FujiFilm 16199188, 16408967 User Manual

Owner’s Manual
Before You Begin
First Steps
Thank you for your purchase of this prod­uct. This manual describes how to use your FUJIFILM digital camera and the supplied software. Be sure that you have read and understood its contents and the warnings in “For Your Safety” (P ii) before using the camera.
For information on related products, visit our website at
Basic Photography and Playback
More on Photography
More on Playback
Wireless Networks
Technical Notes
For Your Safety
Read In struct ions: All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the appliance is oper­ated.
Retain In struct ions: The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.
Heed Wa rnings: All warnings on the appliance and in the operating in­structions should be adhered to.
Follow Instr uctions: All operating and use ins tructions should be fol­lowed.
Instal lation
Power Sourc es: This video product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your appliance dealer or local power company. For video products intended to operate from batter y power, or other sources, refer to the operating instruc tions.
Groun ding or Po larizati on: This video product is equipped with a polar­ized alternating-current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other). This plug will fit into the power outlet only one way. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to in­sert th e plug fully into the outlet, tr y reversing the plug. If the plug should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do
not defeat the safety purpose of the polarize d plug.
Altern ate Warnin gs: This vide o product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding-type plug, a plug having a third (grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding -type power outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding-type plug.
Overl oading: Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.
Ventila tion: Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the video pro duct and to prote ct it from overheating, and these open­ings must not be blocked or cov­ered. The openings should never be blocked by pla cing the video prod­uct on a bed, sofa, rug, or other simi­lar surfa ce. This video produc t should not b e placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the man­ufacturer’s instruc tions have be en adhered to.
This video product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register.
Attac hments: Do not use attachments not recommended by the video product manufacturer as they may cause hazards.
Water and Mo isture: Do not use this video product near water – for ex­ample, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, and the like.
Power-C ord P rotecti on: Power-Sup­ply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, conve­nience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the appliance.
Access ories: Do not place this video product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The video product may fall, causing serious in­jury to a child or adult, and s erious damage to the appliance. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, br acket, or table recommended by the manu­facturer, or sold with the video prod­uct. Any mounting of the appliance should follow the manuf acturer’s in­structions, and should use a mount­ing accessory recommended by the manufac turer.
An appliance and cart com­bination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven sur­faces may cause the appliance and cart combination to overturn.
Antenn as
Outdo or Antenn a Ground ing: outside antenna or cable system is connecte d to the video produc t, b e sure the antenna or cab le s ystem is grounde d so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Sec tion 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70, provides informa­tion with respect to proper grounding of the mas t and supp orting struc­ture, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna-discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna-discharge unit, conn ection to grounding electrodes, and require­ments for the grounding electrode.
If an
For Your Safety
Power L ines: An outside antenna sys­tem should not be l ocated in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other ele ctric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be f atal.
Antenna Lead in Wire
Antenna Discharge Unit (NEC SECTION 810-20) Grounding Conductors (NEC SECTION 810-21)
Ground Clamp
Electric Service
Ground Clamps
Power Service
Grounding Elec trode
System (NEC ART 250.
Clean ing: Unplug this video product from the w all outlet before clean­ing. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners . Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Objec t and Liquid Entry: Never push object s of any kind into this video product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or shor t out parts that could result in a fire or elec tric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the vid eo product.
Lightn ing: For added protection for this video product receiver during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long pe­riods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnec t the antenna or cable system. This will prevent damage to the vide o produc t due to lightning and power-line surges.
Servic e
Serv icing: Do not attempt to service this vide o product yourself as op en­ing or removin g covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to quali­fied ser vice personnel.
Damage Requiri ng Serv ice: Unplug this video product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified ser­vice personnel under the following conditions: When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the video product. If the vide o product has been ex­posed to rain or water. If the video pro duct has b een dropped or the cabin et has been damaged. If the video pro duct does not op­erate normally be following the operating instruc tions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an im­proper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will of ten require extensive work by a qualifie d technician to restore the video prod­uct to its normal operation. When the video product exhibits a distinct change in performance - this indicates a ne ed for service.
Replac ement Parts: When replace ­ment par ts are required, be sure the ser vice technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufac turer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.
Safet y Check: Upon completion of any service or repairs to this video prod­uct, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the v ideo product is in proper operating condition.
For Your Safety
Be sure to read this notes before using
Safety Notes
• Make sure that you use your camera correc tly. Read these Safet y Notes and your Owner ’s Manual carefully before use.
• After reading these Safety Notes, store them in a safe place.
About th e Icons
The icons shown below are used in this document to indicate the severity of the injury or damage that can result if th e information indicated by the icon is ignored and the product is used incorrectly as a result.
This i con indicates that death o r serious in jury can r esult if the infor­mation is ign ored.
This icon i ndicates that pers onal injury or m aterial damage can r esult if the infor mation is ignored.
The icons shown below are used to indicate the nature of the information which is to be observed.
Triangular ico ns tell you that t his information r equires attentio n (“im­porta nt”).
Circular i cons with a diago nal bar tell you that the actio n indicated is prohibite d (“Prohibited” ).
Filled circle s with an excla mation mark tell you an action that mus t be perfo rmed (“Required ”).
If a proble m aris es, tu rn the camer a off, remove the b attery, discon nect and unplu g the AC power ad apter.
Continued use of the camera when it is emitt ing smoke, is emitting
any u nusual odor, or is in any other abno rmal state can ca use a f ire
from power
or elec tric shock.
• Contact y our FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not all ow water or f oreign ob jects to e nter the ca mera.
If water or for eign obj ects get i nside th e came ra, tu rn the camera off, remove the battery and disconnect and unplug the AC power adapter. Continued us e of the camera can cau se a fire or electri c shock.
• Contact y our FUJIFILM dealer.
Do not us e the camer a in the bath room or sho wer.
Do not use in
This can cau se a fire or electri c shock.
the bathroo m
or shower.
