50Hz-220V, 240V, 60Hz-220V, 240V,
60Hz-110/, 220V
RGX6500 / RGX7500
Isolator Slip Ring Through Bolt
Generally, the power rating of an electrical appliance indicates the amount of work that can be done by it.
The electric power required for operating an electrical appliance is not always equal to the output wattage
of the appliance. The electrical appliances generally have a label showing their rated voltage, frequency,
and power consumption (input wattage). The power consumption of an electrical appliance is the power
necessary for using it. When using a generator for operating an electrical appliance, the power factor and
starting wattage must be taken into consideration.
In order to determine the right size generator, it is necessary to add the total wattage of all appliances to be
connected to the unit.
Refer to the followings to calculate the power consumption of each appliance or equipment by its type.
(1) Incandescent lamp, heater, etc. with a power factor of 1.0
Total power consumption must be equal to or less than the rated output of the generator.
Example: A rated 3000W generator can turn thirty 100W incandescent lamps on.
(2) Fluorescent lamps, motor driven tools, light electrical appliances, etc.
with a smaller power factor
Select a generator with a rated output equivalent to 1.2 to 2 times of the power consumption of the load.
Generally the starting wattage of motor driven tools and light electrical appliances are 1.2 to 3 times
lager than their running wattage.
Example: A rated 250 W electric drill requires a 400 W generator to start it.
NOTE 1: If a power factor correction capacitor is not applied to the fluorescent lamp, the more power
shall be required to drive the lamps.
NOTE 2: Nominal wattage of the fluorescent lamp generally indicates the output wattage of the lamp.
Therefore, if the fluorescent lamp has no special indication as to the power consumption,
efficiency should be taken into account as explained in item (5) on the following page.
(3) Mercury lamps with a smaller power factor
Loads for mercury lamps require 2 to 3 times the indicated wattage during start-up.
Example: A 400 W mercury lamp requires 800 W to 1200 W power source to be turned on. A rated
3000 W generator can power two or three 400 W mercury lamps.
(4) Initially loaded motor driven appliances such as water pumps, compressors, etc.
These appliances require large starting wattage which is 3 to 5 times of running wattage.
Example: A rated 900 W compressor requires a 4500 W generator to drive it.
NOTE 1: Motor-driven appliances require the aforementioned generator output only at the starting.
Once their motors are started, the appliances consume about 1.2 to 2 times their rated power
consumption so that the excess power generated by the generator can be used for other
electrical appliances.
NOTE 2: Motor-driven appliances mentioned in items (3) and (4) vary in their required motor starting
power depending on the kind of motor and start-up load. If it is difficult to determine the
optimum generator capacity, select a generator with a larger capacity.
(5) Appliances without any indication as to power consumption
Some appliances have no indication as to power consumption; but instead the work load (output) is
indicated. In such a case, power consumption is to be worked out according to the numerical formula
mentioned below.
Efficiencies of some electrical appliances are as follows:
Single-phase motor …. 0.6 to 0.75
Fluorescent lamp ……. 0.7 to 0.8
Example 1: A 40W fluorescent lamp means that its luminous output is 40W. Its efficiency is 0.7 and
accordingly, power consumption will be 40÷0.7= 57W. As explained in Item (2), multiply
this power consumption value of 57 W by 1.2 to 2 and you will get the figure of the
necessary capacity of a generator. In other words, a generator wit h a rated output of 1000W
capacity can light nine to fourteen 40 W fluorescent lamps.
Example 2: Generally speaking, a 400 W motor means that its work load is 400 W. Efficiency of this
motor is 0.7 and power consumption will be 400÷0.7= 570 W. When this motor is used for
a motor-driven tool, the capacity of the generator should be multiple of 570 W by 1.2 to 3 as
explained in the item (3). 570 (W) × 1.2 to 3 = 684 (W) to 1710 (W)
Table 4-1
NOTES: Wiring between generator and electrical appliances
1. Allowable current of cable
Use a cable with an allowable current that is higher than the rated input current of the load (electrical
appliance). If the input current is higher than the allowable current of the cable used, the cable will
become excessively heated and deteriorate the insulation, possibly burning it out. Table 4-2 shows
cables and their allowable currents for your reference.
2. Cable length
If a long cable is used, a voltage drop occurs due to the increased resistance in the conductors
decreasing the input voltage to the load (electrical product). As a result, the load can be damaged.
Table 4-2 shows voltage drops per 100 meters of cable.
Table 4-2
Voltage drop indicates as
R means resistance (Ω/100 m) on the above table.
I means electric current through the wire (A).
L means the length of the wire (m).
The length of wire indicates round length, it means twice the length from generator to electrical tools.
Model Hz
50 - 219 - 228 239 - 248
60 118 - 127 219 - 228 239 - 248
50 - 219 - 228 239 - 248
60 118 - 127 219 - 228 239 - 248
Rated voltage
120V 220V 240V
Voltage range
An insulation resistance of 1 megohm or more is normal.
(The original insulation resistance at the time of shipment from the factory is 10 megohm or mor e.)
If it is less than 1 megohm, disassemble the generator and measure the insulation resistance of
the stator, rotor and control panel individually.
Measure the insulation resistance between
each lead wire and the core.
Measure the insulation resistance between
the slip ring and the core.
Measure the insulation resistance between
the live parts and the grounded parts.
Any part where the insulation resistance is less than 1MΩ has faulty insulation, and may cause
electric leakage and electric shock.
Replace the faulty part.
Using a circuit tester, check continuity between the
two terminals at the rear of the receptacles while the
receptacle is mounted on the control panel.
When continuity is found between the output terminals
of the receptacle with a wire connected across these
terminals, the receptacle is normal.
When the wire is removed and no continuity is found
between these terminals, the receptacles are also normal.
Check continuity between each of two terminals
at the rear of the circuit breaker while it is mounted
on the control panel.
Normally, there is continuity between each of the two
when the circuit breaker is on while there is no continuity
when the circuit breaker is off.