Installing the product...............................................................................................................19
Download and run the installation package.................................................................19
Select components to install........................................................................................20
Complete installation of the product............................................................................24
Run Policy Manager Console......................................................................................25
Remote deployment of other F-Secure products....................................................................32
4 | F-Secure Client Security | TOC
This guide describes how to get started with F-Secure Client Security
and includes installation instructions for:
•Client Security
•Policy Manager
For detailed instructions on the installation and use of the products, refer
to the applicable product manuals included on the installation CD. The
most recent versions of the manuals are also available in PDF format
on our web site at
Installing Client Security
System requirements
Stand-alone installation
Remote installation
Local installation and Policy
The following information is provided here:
•System requirements
•Remote and local installation options for corporate computers
Client Security can be installed individually on each workstation, which is the recommended method for small
networks with 2 - 5 workstations.
Note: When installing Client Security for a stand-alone installation, select Locally managed stand-alone
installation when the management selection step is displayed during setup.
Before you install
Read the following before installing the product.
•If you are using a previous version of F-Secure Internet Security or F-Secure Anti-Virus, you can install
this product directly. Follow the instructions in “Installation Steps”.
•If you have an evaluation version of F-Secure Internet Security 2010 or F-Secure Anti-Virus 2010 on your
computer, and you have purchased the licensed version, you can start using it after you enter the
subscription key.
To enter the subscription key:
1. On the main page, click Tasks.
2. Click My subscription.
3. Select Enter new subscription key....
4. In the dialog box that opens, enter your new subscription key and click Register.
If you received your subscription key by e-mail, you can copy the key from the e-mail message and paste
it into the field.
Installation steps
You need the product CD, a valid subscription key and an Internet connection. If multiple users share and
use the computer, log on with administrator privileges to install this product.
To install the software:
1. Insert the Installation CD.
The installation should start automatically. If it does not, go to Windows Explorer, double-click on the
CD-ROM icon and double-click the setup.exe file to start the installation.
The first installation dialog box appears.
2. Select the installation language and click Next to continue.
3. Read the license agreement. To accept the agreement and to continue, click Accept.
4. Enter your subscription key and click Next to continue.
Note: If you want to evaluate the product, leave the My subscription key is field empty and click
Next. In the Evaluation Options dialog box, select the service to evaluate.
•If you purchased the product on a CD from a shop, you can find the subscription key on the cover of
the Quick Installation Guide.
•If you downloaded the product from the F-Secure eStore, the subscription key is included in the
confirmation e-mail of the purchase order.
Note: Use only the subscription key delivered with the product. You can use the subscription key for
the number of installations your license is for (see the ‘F-Secure License’ note in this guide). If you
have problems in registering, please contact F-Secure Technical Support.
•Automatic installation: The product is installed automatically. Existing security products may be
automatically replaced. The product is installed to the default directory.
•Step by step installation: You can make selections during the installation. You can for example, change
the installation directory. However, we recommend using the default directory.
6. Click Next.
7. After the installation is complete, remove the Installation CD.
8. The computer restarts automatically. To restart immediately, select Restart now.
9. After the restart, the product tries to connect to the Internet to validate your subscription and download
updates. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet. Downloading these major updates may take
some time. When the updates have been downloaded, the protection is up to date. The latest updates
ensure the best protection.
Tip: To learn more about the product, you can access the online help by clicking the Help button in
the product. You can find the online help also on the Installation CD.
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