Fujitsu 985Tx, LIFEBOOK 900 SERIES User Manual

Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on has made every eort to en su re the acc u racy and com p l eteness of this doc u m en t . However,as on going devel opm ent eorts are con ti n ­u a lly improving the capabi l i ties of our produ ct s ,we cannot guara n tee the acc u racy of the con tents of t h i s doc u m en t .We disclaim liabi l i ty for errors ,om i s s i on s , or futu re ch a n ge s .
Fu j i t su and the Fu j i t su logo are regi s tered tradem a rk s and Life Book is a tradem a rk of Fu j i t su Limited . Built for Humans and Ergo Trac are tradem a rks of Fu j i t su Pers onal Com p uter Corpora ti on . The fo ll owing are regi s tered tradem a rks of IBM Corpora ti on :I B M ,IBM PC AT,IBM PS/2. The fo ll owing are regi s tered tradem a rks of Mi c ro s oft Corpora ti on :M S ,M S - DO S ,Wi n dows 95. PCMCIA is a tradem a rk of the Pers onal Com p uter Mem ory Ca rd In tern a ti onal As s oc i a ti on . P h oenix and the Phoenix logo are regi s tered tradem a rks ofP h oenix Tech n o l ogi e s ,L td . Pen tium is a regi s tered tradem a rk and MMX tech n o l ogy is a tradem a rk of In tel Corpora ti on . P C - Doctor is a tradem a rk of w a ter ga te . s of t w a re . i n c .
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We cannot guara n tee the acc u racy ofthe con tents of t h i s doc u m en t .We disclaim liabi l i ty for errors ,om i s s i on s , or futu re ch a n ge s .
© Copyri ght 1998 Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .All ri gh t s re s erved .No part of this publ i c a ti on may be cop i ed , reprodu ced ,or tra n s l a ted , wi t h o ut pri or wri t ten con s en t of Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .No part of this publ i c a ti on m ay be stored or tra n s m i t ted in any el ectronic form wi t h o ut the wri t ten con s ent of Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on .
according to FCC Pa rt 15
Re s pon s i ble Pa rty Na m e : Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on
Ad d re s s : 598 Gibraltar Drive
Mi l p i t a s ,CA 95035
Tel eph on e : (408) 935-8800
Decl a res that produ ct : Model : L i fe Book 985Tx.
Complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC Ru l e s .
This devi ce complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC ru l e s . Opera ti ons is su bj ect to the fo ll owing two con d i ti on s : (1) This devi ce must not be all owed to cause harm f u l i n terferen ce , (2) This devi ce must accept any inter­feren ce received , i n cluding interferen ce that may cause u n de s i red opera ti on .
D avid Woo Fu j i t su 1 0 / 3 1 / 9 7
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Changes or modification not expressly appro v e d by Fujitsu PC Corporation could void this user’s authority to operate the equipment.
S h i el ded intercon n ect cables must be em p l oyed wi t h this equ i pm ent to en su re com p l i a n ce with the perti n en t RF em i s s i on limits governing this devi ce .
Notice to Users of the US Telephone Network
The Life Book 900 Series notebook com p uters are su pp l i ed with an internal modem wh i ch complies wi t h Pa rt 68 ofthe FCC ru l e s .On this notebook is a label that contains the FCC Regi s tra ti on Nu m ber and the Ri n ger Equ iva l en ce Nu m ber (REN) for this equ i pm en t a m ong other inform a ti on .If requ e s ted ,the user mu s t provi de their tel eph one com p a ny with the fo ll owi n g i n form a ti on :
1 . The tel eph one nu m ber to wh i ch the notebook
is con n ected .
2 . The Ri n ger Equ iva l en ce Nu m ber (REN) for
this equ i pm en t .
3 . That the equ i pm ent requ i res a standard modu l a r
jack type USOC RJ-11C wh i ch is FCC
Pa rt 68 com p l i a n t . 4 . The FCC Regi s tra ti on Nu m ber. This equ i pm ent is de s i gn ed to be con n ected to the
tel eph one net work or premises wi ring using a standard m odular jack type USOC RJ-11C wh i ch is FCC Pa rt 68 compliant and a line cord bet ween the modem and the tel eph one net work with a minimum of2 6 AWG .
The REN is used to determine the nu m ber of devi ce s that you may con n ect to your tel eph one line and sti ll h ave all ofthose devi ces ring wh en your nu m ber is c a ll ed . Too many devi ces on one line may re sult in f a i lu re to ring in re s ponse to an incoming call .In m o s t ,but not all ,a reas the sum ofthe RENs of a ll of the devi ces should not exceed five (5.0).To be certain of the nu m ber of devi ces you may con n ect to your l i n e ,as determ i n ed by the RENs,con t act your local tel eph one com p a ny.
If this equ i pm ent causes harm to the tel eph one net work , your tel eph one com p a ny may discon ti nue your servi ce tem pora ri ly.If po s s i bl e ,t h ey wi ll notify you in adva n ce . If adva n ce noti ce is not practical they wi ll notify you as s oon as po s s i bl e .You wi ll also be advi s ed of your ri gh t to file a complaint with the FCC.
This fax modem also complies with fax bra n d i n g requ i rem ents per FCC Pa rt 68.
Your tel eph one com p a ny wi ll prob a bly ask you to dis­con n ect this equ i pm ent from the tel eph one net work u n til the probl em is corrected and you are su re that the equ i pm ent is not malfuncti on i n g.This equ i pm ent may not be used on coin servi ce tel eph ones provi ded by yo u r tel eph one com p a ny. Con n ecti on to party lines is su bj ect to state tari f fs . Con t act your state’s public uti l i ty com­m i s s i on ,p u blic servi ce com m i s s i on or corpora ti on com m i s s i on for more inform a ti on .
