Changes and Improvements ........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Upgrading from an old version of WinCHAP ..............................................................................................................
2.1 The Main Menu ...................................................................................................................................................................................
2.1.1 Getting NOAH 3 information .............................................................................................................................................
2.1.2 Going to the Frye website ...................................................................................................................................................
2.1.3 Checking your FONIX analyzer connection ................................................................................................................
2.1.4 Getting basic WinCHAP information ..............................................................................................................................
2.1.5 Setting your analyzer’s internal printing
2.1.6 Controlling your analyzer remotely ................................................................................................................................
2.2 Serial Port Configuration .................................................................................................................................................................
2.2.1 Entering the Communications Setup window ...........................................................................................................
2.2.2 Designating the COM ports ..............................................................................................................................................
2.2.3 Adjusting the communication baud rate ...................................................................................................................
2.3.1 Opening the Database Manager ....................................................................................................................................
2.3.2 Opening an existing database ........................................................................................................................................
2.3.3 Using WinCHAP with a network ....................................................................................................................................
2.3.4 Importing a CHAP database ............................................................................................................................................
2.3.5 Importing a WinCHAP database ....................................................................................................................................
2.3.6 Creating a new database ..................................................................................................................................................
2.3.7 Deleting a database ............................................................................................................................................................
2.4 The Print Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................................
3.1 The Data Entry Window ................................................................................................................................................................
3.2 The Quick Entry Windows ...........................................................................................................................................................
3.2.1 Using the Quick Entry Client Window .......................................................................................................................... To enter a client ..................................................................................................................................................... To attach a new hearing aid record .............................................................................................................. Other stuff in the Quick Entry Client window ..........................................................................................
3.2.2 The Quick Entry Hearing Aid Window .......................................................................................................................21 To enter a hearing aid ........................................................................................................................................ To attach a client from the Quick Entry Hearing Aid window ........................................................... Other stuff in the Quick Entry Hearing Aid window .............................................................................
3.2.3 Example ...................................................................................................................................................................................
3.3 The Office Manager .........................................................................................................................................................................
3.3.1 Using the Client-Patient Window .................................................................................................................................. To enter a client record ...................................................................................................................................... To delete a client record .................................................................................................................................... To attach a hearing aid ....................................................................................................................................... To un-attach a hearing aid ................................................................................................................................ To add account information ............................................................................................................................
3.3.2 Using the Hearing Aid Window ..................................................................................................................................... To enter a hearing aid To enter an individual hearing aid ............................................................................................................... To attach a client .................................................................................................................................................. To record hearing aid repairs: ......................................................................................................................... To delete a hearing aid model ........................................................................................................................ To delete an individual hearing aid ............................................................................................................. To un-attach a client from a hearing aid .....................................................................................................
3.3.3 Using the Manufacturer Window ................................................................................................................................. To create a manufacturer record ................................................................................................................... To delete a manufacturer record ...................................................................................................................
3.3.4 Using the Test Instruments Window ............................................................................................................................ To create a test Instrument record ................................................................................................................ To delete a test instrument record ...............................................................................................................
3.3.5 Using the Personnel Window ........................................................................................................................................ To create a personnel record .......................................................................................................................... To delete personnel record ............................................................................................................................. To search for a record ........................................................................................................................................ To use the First To sort the records ............................................................................................................................................... To list all records ................................................................................................................................................... To list specific records ...................................................................................................................................... To add a picture to a file ..............................................................................................................................................
model ..........................................................................................................................27
, Previous, Next, and Last buttons .............................................................................. 36
Chapter 4: Test Menu .......................................................................................................................................................................41
4.1 The Test Menu Display ...................................................................................................................................................................
4.1.1 Moving between records ..................................................................................................................................................
4.1.2 Changing the order of the records ...............................................................................................................................
4.1.3 Finding a record ..................................................................................................................................................................
4.1.4 Editing a record ....................................................................................................................................................................
4.1.5 Displaying all records ........................................................................................................................................................
4.2.1 Creating a client test ...........................................................................................................................................................
4.2.2 Creating a hearing aid test ...............................................................................................................................................
4.2.3 Opening an existing test ...................................................................................................................................................