Never at tempt to di sassemb le or modi fy (never op en the case).
Failure to obser ve this precaution c an cause fire or elec tric shock.
Do not disas-
Shoul d th e ca se break open as the resu lt o f a fal l or oth er a ccident , do not touch t he expose d parts.
Failure to observe t his precautio n could resul t in elec tric shock or in
Do not touch
injury from touchin g th e dama ged parts. Remove the batter y im -
mediately, taking ca re to avoid injury o r electri c shock, and take the
produc t to the point of purchase fo r consultation.
Do not change, heat or undul y tw ist or p ull t he c onnect ion c ord and d o no t place he avy obje cts on the c onnect ion cord.
These acti ons co uld d amage the cord a nd c ause a fire or elec tric shock.
• If the cord is dam aged, contact you r FUJIFILM dea ler.
Do not pl ace the cam era on an uns table sur face.
This can cau se the camera to fall or t ip over and cause injur y.
Never at tempt to ta ke pictu res while i n motion.
Do not use the camera while you are walk ing or drivi ng a vehicle. This can result in yo u falling down or bein g involved in a traff ic accident.
Do not tou ch any meta l parts o f the camer a during a th unders torm.
This can cause an electric shock due to induced current from the lightning dis charge.
Do not us e the batte ry except a s specif ied.
Load the bat tery as aligned w ith the indicator.
For Your Safety
Do not h eat, cha nge or tak e apart t he batte ry. Do no t drop or s ubject the bat-
tery to imp acts. Do no t store the b attery with m etalli c produ cts. Do no t use charg ers othe r than the sp ecifie d model to ch arge the ba ttery.
Any of the se actions can c ause the batter y to burst or lea k and cause fire or injur y as a result.
Use on ly the b attery or AC po wer adap ters sp ecifie d for u se with this ca mera. Do not us e voltages o ther than t he power su pply volt age shown.
The use of ot her power sources can ca use a fire.
If the batte ry lea ks and fluid gets i n conta ct wit h your eyes, sk in or c lothin g. Flush th e affec ted area w ith clean water and s eek medic al atten tion or ca ll an emerg ency num ber right a way.
Danger of explos ion i f bat tery is in correc tly r eplaced . Rep lace o nly w ith t he same or e quivale nt type.
Do not us e in the pres ence of fl ammable o bjects , explosi ve gases, o r dust.
When c arryi ng the b atter y, instal l it in a digit al cam era or k eep it i n the h ard case. When storing the batte ry, ke ep it in the hard case. W hen d iscard ing, cover th e batter y termina ls with ins ulation t ape.
Contact with o ther metall ic objec ts or battery could cause the b at­tery to igni te or burst.
Keep Mem ory Card s out of the r each of sma ll childr en.
Because M emory Cards are smal l, they can be swallow ed by children. Be s ure to s tore Memor y Cards out of the reach of smal l children. If a child s wallows a Memor y Card , seek medica l attenti on or call an emergenc y number.
Turn the ca mera of f in crowds .
The camera emit s radio- frequency radiation t hat may inte rfere with pacemaker s.
Turn the ca mera off i n the vicin ity of aut omatic doo rs, publ ic addres s systems , and oth er automat ically c ontroll ed device s.
The camera emits radio -frequency radia tion t hat may cause these devices to mal function.
Keep the cam era at least 22cm (0.7 ft.) away fro m people wear ing pacema kers.
The camera emit s radio- frequency radiation t hat may inte rfere with pacemaker s.
Hot shoe c over
Keep out of t he reach of small children .
For Your Safety
Do not use th is came ra in l ocation s affe cted b y oil fu mes, st eam, hu midity or
This can cau se a fire or electri c shock.
Do not le ave this cam era in plac es subjec t to extr emely hig h tempera tures.
Do not leave the c amera in locations such a s a s ealed vehi cle or in direct sun light. This can cause a f ire.
Keep out o f the reach o f small ch ildren.
This produ ct could cause injur y in the hands of a child.
Do not pl ace heavy o bjects o n the camer a.
This can cau se the heavy objec t to tip over or fall and caus e injury.
Do not m ove the cam era whil e the AC powe r adapte r is still c onnect ed. Do not pull on t he connec tion cor d to discon nect the AC p ower adapt er.
This can dam age the power cord or cab les and cause a fire or el ectric shock.
Do not u se the AC po wer adapt er when th e plug is d amaged o r the plu g socket connec tion is lo ose.
This could ca use a fire or electr ic shock.
Do not cov er or wrap th e camera or t he AC power ad apter in a cl oth or blan ket.
This can cau se heat to build up and distor t the casing or cause a f ire.
When you are c leaning the camer a or you do n ot pl an to use the camera for an extend ed p eriod, rem ove t he b attery an d di sconnec t a nd u nplug the AC power ad apter.
Failure to do so can ca use a fire or electr ic shock.
When ch arging en ds, unplu g the charg er from th e power soc ket.
Leaving the ch arger plugged into the p ower socket can caus e a fire.
Using a f lash too cl ose to a per son’s eyes may te mporar ily affe ct the eyes ight.
Take particular ca re w hen photographing inf ants and young chil­dren.
When a mem ory car d is removed , the card co uld come out o f the slot to o quick­ly. Use you r finger to h old it and ge ntly rel ease the ca rd.
Reques t regula r interna l testing a nd cleani ng for your c amera.
Build-u p of dust in your camera c an cause a fire or elec tric shock.
• Contact your FUJIFILM dealer to reques t interna l cleanin g ever y 2 years.
• Please note th is is not a free of charge ser vice.
Remove yo ur finge rs from th e flash wi ndow befo re the fla sh fires .
Failure to obser ve this precaution co uld result in burns.
Keep the flas h w indow clean an d do not us e th e f lash if the window is ob­struc ted.
Failure to observe t hese precaut ions could c ause smoke or discolor­ation.
