Important notes
Important notes
In this chapter you will find information regarding safety which it is essential to
take note of when working with y our device.
Safety instructions
This device co mplies wit
h the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment,
including electronic of
fice machines for use in an office environment. If you have
any questions about whe
ther the device can be used in the intended environment,
please contact your sal
es office or our Service Desk.
• The display surface of
the device is sensitive to pressure and scratches. You should therefore
be careful with the dis
play surface in order to avoid lasting damage (scratches).
• If the device is brought into the installation site from a cold environment, condensation
can form. Before operating the device, wait until it is absolutely dry and has reached
approximately the same temperature as the installation site.
• When installing an
d operating the device, please observe the notes on environmental
conditions in Chap
ter "
Technical specification", Page 33 as well as the instructions in
Chapter "
up an ergonomic video workstation", Page 12.
• To ensure sufficient ventilation, the air inlet and outlet openings of the device must be kept clear.
• The device autom
atically sets itself to the correct voltage within th e range from 10 0 V to 240 V.
Make sure that t
he local mains voltage is neither higher nor lower than this range.
• Ensure that the power socket o n the device and the mains outlet are freely accessible.
• The ON/OFF swi
tch does not disconnect the monitor from the mains voltage. To disconnect
fully from the
mains supply, disconnect the power plug from the socket.
• The de vice is equipped with a power cable that complies with safety standards.
• Use the suppl
ied power cable only.
• Lay the cables in such a way that they do not create a hazard (danger of tripping)
and cannot be damaged. When connecting the device, observe the relevant
notes in chapter "
Connecting the device", Page 17.
• No data tra
nsfer cables should be connected or disconnected during a thunderstorm.
• Make sure that no objects (e.g. jewellery chains, paper clips, etc.) or liquids get
inside the device (danger of electric shock, short circuit).
• The devic
e is not waterproof! Never immerse the device in water an d protect
it from s
pray water (rain, sea water).
• In an emergency (e.g. damaged casing, operation controls or cables, penetration
of liquids or foreign matter), switch off the device, disconnect the power plug
and contact your sales outlet or our Service Desk.
• Repai
rs to the device must only be perfo rmed by qualified technicians. Unauthorised opening
and in
correct repair may greatly end anger the user (electric shock, fire risk).
• Only use the screen resolution settings and re fresh rates specified in chapter
Technical specifica tion", Page 33. Otherwise you may damage the device. If you
are in any doubt, contact your sales outlet or our Help Desk.
screen saver with moving images and activate the power management for
r monitor to prevent still images from "burning in".
• If you operate the device with the swivel arm or a similar accessory, it must not be turned by 180°.
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