4.2.4 Deleting a test ........................................................................................................................................................................
Chapter 5: Audiometric Test ......................................................................................................................................................47
5.1.1 Starting a new test ...............................................................................................................................................................
5.1.2 Opening an existing test ...................................................................................................................................................
5.1.3 Checking your connection ..............................................................................................................................................
5.1.4 Setting details about the test ..........................................................................................................................................
5.1.5 Printing audiometric information ................................................................................................................................
5.1.6 Talking to your client .........................................................................................................................................................
5.2 Pure-tone and Bone Testing ........................................................................................................................................................
5.2.1 Capturing tests from the audiometer ..........................................................................................................................
5.2.2 Using the Patient Response Button ..............................................................................................................................
5.2.3 Recording a No Response ...............................................................................................................................................
5.2.4 Remotely controlling your audiometer .....................................................................................................................
5.5 Hearing Aid Analyzer Functions ...............................................................................................................................................
5.5.1 Generating a target ..............................................................................................................................................................
5.5.2 Sending an audiogram to the analyzer ......................................................................................................................
5.5.3 Starting a hearing aid test ................................................................................................................................................
Chapter 6: The DSL/NAL-NL1 Module .................................................................................................................................59
6.1 General Information ........................................................................................................................................................................
6.1.1 Opening an existing test ....................................................................................................................................................
6.1.2 Creating a new test ..............................................................................................................................................................
6.1.3 Changing the client ..............................................................................................................................................................
6.1.5 Deleting data ..........................................................................................................................................................................
6.1.6 Using the DSL/NAL-NL1 Settings window ..................................................................................................................
6.1.9 Other functions ....................................................................................................................................................................
6.2.1 Entering threshold data ..................................................................................................................................................... To use the assessment graph ........................................................................................................................... To use the audiometry table ............................................................................................................................
6.3.1 Setting up .................................................................................................................................................................................
6.3.2 Performing the measurements ........................................................................................................................................73
6.3.3 Testing with Live Speech ..................................................................................................................................................
6.3.4 Adding the LTASS ..................................................................................................................................................................
6.3.5 Matching measurements with targets ..........................................................................................................................
6.3.7 Measuring with Pure-tones ...............................................................................................................................................
6.4.1 Setting up .................................................................................................................................................................................
6.4.2 Performing the measurements ........................................................................................................................................
6.5 Info ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
6.6.1 Understanding General Settings ..................................................................................................................................
7.2 General Test Information ................................................................................................................................................................
7.2.2 Checking the analyzer’s connection ............................................................................................................................
7.2.3 Viewing the graph ...............................................................................................................................................................
7.2.4 Viewing numerical
7.2.5 Understanding the curve parameters .........................................................................................................................
7.2.6 Controlling your analyzer ..................................................................................................................................................
7.2.7 Changing your analyzer’s label .......................................................................................................................................
7.3 The Response Curves Test Window ........................................................................................................................................
7.3.1 Opening a Response Curves Test window .................................................................................................................
7.3.2 Using the Connect button .................................................................................................................................................
7.3.3 Getting curves from your analyzer ...............................................................................................................................
7.3.4 Sending curves to your analyzer ...................................................................................................................................
7.3.7 Changing the curve labels ...............................................................................................................................................
7.4 The Real-Ear Test window .............................................................................................................................................................
7.4.1 Using the Connect button ............................................................................................................................................... 10
7.4.2 Getting curves from your analyzer ............................................................................................................................. 10
7.4.3 Sending a target to your
7.4.4 Sending curves to your analyzer .................................................................................................................................10
7.5 Automated Test Sequences .......................................................................................................................................................10
7.5.1 Getting a test sequence .................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.5.2 Starting a test sequence ..................................................................................................................................................10
data ..................................................................................................................................................... 90
8.6 Importing the entire NOAH 3 database ...............................................................................................................................10
8.7 Incorporating the NOAH 3 Module into your practice .................................................................................................... 11
8.7.1 If you have a FONIX analyzer and non-FONIX audiometer .............................................................................11 Create client information and audiogram in NOAH 3 ........................................................................... 11 Send Insertion Gain Target to FONIX analyzer .......................................................................................11 Enter the hearing aid into the WinCHAP database ............................................................................... 11 Save the measurement curves ...................................................................................................................... 11
8.7.2 If you have a FONIX analyzer and FONIX audiometer .......................................................................................11 Create the client information in NOAH 3. .................................................................................................11 Create audiogram in WinCHAP .....................................................................................................................112
Index .........................................................................................................................................................................................................113
WinCHAP User’s Manual Changes and Improvements 1
Changes and Improvements
Version 2.80
• Added electronic help files
• Fixed some bugs in the NAL-NL1 target
• Added ability to re-label curves in the Response Curves and Real-Ear tests.