For Your Safety
Power Supp ly and Batter y
* Confirm yo ur batter y type before rea d-
ing the follo wing descriptions .
The follow ing explains proper use of batteries and how to prolong their life. Incorrect use of bat teries can cause shorter battery life, as well as leakage, excessive heat, fire or explo­sion.
Camera uses the Rechargeable
Lithium-ion Battery
* When shippe d, the battery is not
fully charged. Alw ays charge the batter y before using it.
* When car rying the battery, install it
in a digital camera or keep it in the soft case.
Ba ttery Fe atures
• The batter y gradually loses its charge even when not used. Use a batter y that has been charged recently (in the last day or two) to take pictures.
• To maximize the life of the batter y, turn the camera off as quickl y as possible when it is not being used.
• The number of available frames will be lower in cold locations or at low temperatures. Take along a spare fully charged battery. You can also increase the amount of power pro­duced by putting the batter y in your pocket or another warm place to heat it and then loading it into the camera just before you take a picture.
If you are using a heating pad, take
care not to place the battery di­rectly against the pad. The camera may not operate if you use a de­pleted bat tery in cold conditions.
Ch arging th e Batter y
• The bat tery can be charged at ambient temperatures b etween 0°C and +40 °C (+32°F and +104°F). Refer to the Own er’s Manual for the time of charging battery.
• You should charge the battery at an ambient temperature be­tween +10°C and +35°C (+50°F and +95°F). If you charge the batter y at a temperature outside this range, charging takes longer because the performance of the battery is im ­paired.
• You cannot charge the battery at temperatures of 0°C (+32°F) or be­low.
• The Rechargeable Lithium-ion Bat­tery does not need to be fully dis­charged or exhausted flat before being charged.
• The bat tery may feel warm after it has been charged or immediately after being used. This is perfectly normal.
• Do not recharge a fully charged batter y.
Ba ttery Li fe
At normal temperatures, the bat­tery can be used at least 300 times. If the time for which the battery provides power shortens markedly,
this indicates that the bat tery has reached the end of its effective life and should be replaced.
No tes on stora ge
• If a battery is stored for long periods while charged, the per formance of the battery can be impaired. If the batter y will not be us ed for some time, run the bat tery out before storing it.
• If you do not intend to us e the camera for a long period of time, remove the battery from the cam­era.
• Store the batter y in a cool place.
- The b attery should be s tored in
a dry location with an ambient temperature between +15°C and +25°C (+59°F and +77°F).
- Do not leave the battery in hot or
extremely cold places.
Ha ndling th e Battery
Cauti ons for Your Sa fety:
• Do not carry or store battery with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins.
• Do not heat the battery or throw it into a fire.
• Do not attempt to take apart or change the battery.
• Do not recharge the battery with chargers other those specified.
• Dispose of used b attery promptly.
• Do not drop the b attery or other­wise subjec t it to strong impacts.
• Do not expose the bat tery to wa­ter.
• Always keep the battery terminals clean.
• Do not store batteries in hot plac­es. Also, if you use the battery for a long perio d, the camer a body and the battery itself will become warm. This is normal.
Camera uses AA Alkaline,
Rechargeable Ni-MH (nickel-metal hydride) or AA lithium batteries
* For details on the batteries that
you can use, refer to the Owner’s Manual of your camera.
C autions fo r Using Batt ery
• Do not heat the batteries or throw them into a fire.
• Do not carry or store batteries with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins.
• Do not expose the batteries to wa­ter, and keep batteries from getting wet or stored in moist locations.
• Do not attempt to take apart or change the bat teries, including batter y casings.
• Do not subject the batteries to strong impacts.
• Do not use batteries that are leak­ing, deformed, discolored.
• Do n ot store batteries in warm or humid places.
• Keep the batteries out of reach of babies and small children.
• Make sure that the batter y polarity (C and D) is correct.
For Your Safety
• Do not use new with us ed batter­ies. Do not use charged and dis­charged bat teries together.
• Do not use different types or brands of batteries at the same time.
• If you do not intend to us e the camera for a long period of time, remove the batteries from the camera. Note if the camera is left with the bat teries removed, the time and date settings are cleared.
• The batteries feel warm right af­ter being used. Before removing the batteries, turn the camera off and wait for the batteries to cool down.
• Since batteries do not work well in cold weather or locations, warm the batteries by placing them in­side your garments b efore use. Batteries do not work well when cold. They will work again when the temperature returns to normal.
• Soil (such as fingerprints) on the batter y terminals makes the bat­teries charge less reducing the number of images. Carefully wipe the battery terminals with a sof t dry cloth b efore loading.
If any liquid at all leaks from the batteries, wipe the battery compartment thoroughly and then load new batteries .
If any battery fluid comes into contact with your hands or clothing, f lush the area thor­oughly with water. Note that batter y fluid can c ause loss of eyesight if it gets into your eyes. If this occurs, d o not rub your eyes. Flush the fluid out with clean water and contact your physician for treatment.
Us ing the AA-s ize Ni-MH bat teries
corre ctly
• Ni-MH batteries left unused in storage for long periods can be­come “deac tivated”. Also, repeat­edly charging Ni-MH batteries that are only partially discharged can c ause them to suffer from the “memory effec t”. Ni-MH batteries that are “deactivated ” or affected by “memor y” suffer from the prob­lem of only providing power for a short time after being charged. To prevent this prob lem, discharge and recharge them several times using th e camera’s “Discharging rechargeable batteries” function.
Deactivation and memor y are spe-
cific to Ni-MH batteries an d are not in fact battery faults.
See Own er’s Manual for the proce-
dure for “Discharging rechargeable batteries”.
Do not use the “Discharging re­chargeable bat teries” function when alkaline batteries being used.
• To charge Ni-MH batteries, use the quick battery charger (sold sepa­rately). Refer to th e instructions supplied with the charger to make sure that the charger is used cor­rectly.
• Do not use the battery charger to charge other batteries.
• Note that the batteries feel w arm after being charged.
