FrontLine BPA LOW ENERGY Hardware User Manual

Hardware and Software User Manual
Revision Date: 1/3/2017
Copyright © 2017 Teledyne LeCroy, Inc.
FTS, Frontline, Frontline Test System, ComProbe Protocol Analysis System and ComProbe are registered trademarks of Teledyne LeCroy, Inc.
The Bluetooth SIG, Inc. owns the Bluetooth® word mark and logos, and any use of such marks by Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. is under license.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.
i Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
Chapter 1 Frontline Hardware & Software 1
1.1 What is in this manual 2
1.2 Computer Minimum System Requirements 2
1.3 Software Installation 2
Chapter 2 Getting Started 3
2.1 BPA low energy Hardware 3
2.2 Data Capture Methods 3
2.2.1 Opening Data Capture Method 3
2.2.2 Frontline® BPA low energy Data Capture Methods 5
2.3 Control Window 6
2.3.1 Control Window Toolbar 7
2.3.2 Configuration Information on the Control Window 7
2.3.3 Status Information on the Control Window 8
2.3.4 Frame Information on the Control Window 8
2.3.5 Control Window Menus 8
2.3.6 Minimizing Windows 12
Chapter 3 Configuration Settings 13
3.1 BPAle I/O Settings - Datasource 13
3.1.1 BPA Low Energy datasource Toolbar/Menu 13
3.1.2 BPA low energy Devices Under Test 14
3.1.3 BPA Low Energy LE Device Database 16
3.1.4 BPA low energy Datasource Information 18
3.1.5 BPA low energy Update Firmware 18
3.2 Decoder Parameters 19
3.2.1 Decoder Parameter Templates 21
3.2.2 Selecting A2DP Decoder Parameters 23
3.2.3 L2CAP Decoder Parameters 23
3.2.4 RFCOMM Decoder Parameters 25
Chapter 4 Capturing and Analyzing Data 29
4.1 Capture Data 29
4.1.1 Air Sniffing: Positioning Devices 29
4.1.2 Capturing Data to Disk - General Procedure 31
4.1.3 Extended Inquiry Response 33
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual ii
4.2 Protocol Stacks 34
4.2.1 Protocol Stack Wizard 34
4.2.2 Creating and Removing a Custom Stack 35
4.2.3 Reframing 36
4.2.4 Unframing 36
4.2.5 How the Analyzer Auto-traverses the Protocol Stack 37
4.2.6 Providing Context For Decoding When Frame Information Is Missing 37
4.3 Analyzing Protocol Decodes 38
4.3.1 The Frame Display 38
4.3.2 low energy Timeline 73
4.3.3 Coexistence View 90
4.3.4 Message Sequence Chart (MSC) 118
4.4 Packet Error Rate Statistics 127
4.4.1 Packet Error Rate - Channels 128
4.4.2 Packet Error Rate - Pie Chart and Expanded Chart 129
4.4.3 Packet Error Rate - Legend 130
4.4.4 Packet Error Rate - Additional Statistics 130
4.4.5 Packet Error Rate - Sync Selected Packets With Other Windows 131
4.4.6 Packet Error Rate - Export 131
4.4.7 Packet Error Rate - Scroll Bar 132
4.5 Analyzing Byte Level Data 133
4.5.1 Event Display 133
4.5.2 The Event Display Toolbar 134
4.5.3 Opening Multiple Event Display Windows 136
4.5.4 Calculating CRCs or FCSs 136
4.5.5 Calculating Delta Times and Data Rates 136
4.5.6 Switching Between Live Update and Review Mode 137
4.5.7 Data Formats and Symbols 137
4.6 Data/Audio Extraction 141
Chapter 5 Navigating and Searching the Data 145
5.1 Find 145
5.1.1 Searching within Decodes 146
5.1.2 Searching by Pattern 148
5.1.3 Searching by Time 149
iii Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
5.1.4 Using Go To 151
5.1.5 Searching for Special Events 153
5.1.6 Searching by Signal 154
5.1.7 Searching for Data Errors 156
5.1.8 Find - Bookmarks 159
5.1.9 Changing Where the Search Lands 160
5.1.10 Subtleties of Timestamp Searching 160
5.2 Bookmarks 161
5.2.1 Adding, Modifying or Deleting a Bookmark 161
5.2.2 Displaying All and Moving Between Bookmarks 162
Chapter 6 Saving and Importing Data 164
6.1 Saving Your Data 164
6.1.1 Saving the Entire Capture File 164
6.1.2 Saving the Entire Capture File with Save Selection 165
6.1.3 Saving a Portion of a Capture File 166
6.2 Adding Comments to a Capture File 166
6.3 Confirm Capture File (CFA) Changes 167
6.4 Loading and Importing a Capture File 167
6.4.1 Loading a Capture File 167
6.4.2 Importing Capture Files 168
6.5 Printing 168
6.5.1 Printing from the Frame Display/HTML Export 168
6.5.2 Printing from the Event Display 171
6.6 Exporting 172
6.6.1 Frame Display Export 172
6.6.2 Exporting a File with Event Display Export 172
Chapter 7 General Information 176
7.1 System Settings and Progam Options 176
7.1.1 System Settings 176
7.1.2 Changing Default File Locations 179
7.1.3 Side Names 181
7.1.4 Timestamping 182
7.2 Technical Information 184
7.2.1 Performance Notes 184
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual iv
7.2.2 BTSnoop File Format 185
7.2.3 Progress Bars 187
7.2.4 Event Numbering 188
7.2.5 Useful Character Tables 188
7.2.6 DecoderScript Overview 190
7.2.7 Bluetooth low energy ATT Decoder Handle Mapping 191
Contacting Technical Support 192
Appendicies 194
Appendix A: Application Notes 195
A.1 Decrypting Encrypted Bluetooth® low energy 196
A.1.1 How Encryption Works in Bluetooth low energy 196
A.1.2 Pairing 196
A.1.3 Pairing Methods 197
A.1.4 Encrypting the Link 198
A.1.5 Encryption Key Generation and Distribution 198
A.1.6 Encrypting The Data Transmission 199
A.1.7 Decrypting Encrypted Data Using Frontline® BPA 600 low energy Capture 199
A.2 Bluetooth® low energy Security 204
A.2.1 How Encryption Works in Bluetooth low energy 205
A.2.2 Pairing 205
A.2.3 Pairing Methods 206
A.2.4 Encrypting the Link 207
A.2.5 Encryption Key Generation and Distribution 207
A.2.6 Encrypting The Data Transmission 208
A.2.7 IRK and CSRK Revisited 208
A.2.8 Table of Acronyms 209
A.3 Bluetooth Virtual Sniffing 210
A.3.1 Introduction 210
A.3.2 Why HCI Sniffing and Virtual Sniffing are Useful 210
A.3.3 Bluetooth Sniffing History 211
A.3.4 Virtual Sniffing—What is it? 211
A.3.5 The Convenience and Reliability of Virtual Sniffing 212
A.3.6 How Virtual Sniffing Works 212
A.3.7 Virtual Sniffing and Bluetooth Stack Vendors 212
v Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
A.3.8 Case Studies: Virtual Sniffing and Bluetooth Mobile Phone Makers 213
A.3.9 Virtual Sniffing and You 213
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual vi