• Changed the no-response behavior in the Audiometric Test window to use
last stimulus amplitude instead of maximum amplitude. This duplicates
NOAH behavior.
• Fixed importation of no-response values into NOAH with NOAH WinCHAP
• Added importation of speech data into NOAH with NOAH WinCHAP module.
• Fixed a bug in the Response Curves and Real-Ear tests in which, if you had
more than 9 curves in the window, Curve #10 would be re-labeled as Curve
#1 upon saving and re-entering the test.
• Added ability to change the COM port configuration to every test window.
• Added Spectrum Analysis mode in the DSL/NAL-NL1 test
• Updated the Audiometric Test window display to make it more readable
Version 2.71
• Added support for the 7000 Hearing Aid Test System.
• Added ability to copy data onto clipboard
Version 2.70
• Improved the fitting module (DSL/NAL-NL1)
° Added NAL-NL1 screen
° Added Composite & Digital Speech measurements
° Improved the user interface for taking measurements
• Improved the Audiometric Test screen
° Added cursor lines on the graph to make identifying frequencies easier
° Improved the layout of the Speech Audiometry screen
° Added an Impedance screen
• Fixed some NOAH 3 data import bugs
• Added new date formats
• Added new print header options
• Added analyzer functions to Main Menu.
• Added ability to specify the curves, including reference curves, that are
grabbed with the “Get Curves” command in the Response Curves and RealEar screens.
2 Changes and Improvements WinCHAP User’s Manual
WinCHAP version 2.60
• Added NOAH XML data import to allow import of entire NOAH 3 database,
including hearing aid information.
• Added Quick Entry Hearing Aid and Quick Entry Client screens.
• Improved Hearing Aid Entry screen in the Office Manager.
° Removed show/hide individual aids button.
° Changed individual aid listing to a cleaner format.
° Added attached client to aid listing.
° Moved individual aid edit to its own window.
° Cleaned up the user interface.
° Aid type & battery info moved to individual aid info from hearing aid
model info.
° Aid warranty & purchase dates added to individual aid info.
• Enhanced the List, Sort, & Search buttons in Office Manager.
° Sort order can be saved.
° Column widths and heights are changeable.
• Added “Client Services” screen that works like a checkbook register to add
basic payment and charge information to the client’s account.
• Hot keys added to some menu functions.
• Test Menu listings modified to display more information about the aid.
• Added more checks in data so that when a user creates a test or updates data
in the Office Manager, WinCHAP prompts whether or not to save data when
user leaves the screen without saving.
• Icons in many screens have been enlarged and are more consistent with each
other for easier use.
• Added some RS232 functions to test screens that cause the FONIX analyzer
to print and reset. Also added ability to change print label on analyzer.
• DSL Screen updated.
° Performance vastly improved.
° Mid & High level verification screens combined.
° Moved verification data to its own lookup screen, allowing for a larger
° Removed client data screen and moved some functions to Info screen.
° Changed Specification screen to Info screen, removed its graph.
° Added ability to save client & general default settings.
° Removed separate verification windows. Now measurements are done
directly on the verification graph.
Chapter 1 3
WinCHAP is the Windows-based FONIX Computer Hearing Aid Program. This
program makes interfacing FONIX instruments with a computer easy and con
venient while providing you with an office management database.
The WinCHAP Office Manager lets you store extensive client, hearing aid, man
ufacturer, test instrument, and personnel information. This information can be
entered manually or imported from NOAH 3.
The WinCHAP Test Menu lets you to save important measurements made with
your FONIX analyzer or audiometer, eliminating the need for paper files.
