Fujitsu ADSL USB Modem User Manual

Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited
In Commercial Confidence
March 2002 Issue 02
User Manual
Issue History In Commercial Confidence
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Issue History
Issue No. Issue Date History
Issue 01 Jan 2002 First Isssue of ADSL USB modem User Manual. Issue 02 March 2002 Second Issue of ADSL USB modem User Manual. Inclusion of Safety
notice in Preface
In Commercial Confidence Licence and Conditions
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page iii FTEL Issue 02 March 02
Licence and Conditions
The contents of this document are protected under copyright and contain commercially and/or technically confidential information. The content of the document must not be used other than for the purpose for which its was provided nor may it b e disclosed o r copied (by autho rised recipient or otherwise) without the prior written consent of an authorised officer of Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited (FTEL).
Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited has taken every care that the contents of this document were correct at the time of publication, however, the information is subject to change without notice.
If you find any errors, or wish to make any other comments on the document, please write to us at the address shown below.
All product or service names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
© Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited 2002. Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Limited
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Tel: +44 (0) 121 717 6000 Fax: +44 (0) 121 717 6161 Sales/Order Enquiries: +44 (0) 121 717 6100 Technical Assistance Centre: +44 (0) 121 717 6060 Website:
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In Commercial Confidence Contents
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page v FTEL Issue 02 March 02
Issue History...................................................................................................................ii
Licence and Conditions.................................................................................................iii
List of Figures................................................................................................. ...vii
List of Procedures....................................................... .......................................vii
Preface........................................................................................................................... ix
Who Should Read this Manual........................................................................... ix
What this Manual Covers....................................................................................ix
Conventions Used in this Manual........................................................................ x
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................1-1
What is ADSL?.................................................................................................1-1
Protocol and Device Driver Selection...............................................................1-1
Features Summary ............................................................................................1-3
Chapter 2 Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows............................2-1
List of Procedures....................................................... ......... .............................2-2
Connecting the Modem.....................................................................................2-2
System Requirements........................................................................................2-3
Information Required Before You Start ...........................................................2-4
Modem Hardware Installation..........................................................................2-5
Modem Software Setup for Windows 98..........................................................2-7
Modem Software Setup for Windows 2000....................................................2-10
Modem Software Setup for Windows ME......................................................2-14
Modem Software Setup for Windows XP ......................................................2-17
Contents In Commercial Confidence
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What to do if the Modem is Plugged in First..................................................2-25
Modem Software Setup for Windows 98 with the Modem Plugged In2-26 Modem Software Setup for Windows 2000 with the Modem
Plugged In.............................................................................................2-29
Software Setup for Windows ME with the Modem Plugged In...........2-32
Software Setup for Windows XP with the Modem Plugged In............2-35
Chapter 3 Installation and Software Setup for an Apple Macintosh Computer ................3-1
List of Procedures..............................................................................................3-2
System Requirements..................................................................... ...................3-2
Information Required Before You Start............................................................3-3
Modem Hardware Installation...........................................................................3-4
Software Setup for Macintosh OS9.1................................................................3-5
Creating a Dial-up Connection..........................................................................3-9
Connecting to a Remote Network..................................................................3-11
Establishing a PPP Connection.......................................................................3-13
Chapter 4 Managing the Software.....................................................................................4-1
List of Procedures..............................................................................................4-1
Uninstalling the Software..................................................................................4-2
Uninstalling for PCs Running Windows.................................................4-2
Uninstalling for Macintosh.....................................................................4-5
Control Panel Applications...............................................................................4-8
Customising Communications Settings............................................................4-8
Control Panel Applications for PCs......................................................4-10
Control Panel Applications for Macintosh ...........................................4-12
Modifying the TCP/IP Options for Wide Area Networks...............................4-17
Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition.....................................4-17
Windows 2000......................................................................................4-20
Windows XP.........................................................................................4-22
Windows ME ........................................................................................4-26
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet.............................................................4-29
Appendix A Product Specifications......................................................................................A-1
ADSL Standards Supported.............................................................................A-1
Power Requirements ........................................................................................A-1