• Due to the way the camera is con­structed, a small amount of current is used even when the camera is turned off. Note in particular that leaving Ni- MH batteries in the camera for a long perio d will over­discharge the batteries and may render them unusable even after recharging.
• Ni-MH batteries will self-discharge even when not used, and the time for which they can be used may be shortened as a result.
• Ni-MH batteries will deteriorate rapidly if over-discharged (e.g. by discharging the batter ies in a flashlight). Use the “Discharging re­chargeable batteries” function pro­vided in the camera to discharge the batteries.
• Ni-MH batteries have a limited service life. If a battery can only be used for a short time even af ter repeated discharge- charge c ycles, it may have reached the end of its service life.
Di sposing o f Batteri es
• When disposing of batteries, do so in accordance with your local waste disposal regulations.
Notes on both models (1, 2)
AC Po wer Adapter
Always use the AC Power Adapter with the camera. The use of an AC Power adapter other than FUJIFILM AC Power Adapter can be damaged to your digital camera. For details on the AC power adapter, refer to the Owner’s Manual of your camera.
• Use the AC power adapter for in­door use only.
• Plug the connection cord plug se­curely into the DC input terminal.
• Turn off the FUJIFILM Digital cam­era before disconnecting the cord from the DC input terminal. To dis­connect , pull out the plug gently. Do not pull on the cord.
• Do not use th e AC power adapter with any device other than your camera.
• During use, the AC power adapter will be come hot to the touch. This is normal.
For Your Safety
• Do not take apart the AC power adapter. Doing so could be dan­gerous.
• Do not use th e AC power adapter in a hot and humid place.
• Do not subject the AC power adapter to strong shocks.
• The AC power adapter may emit a humming. This is normal.
• If used near a radio, the AC power adapter may cause static. If this happens, move the camera away from the radio.
Befor e Using the Came ra
Do not aim the camera at ex tremely bright light sources, such as the sun in a cloudless sky. Failure to observe this precaution could damage the camera image sensor.
Tes t Shots Prio r to Photogr aphy
For important photographs (such as weddings and overseas trips), always take a test shot and view the im­age to make sure that the camera is working normally.
• FUJIFILM Cor poration c annot ac­cept liabilit y for any incidental losses (such as the costs of photog­raphy or the loss of income from photograp hy) incurred as a result of faults with this produc t.
No tes on Copyr ight
Images recorded using your digital camera s ystem cannot be used in ways that inf ringe copyright laws without the consent of the owner,
unless intended only for personal use. Note that some restrictions ap­ply to the photographing of stage performances, entert ainments and exhibits, even when intended purely for personal use. Users are also asked to note that the transfer of Memory Card containing images or data pro­tected under copyright laws is only permissible within the res trictions imposed by those copyright laws.
Ha ndling Your D igital Ca mera
To ensure that images are recorded correctly, do not subject the camera to impact or shock while an image is being recorded.
Li quid Cry stal
If the LCD monitor is damaged, take particular care with the liquid crystal in the monitor. If any of the fo llow­ing situations arise, take the urgent action indicated.
• If liquid crys tal comes in contact with your skin:
Wipe th e area with a cloth and
then wash thoroughly with soap and running water.
• If liquid crys tal gets into your eye:
Flush the affected eye with clean
water for at least 15 minutes and then seek medical assistance.
• If liquid crys tal is swallowed:
Flush your mo uth thoroughly with
water. Drink large quantities of wa­ter and induce vomiting. Then seek medical assistance.
Although the LCD panel is produced with highly sophisticated technolo­gies, there may b e black spots or permanently lit spots. This is not a malfunc tion, and does not affe ct re­corded images.
Tra demark Inf ormation
xD-Pic ture Card and E are trade- marks of FUJIFILM Corporation. The typefaces included herein are solely developed by DynaComware Tai­wan Inc. Macintosh, QuickT ime, and Mac OS are trademark s of Apple Inc. in the U.S. A. and other countries. Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and the Windows lo go are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Wi-Fi® and Wi-Fi Protect­ed Setup® are registered trademarks of the Wi- Fi Alliance. Adob e and Adobe Reader are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U.S.A . and/or other countries. The SDHC and SDXC logos are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC. The HDMI logo is a trade­mark. YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc . All other tr ade names mentioned in this manual are the trademark s or registered trade­marks of their respec tive owners.
No tes on Elec trical In terfere nce
If the camera is to be used in hos­pitals or aircrafts, please note that this camera may cause interference to other equipment in th e hospital or aircraft. For details, please check with the applicable regulations.
E xplanati on of Color Tele vision
NTSC: National Television System
Committee, color television telecasting sp ecifications adopted mainly in the U.S.A ., Canada and Japan.
PAL: Phase Alternation by Line, a
color television system ad­opted mainly by European countries and China.
E xif Print (E xif ver. 2.3)
Exif Print Format is a newly revised digital camera file format that con­tains a var iety of shooting informa­tion for optimal printing.
Using th e Softwar e
Direct or indirect export, in whole or in part, of license d software without the permission of the applicable governing b odies is prohibited.
For Your Safety
QQ ThisQ product,Q whichQ containsQ encryptionQ functionQ de-
velopedQinQtheQUnitedQ States,QisQcontrolledQbyQtheQUnitedQ StatesQ ExportQ AdministrationQ RegulationsQ andQ mayQ notQ beQexportedQorQ re-exportedQtoQanyQ countryQtoQwhichQtheQ UnitedQStatesQembargoesQgoods.
•Q Use only as part of a wireless network.Q Q FUJIFILMQ doesQ notQ acceptQ liabilityQ forQdamagesQresultingQ fromQ unauthorizedQ use.QQDoQnotQuseQinQapplicationsQ requiringQaQhighQdegreeQofQ reliability,QforQexampleQinQmedicalQdevicesQorQotherQsystemsQ thatQmayQ directlyQ orQ indirectlyQimpactQ humanQ life.Q QWhenQ usingQtheQ deviceQinQcomputerQ andQotherQsystemsQthatQde­mandQaQgreaterQdegreeQofQreliabilityQthanQwirelessQnetworks,Q beQsureQ toQtakeQallQnecessaryQ precautionsQtoQensureQ safetyQ andQpreventQmalfunction.
