F-Secure Mobile Security for Business

Corporation administrator's guide


Chapter 1: Introduction.......................................................................5
Chapter 2: Using the management portal..........................................7
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Administrator access levels...........................................................................................6
Logging in to the management portal for the first time.............................................................8
View contracts and end-users........................................................................................9
Add users to a corporation...........................................................................................10
Editing end-user information........................................................................................12
Anti-theft management.................................................................................................13
Download the client application...................................................................................14
Creating reports...........................................................................................................14
Creating an administrator account...............................................................................15
Chapter 3: Frequently asked questions...........................................17
Removing a user account.......................................................................................................18
Transferring the license to a new device................................................................................19
Viewing the overall status.......................................................................................................20
Viewing reports.......................................................................................................................21
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The product consists of a client software that is installed on the user's mobile device and of the management portal that you can use to manage service subscribers and product updates.
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The key features of the product.
With the management portal, you can:
download the latest version of the client application,
manage product licenses and subscriptions,
view and edit end-user information, and
create and manage corporation and administrator accounts.
Administrator access levels
You may have access to different level of information when using the portal, depending on your administrator level.
The management structure is hierarchical. As an administrator, you can see all of the information that is under the level where you have the access to.
Division administrators can create new regions and browse to see regional, corporate-level, and contract information. However division administrators cannot view or manage any other divisions or the related information.
Region administrators can create new corporation accounts in their region and browse to see corporate-level information.
Corporation administrators have access to contract and user information under their corporation account.

Using the management portal

Logging in to the management portal for the first time
Corporate administrator
Use the portal when you want to:
create or modify new corporation accounts for corporations you want to manage,
create or modify license contracts,
add, edit or remove service subsriber information, and
add corporation administrator accounts.
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Logging in to the management portal for the first time

You can use your web browser to log in to the management portal .
To log in to the management portal for the first time, follow these instructions.
Open https://msp.f-secure.com with your web browser.
The login screen opens.
2. Log in with your username and the password that you have received. The management portal prompts you to change your password. You have to change your password during the first login.
3. Enter your old password and create a new one that you will use to log in to the management portal.
Use a password that is easy to remember but hard to guess. The password must contain at least 10 characters and it should contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
The main view of the management portal opens after you have successfully entered your new password.
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Corporate administrator