Notice to Users of Radios and Television
These limits are de s i gn ed to provi de re a s on a ble pro tec­ti on against harmful interferen ce in a re s i den tial instal­l a ti on .This equ i pm ent gen era te s ,u s e s ,and can rad i a te radio frequ ency en er gy and,i f not install ed and used in accord a n ce with the instru cti on s ,m ay cause harm f u l i n terferen ce to radio com mu n i c a ti on s .However,t h ere is no guara n tee that interferen ce wi ll not occur in a p a rticular install a ti on .If this equ i pm ent does cause h a rmful interferen ce to radio or tel evi s i on recepti on , wh i ch can be determ i n ed by tu rning the equ i pm ent of f and on ,the user is en co u ra ged to try to correct the i n terferen ce by one or more of the fo ll owing measu re s :
Reori ent or rel oc a te the receiving anten n a .
In c rease the sep a ra ti on bet ween the equ i pm ent and receiver.
Con n ect the equ i pm ent into an out l et that is on a dierent circuit than the receiver.
Con sult the de a l er or an ex peri en ced rad i o / TV technician for hel p.
This equ i pm ent inclu des autom a tic dialing capabi l i ty. Wh en programming and/or making test calls to em er gency nu m bers :
Remain on the line and briefly explain to the d i s p a tch er the re a s on for the call .
Perform su ch activi ties in o- peak hours ,su ch as early morning or late even i n g.
FCC rules pro h i bit the use of n on - h e a ring aid com p a ti ble tel eph ones in the fo ll owing loc a ti ons or app l i c a ti on s :
All public or sem i p u blic coi n - opera ted or c redit card tel eph on e s .
E l eva tors ,h i g hw ays , tu n n els (autom obi l e ,su bw ay, ra i l road or pede s trian) wh ere a pers on wi t h i m p a i red hearing might be isolated in an em er gen c y.
P l aces wh ere tel eph ones are spec i fi c a lly install ed to alert em er gency aut h ori ties su ch as fire ,po l i ce or medical assistance pers on n el .
Hospital room s ,re s i den tial health care fac i l i ti e s , conva l e s cent homes and pri s on s .
Work s t a ti ons for the hearing impaired .
Ho tel ,m o tel or apartm ent lobbi e s .
S tores wh ere tel eph ones are used by patrons to order merch a n d i s e .
Pu blic tra n s port a ti on terminals wh ere tel eph on e s a re used to call taxis or to re s erve lod ging or rental cars .
In hotel and motel rooms as at least ten percent of the rooms must contain hearing aid com p a ti bl e tel eph ones or jacks for plug-in hearing aid com p a ti­ble tel eph ones wh i ch wi ll be provi ded to heari n g i m p a i red custom ers on requ e s t .
Notice to Users of Radios and Television
This Class B digital app a ra tus meets all requ i rem ents of the Ca n adian In terferen ce - Causing Equ i pm en t Reg u l a ti on s .
CET app a reil nu m é ri que de la class B re s pecte to utes les ex i gen ce du Régl em ent sur le matérial bro u i ll eur du Ca n ad a .
Notice to Users of the Canadian Telephone Network
The Ca n adian In du s try Ca n ada label iden ti fies certi fied equ i pm en t .This certi fic a ti on means that the equ i pm en t m eets certain tel ecom mu n i c a ti ons net work pro tective , opera ti onal and safety requ i rem en t s .The Dep a rtm en t does not guara n tee the equ i pm ent wi ll opera te to the u s er ’s sati s f acti on .
The Life Book 900 Series notebook com p uters are su pp l i ed with an internal modem wh i ch complies wi t h the In du s try Ca n ada certi fic a ti on standards for tel ecom­mu n i c a ti on net work pro tecti on and safety requ i rem en t s . Before con n ecting this equ i pm ent to a tel eph one line the u s er should en su re that it is perm i s s i ble to con n ect this equ i pm ent to the local tel ecom mu n i c a ti on fac i l i ti e s .Th e u s er should be aw a re that com p l i a n ce with the certi fic a­ti on standards does not prevent servi ce degrad a ti on in s ome situ a ti on s .
Rep a i rs to tel ecom mu n i c a ti on equ i pm ent should be m ade by a Ca n adian aut h ori zed mainten a n ce fac i l i ty.Any rep a i rs or altera ti ons not ex pre s s ly approved by Fu j i t su PC Corpora ti on or any equ i pm ent failu res may give the tel ecom mu n i c a ti on com p a ny cause to request the user to discon n ect the equ i pm ent from the tel eph one line.
The con n ecting arra n gem ent code for this equ i pm ent is CA11A.
The Load Nu m ber is 3. The Load Nu m ber assign ed to each tel eph one term i n a l
devi ce den o tes the percen t a ge of the total load to be con n ected to a tel eph one loop or circuit wh i ch is used by the devi ce to prevent overl oad i n g.The term i n a ti on on a loop may consist ofa ny com bi n a ti on ofdevi ce s su ch that the total of the load nu m bers of a ll devi ce s does not exceed 100.
Avis Aux Utilisateurs Du Réseau Téléphonique Canadien
L’ é ti qu et te canad i enne In du s trie Ca n ada iden ti fie l ’ é qu i pem ent certi fié .Cet te certi fic a ti on sign i fie que l’équ i pem ent satisfait certaines normes de pro tecti on ,d ’ ex p l oi t a ti on et de sécurité des réseaux de télécom mu n i c a ti on s .Le départem ent ne ga ra n tit pas le fon cti on n em ent de l’équ i pem ent à la s a ti s f acti on de l’uti l i s a teu r.