Product Specification.......................................................................................A-2
Glossary..........................................................................................................Glossary -1
In Commercial Confidence Contents
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page vii FTEL Issue 02 March 02
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Connecting the Modem........................................................................................................................2-5
Figure 3-1: Connecting the Modem........................................................................................................................3-4
List of Procedures
Procedure 2-1: Modem Hardware Installation ............................................................................................................. 2-5
Procedure 2-2: Software Setup for Windows 98.......................................................................................................... 2-7
Procedure 2-3: Software Setup for Windows 2000.................................................................................................... 2-10
Procedure 2-4: Software Setup for Windows ME......................................................................................................2-14
Procedure 2-5: Software Setup for Windows XP....................................................................................................... 2-17
Procedure 2-6: Software Setup for Windows 98 - Modem Plugged In...................................................................... 2-26
Procedure 2-7: Software Setup for Windows 2000 - Modem Plugged In..................................................................2-29
Procedure 2-8: Software Setup for Windows ME - Modem Plugged In....................................................................2-32
Procedure 2-9: Software Setup for Windows XP - Modem Plugged In..................................................................... 2-35
Procedure 3-1: Modem Hardware Installation ............................................................................................................. 3-4
Procedure 3-2: Software Setup for Macintosh..............................................................................................................3-5
Procedure 3-3: Creating a Dial-up Connection............................................................................................................. 3-9
Procedure 3-4: Connecting to a Remote Network...................................................................................................... 3-11
Procedure 3-5: Establishing a PPP Connection.......................................................................................................... 3-13
Procedure 4-1: PCs Uninstall the Software ..................................................................................................................4-2
Procedure 4-2: Macintosh Uninstall the Software........................................................................................................4-5
Procedure 4-3: Customising Communications Settings............................................................................................... 4-8
Procedure 4-4: PC Control Panel Applications .......................................................................................................... 4-10
Procedure 4-5: Macintosh Control Panel Applications..............................................................................................4-12
Procedure 4-6: Set the TCP/IP for Windows 98......................................................................................................... 4-17
Procedure 4-7: Set the TCP/IP for Windows 2000..................................................................................................... 4-20
Procedure 4-8: Set the TCP/IP for Windows XP........................................................................................................4-22
Procedure 4-9: Set the TCP/IP for Windows ME....................................................................................................... 4-26
Contents In Commercial Confidence
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In Commercial Confidence Preface
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page ix FTEL Issue 02 March 02
This manual contains information about the installation, operation and configuration of the ADSL USB Modem.
1. D
2. A
Who Should Read this Manual
This manual is for users of the ADSL USB Modem.
Preface In Commercial Confidence
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What this Manual Covers
This manual contains the following information: Chapter 1 “Introduction”—This chapter describes, what ADSL is, tells you about Protocols and
Device Drivers and the main features of the ADSL USB Modem. Chapter 2 Installation and Softw are Setup for PCs Running Windows —This chapter tells you
the requirements for your PC, what information you need to gather before you start the installation and how to install the modem and software.
Chapter 3 Installation and Soft ware Setup for an Apple Ma cint osh Com puter—This chapter tells you the requirements for your Macintosh, what information you need to gather before you start the installation and how to install the modem and software.
Chapter 4 Managing the Software—This chapter describes updating software, removing software and customising settings.
Appendix A Product SpecificationsThis appendix lists technical specification of the ADSL USB Modem
Glossary—This is a glossary of terms for this manual.
Conventions Used in this Manual
The conventions used for the procedures in this manual are described below.
Commands ar e always refe rred to by usi ng the word “click” before them. These commands are always shown as bold-faced words. For example, click
Next, click OK, or click Cancel.
Names of Windows (Dialog Boxes)
The names of the windows (also referred to as dialog boxes) that appear on the PC screen are always referred to in quotes. For example, the “Setup Complete” window .
Names of Options in Windows
The names of options to choose from inside the windows that appear on the PC screen are always referred to in italics. For example, choose the Yes, I want to restart my computer now option from the window.
In some cases, preparatory or cautionar y information is need ed before pr oceeding onto the next step in an installation process. This kind of information is provided in the form of notes, for example
To access the Control Panel, the driver must be running. Also, make sure the USB cable is plugged into the modem.
In Commercial Confidence Introduction
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CHA PTER 1 Introduction
This chapter provides a brief overview of the ADSL USB modem. Specifically this chapter describes:
What is ADSL
Protocol and device drivers
features summary
What is ADSL?
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) technology provides high-speed data access across a telephone line (copper-twisted pair) by making use of previously unused frequency bandwidth above the voice frequency band. By placing the ADSL signal above the frequency of the voice signal, ADSL service is able to coexist on the same line with your telephone service. ADSL is asymmetric because it provides a higher data rate in the downstream (internet provider to your computer) direction than in the upstream (computer to internet) direction. Asymmetric operation is ideal for home and small office use where files and information are downloaded to the computer more frequently than uploaded.