WinCHAP has gone through some fairly significant changes since its incep
tion, including 32-bit programming, improved user interface, and greater test
ing capabilities. Many of these changes came from direct feedback from our
valued customers. In order to further improve WinCHAP’s usability, we invite
you to contact us with any comments or suggestions for improvement at:
1.1 Installation
This section describes how to install WinCHAP and upgrade it from an older
1.1.1 Installing WinCHAP
If you are upgrading from version 1.0 through 2.0, read Section 1.1.2 first.
• Close all programs running on your Windows system.
• Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
• The “Install Program” should begin to run automatically. If it does not,
run “setup.exe.” You can start the setup.exe program from Windows
Explorer or by using the
• Let the Install Shield guide you through the installation process.
Note: In some cases, on machines with Windows 95, one of the .dll files being
installed is perceived to be in use. An error message will open. Choosing
allows the installation to continue. Once the installation is finished, restart your
computer. WinCHAP will operate normally.
® Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation
® Pentium is registered trademark of Intel Corporation
Run feature in the Windows start up menu.
4 Introduction WinCHAP User’s Manual
1.1.2 Upgrading from an old version of WinCHAP
If this is an upgrade from version 1.0 through 2.0 of WinCHAP, it will be necessary to perform a few simple tasks in order to make sure all your old data will
be useable with the new version of WinCHAP.
A. Back up existing WinCHAP database files
First, you should back up any WinCHAP database files you may have. The
process of uninstalling WinCHAP shouldn’t delete any database files, but it’s
always a good idea to backup your data before making any big changes.
1. Open WinCHAP.
2. Open the
3. Look at the bottom of the Database Manager window and find the file
name of the current database. See Figure 1.1.2.
4. Open Explorer and locate the database file. Ask your local computer
expert for help if necessary.
5. Right-click on the file name and click copy.
6. Find a secure directory such as “C:\My Documents,” right click on the
directory name, and select “Paste” to save a copy of the database to that
directory. Again, ask your local computer support person for help if nec
Settings menu and click Database Manager to open it.
B. Uninstall current version of WinCHAP
You will need to uninstall the current version of WinCHAP from your computer.
To do this:
1. Press the Start button of your Windows operating system.
2. Select
3. Select Add/Remove Programs
4. Find and highlight WinCHAP or WinCHAP 32 in the list of programs.
5. Click the Add/Remove button.
6. The install shield will guide you through the uninstall process. It
should take just a few minutes.
C. Install new version of WinCHAP
You are now ready to install the new version of WinCHAP. See Section 1.1.1 for
D. Import WinCHAP database
Import WinCHAP database using the database saved in Step A. See Section 2.3.5.
Settings and Control Panel.
WinCHAP User’s Manual Introduction 5
Figure 1.1.2—Database Manager
1.2 Computer Requirements
WinCHAP runs on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, NT 4.0, and XP. It
needs a Pentium
30 MB of free hard disk space for the program to function optimally. Large data
bases could require an additional 100 MB or more disk space. For best readabil
ity, set your monitor to 800 x 600.
chip or equivalent. You will need at least 32 MB of RAM and
1.3 Setup
The RS232 connectors and cable will have come with your FONIX instrument
or with the RS232 package. Insert the ends of the cable into each of the con
nectors. Attach the 25-pin or 9-pin connector (depending on your serial port)
labeled “COMPUTER” to COM 1 or COM 2 on your computer. Attach the other
connector to your FONIX instrument. See your instrument manual for more
1.3.1 Adding Communications Ports
In many cases, your computer will only have one COM port that is already
being taken up by your hearing aid programmer. There are a couple of different
solutions to this problem.
6 Introduction WinCHAP User’s Manual
Most new computers have one or more USB ports. (They look like small rectangular holes on the back of your computer.) If you have one, you can get a
USB to RS232 hub. This is a small box that plugs into the USB port that adds
multiple communications ports onto your computer. You can hook your FONIX
analyzer up to one port, your FONIX audiometer to another, and your program
mer to a third.
A cheaper solution, if you have a desktop computer, is to buy an electronics
card with an additional serial port. Ask your local computer expert for help.