As a corporate administrator, you can add, modify and view end-users to license contracts and download the latest version of the client application via the portal.
The main view displays the summary of administered devices and accounts. Click View in the Summary section to view lists of managed mobile devices and their update status.
As a corporation administrator, you can follow links on the left pane to:
search for subscribers you want to view or modify,
search and view license contracts,
add end-users to contracts,
download the client application for mobile devices,
generate monthly reports of active subscribers,
add and modify administration accounts,
manage your personal account settings, or
log out from the portal.
View contracts and end-users
As a corporation administrator, you can view all license contracts and end-users with the management portal.
Follow these instructions to view license contracts and end-users of the license.
1. Click Contracts in the main view.
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The management portal displays the list of license contracts for the corporation.
2. Click the name of the license for which you want to add new end-users. The management portal displays the license details and the list of end-users that use the license.
Add users to a corporation
You can add and manage end-user accounts with the management portal.
Use the management portal when you need to:
add new end-users for the corporation account,
create user-specific licenses to the corporation contract, or
send the license codes to mobile devices.
Add a new user for the corporation contract
You can add new end-users for the corporation account manually one-by-one.
Follow these instructions to add new users for the corporation.
1. Click Contracts to view all licenses for the selected corporation account.
2. Click the name of the license for which you want to add new end-users.
The management portal displays the license details and the list of end-users that use the license.
3. Click Add new to add a new user for the license.
4. Enter the user's name and the contact information to First name, Last name, Mobile phone and eMail
5. The Device type field will display the device that the end-user has after the client application is activated.
6. You can see the validity period of the license in the Contract start time and Contract end time fields.
7. Select the Send activation sms check box to send the activation message to user's mobile phone number
as an SMS message.
If you want to deliver the activation message some other way, leave the check box empty.
8. Click OK.
If the Send activation sms check box selected, the user receives the activation message after the user account is created. The client application installed on the mobile device uses the activation message to activate the product automatically.
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If the Send download link check box is selected, new users receive a link to the product download page, from which they can download and install F-Secure Mobile Security.
Add multiple end-users to a corporation account
You can import multiple users to a corporation account at the same time.
You need a CSV (comma separated value) file that contains the list of users you want to import. The entry format for for a single user in the file is: last name,firstname,phonenumber,e-mail address (e-mail is optional and can be left out). The phone number must use the international format with the leading plus sign.
An example row in the file:Doe,John,+5551212345678,john.doe@example.com
To add multiple end-users to a corporation account, follow these instructions.
1. Click Import in the main view.
2. From the Contract drop-down, select the name of the contract for which you want to add new users.
3. Select Import users from CSV-file.
Tip: Alternatively, you can select Import users manually to enter the names and numbers manually
and then import them all in one batch. You can use this option, for example, if you do not have a CSV file to import.
4. Click Continue.
5. Click Browse to select the CSV file that you want to import.
6. After you have selected the file, click Import to upload the CSV file to the portal.
The import log shows the number of users added in the Users added column. If any users were rejected, they will be shown in the Users rejected column.
7. If any users were rejected, you can see why by clicking View in the Users rejected column.
If the Send activation SMS to new users check box is selected, new users receive the activation message after the user accounts have been imported. The F-Secure Mobile Security application uses the activation message to activate the product automatically.
If the Send download link check box is selected, new users receive a link to the product download page, from which they can download and install F-Secure Mobile Security.
Search and manage user account information
You can search for the end-user information that you want to view or edit.
To find an end-user, follow these instructions.
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1. Click Search in the main view.
2. Enter any search criteria you want to use to find the user. You can leave any fields empty.
3. Click Search.
The management portal displays all end-users that match your search criteria.
4. Click the name of the end-user to view detailed account information. The user subscription details view opens.
5. Select any of the following actions to manage the end-user account.
Edit the end-user informationModify
Send the license code by SMS to the end-userFirst time registration
Note: If you send the first time registration code to a new device, the client application that is installed
in the previously used device is disabled and cannot be used.
Click Usage log in the menu to view information about the product and database updates.
Click Message log in the menu to view the log of all messages that the portal has sent to the client
Send an re-registration message to the client to switch the license contract
Send the end-user a link to the product download page by SMSSend download link
Remove the end-user account permanentlyDelete
Editing end-user information
You can edit information for an end-user with a subscription to a contract in a corporation account that you can manage.
Follow these instructions to edit the end-user information.
1. To find the end-user information you want to modify, you can use the Seach user search to find the end-user account that you want to modify.
2. Click the name of the end-user in the search results to view detailed account information. The user subscription details view opens.
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3. Click Modify.
4. You can edit the name and the contact information of the user.
5. The Imei changes field is updated every time the user changes the device. The user account is disabled
when the license is used in more than 3 devices, for example, when the user upgrades the mobile device. Reset the Imei changes value to enable the user account so that the user can activate the client application again.
6. Click Save to accept changes.
Anti-theft management
With Anti-theft, you can make sure that an end-user's device or data stored on it is not misused if the device is stolen.
With Anti-theft management, you can remotely lock, wipe or reset the Anti-theft settings on an end-user's device. All Anti-theft operations are logged and shown in the user subscription details view.
Using the remote Anti-theft
You can remotely lock, wipe or reset the Anti-theft settings for an end-user with a subscription that you can manage.
To remotely run Anti-theft operations, follow these instructions.
1. To find the end-user information you want to modify, you can use the Seach user search to find the end-user account that you want to modify.
2. Click the name of the end-user in the search results to view detailed account information. The user subscription details view opens.
3. Click Antitheft in the menu to view the Anti-theft operation log for the end-user and to run remote operations.
To remotely lock the end-user's device, click Lock. Once the command is sent, the end-user can unlock
the device by entering the system lock password. If the end-user has not set up the Anti-theft settings, you can unlock the device by sending a Reset command.
To remotely erase all data stored on the end-user's device, click Wipe.
To remotely reset the Anti-theft settings on the end-user's device, click Reset.
4. In the confimation dialog, select the confirmation checkbox and click OK.
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Once the command is received, the end-user's device is immediately locked, wiped or reset. The command type, time sent and time the response was received are logged on the user subscription details view.
Download the client application
As a corporation administrator, you can view download the latest version of the client application.
Follow these instructions to download the latest version of the client application for the mobile device.
1. Click Downloads in the main view. The management portal displays the list of applications you can download.
2. Click the name of the application that you want to download, based on the mobile device platform that you need. Your web browser downloads the installation file that you can distribute to end-users.
3. To download the pdf manual of the client application, select and click the language in which you want to read the manual.
Creating reports
You can use the management portal to generate contract summary reports, user statistics reports and lists of end-users.
Follow these instructions to create reports:
1. Click Exporting & Reporting in the main view.
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