Protocol and Device Driver Selection
The ADSL USB (Universal Serial Bus) Modem can be easily connected to a USB port on a computer via a standard USB cable. The ADSL USB Modem is fully software upgradeab le so that new features and updates may be added by simply loading a new version of the device driver onto your Personal Computer (PC).
Introduction In Commercial Confidence
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ADSL modems employ ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) framing. ATM is a protocol that divides packets into small fixed sized cells for rapid transmission over high-speed networks. The ATM protocol al l ows various t ypes of traffic (e.g. data, voice, and video) to be securely and efficiently carried over the same network. ATM is being widely deployed by telecommunications carriers in their backbone networks. Tw o type of ATM connections are possible, PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) and SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit).
Several different protocols are used on top of ATM. The protocol required in your configuration depends on the equipment deployed by your DSL service provider. There are several possibilities:
Point to Point Pr otocol (PPP) Over ATM (RFC 2364) - PPP provides session setup, user authentication (login), and encapsulation for upper layer protocols such as IP (Internet Protocol). The use of PPP makes the modem appear as a dial-up modem to the operating system. Dial-Up Networking is used to establish a conn ection. PPP is supported by eithe r the WAN (Wide Area Network) driver or the ATM driver.
Bridged/Routed Ethernet/IP over ATM (RFC 1483) – This protocol makes the modem appear as a local area network (LAN) device to the operating system.
RFC 1577 – this is another local area network like protocol for IP add ress and ATM address mapping.
PPP Over Ethernet (RFC 2516) - This protocol makes the modem appear as a LAN device to the operating system. It allows multiple computer users on an Ethernet to share a common DSL connection to the Internet.
Three types of device drivers are provided for the ADSL USB modem, WAN, LAN, and ATM. All three drivers support ATM protocol. In addition, the ATM driver works with ATM services that are available in recent Windows operating systems. The proper choice of driver depends on the combination of Windows
operating system and protocol.
WAN – this driver causes the modem to resemble a dial-up modem. Call establishment is performed through Dial-Up Networking. This driver supports RFC 2364 with PVC connections. It can be used with Windows 98, Windo ws 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows ME and Windows XP.
LAN (RFC 1483) - this driver makes the modem appear as a LAN or Ethernet device. Connection establishment is automatic. This driver supports RFC 1483 with PVC connections. Additionally, PPPoE is supported. It can be used with Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000,Windows ME and Windows XP.
ATM – this driver works in conjunction with ATM services provided by Windows. Both RFC 1577 and RFC 2364 are s upported. The ATM driver uses Dial-Up Networking to create a PVC or SVC connection to establish a PPP (RFC 2364) connection. This driver can be used with Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000,Windows ME and Windows XP.
The device driver choices are summarized in Table 1-1:
1. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows ME and Windows XP are
either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in th e United States and/or other countries.
In Commercial Confidence Introduction
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Features Summary
The ADSL USB Modem provides the following features:
Compliant with USB (Universal Serial Bus) Specification Revision 1.1.
USB powered; an external power supply is not required.
Supports three device drivers: Microsoft NDIS 4.0 WAN Miniport, NDIS 4.0 LAN Miniport
or NDIS 5.0 ATM Miniport.
Compatible with all T1.413, G.DMT, and G.lite compliant central office (CO) DSLAM
equipment as well as the vast majority of deployed CAP RADSL equipment.
Software upgradeable.
ATM driver supports up to sixteen simultaneous ATM virtual connections.
In cludes a Microsoft Windows control panel monitoring program fo r configurin g the
adapter and checking the status of the connection.
Provides an RJ-11 connector for connection to the telephone line.
Supports DSL downstr eam data rates u p to 8 Mbp s (125 times faster than standard 56k
Supports DSL upstream data rates up to 1024 kbps.
Supports third party PPPoE clients.
For full details of the technical capabilities of the modem see Product Specificationson page A-1.
Ta b le 1- 1 :
Driver Type Protocol Window OS
LAN RFC 1483 Windows ME, 2000, 98, 98 SE
and XP.
WAN RFC 2364
Windows ME, 2000, 98, 98 SE
and XP.
ATM RFC 1577
RFC 2364
Windows ME 2000, 98, 98 SE.
and XP
Introduction In Commercial Confidence
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In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
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CHA PTER 2 Installation and Software Setup for
PCs Running Windows
This chapter describes:
The requirements for your Personal Computer which are described in “System
Requirementson page 2-3.
The information you need to gather before you start the installation, see “Information
Required Before You Starton page 2-4.