1.4 Instrument Requirements
In order to communicate with WinCHAP, your FONIX instrument needs to be
equipped with RS232. The required software versions for each instrument are:
6500-CX 4.50 and higher
FP40 and FP40-D 3.40 and higher
FP35 2.0 and higher
FA-10 and FA-12 all versions
7000 1.10 and higher
Note: WinCHAP may work with earlier software version of the FP40 and 6500CX, but not all functions may be available.
1.5 Registration
If you purchased your copy of WinCHAP, or if you are receiving a free upgrade
from a previous version of WinCHAP, both the serial number and the registra
tion key should be included on the WinCHAP CD-ROM case.
If you ordered a demo copy of WinCHAP in order to evaluate the software
before purchasing it, only the serial number of that copy of WinCHAP was
included. In order to purchase the software and receive the registration key,
please contact us at:
Frye Electronics, Inc.
PO Box 23391
Tigard, OR 97281-3391
(503) 620-2722
(800) 547-8209
Fax: (503) 639-0128
If you have not yet registered your copy of WinCHAP, upon opening WinCHAP,
a window will pop up, asking if you would like to register your copy of
WinCHAP. Click Yes and enter in the serial number and registration key. Once
this has been done, the prompts will no longer appear.
Chapter 2 7
This chapter describes how to configure your analyzer’s connection to your
FONIX analyzer or audiometer, set up your database, and change your printing
2.1 The Main Menu
When you first open WinCHAP, you will come to the Main Menu. See Figure
2.1. The Main Menu is the navigational focus of WinCHAP. It is from this win
dow that you will enter the Data Entry Menu, the Test Menu, and the various
configuration windows.
In addition to being a portal into other parts of the program, the Main Menu
also contains several miscellaneous functions.
Figure 2.1—Main Menu
2.1.1 Getting NOAH 3 information
You can go to the NOAH Tools window from the Main Menu. See Chapter 8 for
more information.
2.1.2 Going to the Frye website
You can go directly to the Frye website by clicking Frye Website from the About
menu in the Main Menu.
8 Configuration WinCHAP User’s Manual
We are constantly updating our website to contain our latest product features as
well as any supplementary instructional information available. WinCHAP pre
fers to use Internet Explorer for opening the Frye Website.
Shortcut: Type Ctrl+W from the Main Menu to go directly to the Frye website.
2.1.3 Checking your FONIX analyzer connection
You can check your FONIX analyzer connection from the Main Menu:
1. Open the
2. Point to
3. Click Check Analyzer. This will display the status of your analyzer’s con
nection to your computer at the bottom of the Main Menu.
Shortcut: Type Ctrl+M from the Main Menu to check your analyzer’s connection.
Settings menu.
2.1.4 Getting basic WinCHAP information
You can get basic Frye contact information, WinCHAP’s software version, and
your product’s serial number in the About WinCHAP window.
Open the
open the About WinCHAP window.
About menu in the Main Menu and click About WinCHAP. This will
2.1.5 Setting your analyzer’s internal printing label
WinCHAP can change the label used when performing a print screen from your
1. Open the
2. Point to
3. Point to Analyzer Tools
4. Click
5. Fill in the lines as you would like them to appear on your analyzer print
6. Click
7. Click
Settings menu.
Set Label. This will open the Analyzer Label Settings window.
Set. This will save the displayed label, even when you reboot your
Back to close the Analyzer Label Settings window.
To return the label to the factory setup, follow the same instructions, but click
WinCHAP User’s Manual Configuration 9
2.1.6 Controlling your analyzer remotely
In addition to setting the label and checking the analyzer’s connection, you
can also perform a few other remote operations from WinCHAP’s Main Menu.
The following controls are reached when you open the
Communication, and point to Analyzer Tools:
• Reset: Remotely presses your analyzer’s reset button.
• Level: Remotely levels the sound chamber of your analyzer. See your
analyzer’s operator’s manual for correct setup.
• Print: Remotely prints to your analyzer’s internal or connected external
printer, depending on how your analyzer is set up.
• Line Feed: Remote feeds your analyzer’s internal thermal paper printer.