Chapter 1 Frontline Hardware & Software

Frontline Test Equipment family of protocol analyzers work with the following technologies.
l Classic Bluetooth
l Bluetooth low energy (BPA LE supports Bluetooth low energy features through Bluetooth 4.2, except
optional extended packet length.)
l Dual Mode Bluetooth (simultaneous Classic and low energy)
l Bluetooth Coexistence: Bluetooth with 802.11 Wi-Fi
l Bluetooth HCI (USB, SD, High Speed UART)
l 802.11 (Wi-Fi)
l SD
l HSU (High Speed UART)
The Frontline hardware interfaces with your computer that is running our robust software engine called the ComProbe Protocol Analysis System or Frontline software. Whether you are sniffing the air or connecting directly to the chip Frontline analyzers use the same powerful Frontline software to help you test, troubleshoot, and debug communications faster.
Frontline software is an easy to use and powerful protocol analysis platform. Simply use the appropriate Frontline hardware or write your own proprietary code to pump communication streams directly into the Frontline software where they are decoded, decrypted, and analyzed. Within the Frontline software you see packets, frames, events, coexistence, binary, hex, radix, statistics, errors, and much more.
This manual is a user guide that takes you from connecting and setting up the hardware through all of the Frontline software functions for your Frontline hardware. Should you have any questions contact the
Frontline Technical Support Team.
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual 1
TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 1 Frontline Hardware & Software