How to install the mod e m (s ee Modem Hardware Installationon page 2-5) and setup the
software for the ADSL USB Modem for the following operating systems on a PC:
- Modem Software Setup for Windows 98” on page 2-7
- Modem Software Setup for Windows 2000” on page 2-10
- Modem Software Setup for Windows MEon page 2-14
- Modem Software Setup for Windows XPon page 2-17
The action to take if you have plugged in the mo dem befo r e installin g the so ftware, see
What to do if the Modem is Plugged in Firston page 2-25.
If you have an Apple Macintosh Computer please read Chapter 3 “In stallation and
Software Setup for an Apple Macintosh Computer
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
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List of Procedures
The actions you need to take are described in the procedures listed in Table 2-1.
Connecting the Modem
The software set must be started with the Modem disconnected from the computer. The procedure (Procedure 2-2, Procedure 2-3, Procedure 2-4 or Procedure 2-5 depending on Windows version) tells you when to connect the modem. Fujitsu recommends that you use these procedures because they are shorter and easier to perform.
The setup can still be performed if the modem has already connected but you must follow a different set of procedures (Procedure 2-6, Procedure 2-7, Procedure 2-8 or Procedure 2-9 depending on Windows version) followed by (Procedure 2-2, Procedure 2-3, Procedure 2-4 or Procedure 2-5). This method is longer and harder to perform and is not recommended by Fujitsu.
Table 2-1:
Title Page
2-1 Modem Hardware Installation 2-5 2-2 Software Setup for Windows 98 2-7 2-3 Software Setup for Windows 2000 2-10 2-4 Software Setup for Windows ME 2-14 2-5 Software Setup for Windows XP 2-17 2-6 Software Setup for Windows 98 - Modem Plugged In 2-26 2-7 Software Setup for Windows 2000 - Modem Plugged In 2-29 2-8 Software Setup for Windows ME - Modem Plugged In 2-32 2-9 Software Setup for Windows XP - Modem Plugged In 2-35
In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
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System Requirements
The following specifications are the minimum required for optimum performance of this ADSL modem:
PC with Pentium, Celeron, Xeon or compatible processor
USB V1.0 or V1.1-compliant bus
At least 32 MB RAM
10 MB of free hard drive space
TCP/IP protocol stack installed
Microsoft Windows 98/98SE, Windows Millennium (ME), Windows 2000, Windows XP
CD-ROM, or the appropriate CAB files.
A web browser such as Internet Explorer 4.x (or later) or Netscape Navigator 4.x (or later)
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
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Information Required Before You Start
The following information may be required for software installation. Contact your DSL service provider before proceeding with software installation.
Table 2-2:
Item Description Notes
IP Address Setting IP Address The software installation
process allows the server to
dynamically assign IP
Address settings . I f your
application requires static setting of specific address information you will need
to know
Subnet mask For Bridged Ethernet
applications only
Default Gateway For Bridged Ethernet
applications only
Domain Name Server Information Primary DNS Address The software installation
process allows the server to dynamically assign Domain
Name Server Address
settings. If your application
requires static setting of
specific address
information you will need
to know
Secondary DNS Address
Type of Driver to be Installed WAN, LAN and ATM
software drivers are
Required if not using
default val ue
ATM Virtual Path ID (VPI) Required if not using default value
ATM V i r tual Circui t ID (VCI)
Encapsulation Type
Modulation Type
User Name For PPP applications only
In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page 2 - 5 FTEL Issue 02 March 02
Modem Hardware Installation
Follow procedure Procedure 2-1 and Figure 2-1 to install your modem, set up the cables, computer , telephone and Splitter.
Figure 2-1: Connecting the Modem
Install the ADSL USB Modem by following Procedure 2-1 with the PC running:
Do not connect the ADSL USB modem to the computer.
Procedure 2-1: Modem Hardware Installation
1. Locate the master telephone wall outlet and unplug any telephone cable that is
connected to the outlet.
2. Plug the Splitter into the wall outlet.
3. Plug in the cable from the Splitter to Modem (the ADSL jack).
4. Put the square end of the USB cable near the USB port of the ADSL USB Modem to
check that it will reach. Do not plug it in yet, further instructions will tell you when to plug it in.
5. Insert the rectangular end of a USB cable into the USB port of your computer.
6. Connect the telephone wiring to the Splitter.
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
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7. Follow the appropriate procedure to set up the modem software:
- Procedure 2-2 for Windows 98
- Procedure 2-3 for Windows 2000
- Procedure 2-4 for Windows ME
- Procedure 2-5 for Windows XP
Procedure 2-1: Modem Hardware Installation (Continued)
In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page 2 - 7 FTEL Issue 02 March 02
Modem Software Setup for Windows 98
Follow Procedure 2-2 to set up the software for Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition.