Settings menu, point to
2.2 Serial Port Configuration
WinCHAP communicates with your FONIX analyzer or audiometer using one
(or more) of your computer’s serial communication ports (also known as “
ports”). See Section 1.3 for information on the physical connection between
your FONIX equipment and your computer.
2.2.1 Entering the Communications Setup window
Enter the Communications Setup window from the Main Menu.
1. Open the
2. Point to
3. Select Serial Port Configuration. This will open the Communications
Setup window shown in Figure 2.2.
Shortcut: Type Ctrl-L from the Main Menu to go directly to the Communication
Setup window.
Settings menu.
10 Configuration WinCHAP User’s Manual
Figure 2.2.—Communications Setup Window
2.2.2 Designating the COM ports
To connect your FONIX analyzer or audiometer to your computer for use with
1. Select the COM port used by your FONIX analyzer or audiometer in the
appropriate drop-down list.
2. Click Check Analyzer
3. Click Save Settings
or Check Audiometer to verify your connection.
2.2.3 Adjusting the communication baud rate
Most FONIX equipment, such as the FONIX 6500-CX analyzer, FP40 analyzer,
and FA10/12 audiometer, have a fixed baud rate of 9600. You should not attempt
to adjust the communications baud rate for these instruments.
The FP35 and 7000 analyzers, however, have an adjustable baud rate. To adjust
it in WinCHAP, select the new baud rate with the Baud Rate selection in the
Communications Setup window. You will also have to make the same adjust
ment to the baud rate on your FP35 or 7000 analyzer. See your FP35 or 7000
Operator’s Manual for more information.
WinCHAP User’s Manual Configuration 11
2.3 Database Manager
You will need to use the “Database Manager” if:
• You have been using versions 1.0 through 2.0 of WinCHAP. We expanded
the WinCHAP database with the including of the DSL module in soft
ware version 2.1. This means that if you were using a previous version of
WinCHAP, you will have to use the Database Manager to import your old
• You have a reason to separate your records into categories—for instance,
according to different office branches—you can create new databases in
addition to the default database.
• You have been using the original FONIX CHAP software, and you want to
import the information you have stored there to a WinCHAP database.
• You wish to combine existing WinCHAP databases.
2.3.1 Opening the Database Manager
Enter the Database Manager from the Main Menu.
1. Open the
2. Click
Shortcut: Type Ctrl-B from the Main Menu to go directly to the Database
Settings menu.
Database. This will open the Database Manager. See Figure 2.3.1.
12 Configuration WinCHAP User’s Manual
Figure 2.3.1—Database Manager
2.3.2 Opening an existing database
1. In the Select Directory column in the Database Manager, select the directory containing the WinCHAP database you wish to open.
2. In the Database Files column, highlight the database you wish to open.
3. Click Open WinCHAP Database
4. Click Run
. This database will now be your default database.
2.3.3 Using WinCHAP with a network
It’s very easy to set up WinCHAP to work within a network.
1. Copy your WinCHAP database file onto the network computer accessible
by the other computers on the network. If needed, get your local comput
er support person to help you with this.
2. Install WinCHAP on each computer that will be using it.
3. On each computer, follow the instructions found in Section 2.3.2 to open
the database stored on the network in Step 1.
WinCHAP User’s Manual Configuration 13
2.3.4 Importing a CHAP database
CHAP is the DOS-based predecessor to WinCHAP. All CHAP data can be imported to WinCHAP, although not all of it will correspond exactly to the WinCHAP
data entry text boxes. See Table 2.3.4.
1. Click Import CHAP Database in the Database Manager.
2. Use the Select Directory column to find the directory where your CHAP
database is stored.
3. Click Run. This will open the “CHAP Database Import Menu” window
that will detail your CHAP database transfer as it happens. See Figure
4. Decide how you would like to deal with redundant client records by
using the radio buttons on the window.
5. Click
Start to begin the import process. As the data is being imported,
you will see the import process being detailed on the window. The CHAP
import process can take a long time because every action is reported to a
log file, and all the data is examined before it is imported to make sure it
is not corrupt or redundant.