1.1 What is in this manual

The Frontline User Manual comprises the following seven chapters. The chapters are organized in the sequence you would normally follow to capture and analyze data: set up, configure, capture, analyze, save. You can read them from beginning to end to gain a complete understanding of how to use the Frontline hardware and software or you can skip around if you only need a refresher on a particular topic. Use the Contents, Index, and Glossary to find the location of particular topics.
l Chapter 1 Frontline Hardware and Software. This chapter will describe the minimum computer
requirements and how to install the software.
l Chapter 2 Getting Started. Here we describe how to set up and connect the hardware, and how to apply
power. This chapter also describes how to start the Frontline software in Data Capture Methods. You will be introduced to the Control window that is the primary operating dialog in the Frontline software.
l Chapter 3 Configuration Settings. The software and hardware is configured to capture data. Configuration
settings may vary for a particular Frontline analyzer depending on the technology and network being sniffed. There are topics on configuring protocol decoders used to disassemble packets into frames and events.
l Chapter 4 Capturing and Analyzing Data. This Chapter describes how to start a capture session and how
to observe the captured packets, frames, layers and events.
l Chapter 5 Navigating and Searching the Data. Here you will find how to move through the data and how
to isolate the data to specific events, often used for troubleshooting device design problems.
l Chapter 6 Saving and Importing Data. When a live capture is completed you may want to save the
captured data for future analysis, or you may want to import a captured data set from another developer or for use in interoperability testing. This chapter will explain how to do this for various data file formats.
l Chapter 7 General Information. This chapter provides advanced system set up and configuration
information, timestamping information, and general reference information such as ASCII, baudot, and EBCDIC codes. This chapter also provides information on how to contact Frontline's Technical Support team should you need assistance.

1.2 Computer Minimum System Requirements

Frontline supports the following computer systems configurations:
l Operating System: Windows 7/8/10
l USB Port: USB 2.0 High-Speed or or later
The Frontline software must operate on a computer with the following minimum characteristics.
l Processor: Core i5 processor at 2.7 GHz
l RAM: 4 GB
l Free Hard Disk Space on C: drive: 20 GB

1.3 Software Installation

Download the installation software from Once downloaded, double-click the installer and follow the directions.
Use this link:
2 Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual

Chapter 2 Getting Started

In this chapter we introduce you to the Frontline hardware and show how to start the Frontline analyzer software and explain the basic software controls and features for conducting the protocol analysis.

2.1 BPA low energy Hardware

1. Insert the USB cable mini-connector into the USB port on the Frontline BPA low energy hardware.
2. Insert the other end of the USB cable into the PC.
Figure 2.1 - BPA low energy Hardware USB Port

2.2 Data Capture Methods

This section describes how to load TELEDYNE LECROY Frontline Protocol Analysis System software, and how to select the data capture method for your specific application.

2.2.1 Opening Data Capture Method

On product installation, the installer creates a folder on the windows desktop labeled "Frontline <version #>".
1. Double-click the " Frontline <version #>" desktop folder
This opens a standard Windows file folder window.
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual 3
TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 2 Getting Started
Figure 2.2 - Desktop Folder Link
2. Double-click on Frontline ComProbe Protocol Analysis System and the system displays the Select
Data Capture Method... dialog.
Note: You can also access this dialog by selecting Start > All Programs > Frontline
(Version #) > Frontline ComProbe Protocol Analysis System
Figure 2.3 - Example: Select Data Capture Method..., BPA 600
Three buttons appear at the bottom of the dialog; Run, Cancel, and Help.
4 Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
Chapter 2 Getting Started TELEDYNE LECROY
Select Data Capture Method dialog buttons
Button Description
Becomes active when a capture method is selected. Starts the selected capture method.
Closes the dialog and exits the user back to the computer desktop.
Opens Frontline Help. Keyboard shortcut: F1.
3. Expand the folder and select the data capture method that matches your configuration.
4. Click on the Run button and the Frontline Control Window will open configured to the selected capture method.
Note: If you don't need to identify a capture method, then click the Run button to start the analyzer.
Creating a Shortcut
A checkbox labeled Create Shortcut When Run is located near the bottom of the dialog. This box is un-checked by default. Select this checkbox, and the system creates a shortcut for the selected method, and
places it in the "Frontline ComProbe Protocol Analysis System <version#>" desktop folder and in the start menu when you click the Run button. This function allows you the option to create a shortcut icon that can be placed on the desktop. In the future, simply double-click the shortcut to start the analyzer in the associated protocol.
Supporting Documentation
The Frontline <version #>directory contains supporting documentation for development (Automation, DecoderScript™, application notes), user documentation (Quick Start Guides and the Frontline User Manual), and maintenance tools.
2.2.2 Frontline®BPA low energy Data Capture Methods
The Frontline Protocol Analysis System has different data capture methods to accommodate various applications.
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TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 2 Getting Started
Figure 2.4 - BPA low energy Select Data Capture Method
l Bluetooth low energy
This method requires one Frontline BPA low energy hardware or one Frontline FBLEA hardware.
Used for typical applications to capture Bluetooth low energy data.