•Q Use only in the countr y in which the device was purchased.QQ ThisQ deviceQ conformsQ toQ regulationsQ governingQ wirelessQ networkQdevicesQinQtheQcountryQinQwhichQitQ wasQpurchased.QQ ObserveQ allQ locationQ regulationsQ whenQ usingQ theQ device.QQ FUJIFILMQdoesQnotQacceptQliabilityQforQproblemsQarisingQfromQ useQinQotherQjurisdictions.
•Q Wireless data (images) may be intercepted by third parties.QQTheQ securityQofQ dataQtransmittedQ overQwirelessQnetworksQ isQnotQ guaranteed.
•Q Do not use the device in loca tions subjec t to magnetic elds, static electricity, or radio interference.QQDoQnotQ useQtheQtrans­mitterQinQtheQ vicinityQofQmicrowaveQovensQorQ inQotherQloca­tionsQsubjectQ toQmagneticQ fields,QstaticQ electricity,QorQ radioQ interferenceQthatQmayQpreventQreceptionQofQwirelessQsignals.QQ MutualQ interferenceQ mayQ occurQwhenQ theQ transmitterQ isQ usedQinQ theQvicinityQ ofQotherQ wirelessQdevicesQoperatingQ inQ theQ2.4GHzQband.
•Q The wireless transmitter operates in the 2.4 GHz band using
DSSS and OFDM modulation.
Wireless Network Devices: Cautions
•Q This device operates on the same frequenc y as commerc ial, educational, and medical devices and wireless transmitters.QQItQ
alsoQoperatesQonQtheQsameQfrequencyQasQlicensedQ transmit­tersQandQspecialQ unlicensedQlow-voltageQtransmittersQ usedQ inQ RFIDQtrackingQ systemsQ forQ assemblyQ linesQ andQinQ otherQ similarQapplications.
•Q To prevent interference with the above devices, observe the following precautions.Q Q ConfirmQthatQ theQ RFIDQtransmitterQ isQnotQ inQ operationQbeforeQusingQ thisQdevice.QQ ShouldQ youQ observeQ thatQ theQ deviceQ causesQ interferenceQ inQ licensedQ transmittersQ usedQ forQ RFIDQ tracking,Q immediatelyQ chooseQ aQnewQ operatingQfrequencyQ forQthisQ deviceQtoQ preventQad­ditionalQinterference.QQ IfQyouQnoticeQthatQ thisQdeviceQcausesQ interferenceQinQlow-voltageQRFIDQtracingQsystems,QcontactQaQ FUJIFILMQrepresentative.
ThisQstickerQ indicatesQthatQ thisQ deviceQ operatesQ inQ theQ 2.4 GHzQ bandQ usingQ DSSSQandQOFDMQmodula­tionQandQmayQcauseQinter­ferenceQatQdistancesQofQupQ toQ40m.
About This Manual
Before using the camera, read this manual and the warnings on pages ii-x. For information on specific topics, consult the sources below.
Table of Contents .............................................P xii
The “Table of Contents” gives an overview of the entire manual. The principal camera operations
Troubleshooting .............................................P 114
Having a specific problem with the camera? Find the answer here.
are listed here.
Warning Messages and Displays ..................... P 122
Find out what’s behind that flashing icon or error message in the display.
Memory Cards
Pictures can be stored in an optional SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards (P 11), referred to in this manual as “memory cards”.
Temperature Warning
The camera will turn off automatically before its temperature or the temperature of the battery rise above safe limits. Pictures taken when a temperature warning is displayed may exhibit higher levels of “noise” (mottling). Turn the camera off and wait for it to cool before turning it on again.
Table of Contents
For Your Safety ................................................................................. ii
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ...................................... ii
Safety Notes .................................................................................... iv
About This Manual ......................................................................... xi
Before You Begin
Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Symbols and Conventions .......................................................... 1
Supplied Accessories .................................................................... 1
Parts of the Camera ....................................................................... 2
Camera Displays ..........................................................................4
The monitor ................................................................................... 6
First Steps
Attaching Accessories ...................................................................8
The Strap......................................................................................... 8
The Lens Cap .................................................................................8
The Lens Hood (Optional Accessory) ..................................8
Inserting the Battery ...................................................................... 9
Inserting a Memory Card ...........................................................11
Charging the Battery ...................................................................14
Turning the Camera On and Off .............................................. 16
Shooting Mode .............................................................................16
Playback Mode ..............................................................................16
Basic Setup ....................................................................................... 17
Basic Photography and Playback
Taking Pictures in
Viewing Pictures ............................................................................23
(Scene Recognition) Mode
... 18
More on Photography
Shooting Mode ............................................................................... 24
The Mode Dial ............................................................................24
M SCENE RECOGNITION..................................................25
B AUTO ..........................................................................................25
Adv. ADVANCED ...........................................................................25
SP SCENE POSITION ....................................................................29
r MOTION PANORAMA 360 .................................................30
P: PROGRAM AE ............................................................................ 32
S: SHUTTER PRIORITY AE ...........................................................33
A: APERTURE PRIORITY AE ........................................................33
M: MANUAL ....................................................................................34
C: CUSTOM MODE ........................................................................35
Intelligent Face Detection .........................................................36
Focus Lock.........................................................................................38
F Macro and Super Macro Modes (Close-ups) ................40
N Using the Flash (Intelligent Flash) .....................................41
J Using the Self-Timer ...............................................................43
Interval shooting ..........................................................................44
The Fn Button ..................................................................................45
I Continuous Shooting (Burst Mode) ................................46
d Exposure Compensation .....................................................49
D WHITE BALANCE ......................................................................51
Focus Mode ......................................................................................52
Focus Frame Selection ................................................................54
Table of Contents
More on Playback
Playback Options ...........................................................................55
Continuous Shooting .................................................................55
Playback Zoom .............................................................................. 55
I Favorites: Rating Pictures ....................................................56
Multi-Frame Playback .................................................................57
Viewing Panoramas ......................................................................58
k PhotoBook Assist ....................................................................59
Creating a PhotoBook ................................................................59
Viewing PhotoBooks ..................................................................60
Editing and Deleting PhotoBook s .........................................60
b Image Search ............................................................................ 61
A Deleting Pictures ....................................................................62
Wireless Networks
Using Wireless Networks ...........................................................63
Connecting with smartphones ...............................................63