TABLE 2.3.4
Differing Fields Between CHAP and WinCHAP
Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4 Address (will assign to City, State
and Zip Code fields, if possible)
Name First Name, Last Name
Note1, Note2, Note3, Note4 Comment
14 Configuration WinCHAP User’s Manual
Figure 2.3.4—CHAP Database Import window
2.3.5 Importing a WinCHAP database
1. Click Import WinCHAP Database in the Database Manager
2. Use the Select Directory column to find the directory where your
WinCHAP database is stored. Use the Database Files column to select the
database you want to import.
3. Click Run. This will open the WinCHAP Database Import window that
will detail your WinCHAP database transfer as it happens. See Figure
4. Choose what to do if the database encounters redundant client informa
tion, using the radio buttons at the bottom of the window.
5. Choose what type of data you would like to import, using the buttons
on the right side of the window. You can import everything or limit the
import to specific fields. To choose more than one field, hold down your
control key as you choose your selections.
WinCHAP User’s Manual Configuration 15
6. Press Start to start the import process. As the data is being imported, you
will see the progress being detailed on the window. The WinCHAP import
process can take a long time because every action is reported to a log file,
and all the data is examined before it is imported to make sure it is not
corrupt or redundant.
7. Click
Back to exit from the Import WinCHAP Database window when fin-
Figure 2.3.5—WinCHAP Database Import window
2.3.6 Creating a new database
If you need more than one database to separate files into different categories,
you can easily create a second, a third, or as many databases as you need.
1. Click Create WinCHAP Database in the Database Manager.
2. Click Run. A message will open asking you to name the new database.
Choose a name that is eight characters or less (not including the exten
3. Click
OK to create the database.
16 Configuration WinCHAP User’s Manual
2.3.7 Deleting a database
While you can delete individual items from a database directly from WinCHAP;
you have to use Windows Explorer to delete a complete database.
1. Enter Windows Explorer.
2. Find the WinCHAP folder and open it.
3. Locate the database you want to delete, and highlight it.
4. Click the delete button on your keyboard. A message will open confirm
ing the decision to delete.
5. The deleted database will remain in your computer’s Recycle Bin until
the Recycle Bin is emptied.
2.4 The Print Menu
If desired, you can add your company logo and a three line header to every page
printed by WinCHAP. To open the Set Printer Header window, select Printing
from the
in Figure 2.4.
Settings menu in the Main Menu. This will open the window shown
Figure 2.4—Set Report Header and Logo window
You can choose to use one of three sizes of logos at the top of the printouts:
Short (4 cm x 2 cm), Medium (13 cm x 2 cm), and Long (16 cm x 2 cm). Click
the Browse box located to the right of the each selection in order to choose
WinCHAP User’s Manual Configuration 17
a picture file of the appropriate size to use for your logo. Make sure to select
Enable Logo to make the logo appear on your printouts.
Click the Report Header tab and input up to three lines to use as the header on
your printouts. To use the header, select Enable Header
The General tab lets you set the paper size to be used in your printouts. Select
8.5” x 11” for the standard U.S. paper size or
paper size.
Click Save to store all print settings.
A4 for the standard European
2.5 Date/Time Settings
There are several different ways to display the date format in WinCHAP. To
change the selected format:
1. Open the
2. Point at the Date/Time selection.
3. Point at
4. Choose the desired setting where D = day, M = month, and Y = year.
The following are available:
• mmm/dd/yyyy (Jan/02/1970)
• dd/mmm/yyyy (02/Jan/1970)
• yyyy/mmm/dd (1970/Jan/02)
• mm/dd/yyyy (01/02/1970)
• dd/mm/yyyy (02/01/1970)
• yyyy/mm/dd (1970/01/02)
Your selected date format will automatically be saved. You cannot change the
time format at this time.
Settings menu in the Main Menu.
Chapter 3 19
Office Management
Before you can start testing clients and hearing aids, you must enter basic information about them into the WinCHAP database. You can enter data using the
Quick Entry windows and the Office Manager.
• The Quick Entry windows let you enter limited client and hearing aid
information quickly and easily. It’s a good tool to use if you’re in a rush,
and you don’t need to enter detailed information about a hearing aid or
• The Office Manager is a more complete data entry window that lets you
enter extensive client, hearing aid, manufacturer, test instrument, and
personnel information.