2.3 Control Window

The analyzer displays information in multiple windows, with each window presenting a different type of information. The Control window opens when the Run button is clicked in the Select Data Capture Method window. The Control window provides access to each Frontline analyzer functions and settings as well as a brief overview of the data in the capture file. Each icon on the toolbar represents a different data analysis function.
Figure 2.5 - Control Window
Because the Control window can get lost behind other windows, every window has a Home icon that
brings the Control window back to the front. Just click on the Home icon to restore the Control window.
When running the Capture File Viewer, the Control window toolbar and menus contain only those selections needed to open a capture file and display the About box. Once a capture file is opened, the analyzer limits Control window functions to those that are useful for analyzing data contained in the current file. Because you cannot capture data while using Capture File Viewer, data capture functions are unavailable. For example, when viewing Ethernet data, the Signal Display is not available. The title bar of the Control window displays the name of the currently open file. The status line (below the toolbar) shows the configuration settings that were in use when the capture file was created.
6 Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
Chapter 2 Getting Started TELEDYNE LECROY

2.3.1 Control Window Toolbar

Toolbar icon displays vary according to operating mode and/or data displayed. Available icons appear in color, while unavailable icons are not visible. Grayed-out icons are available for the Frontline hardware and software configuration in use but are not active until certain operating conditions occur. All toolbar icons have corresponding menu bar items or options.
Table 2.1 - Control Window Toolbar Icons
Icon Description
Open File - Opens a capture file.
I/O Settings - Opens settings
Start Capture - Begins data capture to disk
Stop Capture - Available after data capture has started. Click to stop data capture. Data can be reviewed and saved, but no new data can be captured.
Save - Saves the capture file.
Clear - Clears or saves the capture file.
Event Display - (framed data only) Opens a Event Display, with the currently selected bytes highlighted.
Frame Display - (framed data only) Opens a Frame Display, with the frame of the currently selected bytes highlighted.
Notes - Opens the Notes dialog.
Cascade - Arranges windows in a cascaded display.
Low energy - Opens the low energy Timeline dialog.
MSC Chart - Opens the Message Sequence Chart
Bluetooth low energy Packet Error Rate Statistics - Opens the Packet Error Rate Statistics window.

2.3.2 Configuration Information on the Control Window

The Configuration bar (just below the toolbar) displays the hardware configuration and may include I/O settings. It also provides such things as name of the network card, address information, ports in use, etc.
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual 7
TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 2 Getting Started

2.3.3 Status Information on the Control Window

The Status bar located just below the Configuration bar on the Control window provides a quick look at current activity in the analyzer.
l Capture Status displays Not Active, Paused or Running and refers to the state of data capture.
Not Active means that the analyzer is not currently capturing data.
Paused means that data capture has been suspended.
Running means that the analyzer is actively capturing data.
% Used
The next item shows how much of the buffer or capture file has been filled. For example, if you are capturing to disk and have specified a 200 Kb capture file, the bar graph tells you how much of the capture file has been used. When the graph reaches 100%, capture either stops or the file begins to overwrite the oldest data, depending on the choices you made in the System Settings.
The second half of the status bar gives the current utilization and total number of events seen on the network. This is the total number of events monitored, not the total number of events captured. The analyzer is always monitoring the circuit, even when data is not actively being captured. These graphs allow you to keep an eye on what is happening on the circuit, without requiring you to capture data.

2.3.4 Frame Information on the Control Window

Frame Decoder information is located just below the Status bar on the Control window. It displays two pieces of information.
l Frame Decoder (233 fps) displays the number of frames per second being decoded. You can toggle this
display on/off with Ctrl-D, but it is available only during a live capture.
l #132911 displays the total frames decoded.
l 100% displays the percentage of buffer space used.