La série Life Book 900 po s s è dent un modem i n terne con forme aux normes de certi fic a ti on d ’ In du s trie Ca n ada pour pro t é ger les réseaux de t é l é com mu n i c a ti ons et sati s f a i re aux normes de s é c u ri t é .Avant de con n ecter cet équ i pem ent à une l i gne téléph on i qu e ,l ’ uti l i s a teur doit véri fier s’il est permis de con n ecter cet équ i pem ent aux install a ti ons de télécom mu n i c a ti ons loc a l e s .L’ uti l i s a teur est averti que même la con formité aux normes de certi fic a ti on ne peut dans certains cas em p ê ch er la dégrad a ti on du servi ce .
For safety, users should ensure that the electrical g round of the power utility, the telephone lines and the metallic water pipes are connected t o g e t h e r . Users should NOT attempt to make such connections themselves but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority or electrician. This may be particularly important in rural are a s .
Les répara ti ons de l’équ i pem ent de télécom mu n i c a ti on s doivent être ef fectuées par un servi ce de mainten a n ce a gréé au Ca n ad a .To ute répara ti on ou mod i fic a ti on ,qu i n’est pas ex pre s s é m ent appro uvée par Fu j i t su PC Corp. , ou to ute défaill a n ce de l’équ i pem ent peut en tra î n er la com p a gnie de télécom mu n i c a ti ons à ex i ger que l ’ uti l i s a teur décon n ecte l’équ i pem ent de la l i gne téléph on i qu e .
Le code d’arra n gem ent de con n ex i on de cet équ i pem en t est CA11A.
Le nu m é ro de ch a r ge est 3. Le nu m é ro de ch a r ge assigné à ch a que terminal
t é l é ph on i que indique le po u rcen t a ge de la ch a r ge totale po uvant être con n ecté à une bo u cle ou à un c i rcuit téléph on i qu e ,utilisé par ce péri ph é ri que afin de pr é venir to ute su rch a r ge .La term i n a i s on d’une bo u cle peut être con s ti tuée de n’ i m porte qu elle com bi n a i s on de péri - ph é ri ques de sorte que le total de nu m é ros de ch a r ge de tous les péri ph é ri ques n’ exc è de pas 100.
C AU T I O N :For con ti nu ed pro t ecti on against risk of fi re , rep l ace on ly with the same type and ra ting fuse.
C AU T I O N :D a n ger ofex p l o s i on if CMOS battery is incorrect ly rep l aced . Rep l ace on ly with the same or equ iva l ent type recom m en ded by the m a nu f actu rer.Di s pose of u s ed batteries according to the m a nu f actu rer ’s instru cti on .
WA R N I N G : CMOS and NiCAD batteries may ex p l ode ifm i s tre a ted . Do not rech a r ge ,d i s a s s em ble or dispose of in fire .
Pour assurer la sécurité, les utilisateurs doivent vérifier que la prise de terre du serv i c e d’électricité, les lignes téléphoniques et les conduites d’eau métalliques sont connectées ensemble. Les utilisateurs NE doivent PAS tenter d’établir ces connexions eux-mêmes, mais doivent contacter les services d’inspection d’installations électriques appropriés ou un électricien. Ceci peut être part i c u l i è re m e n t i m p o rtant en régions ru r a l e s .
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Unpacking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Overview of LifeBook 900
Series Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Component Identification . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Top and Front Components . . . . . . . . . . 4
Left Side Panel Components . . . . . . . . . . 7
Right Side Panel Components . . . . . . . . . 7
Rear Panel Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Bottom Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Power Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Data Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Starting Your LifeBook
for the First Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
User Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Learning AboutYour Operating System
and Application Software. . . . . . . . . . 15
Display Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
KeyboardAngle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Status Indicator Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Power On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Power Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Restarting the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Fujitsu Welcome Center. . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Integrated ErgoTrac Pointing Device. . . . . 29
Using the Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Floppy Disk Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
CD-ROM Drive and
Optional DVD Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Hard Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Internal Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Infrared Port. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Pre-Installed Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Boot Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Identifying the Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
BIOS Setup Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Navigating Through the Setup Utility . . . . 55
Main Menu – Setting Standard
System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Advanced Menu – Setting Device
Feature Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Security Menu – Setting the
Security Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Power Savings Menu – Setting Power
Management Feature Controls. . . . . . . 81
Boot Menu – Selecting the
Operating System Source. . . . . . . . . . 89
Exit Menu – Leaving the Setup Utility . . . . 91
Setting Up Your Save-To-Disk
File Allocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
User Installable Features . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Multi-function Bays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Floppy Disk Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
CD-ROM Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Optional Second Lithium ion Battery. . . . 104
Optional Second Hard Drive . . . . . . . . 105
Optional DVD Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
PC Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Battery Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
MIDI/joystick Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Theft Prevention Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Mouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Microphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Stereo Line In Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Headphones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Telephone Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Serial Port Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Parallel Port Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
USB Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
External Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
TVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Dolby Digital (AC-3) Sound Systems . . . . 114
Memory Upgrade Module. . . . . . . . . . 114
Optional LANdock
or Port Replicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Identifying the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Specific Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Power On Self Test Messages . . . . . . . . 146
Emergency CD-ROM Drive or
DVD Drive Tray Release . . . . . . . . . 149
Modem Setup and Commands . . . . . . . 149
Restoring Your Pre-Installed Software
From CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Care and Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Caring for Your Notebook. . . . . . . . . . 152
Increasing Battery Life . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Caring for Your Batteries . . . . . . . . . . 153
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
LifeBook 985Tx Specifications . . . . . . . 156
Approvals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Popular Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
APPENDIX B GLOSSARY . . . . . . .161
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
L i f e B o ok 90 0 Se r i e s f r o m Fu j i t s u
P r e f a c e
P r e f a c e
The LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu PC Corporation is a powerful notebook computer.It is powered by an Intel Pentium microprocessor with MMX technology, has a built-in color display, a CD-ROM drive, a 3.5" floppy disk drive and brings the computing power of desktop personal computers (PCs) to a portable environment.
