Copyright © 2010 F-Secure Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 15
F-Secure Client Security 9.01 Release To Manufacturing (9.01
build 122)
1. General
This document contains late-breaking information about F-Secure Client Security 9.01 product release, managed with F-Secure Policy Manager 9.00. We strongly recommend you read the entire document.
Please refer to the on-line help for more information. There are additional release notes distributed with the F-Secure Policy Manager Setup kit.
Please consult them for the latest information about those components.
What's in This File
- Installation and System Requirements
- Product Contents
- Dropped and Unsupported Features
- New Features
- Fixed Issues
- Known Issues
- Contact Information
2. Installation and System Requirements
2.1. Recommended system requirements
The recommended hardware for F-Secure Client Security 9.01 is:
Microsoft Windows 7 and Vista
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2GHz or higher
- Memory: 1GB or more
- Disk space: 800 MB free HD space (500 MB for Anti-virus for Workstations)
- Internet Connection: An Internet connection is required in order to receive updates
Microsoft Windows XP
- Processor: Intel Pentium III 1Gz or higher
- Memory: 512 MB or more
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- Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or newer
- Disk space: 800MB free HD space (500 MB for Anti-virus for Workstations)
- Internet Connection: An Internet connection is required in order to receive updates
3. Product Contents
This product enables you to install:
- Virus & Spy Protection with Virus protection, Anti-spyware, Email Scanning and Web Traffic Scanning for viruses, Blacklight scanning for hidden malware and the proactive 0-hour protection technology DeepGuard™.
- Firewall, Application Control, Intrusion Prevention and Dial-up Control.
- Automatic updates enabling you to keep both the databases and the software up-to-
date against the latest threats.
- Browsing Protection with protection against browser exploits and rogue sites.
Supported languages are: English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
4. Dropped and Unsupported Features
Features that have been dropped since F-Secure Anti-Virus Client Security 8.01 include:
- Security News removed The security news feature has been removed, since it has not been in active use for
several years.
- System Control: ActiveX protection removed The ActiveX protection that was part of System Control had been removed. It has been
made completely obsolete by the new Browsing Protection feature.
- Tivoli plug-in and SNMP support removed The Tivoli plug-in and SNMP support has been removed, to simplify product installation
and to increase performance.
- Removed Virus & Spy protection options Scanning inside compressed files can no longer be enabled for real-time scanning.
Enabling this setting is not useful in practice, because when a compressed file is unpacked, the unpacked files will be scanned by real-time scanning and malware will be detected.
Scanning for spyware can no longer be disabled in real-time scanning settings. The amount of action options for malware detected by real-time scanning has been
reduced; the new “Handle automatically” (default) is recommended, as it will allow
Copyright © 2010 F-Secure Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 15
the product to choose the best action appropriate for a given malware. Also, action options for viruses and spyware have been merged into a single action option.
5. New Features
New features since release of F-Secure Client Security 8.01 include:
- Windows 7 support The product can be natively installed on Windows 7.
- New user interface The look and feel of the whole user interface has been renewed, and the main user
interface has been completely redesigned. It simplifies many of the functions that the user can perform. By reorganizing the interface into more logical areas, the user is able to perform related actions more easily.
Similarly, the design of the advanced settings has been restructured into more logical areas.
- Automatic removal of malware The user is no longer prompted for actions when malware is found. Instead malware is
automatically removed and the user is notified of this. This behavior can be configured in “Settings - Virus and spyware scanning”. There are now only two available options when virus or spyware is found:
o If unclear, ask me o Always ask me
- Action taken when scanning viruses and spyware is unified Only one decision about the treatment of malware is required. This affects both manual
scans and scheduled scans.
- Removal of Virus and spyware security levels There are no longer any Virus and spyware security levels. All settings can be
configured individually.
- Refined infection cleaning dialog
The dialog which is presented when a virus is being removed has been refined so it’s
possible to minimize it and use the computer while the infection is being cleaned. The look and feel of the dialog has also been updated, and an accurate progress bar has been added.
- Virus and spyware history From Virus and spyware history, the user can see what has been done to viruses and
spyware that have been found on their computer.