2.3.5 Control Window Menus

The menus appearing on the Control window vary depending on whether the data is being captured live or whether you are looking at a .cfa file. The following tables describe each menu.
Table 2.2 - Control Window File Menu Selections
Mode Selection
Closes Live mode.
8 Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
Chapter 2 Getting Started TELEDYNE LECROY
Table 2.2 - Control Window File Menu Selections (continued)
Mode Selection
Capture File
Go Live
Returns to Live mode
If you need to change the protocol stack used to interpret a capture file and the framing is different in the new stack, you need to reframe in order for the protocol decode to be correct.
Reframing on page 36
Live & Capture File
Recreate Companion File
Reload Decoders
Open Capture File
Exit ComProbe Protocol Analysis System
Recent capture files A list of recently opened capture files will appear.
Removes start-of-frame and end-of-frame markers from your data. See
This option is available when you are working with decoders. If you change a decoder while working with data, you can recreate the ".frm file", the companion file to the ".cfa file". Recreating the ".frm file" helps ensure that the decoders will work properly.
The plug-ins are reset and received frames are decoded again.
Ctrl--OOpens a Windows Open file dialog. at the default location
"...\Public Documents\Frontline Test Equipment\My Capture Files\". Capture files have a .cfa extension.
Ctrl-SSaves the current capture or capture file. Opens a Windows
Save As dialog at the default location "...\Public Documents\Frontline Test Equipment\My Capture Files\".
Shuts down the ComProbe Protocol Analysis System and all open system windows.
Unframing on page 36
The View menu selections will vary depending on the Frontline analyzer in use.
Table 2.3 - Control Window View Menu Selections
Mode Selection Hot key Description
Live & Capture File
Event Display
Frame Display
Bluetooth low energy Timeline
Bluetooth low energy Packet Error Rate Statistics
Opens the Event Display window for analyzing byte level data.
Opens the Frame Display window for analyzing protocol level data
Opens the analyzing protocol level data in a packet chronological format and in packet throughput graph.
Opens the show a dynamic graphical representation of the error rate for each low energy channel.
Bluetooth low energy Timeline window
low energy
PER Stats window
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual 9
TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 2 Getting Started
Table 2.4 - Control Window Edit Menu Selections
Mode Selection
Capture File
The Live menu selections will vary depending on the Frontline analyzer in use.
Mode Selection
The following two rows apply to all Frontline products except Set in Target.
Table 2.5 - Control Window Live Menu Selections
Opens the comments to a capture file.
Notes window
that allows the user to add
The following rows apply to all Frontline products
Live Clear Shift-
Start Capture
Stop Capture
Shift-F5Begins data capture from the configured wireless devices.
F10 Stops data capture from the configured wireless devices.
Clears or saves the capture file.
10 Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
Chapter 2 Getting Started TELEDYNE LECROY
Table 2.5 - Control Window Live Menu Selections (continued)
Mode Selection
Live & Capture File
Hardware Settings
I/O Settings
0 - Classic
1 - Bluetooth low energy
0 - Classic
1 - Bluetooth low energy
System Settings
Check for New Releases at Startup
Side Names...
Protocol Stack...
Set Initial Decoder Parameters...
Opens the System Settings dialog for configuring capture files.
Opens the the default file locations.
When this selection is enabled, the program automatically checks for the latest Frontline protocol analyzer software releases.
Opens the names of the slave and master wireless devices.
Opens the protocol stack they want the analyzer to use when decoding frames.
Opens the may be times when the context for decoding a frame is missing. For example, if the analyzer captured a response frame, but did not capture the command frame, then the decode for the response may be incomplete. The Set Initial Decoder Parameters dialog provides a means to supply the context for any frame. The system allows the user to define any number of parameters and save them in templates for later use.Each entry in the window takes effect from the beginning of the capture onward or until redefined in the Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog. This selection is not present if no decoder is loaded that supports this feature.
File Locations dialog
Side Names dialog
Select a Stack dialog
Set Initial Decoder Parameters window
where the user can change
used to customize the
where the user defines the
. There
Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters...
Automatically Request Missing Decoder Information
Enable/Disable Audio Expert System
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual 11
Opens the where the user can override an existing parameter at any frame in the capture. Each entry takes effect from the specified frame onward or until redefined in this dialog on a later frame. This selection is not present if no decoder is loaded that supports this feature.
When checked, this selection opens a dialog that asking for missing frame information. When unchecked, the analyzer decodes each frame until it cannot go further and it stops decoding. This selection is not present if no decoder is loaded that supports this feature.
When enabled, the wise it is not available. Only available when an Audio Expert System licensed device is connected.
Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog
Audio Expert System
is active, other
TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 2 Getting Started
The Windows menu selection applies only to the Control window and open analysis windows: Frame
Display, Event Display, Message Sequence Chart, Bluetooth Timeline, Bluetooth low energy Timeline, and Coexistence View. All other windows, such as the datasource, are not affected by these
Table 2.6 - Control Window Windows Menu Selections
Mode Selection
Live & Capture File
Close All Views
Ctrl-W Arranges open analysis windows in a cascaded view with
window captions visible.
Closes Open analysis windows.
Minimize Control Minimizes All
Frame Display Event Display
Mode Selection Hot-Key Description
Live & Capture File
Help Topics
About Frontline Protocol Analysis System
Support on the Web
Table 2.7 - Control Window Help Menu Selections
When checked, minimizing the Control window also minimizes all open analysis windows.
When these windows are open the menu will display these selections. Clicking on the selection will bring that window to the front.
Opens the Frontline Help window.
Provides a pop-up showing the version and release information, Frontline contact information, and copyright information.
Opens a browser to
technical support page.