This manual explains how to operate your LifeBook 900 Series’ hardware and built-in system software. The LifeBook 900 Series is compatible with the IBM PC AT.It comes with
Windows 95 pre-installed. The LifeBook 900 Series is a completely self-
contained unit with an active-matrix (TFT) color LCD display. It has a powerful interface that enables it to support a variety of optional features.(Figure P-1.)
Screen examples in this manual are intended as examples only,and screen and file names may dier in actual use.
Messages displayed by the LifeBook 900 Series appear in Courier type. Example: Shutdown the computer?
Keyboard keys are shown in boldface Helvetica type. Example: Fn,F1, Esc, and Ctrl.
Pages with additional information about a spe­cific topic are cross-referenced within the text. Example: (See page xx.)
The point icon highlights information that will enhance your understanding of the subject material.
The caution icon highlights information that is important to your safety, to the safe operation of your computer, or to the integrity of your files. Please read all caution information carefully.
L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m Fuj i t su
Figure P-1 LifeBook 900 Series With
Both Fujitsu and Third Party Options
S e t t ing U p Your L i f eB o o k 9 0 0 Se r i e s
S e c t i o n O n e
Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Overview of LifeBook 900
Series Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Component Identification . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Top and Front Components . . . . . . . . . . 4
Left Side Panel Components . . . . . . . . . . 7
Right Side Panel Components . . . . . . . . . 7
Rear Panel Components . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Bottom Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Power Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Data Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Starting Your LifeBook for the First Time . . . 12
User Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Learning About Your Operating
System and Application Software . . . . . 15
S e c t i o n O n e
This section describes how to set up your LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu. We strongly recommend that you read on before using your notebook – even if you are already familiar with notebook computers.
When you receive your notebook,unpack it carefully,and compare the parts you have received with the items listed below.
For a standard configuration you should have:
LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu.(Figure 1-1.)
AC adapter with AC power cord (located in the accessories box).
(Figure 1-2.)
Lithium ion battery (already installed in the Battery bay of your notebook).
Modular 20-speed maximum CD-ROM drive (already installed in Multi-function Bay 2 of your notebook).
Modular 3.5" floppy disk drive (already installed in Multi-function Bay 1 of your notebook).
MIDI/joystick cable (located in the accessories box).
RJ-11 cable (located in the accessories box).
Getting Started Guide.
User’s Guide.
Microsoft Windows 95 Manual.
Registration card and customer information pack.
Recovery CD-ROM (located in the accessories box).
Additional equipment and/or documentation depending on the option package you have purchased.
Figure 1-1 LifeBook 900 Series Notebook
Figure 1-2 AC Adapter Unit
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
Lithium ion battery.
Dual Multi-function bays which support
the following:
3.5" floppy disk drive ( for Mu l ti - f u n cti on Bay 1 on ly) (inclu ded ) .
20-speed maximum CD-ROM drive
(for Multi-function Bay 2 only) (included).
Optional 1.5-speed maximum DVD
drive with standard CD-ROM support (for Multi-function Bay 2 only).
Optional second Lithium ion battery
(with adapter for use in Multi-function
Bay 2 only).
Optional second 3GB hard drive
(for Multi-function Bay 2 only).
Internal K56flex fax/data/voice modem with
built-in telephony and DSVD support.
Your internal modem is designed to allow faster downloads from K56flex compliant digital sources. Maximum achievable download transmission rates may not reach 56 Kbps and will vary with line conditions.
Once you have checked and confirmed that your notebook system is complete, connect the AC adapter and follow the instructions starting on page 12 to begin using your LifeBook 900 Series. When you have completed the setup process please register your notebook. (See page 15.)
The LifeBook 900 Series is a compact, yet powerful notebook computer available with standard features including:
(See Appendix A, pages 156–160, for detailed information on individual models.)
233MHz Intel Pentium processor with MMX technology.
32MB SDRAM standard, expandable to 160MB.
13.3" active-matrix (TFT) color display with 1024 x 768 resolution (XGA).
4MB SGRAM video RAM.
Built-in 5GB hard drive.
Full audio and video features:
16-bit SoundBlaster-compatible sound chip.
3D-Stereo for multiple speaker effect.
3D-Graphics for fast graphics rendering.
MPEG-1 and optional MPEG-2 support for full motion video.
Zoomed Video support for full motion video acceleration.
Built-in stereo speakers.
Built-in mono microphone.
Stereo line in jack.
Headphone jack.
Microphone jack.
S e c t i o n O n e
TV output (NTSC/PAL and S-Video) jacks.
Dolby Digital (AC-3) jack.
MIDI/joystick port.
Two Type II/one Type III PC Card slots.
Fast IrDA (4Mbps) compatible infrared port for wireless data transfer.
Integrated ErgoTrac pointing device for superb comfort and cursor control.
External monitor support with simultaneous display capabilities.
“No re-learning”,full-size keyboard with three dedicated Windows 95 keys.
Two PS/2 ports with hot swap connection for an external keyboard and an external mouse.
Dual USB device support.
Standard pre-installed software:
Microsoft Windows 95 operating system.
LapLink by Traveling Software for file transfers via modem,cable or infrared port.
PC-Doctor for system diagnostics.
MPEGExpress by Mediamatics.
McAfeeVirusScan for virus protection.
