Fuji Electric MICREX-F Series Manual

Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd.
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
1 System Configuration.......................................................................................................3
2 Selection of External Device ............................................................................................7
3 Example of Communication Setting.................................................................................8
5 Cable Diagram...............................................................................................................29
6 Supported Device...........................................................................................................44
7 Device Code and Address Code.................................................................................... 46
8 Error Messages....................................................... .......................................................47
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
This manual describes how to connect the Display and the External Device (target PLC). In this manual, the connection procedure will be described by following the below sections:
System Configuration This section shows the types of External Devices which can be connected and SIO type.
)"1 System Configuration" (page 3)
Selection of External Device Select a model (series) of the External Device to be connected and connection method.
)"2 Selection of External Device" (page 7)
Example of Communication Settings This section shows setting examples for communicating between the Display and the External Device.
)"3 Example of Communication Setting"
(page 8)
Setup Items This section describes communication setup items on the Display. Set communication settings of the Display with GP-Pro Ex or in offline mode.
)"4 Setup Items" (page 24)
Cable Diagram This section shows cables and adapters for connecting the Display and the External Device.
)"5 Cable Diagram" (page 29)
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
1 System Configuration
The system configuration in the case when the External Device of Fu ji Electric Co.,Ltd. and the Display are connected is shown.
Connection Configuration
1:1 Connection
Series CPU Link I/F SIO Type
Setting Example
File Switch
F80H F120H F250
RS232C interface on FFU120B
Setting Example 1
(page 8)
Setting Example 2
(page 11)
Cable Diagram 1
(page 29)
RS485 interface on FFU120B
RS422/485 (4wire)
Setting Example 3
(page 13)
Setting Example 4
(page 16)
Cable Diagram 2
(page 32)
F60 F70 F70S F80 F80H F81 F120 F120H F120S F200 F250
*1 When you use F30 or F50 for T link connection, T link master adaptor (FTM050A) is necessary.
RS232C interface on FFK120A-C10
Setting Example 1
(page 8)
Setting Example 5
(page 18)
Cable Diagram 1
(page 29)
RS485 interface on FFK120A-C10
RS422/485 (4wire)
Setting Example 3
(page 13)
Setting Example 6
(page 20)
Cable Diagram 2
(page 32)
*2 You cannot use FFK100A-C10 or NC1L-RS2 in 1:n configuration.
RS232C ---
Setting Example 7
(page 22)
Cable Diagram 3
(page 42)
F70 F70S
*2 *3
*3 When you install 2 link units on the extension base unit created by T link function based on the basic base
unit of the External Device, you can connect the Display on either of 2 link units (simultaneous connection on both 2 link units are not available). When you install 2 basic base units, simultaneous connection on both 2 link units are available.
Setting Example 1
(page 8)
Setting Example 2
(page 11)
Cable Diagram 4
(page 43)
External Device
Operation mode:1
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
1:n Connection
* Turn ON the termination resistance switch on the interface which terminates the RS422 connection.
RS422/485 (4wire)
1:1 Connection
* Turn ON the termination resistance switch on the External Devi ce in te rface.
1:n Connection
* Turn ON the termination resistance switch on the interface which terminates the RS422 connection.
RS232 C
External Device*
External Device
External Device*
RS422/485 (4wire)
Operation mode:2
Operation mode:3
Operation mode:3
Max 16 units
RS422/485 (4wire)
External Device*
Operation mode:
RS422/485 (4wire)
Operation mode:3
Operation mode:
Operation mode:3
Max 16 units
RS422/485 (4wire)
RS422/485 (4wire)
RS422/485 (4wire)
External Device External Device External Device*
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
When connecting IPC with an External Device, the COM port used depends on the series and SIO type. Please refer to the IPC manual for details.
Usable port
DIP Switch setting: RS-232C
Usable Port
RS-232C RS-422/485(4 wire) RS-422/485(2 wire)
, COM2,
, COM4
*1 The RI/5V can be switched. Use the IPC’s switch to change if necessary.
PS-3450A, PS-3451A, PS3000-BA, PS3001-BD
PS-3650A (T41 model), PS-3651A (T41 model)
PS-3650A (T42 model), PS-3651A (T42 model)
PS-3700A (Pentium®4-M) PS-3710A
COM1*1, COM2*1, COM3*2, COM4
*2 Set up the SIO type with the DIP Switch. Please set up as follows according to SIO type to be used.