2.3.6 Minimizing Windows

Windows can be minimized individually or as a group when the Control window is minimized. To minimize windows as a group:
Go to the Window menu on the Control window.
2. Select Minimize Control Minimizes All. The analyzer puts a check next to the menu item, indicating that when the Control window is minimized, all windows are minimized.
3. Select the menu item again to deactivate this feature.
4. The windows minimize to the top of the operating system Task Bar.
12 Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual

Chapter 3 Configuration Settings

In this section the Frontline software is used to configure an analyzer for capturing data .

3.1 BPAle I/O Settings - Datasource

3.1.1 BPA Low Energy datasource Toolbar/Menu

The datasource dialog toolbar and menu options are listed below.
Table 3.1 - BPA Low Energy Datasource Toolbar
Icon Description
Start Sniffing button to begin sniffing. All settings are saved automatically when you start sniffing.
Pause button to stop sniffing.
Save button to save the configuration if you made changes but did not begin sniffing. All settings are saved automatically when you start sniffing.
Help button opens the help file.
Table 3.2 - BPA Low Energy datasource Menu
Menu Item Description
Save and Exit options, self explanatory.
BPA Low Energy
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual 13
Hides or displays the toolbar
Start Sniffing, Stop Sniffing
Opens ComProbe
, and
About BPA Low Energy
TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 3 Configuration Settings