Saving Pictures to a Computer ...............................................63
Recording Movies ..........................................................................64
Movie Frame Size .........................................................................66
a Viewing Movies ........................................................................67
Viewing Pictures on TV ...............................................................68
Connecting the Camera to High Definition (HD) T Vs ....68
Printing Pictures via USB ............................................................69
Connecting the Camera ............................................................69
Printing Selected Pictures ........................................................69
Printing the DPOF Print Order .................................................70
Creating a DPOF Print Order ....................................................72
Viewing Pictures on a Computer ............................................75
Windows: Installing MyFinePix Studio .................................75
Macintosh: Installing RAW FILE CONVERTER .....................77
Importing pictures or movies to Mac (Macintosh) ..........78
Connecting the Camera ............................................................78
Using the Menus: Shooting Mode .........................................80
Using the Shooting Menu .........................................................80
Shooting Menu Options ............................................................ 81
N ISO ............................................................................................83
O IMAGE SIZE ............................................................................83
T IMAGE QUALITY ..................................................................84
P FINEPIX COLOR ....................................................................85
C PHOTOMETRY ......................................................................85
FMOVIE AF MODE .................................................................86
J AE BKT EV STEPS .................................................................86
I FLASH ......................................................................................86
g EXTERNAL FLASH ...............................................................87
Using the Menus: Playback Mode ..........................................88
Using the Playback Menu..........................................................88
Playback Menu Options .............................................................88
iMOVIE EDIT ...........................................................................90
Table of Contents
j MARK FOR UPLOAD ...........................................................91
I SLIDE SHOW .........................................................................93
B RED EYE REMOVAL .............................................................94
D PROTECT ................................................................................95
G CROP........................................................................................96
O RESIZE .....................................................................................97
C IMAGE ROTATE .....................................................................98
E COPY ........................................................................................99
J DISP. ASPECT ........................................................................99
The Setup Menu .......................................................................... 100
Using the Setup Menu............................................................. 100
Setup Menu Options .................................................................101
N TIME DIFFERENCE ............................................................104
K FORMAT............................................................................... 105
A IMAGE DISP. ....................................................................... 105
B FRAME NO. .........................................................................106
I PLAYBACK VOLUME ........................................................ 106
J LCD BRIGHTNESS ............................................................. 106
U LCD POWER SAVE ............................................................106
M AUTO POWER OFF ............................................................107
1 QUICK START MODE ........................................................107
b DIGITAL IMAGE STABILIZER ..........................................107
R INTELLIGENT DIGITAL ZOOM ...................................... 108
S DATE STAMP ...................................................................... 108
Technical Notes
Optional Accessories ................................................................. 109
Accessories from FUJIFILM .....................................................110
Caring for the Camera ...............................................................112
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................114
Warning Messages and Displays ..........................................122
Memory Card Capacity .............................................................126
Photographs ..........................................................................126
Specifications ................................................................................127
Symbols and Conventions
The following symbols are used in this manual: 3: This information should be read before use to ensure correct operation. 1: Points to note when using the camera. 2: Additional information that may be helpful when using the camera. P: Other pages in this manual on which related information may be found.
Menus and other text in the camera monitor are shown in bold. In the illustrations in this manual, the monitor display may be simplified for explanatory purposes.
Supplied Accessories
The following items are included with the camera:
Before You Begin
NP-85 rechargeable battery AC power adapter Plug adapter
Strap Lens cap CD-ROM
* Shape of adapter varies with region of sale.
• Basic Manual
• Hot shoe cover
USB cable
(to protect the ports, attached to camera)
Parts of the Camera
For more information, refer to the page listed to the right of each item.
1 Microphone ................................................ 64
2 Hot shoe ...............................................87, 111
3 Strap eyelet ....................................................8
4 Diopter adjustment control ................ 7
5 Zoom control ...............................19, 55, 57
6 Shutter button ...........................................21
7 d (expos ure compensation) button .........49
* Illustrations in this manual may be simplified for explanatory purposes.
8 I (burst mode) button ..............................46
9 Mode dial ......................................................24
10 Command dial ...................................32, 34
11 Indicator lamp ............................................22
12 G button .........................................16
13 AF-assist illuminator ...............................39
Self-timer lamp ..........................................43
14 Flash ..................................................................41
15 Flash pop-up button..............................41
16 Zoom out button .....................................20
17 Side lever ....................................................... 19
18 Lens ...................................................................16
19 Electronic viewfinder ....................7
20 Selector button (see below)
21 Monitor ................................................... 4
22 DISP (display)/BACK button
..............................................................5, 55
23 Tripod mount
24 Battery-chamber cover ................ 9
25 Battery-chamber latch .................. 9
The Se lector Button
Move cur sor up Fn (Functi on) button (P 45)
b (delete) button (P 62)
Move cur sor left
F (macro) button (P 40)
Move cur sor down
J (self-timer) button (P 43)
26 EVF/LCD (display selec tion) button ....7
27 t (movie recording ) button ............ 64
28 a (playback) button ................23, 55
29 Terminal cover ..................68, 69, 78
30 WiFi button .........................................63
31 Speaker .................................................67
32 Memory card slot ...........................11
33 USB multi-connector ...........69, 78
34 HDMI Mini Connector ................68
MENU/OK button
(P 17, 80, 88, 100)
Move cur sor right
N (flash) button (P 41)
Before You Begin
Camera Displays
The following indicators may appear during shooting and playback. The indicators displayed vary with camera settings.