PS-3711A COM1*1, COM2
*3 When making communication between an External Device and COM port on the Expansion slot,
only RS-232C is supported. However, ER (DTR/CTS) control cannot be executed because of the specification of COM port. For connection with External Device, use user-created cables and disable Pin Nos. 1, 4, 6 and 9. Please refer to the IPC manual for details of pin layout.
COM1, COM2 - -
, COM2*1,
DIP Switch Setting Description
*1 When using PS-3450A, PS-3451A, PS3000-BA and PS3001-BD, turn ON the set value.
Reserved (always OFF)
SIO type: RS-232C
3OFF 4 OFF Output mode of SD (TXD) data: Always output 5 OFF Terminal resistance (220Ω) insertion to SD (TXD): None 6 OFF Terminal resistance (220Ω) insertion to RD (RXD): None 7 OFF Short-circuit of SDA (TXA) and RDA (RXA): Not available 8 OFF Short-circuit of SDB (TXB) and RDB (RXB): Not available 9OFF
RS (RTS) Auto control mode: Disabled
10 OFF
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
DIP Switch setting: RS-422/485 (4 wire)
DIP Switch setting: RS-422/485 (2 wire)
DIP Switch Setting Description
1 OFF Reserved (always OFF) 2ON
SIO type: RS-422/485
3ON 4 OFF Output mode of SD (TXD) data: Always output 5 OFF Terminal resistance (220Ω) insertion to SD (TXD): None 6 OFF Terminal resistance (220Ω) insertion to RD (RXD): None 7 OFF Short-circuit of SDA (TXA) and RDA (RXA): Not available 8 OFF Short-circuit of SDB (TXB) and RDB (RXB): Not available 9OFF
RS (RTS) Auto control mode: Disabled
10 OFF
DIP Switch Setting Description
1 OFF Reserved (always OFF) 2ON
SIO type: RS-422/485
3ON 4 OFF Output mode of SD (TXD) data: Always output 5 OFF Terminal resistance (220Ω) insertion to SD (TXD): None 6 OFF Terminal resistance (220Ω) insertion to RD (RXD): None 7 ON Short-circuit of SDA (TXA) and RDA (RXA): Available 8 ON Short-circuit of SDB (TXB) and RDB (RXB): Available 9ON
RS (RTS) Auto control mode: Enabled
10 ON
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
2 Selection of External Device
Select the External Device to be connected to the Display.
Setup Items Setup Description
Number of Devices/ PLCs
Enter an integer from 1 to 4 to define the number of Devices/PLCs to connect to the display.
Manufacturer Sele ct the manufacturer of the External Device to connect. Select "Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd.".
Select the External Device model (series) and the connection method. Select "MICREX-F Series SIO". In System configuration, make sure the External Device you are connecting is supported by "MICREX-F Series SIO".
)"1 System Configuration" (page 3)
Port Select the Display port to be connected to the External Device.
Use System Area
Check this option to synchronize the system data area of the Display and the device (memory) of the External Device. When synchronized, you can use the External Device’s ladder program to switch the display or display the window on the Display.
Cf. GP-Pro EX Reference Manual "LS Area (Direct Access Method Ar ea )"
This feature can also be set in GP-Pro EX or in the Display's offline mode.
Cf. GP-Pro EX Reference Manual "System Settings [D i s pla y Uni t] - [S yste m
Area] Settings Guide"
Cf. Maintenance/Troubleshooting Guide "Main Unit - System Area Settings"
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
3 Example of Communication Setting
Examples of communication settings of the Display and the External Device, recommended by Pro-face, are shown. When you use the MICREX-F Series, use GP-Pro EX and the ladder software to set as below.
3.1 Setting Example 1
Settings of GP-Pro EX
Communication Settings
T o display the setup screen, from the [Project] menu, point to [System Settings] and select [Device/PLC].
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
Device Setting
To display the [Individual Device Settings] dialog box, from [Device-Specific Settings] in the [Device/PLC] window, select the external device and click [Settings] . To connect multiple External Devices, from [Device-Specific Settings] in the [Device/PLC] window, click [Add Device] to add another External Device.
Setting of External Device
(1) Turn OFF the DIP switch No.8 "Initialization method" on the rear panel of general-purpose interface module
of the External Device. Other settings are not necessary. The DIP switch setting will be effective after restart. Use the rotary switch for MODE setting.
(2) Set the mode switch key of the External Device body to [TERM].
(3) Startup the ladder software. Execute [New File] from the [File] menu.