ESS AudioRack for 3D-Stereo,audio CD, and other audio controls.
MegaPhone by Cypress Research Corporation for telephone applications including fax,dialing, and speakerphone.
Some models may include additional software.
For detailed specifications on each model refer to Appendix A on pages 158–162.
Display Panel Latch
This latch locks and releases the display panel. (Figure 1-4.) When the display panel is released it pops up slightly to make it easier to open.
Display Panel
This is a color LCD panel with back lighting for the display of text and graphics. (Figure 1-4.)
Built-in Microphone
The built-in microphone allows mono audio input to your notebook. (Figure 1-4.)
Brightness Control
The bri gh tness con trol ad justs the overa ll inten s i ty of the display panel back ligh ti n g.( Fi g u re 1-4.)
Status Indicator Panel
LCD display of the status of the power state and source, suspend mode,battery charge (battery in Multi-function Bay 2 and in Battery bay), floppy disk drive activity,hard drive activ­ity,CD-ROM drive activity, PC Card activity, CapsLock, NumLk and Scr Lk. (Figure 1-4.)
Figure 1-3 Top and Front Panel
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
Display Panel
Status Indicator Panel
Brightness Control
Left Speaker
ErgoTrac Pointing Device
Display Panel Latch
Suspend/Resume Button
Right Speaker
Closed Cover Switch
Multi-function Bay 1
Multi-function Bay 2
Battery Bay
Figure 1-4 LifeBook 900 Series with Display Open
Battery Bay
This bay contains the main Lithium ion battery for your notebook. (Figure 1-4.)
S e c t i o n O n e
Suspend/Resume Button
The Suspend/Resume button allows you to sus­pend notebook activity without turning off the notebook power,and return it to an active state. This feature saves power,and is particularly use­ful when the notebook is running only on battery power. (See pages 39–47 and 81–88 for more
information on Power Management.)(Figure 1-4.)
Closed Cover Switch
The closed cover switch turns off the LCD back lighting when the display panel is closed, thus saving power.(Figure 1-4.)
A full-size keyboard with dedicatedWindows 95 keys for input into the notebook.(Figure 1-4.)
ErgoTrac Pointing Device
The ErgoTrac pointing device is a joystick-like cursor control system with two click buttons.
(Figure 1-4.)
Multi-function Bay One
This bay (Figure 1-4) accommodates:
3.5" floppy disk drive (included).
Multi-function Bay Two
This bay (Figure 1-4) accommodates:
2 0 - s peed maximum CD-ROM drive (inclu ded ) .
Optional 1.5-speed maximum DVD drive (which must be purchased separately).
Optional second Lithium ion battery (which must be purchased separately) mounted in the Device Adapter for Multi-function Bay 2 (adapter is included with the battery).
Optional second 3GB hard drive (which must be purchased separately).
Be sure you know what settings are active for your Suspend/Resume button before you use it, because misuse can result in data loss. (See the Power
Savings Menu of the BIOS Setup Utility, pages 81–88, for more information.)
The built-in dual speakers output stereo sound from the notebook. (Figure 1-4.)
Do not use your notebook with either of the Multi-function bays empty, or you may damage it.
Only one optional second battery at a time is supported. Your notebook does not support three (3) batteries simultaneously.
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
The sliding button to the left of the card slots locks the card(s) in place, while the buttons to the right of the slots eject the card(s) from the slots. (Figure 1-5.)
External Floppy Disk Drive Port
A port for attaching an optional external floppy disk drive. This allows you to connect an optional separate floppy disk drive when Multi-function Bay 1 is being used for another purpose. (Figure 1-5.)
Multi-function Bay 1 Release Button
This is the release to allow removal and installation of devices in Multi-function Bay 1.
(Figure 1-5.)
DC Power Jack
The DC power jack allows you to plug in the AC adapter or the optional auto/airline adapter.
(Figure 1-6.)
Power Switch
This switch is the main power switch for your notebook. (Figure 1-6.)
Figure 1-6 LifeBook 900 Series Right Side Panel
Theft Prevention Lock Slot
PC Card Lock
PC Card Slot
PC Card 2 Eject Button
Port Cover
External Floppy Disk Drive Port
PC Card 1 Eject Button
Multi-function Bay 1 Release Button
Theft Prevention Lock Slot
This is a slot that allows you to attach a physical lock down device. (Figure 1-5.)
PC Card Slots
The PC Card Slots allow you to install two type I or II PC Cards or one type III PC Card. (See
pages 107–109 for more information on PC Cards.)
Figure 1-5 LifeBook 900 Series Left Side Pane
Headphone Jack
Stereo Line In Jack
Microphone Jack
Port Cover
MIDI/Joystick Port
DC Power Jack
Power SwitchDual PS/2 PortsVolume Control
Dual PS/2 Ports
These ports all ow you to con n ect an ex ternal PS/2 mouse or an ex ternal PS/2 keyboa rd or nu m eric keyp ad .The PS/2 ports can be used
i n terch a n ge a bly for ei t h er mouse or keyboa rd
and your notebook wi ll autom a ti c a lly recogn i ze t h em . ( Fi g u re 1-6.)
S e c t i o n O n e
MIDI/Joystick Port
This port allows you to connect via a custom cable,a music synthesizer,game joystick, or other MIDI device to your notebook.The custom cable is included with your notebook.(Figure 1-6.)
Microphone Jack
The microphone jack allows you to connect an external mono microphone. (Figure 1-6.)
Stereo Line In Jack
The stereo line in jack allows you to connect an external audio source to your notebook,like an audio cassette player.This jack will not support an external microphone. (Figure 1-6.)
Headphone Jack
You can connect headphones or powered exter­nal speakers to the headphone jack.(Figure 1-6.)