15 Blur warning ............................. 41, 117, 122
16 IS mode ..........................................................20
17 Date and time .............................................17
18 Shutter speed and aperture .............32
19 Sensitivity ......................................................83
20 Image size/quality ...........................83, 84
21 Temperature warning .............................xi
22 FinePix color ................................................85
23 White balance ............................................51
24 Battery level .................................................19
25 Location data download status ......63
26 Exposure indicator ..................................49
27 Exposure compensation
indicator .........................................................49
8/24/2014 10:58 AM
1000 F7.1
* a: indicates that no memor y card
is inserted and that pictures will be stored in the camera’s internal memory.
1 Number of available frames ........... 126
2 Movie mode ................................................66
3 Internal memory indicator *
4 Focus warning ...........................................21
5 Date stamp ................................................ 108
6 Silent mode .............................................. 101
7 Burst mode ..................................................46
8 Metering ........................................................85
9 Intelligent Face Detection
indicator .........................................................36
10 Shooting mode .........................................24
11 Flash mode...................................................41
12 Macro (close-ups) mode .....................40
13 Self-timer indicator .................................43
14 Focus frame .................................................38
8 Protected image .......................................95
9 DPOF print indicator ..............................72
10 Photobook assist indicator ................59
11 Mark for upload to ...................................91
12 Frame number ........................................ 106
13 Location data ..............................................63
14 Rating ...............................................................56
6/25/2014 10:00 AM 1/1000 F2.8
1 Gift Image ..................................................... 55
2 Silent mode .............................................. 101
3 Advanced Filter .........................................26
4 Red-eye removal indicator.................94
5 Pro low-light mode .................................27
6 Intelligent Face Detection
indicator .........................................................36
7 Playback mode indicator ............23, 55
Hiding and Viewing Indicator s
Press DISP/BACK to cycle through shooting and playback indicators as follows:
Shooting: Indicators displayed/indicators hidden/best framing/HD framing/histogram
Playback: Indicators displayed/indicators hidden/I favorites (P 56)/photo info
: STD : OFF :
12/ 31/2050 10: 00
Image quality and size, w Sensitivity, e Shut-
ter speed/aperture, r FinePix color, t Flash mode,
White balance, u Exposure compensation, i Frame
number, o Picture (overexposed areas blink on and off ),
Histograms show the distribution of tones in the im­age. Brightness is shown by the horizontal axis, the number of pixels by the vertical axis.
No. of
Pixel brightness
Shadows Highlights
Optimal exposure: Pixels are distributed in an even curve throughout the tone range. Overexposed: Pixels are clustered
Overexposed areas blink on and
at the right side of the graph.
Underexposed: Pixels are clustered at the left side of the graph.
Before You Begin
The monitor
The monitor can be rotated and angled to suit your needs, such as self-portraits, low-angle shots, or high-angle shots.
• For normal use, fold the monitor facing out.
• When carrying the camera, fold the monitor facing inward to prevent dirt and scratches.
Rotating the monitor
Rotate the monitor gently. Do not apply excessive force. Failure to observe these precautions may damage the connection between the monitor and the camera body. Note that when a cable is connected to the camera, the cable may be caught.
Reverse Display
When cREVERSE DISPLAY is set to ON from the shooting menu, the image is flipped horizontally and dis­played on the LCD monitor. This allows you to take self portraits while looking in a mirror.
The Electronic Viewfinder (EVF)
The electronic viewfinder provides the same information as the monitor, and can be
used when bright lighting conditions make the display in the monitor difficult to see. Press EVF/LCD button to select from the monitor or electric view finder mode.
Brig ht Ambient Lighting
Reflections and glare caused by bright ambient lighting may make it hard to see the display in the monitor, particularly when the camera is used outdoors. This can be addressed by holding the EVF/LCD button to trigger outdoor mode. Outdoor mode can also be enabled using the T MONITOR SUNLIGHT MODE option in the setup menu (P 101).
Diopter adjustment control
The camera is equipped with diopter adjustment to accommodate individ­ual differences in vision. Slide the diopter adjustment control up and down until the viewfinder display is in sharp focus.
Strong sunlight focused through the viewfinder may damage the panel of electronic viewfinder (EVF). Do not aim the electronic viewfinder at the sun.
Before You Begin
Attaching Accessories
The Strap
Attach the strap to the two strap eyelets as shown below.
First Steps
To avoid dropping the camera, be sure the strap is cor­rectly secured.
The Lens Cap
Attach the lens cap as shown.
To avoid losing the lens cap, pass the supplied string through the eyelet (q) and secure the lens cap to the strap (w).
The Lens Hood (Optional Accessory)
Rotate the lens hood in the direction shown until it clicks into place.
Inserting the Battery
Insert the batteries in the camera as described below.
Open the battery-chamber cover.
Slide the battery-cham­ber latch in the direction shown and open the bat­tery-chamber cover.
Be sure the camera is off before opening the bat­tery-chamber cover.
• Do not open the battery-chamber cover when the camera is on. Failure to observe this pre­caution could result in damage to image files or memory cards.
• Do not use excessive force when handling the battery-chamber cover.
Insert the battery.
Insert the battery as shown in the illustration inside the battery chamber, using the bat­tery to keep the latch pressed to one side.
Battery latch
Insert the battery in the correct orientation. Do
not use force or attempt to insert the battery up-
side down or backwards. The battery will slide in easily in the correct orientation.
First Steps
Inserting the Battery
Close the battery-chamber cover.
Press the cover down un­til it clicks into place.
Removing the Battery
Before removing the battery, turn the camera off and open the battery-chamber cover. To remove the battery, press the battery latch to the side, and slide the battery out of the cam­era as shown.