(4) Select the model of the External Device to use.
No. Setup Items Setup Description
1 No need
2 No need 3 No need 4 No need 5 No need 6 No need 7 No need 8OFF Initial file setting effective
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
(5) Create the default file in the data table. Please refer to the manual of the External Device for the default file
number or the setting method. When you select MODE2 or 3, use the rotary switch to specify the same number as the station No. in the device setting. The setting is not necessary for MODE1 (RS232C 1:1 connection). Please refer to the connection configuration diagrams for more details.
(6) Select [Transfer] from the [File] menu to transfer to the External Device body.
(7) After the transfer is completed, restart the External De vic e.
Setup Items Setup Description Notes
MODE switch Depending on connection type
Set by the rotary switch
Station No. Depending on connection type Transmission Procedure No procedure
Set by the initial file
Mode Settings Baud rate 19200 Data Bit 7 Parity Bit Even Stop Bit 2 DCE/DTE DCE CTS/RTS Always ON DSR/DTR Always ON Send Condition None PK Access Enable Transmission Code JIS Code Conversion Enable Head Code STX End Code ETX Head Code 1, 2 0 End Code 1, 2 0 BCC None
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
3.2 Setting Example 2
Settings of GP-Pro EX
Communication Settings
T o display the setup screen, from the [Project] menu, point to [System Settings] and select [Device/PLC].
Device Setting
To display the [Individual Device Settings] dialog box, from [Device-Specific Settings] in the [Device/PLC] window, select the external device and click [Settings] . To connect multiple External Devices, from [Device-Specific Settings] in the [Device/PLC] window, click [Add Device] to add another External Device.
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
Setting of External Device
Turn ON the DIP switch No.8 "Initi alizatio n method" on the rear panel of general-purpos e interfa ce module of the External Device. When you perform the settings with the switch, the head code, end code and send condition will be fixed. Use the rotary switch for MODE setting. When you select MODE2 or 3, use the rotary switch to specify the same number as the station No. in the device setting. The setting is not necessary for MODE1 (RS232C 1:1 connection). Please refer to the connection configuration diagrams for more details.
No. Setup Items Setup Description
Baud rate = 192002ON 3ON 4OFF Stop bit length = 2 5ON Data bit length = 7 6ON Parity bit = Even 7ON Parity bit = Enable 8ON Switch setting ef fective
Setup Items Setup Description Notes
MODE switch
Depending on connection type
Set by the rotary switch
Station No.
Depending on connection type
Send Condition None
FixedHead Code :
End Code CR/LF
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
3.3 Setting Example 3
Settings of GP-Pro EX
Communication Settings
T o display the setup screen, from the [Project] menu, point to [System Settings] and select [Device/PLC].
Device Setting
To display the [Individual Device Settings] dialog box, from [Device-Specific Settings] in the [Device/PLC] window, select the external device and click [Settings] . To connect multiple External Devices, from [Device-Specific Settings] in the [Device/PLC] window, click [Add Device] to add another External Device.
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
Setting of External Device
(1) Turn OFF the DIP switch No.8 "Initialization method" on the rear panel of general-purpose interface module
of the External Device. Other settings are not necessary. The DIP switch setting will be effective after restart. Use the rotary switch for MODE setting.
(2) Set the mode switch key of the External Device body to [TERM].
(3) Startup the ladder software. Execute [New File] from the [File] menu.
(4) Select the model of the External Device to use.
No. Setup Items Setup Description
1 No need
2 No need 3 No need 4 No need 5 No need 6 No need 7 No need 8OFF Initial file setting effective
MICREX-F Series SIO Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
(5) Create the default file in the data table. Please refer to the manual of the External Device for the default file
number or the setting method. Use the rotary switch to specify the same number as the station No. in the device setting. Please refer to the connection configuration diagrams for more details.
(6) Select [Transfer] from the [File] menu to transfer to the External Device body.
(7) After the transfer is completed, restart the External De vic e.
Setup Items Setup Description Notes
MODE switch 3
Set by the rotary switch
Station No. Depending on connection type Transmission Procedure No procedure
Set by the initial file
Mode Settings Baud rate 19200 Data Bit 7 Parity Bit Even Stop Bit 2 DCE/DTE DCE CTS/RTS Always ON DSR/DTR Always ON Send Condition None PK Access Enable Transmission Code JIS Code Conversion Enable Head Code STX End Code ETX Head Code 1, 2 0 End Code 1, 2 0 BCC None
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