Volume Control
The volume control is a knob which provides manual control of the sound level of all audio output from your notebook. (Figure 1-6.)
There are software volume controls. The knob setting and the software settings will interact. Software volume off will override the knob setting and the software volume setting will control the maximum knob setting. (See Volume Control on page 34
for more information.)
RJ-11 Jack
This is the jack for attaching a telephone line to the internal modem. This jack can be used with the connector cover closed and the sliding panel in the connector cover slightly opened for added convenience.(Figure 1-7.)
RJ-11 Jack
Docking Port
Serial Port
Parallel Port
External Monitor Port
Slide Panel
Composite Video Jack
Dolby Digital (AC-3) Jack
Dual USB Port
Connector Cover
Infrared Port
Figure 1-7 LifeBook 900 Series Rear Panel
The internal modem is not intended for use with Digital PBX systems. Do not connect the internal modem to a digital PBX as it may cause serious damage to the internal modem or your entire note­book. Consult your PBX manufacturer’s documentation for details. Some hotels have Digital PBX systems. Be sure to find out BEFORE you connect your modem.
S-Video Port
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
Docking Port
The Docking port allows you to connect an optional Port Replicator or LANdock.
The con­nector cover must be closed and the sliding panel fully opened to reveal the
Docking port and the RJ-11 jack when connecting a Port Rep l i c a tor or a LA N dock .( Fi g u re 1-7.)
Infrared Port
The fast IrDA (4Mbps) compatible port allows you to communicate with another IrDA com­patible infrared device without a cable. (See
pages 47–48 for more information.) (Figure 1-7.)
External Monitor Port
This port allows you to connect an external VGA or SVGA CRT monitor.(Figure 1-7.)
Dual USB Port
This port allows you to connect two Universal Serial Bus devices, such as external game pads, pointing devices, keyboards and speakers.
(Figure 1-7.)
Dolby Digital (AC-3) Jack
This jack allows connection of a Dolby Digital Sound system. (Figure 1-7.)
Composite Video Jack
This connector allows you to connect,and use directly,any TV or other video device which meets the American TV standard (NTSC) or the European TV standard (PAL).(Figure 1-7.)
This jack allows you to connect, and use directly, any S-Video device,such as a VCR or TV. (The S-Video standard provides for a higher quality picture than NTSC or PAL.)
The connector cover – which closes over the ports on the rear of the notebook – can be damaged if it is left open when the notebook is moved around.
Serial Port
The serial port allows you to connect serial RS-232C devices, such as serial printers or scanners. (This is also referred to as a COM port.) (Figure 1-7.)
Parallel Port
The parallel port allows you to connect parallel devices, such as a parallel printer to your note­book. (This is also referred to as a LPT port.)
(Figure 1-7.)
NTSC and S-Video TV outputs only
operate in 640 x 480 or 720 x 480 resolution mode. PAL TV outputs only operate in 800 x 600 resolution mode.
TV modes are
disabled until the resolution
is set properly.
Access to resolution settings is via the Windows 95 Control Panel, Display, then Settings. If different
resolutions are set for the built-in display and an external monitor the resolution for both will be set to that of the built-in display whenever your notebook is restarted.
S e c t i o n O n e
Tilt Adjustment Feet
These are a pair of feet which flip down and hold the back of your notebook approximately
6° higher than the front when resting on a flat surface.They are designed to make using your notebook more comfortable. (Figure 1-8.)
Unit Label
This label contains the model number and other information about your notebook. In addition the configuration portion of this label has the serial number and manufacturer infor­mation that you will need to give your support representative so that he or she can help you.It exactly identifies the version of various compo­nents of your notebook. (Figure 1-8.)
Memory Upgrade and MPEG Compartment
This compartment houses the optional memory upgrade modules which allow you to expand the system memory capacity to your notebook and the optional MPEG-2 board which provides expanded video capabilities for your notebook.
(See pages 115–117 for more information on installing added memory capacity.) (Figure 1-8.)
Battery Bay
This compartment houses your notebook’s main battery. The battery is removable for ser­vice and storage purposes only. (Figure 1-8.)
Multi-function Bay 2 Release Button
This is the release to allow removal and installation of devices in Multi-function Bay 2.
(See pages 101–102 and Figure 1-8.)
Battery Release Button
This is the release to allow removal and installa­tion of the main notebook battery. (Figure 1-8.)
Multi-function Bay 1
This compartment is accessed from the front of your notebook. (See pages 99–100 and
Figure 1-4 on page 5.)
Multi-function Bay 1 Eject Lever
This eject device aids in removing the device in Multi-function Bay 1 after it has been released with the Multi-function Bay 1 release button on the left side panel of your notebook.
(See Figures 1-5 and 1-8.)
Tilt Adjustment Feet
Unit Label
Battery Bay
Memory Upgrade and MPEG Compartment
Multi-function Bay 1
Multi-function Bay 1 Eject Lever
Multi-function Bay 2 Release Button
Figure 1-8 Bottom View
Battery Release Button
Docking Alignment Holes
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
Your notebook has four possible power sources: the main Lithium ion battery;an optional sec­ond Lithium ion battery;the AC adapter; and an optional auto/airline adapter.
To Connect the AC Adapter
1.Plug the DC output cable of the AC adapter into the DC power jack on the right side panel of your notebook.
2.Plug the AC adapter into an AC electrical outlet.
To Connect an Optional Auto/airline Adapter
1.Plug the DC output cable into the DC power jack on the right side panel of your notebook.
2.Plug the auto/airline adapter connector into the cigarette lighter of a car or other vehicle with the ignition key in the On or the Accessories position; or plug the auto/airline adapter connector into the power jack on the seat in airplanes that are equipped to support powered electronic devices.
