (within one or two days). Store the battery in as cool a place as possible and charge it at an ambient temperature of 10
to 30
C. Doing so will increase the life of the
Using the auxiliary battery
Auxiliar y battery alarm message
A warning message appears in the center of the screen if the voltage of the auxiliary battery drops or the auxiliary battery is not connected. The programs and data in memory will be lost if you replace the main battery while this message is displayed. Immediately charge the auxiliary battery.
>>Referenc e> > For inf ormat i on about c hargin g
the auxiliary battery, see Section
1.2.4, "Charging the auxiliary battery."
Long-term storage
Store the iPAD where it will not be exposed to vibration, dust, high and low temperatures, high humidity, and direct sunlight.
Storing the iPAD wit h the pr ograms saved
To avoid discharging of the main and auxiliary batteries, charge the main b attery once every week. Without charging, the programs and data in memory will be lost.
Storing the iPAD without the programs saved
To store the iPAD without the programs saved, remove the main battery and completely reset the iPAD.
>>Referenc e> > For infor mat ion abo ut re moving
the battery, see Section 1.2.3," Installing and r emoving the main battery," and Section 1.2.4, "Charging the auxiliary battery." For information about completely resetting t he iPAD, see Section 3.7.2, "Co mple te l y resetting the iPAD."
Clean the cover of the iPAD using a cloth
moistened with a solution of water and neutral detergent and wrung out or a dry cloth. If you use a damp cloth, be sure to wring it out thoroughly to prevent water from getting into the iPAD, causing a malfunction. Do not wipe the iPAD using thinner, benzine, or other volatile solvent. Such materials can discolor the iPAD or erase printed characters.
Wipe the display area of theiPAD using a cloth
moistened with water and wrung out thoroughly or a glass wipe with a very fine texture.
Occasionally clean the cradle interface using a
dry cotton swab or gauze. If the terminals become dirty, contact ma y be poor, causing the IPAD to turn off or disabling normal charging and communication.
Other precautions
Do not disassemble or modify the iPAD. To prevent the iPAD from malfunctioning, do not
leave the iPAD, even for a short time, where it is exposed to any of the following conditions:
Extreme heat (for example, car in sunlight with the windows closed)
Direct sunlight Extreme heat or cold
Strong vibration
Do not apply a strong shock to the iPAD. Do not
drop the iPAD.
Be careful not to hold the iP AD for a long time in
a high-temperature environment (35 Doing so may result in a low-temperature burn.
C or higher).
Conventions Used in the Manual
Symbol Meaning
reference >>Reference>>
Circled numbers (such as (1) and (2))
Indicates the result for an Indicates the end of a series of
T erminology
Indicates a precaution or information you need to note. Be sure to read these items. Indicates useful information.
Indicates a section to be referred to for more information. Indicates th e steps, starting with (1), in a procedure.
Term Meaning
Tap Double-tap
To press once somewhere on the screen of the IPAD To press twice in succession somewhere on the screen of the IPAD
Preface ------------------------------------------- 3 Using the IPAD in Mission-Critical
Situations------------------------------------ 4
Warning Indications and Symbols---- --- 5
Warning Indications----------- ---- ------ --- --- ----- 5 Warning Symbols-------- ------- --- --- ------ --- ---- - 6
Notes on Safety-------------------------------- 7 Correctly Using
the IPAD-------------------------------------14
Using the main battery -------------------------- 14 Using the auxiliary battery-------- --- ---- ------ - 17 Long-term storage-------- --- ------- --- --- ------ -- 18 Cleaning -------------------------------------------- 19 Other precautions --------------------- --- ------ -- 20
Conventions Used in the Manual -------21
Symbols ---------------------------------- ---------- 21 Terminology---------------------------------------- 21
Contents -------------------------------- --------23 1 Before Using
the IPAD-------------------------------------27
1.1 Names of Parts----------- ---- ------ --- --- -- 27
1.2 Using Batteries ----- --- ------- --- --- --- ----- 32
1.2.1 Batteries ----------------------------------32
1.2.2 Charging the main battery --------------34
1.2.3 Installing and removing the main battery-------------------------------------44
1.2.4 Charging the auxiliary battery -------- -46
2 Setup----------------------------------------- 47 3 Using the
IPAD ------------------------------------------49
3.1 Turning the IPAD on and off------------- 49
Turning on the IPAD (resume mode)-49
Turning off the IPAD (suspend mode) 50
3.2 Checking the Battery Status------------- 51
3.3 Adjusting the Volume ------------------ --- 54
3.4 Adjusting the Brightness of the Front Light ------------------------------------------- 55
3.5 Correcting the Coordinates on the Touch Panel----- ------ ---- --- ------ --- --- --- 56
3.6 Using the Screen Keyboard ------- ------ 58
3.6.1 Displaying the screen keyboard -------58
3.6.2 Inputting a character --------------------58
3.6.3 Changing the keyboard type -----------59
3.7 Resetting the IPAD ------------------------ 61
3.7.1 Using the reset switch-------- -----------61
3.7.2 Completely resetting the IPAD--------62
4 LED Indications---------------------------64
4.1 IPAD LED----------- ------- --- --- --- ------- -- 64
4.2 LED on the Single-Pack Charger during Charging -- --- ------ ---- --- --- ------ - 66
6 Bar Code Scanner------------------------68
6.1 Using the Bar Code Scanner------------ 69
6.2 Bar Code Specifications-- --- --- ------- --- 71
6.3 Cleaning the Read ing Ape r t ure of t he Bar Code Scanner----- --- --- ------- --- --- - 71
6.4 Bar Code Sample Chart--------------- --- 72
7 Using the Magnetic Card Reader----74 8 Using the IC Card Reader/Writer
(Installed in the FWT31B2) ------------76
9 User Action in Response to
Messages -----------------------------------78
10 Troubleshooting--------------------------80 A Specifications -----------------------------82 B
Consumables----------- -------------------84
C Accessories--------------------------------85
D Options---- ---------------------------------- 86 E Supplies-------------------------------------87
+ 61 hidden pages