Software Product
COBOL85 (BS2000/OSD)
Version 2.3
High-Level ANS COBOL85-Compiler
Edition 07/1998
Product Characteristics
COBOL85 is the COBOL compiler,
providing support for the current
ANSI/ISO COBOL Standard, open
interfaces conforming to X/Open,
and future standards for the server
lines running BS2000/OSD.
COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) is a high-level,
problem-oriented programming language which is based on natural
English. COBOL is by far the most
widely used programming language
for commercial data processing solutions.
The strength of COBOL lies in the
efficiency with which it manipulates
and processes large volumes of
business-critical data. CO BOL is the
programming language of the professional programmer.
The functionality of COBOL85 conforms to the American National
Standard X3.23-1985 with Addendum X3.23a-1989, the international
standard ISO 1989-1985 with
Amendment 1:1992, the German
standard DIN 66028-1986 and the
European standard EN 21989.
COBOL85 has been validated as
compliant with the above standard
and has the official conformity certificates to that effect.
UNIX extensions:
COBOL85 supports the POSIX
functionality and the POSIX file system in BS2000/OSD V2.0 or higher.
The COBOL85 compiler is available
in the following selectable units:
COBOL85 full configuration:
Compiler without runtime system
with /390 code generator
with AID support
with POSIX/XPG4 support
with structurizer
with UDS-DML
with Report Writer
COBOL85-BC basic configuration:
Compiler without runtime system
with /390 code generator
without AID support
without POSIX/XPG4
without structurizer
without UDS-DML
without Report Writer
CRTE is the comm on runtime environment for COBOL85 and C/C++.
CRTE V2.1 is a software prerequisite for using the COBOL85 com pilers and for running COBOL85 V2.3
CRTE is not supplied with the
COBOL85 compiler and m ust be ordered separately. CRTE V2.1 is included in OSD-SVP V2.0 for
SR2000 business servers.
COBOL85 supports the symbolic
debugging of COBOL programs with
the interactive debugging tool AID
(not with COBOL85-BC).
COBOL85 (BS2000/OSD) V2.3
is ”Ready for 2000”
A Siemens Nixdorf product is
”Ready for 2000” if
there are no known problems in
respect of year 2000, or suitable
updates will be provided in time,
an update or upgrade will be
supplied free of charge by
Siemens Nixdorf to eliminate
any year 2000-related problems.

Functional Description
In order to describe the COBOL language, the current standard documents divide it into a nucleus and
eleven functional modules, of which
five are optional.
COBOL85 V2.3 supports the following levels:
Nucleus 2 NUC 1,2
Sequential I-O 2 SEQ 1,2
Relative I-O 2 REL 0,2
Indexed I-O 2 INX 0,2
Sort Merge 1 SRT 0,1
Source Text
Optional modules:
Report Writer 1 RPW 0,1
Segmentation 2 SEG 0,2
Intrinsic Function
The remaining optional modules,
Communication and Debug, are
covered in BS2000/OSD by
openUTM and AID respectively.
POSIX support:
COBOL85 supports the POSIX
functionality and the POSIX file system in BS2000/OSD.
FIPS flagging with COBOL85:
Certain language elements and dif-
ferent language levels can be identified in the COBOL programs by
means of flags.
COBOL85 structurizer:
The COBOL85 source text can be
formatted into a clearer structure
using the Beautifier and edited with
graphical structure lists and crossreferences by means of a Pretty
The COBOL DML (Data Manipula-
tion Language) enables statements
in COBOL programs to be integrated
into the UDS/SQL database system.
The ESQL-COBOL preprocessor
implements the COBOL program
interface to the UDS/SQL and
SESAM/SQL database systems via
embedded SQL. This enables SQL
functions to be called directly from
COBOL programs (separate software product).
2 IPC 1,2
2 STM 0,2
Year 2000 support:
COBOL85 supports Year 2000 conversions with extended programming
interfaces with four-digit year formats:
With the ACCEPT statement
DATE-ISO4 a 4-digit century date
function in the form YYYY-MMDDNNN.
With COBOL Intrinsic Functions:
With COBOL standard functions
YEAR-TO-YYYY using the sliding
windows technique to expand
two-digit years into four-digit format by means of a sliding century
statement with sliding window
Program Description
The COBOL85 development system
is a combination of the COBOL85
compiler and the Comm on Runtime
Environment CRTE. CRTE is the
common runtime environment for
COBOL85 and C/C++.
The COBOL source program can be
input to the COBOL85 compiler via
files assigned to SYSDTA, via program libraries (PLAM) or from the
POSIX file system. The output generated by the compiler is an object
module and compiler listings. The
object modules are output to the
temporary object module file ( OMF),
to program libraries (PLAM) or to the
POSIX file system. The obj ect modules from one or more independent
compilation runs must be linked together with CRTE to form a load
When generating /390 format,
object compatibility of BS2000/OSD
applications is granted also for
coming changes of architecture.
The compilation is c ontrolled via the
SDF interface, the COMOPT control
facility or from the POSIX shell. Error
texts are output in English or German (user option).
The syntax and semantics of a
COBOL program can be check ed by
starting a compiler run without code
The objects generated by COBOL85
are reusable. This saves on storage
space and reduces the number of
load calls.
The objects generated by COBOL85
can be run above the 16 MB boundary.
COBOL85 applications can make
use of an address space of max.
2 Gbytes (data, modules, Level 01).
A COBOL program can proces s f iles
based on different organization
schemes. The form of organization
selected by the user determines the
access method used by the
BS2000/OSD DMS or the POSIX file
system. BS2000/OSD and POSIX
files can be accessed simultaneously in a COBOL program.
POSIX extensions:
COBOL85 V2.2 and higher addition-
ally supports POSIX and XPG4 interfaces. These permit the
COBOL85 compiler and COBOL85
applications to be called from the
POSIX shell and programs and data
to be stored in the POSIX file system.
XPG4 extensions:
ACCEPT and DISPLAY can be used
for environment variable and command line processing.
CODE can be used to com municate
with C/C++ programs.
Linking with other COBOL85 programs and with C/C++, Fortran,
Pascal, PL/I, RPG3 and Assembler
programs is possible via the common run-time environment CRTE.
Communication with other
COBOL85 programs and with the
operating system is supported by
means of user and task switches,
job variables, command line parameters and shell variables.
COBOL85 also generates symbol
information to allow symbolic interactive debugging using AID.