- Scanning performance improvements without sacrificing security
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F-Secure's multi-engine protection has been upgraded to offer faster malware scanning and smaller memory usage while keeping the detection rate on highest possible level.
- Browsing Protection Browsing Protection protects users from web-based malicious exploits and stops
malware at the first point of infection. All malicious, exploit-hosting URLs it detects are automatically reported back to F-Secure's Real-time Protection Network, which helps our Security Labs discover new exploits on the Internet and react to protect all our existing customers. Browsing Protection also protects against rogue web sites, by showing the rating of sites directly in the browser.
The Browsing Protection feature can be configured in “Settings - Internet - Browsing Protection”.
Browsing Protection is supported when using Internet Explorer 6 or newer, or Firefox 2 or newer. Other browsers are not supported at this time.
- DeepGuard no longer dependent on Real-Time Scanning DeepGuard (previously sometimes referred to as System Control) can now be enabled
even when Real-Time Scanning is disabled.
- DeepGuard Advanced Process Monitoring Many Trojans and malware try to infect the user’s browser to steal information like
passwords, bank credentials or even money from the user’s online banking session. DeepGuard has been extended to provide protection against these threats. This can be configured in “Settings - Computer - DeepGuard - Use advanced process monitoring”. Advanced Process Monitoring also offers:
o protection against common browsing control commands
DeepGuard offers protection against controlling browser with OLE and DDE commands.
o protection against stopping of F-Secure services
DeepGuard will ask for authorizing the stopping of F-Secure services.
- Real-time Protection Network connectivity The status of the Real-Time Protection Network connectivity is visible in the Settings –
Other Settings – Connection.
- Possibility to enter Real-time Protection Network proxy server It’s now possible to configure a specific HTTP proxy for accessing the Real-time
Protection Network. If no proxy server is configured, the HTTP proxy server configured for AUA will be used
for accessing the Real-time Protection Network (the same behavior as in the Client
Security 8 series). If no AUA HTTP proxy is configured, a direct connection to the Real-
time Protection Network will be used. Note that there is no local UI support. The setting can only be configured through Policy
Manager Console, Advanced view, Real-time Protection Network Client – Settings – HTTP proxy.
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- Possibility to turn off/on the Real-time Protection Network Client Access to the Real-time Protection Network can now be turned on or off. Note that any
sub-components that are relying on this (such as DeepGuard and Browsing Protection) will have either limited functionality or will not work at all.
Note that there is no local UI support. The setting can only be configured through Policy Manager Console, Advanced view, Real-time Protection Network Client – Settings – Client is enabled.
- Limited amount of DeepGuard block dialogs per application Some malware launchers can launch the same malware an infinite amount of times,
which from now on only results in a maximum of 5 blocked dialogs. After this, the application is blocked silently. At reboot, the counter is reset.
- Fewer Application Control prompts Application Control now uses the real-time protection network to reduce the amount of
prompts when trusted applications try to connect to the Internet.
- Boot-up optimization Some components that are active during the boot-up phase have been re-designed to
be less CPU intensive. This results in faster boot-up time.
- Several processes removed The functionality of the following processes has been merged into other processes:
FSMB32.EXE, FSGUIDLL.EXE, FCH32.EXE, FAMEH32.EXE, fsaua.exe, fsus.exe, and fsqh.exe.
One new process, FSHDLL32.EXE (and FSHDLL64.EXE on 64-bit operating systems), has been created for hosting some of the functionality that the above processes used to offer.
This frees up memory and reduces the total thread count. The end result is 6 processes less compared to the previous release.
- Dial-up Control is disabled by default Dial-up Control is now disabled by default. It can still be enabled through the “Settings -
Network connections - Dial-up Control”.
- Participating in Real-time Protection Network By participating in the Real-time Protection Network, the user contributes anonymous
data to further improve the service.
- Improved interoperability with Web Traffic Scanning Web Traffic Scanning no longer scans the traffic of all networking applications, and only
the following web browsers are supported by the Web Traffic Scanning feature:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Opera
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