To Switch From AC Adapter Power To Battery Power
1. Be sure that you have at least one charged battery installed.
2. Remove the AC or auto/airline adapter.
The Lithium ion battery is not charged when you purchase your notebook. Initially you will need to connect the AC adapter or an optional auto/airline adapter to use it. If you purchase a second Lithium ion battery it will not be charged when you get it. You will need to charge it prior to use. It can take up to 3 hours to charge a battery if the notebook is Off or in Suspend mode. If your notebook is in use it can take up to
9 hours or more to charge a
single battery.
Figure 1-9 Connecting the AC Adapter
Connecting the Power Adapters
The AC adapter or an optional auto/airline adapter provides power for operating your note­book and charging the batteries. (Figure 1-9.)
S e c t i o n O n e
Your LifeBook 900 Series has a built-in hardware control password security feature that allows you to protect the data stored in the notebook from unauthorized access.Your operating system and some applications have software control pass­word security features that allow you to protect all or portions ofthe data stored in the notebook from unauthorized access.
Hardware Data Security Features
When you are using your notebook built-in hardware control password to gain access to the notebook,the actual password will not appear on the screen. This is a safety precaution.The hardware control security parameters are set from the BIOS setup utility. (See Security Menu
on pages 77–80 for more information on setting and clearing passwords and enabling and dis­abling built-in security features.)
Software Data Security Features
The operating system and some applications have security features that are independent of the built-in hardware protection features that are controlled from the BIOS. See your software documentation for more information about these features.
Software security feature passwords may not be the same as the hardware security passwords. Be sure you know which features are controlled from software and which from hardware or you may lock yourself out of your own data or lock up your hardware and not be able to operate your notebook.
Make sure you memorize your passwords, both hardware and software. If you forget, you may not be able to use the notebook, and you will have to contact your service provider and arrange to have them reset the hardware system password. Consult your software manuals for assistance if you f o rget your software security password ( s ) .
Booting the System
The first time that you turn on your notebook you will need to attach your AC adapter, because the battery is not charged when you get your machine. We strongly recommend that you do not attach any other external devices, and do not put any CDs or floppy disks in your drives until you have gone through the initial power on sequence.
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
When you turn on your notebook for the first time it will display a Fujitsu logo on the screen. If you do nothing the system will read the hard drive for the operating system software, flash the notebook configuration information on the screen,and display the Windows 95 Setup Wizard Screen.(See Power On, page 23, for additional help.) You will then be stepped through the condition of use process.You must complete this initial process before you will be able to use your notebook.(Ifyou wish to access the BIOS setup utility before you go through the condition of use process you must press the key while the Fujitsu logo is still visible. If you press the key while the Fujitsu logo is still present you will get a dialog box which will allow you to select which drive is to be used for finding the operating system.) If you turn off the power without using the
on screen C a n c e l button you will get an error message when you start your notebook again.
Conditions of Use
The first time you start your notebook you must confirm your acceptance of the copyright limitations for your pre-installed software. After you complete the Condition of Use process these screens will not appear again.There are six (6) screens to read carefully and respond to.
You cannot use your notebook until this Condition of Use process is completed. The bottom of each screen has a < B a c k button, a
button and a Cancel button which
are activated
by clicking the integrated ErgoTrac pointing device button with the cursor on the screen button. The < B a c k button will return you to the previous screen. The Next> button activates any choices or information you have entered and takes you to the next screen. The C a n c e l button allows you to stop the setup process.
If you stop the process before the setup is com­plete your notebook will startup at the begin­ning of the Windows 95 Setup Wizard. The setup screens and your needed responses are described in the following pages.
User Information
Fill in your name and the company name as you want the software to be licensed. To step from the name blank to the company blank press the key.When the information has been entered click the Next> button.You will not be allowed to continue until you make an entry.
License Agreement
Read the agreement carefully.You can scroll through the text using the integrated ErgoTrac, pointing device to activate the scroll bar or use the up arrow Õ and down arrow Ô keys to move up and down the text one line at a time, or use the and keys to move the text one screen at a time. When you finish reading you must point and click to accept or reject the terms of the agreement and then click the
S e c t i o n O n e
on the Finish button the display will flash various screens as the system identifies what hardware is installed and runs a virus check.
Time Zone
When your notebook has completely identified all of the installed hardware it will display a dia­log box for entering which time zone you wish to set in the BIOS clock.
Windows Messaging
Once you have selected a time zone you will see a screen announcing that Windows messaging is being set up.
Printer Setup
When the messaging setup is complete a dialog box will appear for selecting which printer is to be attached to your notebook.You do not have to select a printer at this time. If you do not wish to select a printer,click on the C a n c e l button. If you do wish to select a printer click on the Next> button and answer the questions.
Welcome to Windows 95
Once you have completed the printer setup, or chosen not to set up a printer at this time, you will see the Welcome screen for Windows 95. You can choose: Windows Tour; What’s New; Online Registration; or Close.You are now in the Windows 95 operating system and the Condition of Use process will not be repeated.
If you reject the terms of the license agreement you will be asked to review the license agreement for information on returning Windows 95 or to shut down your notebook.
You will find a Recovery CD-ROM packet in your accessories box. Please store the packet in a safe place in case there is a loss of data and it becomes necessary to re-install your operating system and/or application programs. (See Restoring Your
Pre-installed Software from the Recovery CD-ROM on page 151.)