3.1 The Data Entry Window
In the Data Entry window, you choose between using the Quick Entry windows
and the more complete Office Manager.
Figure 3.1—Data Entry window
To enter the Data Entry window, click the Data Entry button in the Main Menu.
See Figure 3.1 for a view of the Data Entry window. All hearing aids and cli
ents entered in the Quick Entry windows will be accessible through the Office
Manager after you’ve entered them.
Shortcut: Type Ctrl+D to go directly to the Data Entry Menu from the Main Menu.
20 Office Management WinCHAP User’s Manual
3.2 The Quick Entry Windows
There are two Quick Entry windows: one for entering client information, and
one for entering hearing aid information.
• If you want to enter a client and an attached hearing aid, use the
Entry Client window.
• If you want to enter a hearing aid, use the Quick Entry Hearing Aid win
dow. You can attach the aid to an existing client, if desired.
3.2.1 Using the Quick Entry Client Window
In the Quick Entry Client window, you can quickly enter basic client information such as first name, last name, client number, birthday, and a few other
fields. See Figure 3.2.1.
Figure 3.2.1—Quick Entry Client window To enter a client
1. Enter the Data Entry window by clicking Data Entry in the Main Menu.
2. Click the
Client window (Figure 3.2.1). Alternatively, you can open the Tools menu
and select Quick Entry Client.
3. Enter relevant client information using the provided fields. You must at
least enter the client’s first and last name.
4. Click
Client button in the Data Entry window to open the Quick Entry
Save when satisfied.
WinCHAP User’s Manual Office Management 21 To attach a new hearing aid record
Creating a hearing aid record from the Quick Entry Client window will link the
records together within WinCHAP.
1. Enter the client information into the Quick Entry Client window as
described in Section
2. Click Add Aid. This will open the Quick Entry Hearing Aid window. See
Section 3.2.2 for instructions on entering a hearing aid.
3. Click
Any hearing aids entered in this manner will be automatically attached to the
client. See Section 3.2.3 for an example.
Back in the Hearing Aid window to reenter the Client window and
confirm that your hearing aids have been attached to the client. Other stuff in the Quick Entry Client window
• Click New to enter a new client and begin the process again.
• Click Test
• Click
to go to the Test Menu and start testing the client.
Back to close the window.
3.2.2 The Quick Entry Hearing Aid Window
In the Quick Entry Hearing Aid window, you can quickly enter the hearing aid
model, serial number, ear, and a few other fields. If you enter this window from
the Quick Entry Client window, any aids entered will be attached to that client.
See Figure 3.2.2.
Figure 3.2.2—Quick Entry Hearing Aid window
22 Office Management WinCHAP User’s Manual To enter a hearing aid
1. Enter the Data Entry window by clicking Data Entry in the Main Menu.
2. Click the Hearing Aid button in the Data Entry window to open the Quick
Entry Hearing Aid window (Figure 3.2.2). Alternatively, you can select
Quick Entry Hearing Aid in the Tools menu.
3. Enter relevant hearing information using the provided fields. You must
enter the hearing aid’s model and serial number.
4. Click
Note: You can also enter the Quick Entry Hearing Aid window from the
Quick Entry Client window. This will attach the hearing aids to the client
shown in the Client window.
Save when satisfied. To attach a client from the Quick Entry Hearing Aid window
Use the Attach Client button to attach an existing client record to a newly
entered hearing aid record.
1. Follow the directions in Section to create a hearing aid.
2. Click Attach Client to bring up the Client Search window.
3. Type the appropriate search criteria into the provided fields to locate the
client in the database.
4. Select the client’s name to select the client and attach it to the hearing
aid. This will close the Client Search window and return to the Quick
Entry Hearing Aid window. The attached client’s name will be displayed
at the bottom of the window.
5. Click
Save. Other stuff in the Quick Entry Hearing Aid window
• Click New to enter a new hearing aid.
• Click Test
• Click
3.2.3 Example
Here’s an example of a client with a binaural pair of hearing aids:
to go to the Test Menu and start testng the hearing aid.
Back to exit the window.
Jeff Jones
Left Aid: Acme model, serial number 12345678
Right Aid: Acme model, serial number 12345679
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