Note: You must not connect the modem to the computer until the procedure tells you.
Follow Procedure 2-6 on page 2-26 if the modem has been connected to the computer
Procedure 2-2: Software Setup for Windows 98
1. Start your computer and allow Windows to start-up.
2. Insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
If the CD self starts go to Step 3.
If the CD doesnt automatically start, go to
Windows Explorer -> CD-ROM Drive
to run the setup program.
3. A Welcome message appears. Click Next.
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
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4. The Setup Complete window indicates that files have been copied. Click Finish to
complete the installation.
5. The installation program now searches for the USB modem. The ADSL Installer
window prompts you to plug in the USB modem.
If the modem is not plugged into the PC, plug it in now.
Note: You may need the Windows CD to complete the installation
Procedure 2-2: Software Setup for Windows 98 (Continued)
In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page 2 - 9 FTEL Issue 02 March 02
6. After informational messages are displayed, the System Settings Change window
gives you the opportunity to restart the system. Remove all disks from their drives; click
Yes, and the PC restarts automatically.
7. You have successfully installed the modem software.
Procedure 2-2: Software Setup for Windows 98 (Continued)
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
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Modem Software Setup for Windows 2000
Follow Procedure 2-3 to set up the software for Windows 2000.
Note: You must not connect the modem to the computer until the procedure tells you.
Follow Procedure 2-7 on page 2-29 if the modem has been connected to the computer.
Procedure 2-3: Software Setup for Windows 2000
1. Start your computer and allow Windows to start-up.
2. Insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
If the CD self starts go to Step 3.
If the CD doesnt automatically start, go to
Windows Explorer -> CD-ROM Drive
to run the setup program.
3. A Welcome message appears. Click Next.
In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page 2 - 11 FTEL Issue 02 March 02
4. The Digital Signature Not Found window may appear warning that the installation
software is not a digitally signed version. A digital signature is not necessary; the ADSL USB Modem software has been tested with Windows 2000. Click
Yes to allow
the installation to continue.
Note: If another Digital Signature Not Found” window appears click
Yes to
Procedure 2-3: Software Setup for Windows 2000 (Continued)
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
Page 2 - 12 ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Issue 02 March 02 FTEL
5. The Setup Complete window indicates that files have been copied. Click Finish to
complete the installation.
6. The installation program now searches for the USB modem. The ADSL Installer
window prompts you to plug in the USB modem.
If the modem is not plugged into the PC, plug it in now.
Procedure 2-3: Software Setup for Windows 2000 (Continued)
In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page 2 - 13 FTEL Issue 02 March 02
7. The Digital Signature Not Found window may appear again warning that the
installation software is not a digitally signed version. A digital sign a ture is not necessary; the ADSL USB Modem software has been tested with Windows 200 0. Click
Yes to allow the installation to continue.
Note: If another Digital Signature Not Found window appears click
Yes to
8. You have successfully installed the modem software!
Procedure 2-3: Software Setup for Windows 2000 (Continued)
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
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Modem Software Setup for Windows ME
Follow Procedure 2-4 to set up the software for Windows ME.
Note: You must not connect the modem to the computer until the procedure tells you.
Follow Procedure 2-8 on page 2-32 if the modem has been connected to the computer.
Procedure 2-4: Software Setup for Windows ME
1. Start your computer and allow Windows to start-up.
2. Insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
If the CD self starts go to Step 3.
If the CD doesnt automatically start, go to
Windows Explorer -> CD-ROM Drive
to run the setup program.
3. A Welcome message appears. Click Next.
In Commercial Confidence Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows
ADSL USB Modem - User Manual Page 2 - 15 FTEL Issue 02 March 02
4. The Setup Completewindow indicates that files have been copied. Click Finish to
complete the installation.
5. The installation program now searches for the USB modem. The ADSL Installer
window prompts you to plug in the USB modem.
6. If the modem is not plugged into the PC, plug it in now.
Procedure 2-4: Software Setup for Windows ME (Continued)
Installation and Software Setup for PCs Running Windows In Commercial Confidence
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7. After information messages are displayed , the Sy stem Settings Changewindow
gives you the opportunity to restart the system. Remove all disks from their drives; click
Yes, and the PC restarts automatically.
8. You have now successfully installed the modem software.
Procedure 2-4: Software Setup for Windows ME (Continued)
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