Certificate of Authenticity
Look in the box that your notebook came in and you will find a Windows 95 Certificate of Authenticity shrink wrapped with the Windows 95 Users manual.On the certificate you will find a bar-code with a number above it. This is your product code and the number you should enter on the Certificate of Authenticity screen. When you have entered the number exactly as shown, click the
Start Wizard
The Start Wizard screen will appear if you have entered a valid product code. When you click
S e t t i n g U p Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 00 S e r i e s f r o m Fujitsu
There are three ways to register your notebook.
1. The registration card provided in the box with your LifeBook 900 Series which can be filled out and mailed.
2.A registration form behind the Fujitsu Welcome Center icon which can be filled out on your notebook and sent in a variety of ways, including printing and mailing, faxing or e-mailing.
3. Telephone registration by calling the Fujitsu PC service and support line at 1-800-8FUJITSU (1-800-838-5487).
All operating systems and most application software have tutorials built-in.We highly rec­ommend that you step through your tutorial before you use an application even if you are familiar with the same application on a differ­ent machine,an earlier version of the applica­tion, or a similar product.
In the accessories box you will find manuals for Windows 95 and other pre-installed software. Software manuals of pre-installed software that are not in the accessories box are available on­line. See the help screens of your pre-installed software.We recommend that you review these
manuals for general information on the use of
these applications and to get a basic under­standing of what is covered in the manual,and how it is organized,should questions arise as
you use the applications.
Using Your LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu
S e c t i o n T w o
Display Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Keyboard Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Status Indicator Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Power On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Power Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Restarting The System . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Fujitsu Welcome Center . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Integrated ErgoTrac Pointing Device . . . . . 29
Using The Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Volume Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Floppy Disk Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
CD-ROM Drive and
Optional DVD Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Hard Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Power Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Internal Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Infrared Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Pre-Installed Software . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
They are designed to make keyboard operation more comfortable. The feet must be folded flat against the bottom of the notebook when open­ing or using the CD-ROM drive or optional DVD drive or it will not open or operate properly. (Figure 1-8 on page 10.)
S e c t i o n T w o
This section describes the indicators,buttons, connections and operating modes of your LifeBook 900 Series and their use.
DISPLAY PANEL Opening the Display Panel
Lifting the latch releases the top of the display panel from the front of the notebook body. When the display panel is released it pops up slightly to make it easier to open.Lift the dis­play panel backward until the screen is at a comfortable viewing angle. (Figure 2-1.)
Adjusting the Display Panel
When you turn on your notebook, you may want to adjust the brightness level of the screen for best visibility. To do this, adjust the bright­ness control slider at the bottom of the display panel. (Figure 2-2.)You may need to adjust the brightness periodically for different operating environments.
The higher the brightness level, the more power the notebook will consume and the faster your batteries will discharge. For maximum battery life, make sure that the brightness is set as low as possible (control slider all the way to the left).
Figure 2-1 Opening the Display Panel
On the bottom of your notebook,near the back,are a pair of feet which flip down and hold the back of your notebook about 6° higher than the front when resting on a flat surface.
Figure 2-2 Display Adjustments
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 Se r i e s f r o m Fuj i t su
When you are not using the adjustment feet be sure that they are folded flat against the bottom of the notebook. They could be broken off or injure someone if not used properly.
The Status Indicator panel is located in the recess just above the keyboard. (Figure 2-3.) The appropriate indicators become visible as you use your notebook.
Power Indicator
The Power indicator tells you when the system is operational. It is on steady when there is power to your notebook,and blinks when the system is in Suspend mode. It goes off when the system has entered Save-to-Disk mode,has entered the Windows 95 pseudo-off state, or the power is turned off from the power switch.
Do not operate your CD-ROM drive or optional DVD drive or attempt to open the tray unless your notebook is sitting on a flat surface and the adjustment feet a re folded against the bottom of the notebook. Using a CD-ROM drive or optional DVD drive when it is not level may damage the drive or prevent p roper operation.
Figure 2-3 Status Indicator Panel
S e c t i o n T w o
Your notebook must be turned off with the power switch to prevent all current draw.
indicator is On when either of the adapters is active and Off when power comes from the bat­teries alone. If a battery is charging, the Power Adapter indicator is active regardless of the setting of the power switch. The ACAdapter indicator is also active in the Windows 95 pseudo-off state, regardless of the battery status. If there is no battery charging,and the power switch is Off,then the ACAdapter indicator and the Battery indicators will all be off.
Battery Indicators
The two sets of battery indicators show whether or not the main Lithium ion battery and/or the optional second Lithium ion battery are installed, and indicate the condition of each. (Figure 2-3.) Battery 1 is the main Lithium ion battery which is installed in the Battery Bay and Battery 2 is an optional second Lithium ion battery which may be installed in Multi­function Bay 2 only.The battery indicators are displayed only for a battery which is installed.
The optional second Lithium ion battery may be installed only in Multi-function Bay 2.
When your notebook has been shut down f rom Windows 95, it is not in the same condition as it is when it is turned off fro m the power switch. It is in a pseudo-off state, with all applications closed, but it can be turned on by pressing the Suspend/Resume button. It is drawing some current in the pseudo-off state.
A small arrow icon (Battery Charging indica­tor) appears to the left of each of the Battery Level indicators and above the number (Battery
identifier) if that battery is charging.The Battery Charging indicator flashes if the battery is too hot or too cold to charge. (Figure 2-3.) The Battery Charging indicators operate whether the power switch is Off or On.
The symbols inside the battery outline of the Battery Level indicator show the operating level available in that battery. (Figure 2-4.) If there is
no battery ch a r ging and the power swi tch is Off, the AC Adapter indicator and the Battery indi­cators will all be off.
AC Adapter Indicator
The AC Adapter indicator tells you whether the system is operating on an AC or auto/airline adapter, or is running on batteries alone.The
+ 155 hidden pages