Battery latch
c Batteries
• Remove dirt from the battery terminals with a clean, dry cloth. Failure to observe this precaution could prevent the battery from charging.
• Do not affix stickers or other objects to the battery. Failure to observe this precaution could make it im­possible to remove the battery from the camera.
• Do not short the battery terminals. The battery could overheat.
• Read the cautions in “Power Supply and Battery” (P vii).
• Use only battery chargers designated for use with the battery. Failure to observe this precaution could re­sult in product malfunction.
• Do not remove the labels from the battery or attempt to split or peel the outer casing.
• The battery gradually loses its charge when not in use. Charge the battery one or two days before use.
Inserting a Memory Card
Although the camera can store pictures in inter­nal memory, optional SD, SDHC and SDXC mem- ory cards (sold separately) can be used to store additional pictures.
Open the battery-chamber cover.
Slide the battery-cham­ber latch in the direction shown and open the bat­tery-chamber cover.
Insert the memory card.
Holding the memory card in the orientation shown below, slide it in until it clicks into place at the back of the slot.
• Be sure card is in the correct orientation; do not insert at an angle or use force. If the memory card is not correctly inserted or no memory card is inserted, a will appear in the LCD moni­tor and internal memory will be used for record­ing and playback.
• SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards can be locked, mak­ing it impossible to format the card or to record or delete images. Before in­serting an SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card, slide the write-protect switch to the unlocked position.
Write-protect switch
First Steps
Inserting a Memory Card
Close the battery-chamber cover.
Press the cover down un­til it clicks into place.
Removing Memory Cards
After confirming that the cam­era is off, press the card in and then release it slowly. The card can now be removed by hand.
• The memory card may spring out if you remove your finger immediately after pushing the card in.
• Memory cards may be warm to the touch after be­ing removed from the camera. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction.
Inserting a Memory Card
Compatible Memory Cards
FUJIFILM and SanDisk SD, SDHC, and SDXC mem­ory cards have been approved for use in the cam­era. A complete list of approved memory cards is available at http://www.fujifilm.com/support/ digital_cameras/compatibility/. Operation is not guaranteed with other cards. The camera can not be used with xD-Picture Cards or MultiMediaCard (MMC) devices.
c Memory Cards
Do not turn the camera off or remove the memory card while the memory card is being formatted or data are being recorded to or deleted from the card.
Failure to observe this precaution could damage the card.
• Format SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards before first use, and be sure to reformat all memory cards af­ter using them in a computer or other device. For more information on formatting memory cards, see “K FORMAT” (P 105).
• Memory cards are small and can be swallowed; keep out of reach of children. If a child swallows a memory card, seek medical assistance immediately.
• miniSD or microSD adapters that are larger or smaller than the standard dimensions of an SD/SDHC/SDXC card may not eject normally; if the card does not eject, take the camera to an authorized service repre­sentative. Do not forcibly remove the card.
• Do not affix labels to memory cards. Peeling labels can cause camera malfunction.
• Use a H card or better when shooting full HD movies.
• Movie recording may be interrupted with some types of SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card. Use a H card or better when shooting HD or high-speed movies.
• The data in internal memory may be erased or cor­rupted when the camera is repaired. Please note that the repairer will be able to view pictures in internal memory.
• Formatting a memory card or internal memory in the camera creates a folder in which pictures are stored. Do not rename or delete this folder or use a comput­er or other device to edit, delete, or rename image files. Always use the camera to delete pictures from memory cards and internal memory; before editing or renaming files, copy them to a computer and edit or rename the copies, not the originals.
First Steps
Charging the Battery
The battery is not charged at shipment. Charge the battery before use. The camera charges the bat­tery internally.
Attach the plug adapter to the AC power adapter.
Attach the plug adapter as shown, making sure that it is fully inserted and clicks into place on the AC power adapter termi­nals.
The plug adapter is exclusively for use with the supplied AC power adapter. Do not use it with other devices.
Charge the battery.
Connect the camera to the supplied AC power adapter using the supplied USB cable. Then plug the AC power adapter into an indoor power outlet.
Be sure the connectors are in the correct orientation and then insert them fully.
When a USB cable is connected to charge the camera, you cannot shoot photos or movies.
The camera uses an NP-85 rechargeable battery.
AC power adapter
Plug adapter
Charging the Battery
Char ge status
The indicator lamp shows battery charge status.
Indicato r lamp Batter y status Action
On Battery charging. — Off Charging complete.
Blinks Battery fault. See page 114
Char ging via a computer
The battery can be charged by connecting the camera to a computer.
Connect the supplied USB cable as shown, making sure the connectors are fully inserted. Connect the camera directly to the computer; do not use a USB hub or keyboard.
• If the computer goes into sleep mode while charging, charging will stop. To continue charging, disable sleep mode on the computer, and disconnect and connect the USB cable.
• Charging may be impossible depending on computer specifications, settings or conditions.
First Steps
Turning the Camera On and Off
Shooting Mode
Press the G button to turn the camera on. The lens will extend automatically.
Playback Mode
To turn the camera on and begin playback, press the a button for about a second.
Press the a button again or press the G
Press G again to turn the camera off.
2 Switching to Playbac k Mode
Press the a button to start playback. Press the shutter button halfway to return to shooting mode.
• Be sure that the lens cap is removed before turning the camera on.
• Forcibly preventing the lens from extending could cause damage or product malfunction.
• Pictures can be affected by fingerprints and other marks on the lens. Keep the lens clean.
• The G button does not completely disconnect the camera from its power supply.
2 Auto Power O ff
The camera will turn off automatically if no operations are performed for the length of time selected in the M AUTO POWER OFF menu (see page 107). To turn the camera on, press the G button or the a button for about a second.
button to turn the camera off .
2 Switching to Shooting Mode
To exit to shooting mode, press the shutter button halfway. Press the a button to return to playback.
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