3.1.2 BPA low energy Devices Under Test

You can select the ComProbe BPA low energy analyzer for sniffing Bluetooth low energy communications on available devices.
Note: Frontline BPA LE supports Bluetooth low energy features through Bluetooth 4.2, except optional extended packet length.
Figure 3.1 - BPA Low Energy datasource Devices Under Test Tab
The default value in the LE Device drop down is Sync with First Master. Devices in the LE Device Database may be selected. Once a device is selected or if any other change is made to the Devices Under
14 Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual
Chapter 3 Configuration Settings TELEDYNE LECROY
Test tab, the toolbar save button becomes available. Clicking on this button will save the current Devices
Under Test settings that will be available the next time you open ComProbe BPA low energy analysis.
To begin sniffing Bluetooth low energy simply click the red Start button on the datasource toolbar.
Specifying the LE Device Address
You may specify the LE device you are testing by typing in or choosing its address (BD_ADDR). You can type it directly into the drop down, or choose it from the existing previous values list in the drop down.
Alternatively you can open the LE Device Database tab, right-click on any device in the list, and click on
Select LE Device in the pop-up menu. The selected device's BD_Addr and Nickname will appear in the LE Device field.
To enter the device manually type the address - 12 digit hex number (6 octets). The "0x" is automatically typed in the drop down control.
Note: If one device changes its address and the other device does not, then select the device address that does not change for the LE Device Address field.
Once you have the devices address identified, the next step is to identify the Encryption.
LE Encryption
Figure 3.2 - BPA low energy Devices Under Test LE Encryption
1. Enter the Long Term Key for the LE Encryption.
The Long Term Key is similar to the Link key in Classic. It is a persistent key that is stored in both devices and used to derive a fresh encryption key each time the devices go encrypted.
Click here to learn more about the Long Term Key.
In LE, the long term key is generated solely on the slave device and then, during pairing, is distributed to a master device that wants to establish an encrypted connection to that slave in the future. Thus the long term key is transmitted over the air, albeit encrypted with a one-time key derived during the pairing process and discarded afterwards (the so called short term key).
The long term key is directional, i.e. it is only used to for connections from the master to the slave (referring to the roles of the devices during the pairing process). If the devices also want to connect the other way round in the future, the device in the master role (during the pairing process) also needs to send its own long term key to the device in the slave role during the pairing process (also encrypted with the short term key of course), so that the device which was in the slave during the pairing process can be a master in the future and connect to the device which was master during the pairing process (but then would be in a slave role).
Since most simple LE devices are only ever slave and never master at all, the second long term key exchange is optional during the pairing process.
Note: f you use Copy/Paste to insert the Long Term Key , ComProbe software will auto correct (remove invalid white spaces) to correctly format the key
Frontline BPA low energy Hardware & Software User Manual 15
TELEDYNE LECROY Chapter 3 Configuration Settings
2. Enter a PIN or out-of-band (OOB) value for pairing.
This optional information offers alternative pairing methods.
Click here to learn more about these possible pairing values.
One of two pieces of data allow alternative pairing:
1. PIN is a six-digit (or less if leading zeros are omitted) decimal number.
2. Out-of-Band (OOB) data is a 16-digit hexadecimal code which the devices exchange via a channel that is different than the le transmission itself. This channel is called OOB.
For off-the-shelf devices we cannot sniff OOB data, but in the lab you may have access to the data exchanged through this channel.
Click here to see how to capture data after completing the configuration.
Sniffer Diagnostics: Checking this box will record communications traffic between ComProbe software and the ComProbe BPA low energy hardware. Most often used in conjunction with Frontline Technical Support instructions should the user have problems with their hardware. Checking this box will not affect capture, analysis, or display of data.
Filter out ADV packets for Non-Configured devices: Checking this box will filter out advertising packets from devices not specified in the LE Device field. If "Sync with First Master" has been selected in the LE Device field checking this box will have not affect. the purpose of this option is to reduce the advertising traffic in situations where there are many devices; advertising traffic can clutter the captured data with unnecessary packets.

3.1.3 BPA Low Energy LE Device Database

The LE Device Database contains information about low energy devices that have been discovered or entered by the user.
Figure 3.3 - BPA Low Energy datasource LE Device Database Tab
The LE Device Database is automatically updated when you perform certain operation such as entering encryption information from the Devices Under Test dialog.
Device Control Menu
Right-clicking anywhere in the device list will display the device control menu that will Select, Delete, or Add a device.. Clicking on one of these menu items will perform the following actions.
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Table 3.3 - LE Device Database Control Menu
Will place this device into the be selected/highlighted in the list prior to making this menu selection. If multiple devices have been selected/highlighted in the list, the first device in the list is placed in the Device Under Test.
LE Device
field in the
Device Under Test
tab. The device must
Will deleted the selected/highlighted device from the database. Selecting/highlighting multiple devices in the list will delete all of those devices.
Used for manual entry of a device into the database. A new device entry will append to the end of the device list. To enter data double click on the field and type in the data. For the BD_ Addr Type field, double click and tab to select available types. See the following image.
Figure 3.4 - Add Menu Option Fields Display
Editing a Device
Any device entry can be edited by double-clicking in the field. An edit box will open and new device information can be typed in.
Figure 3.5 - Editing IRK Field
When editing the BD_Addr Type field "<Tab to toggle>" appears. Press the keyboard Tab key until your selected device address type appears.
LE Device Database Fields
In the LE Device Database table the following columns appear.
Table 3.4 - BPA Low Energy Datasource LE Device Database Fields
Column Description
BD_Addr Type
Identity Resolving Key (IRK)
r The address of the
May be either "Public" or "Random". "Public"addresses are set to BD_ Addr. "Random" is either a 'static" or "private" address. "Static" address is a 48 bit randomly generated address. "Private" address is a 48 bit "non-resolvable" address or "resolvable' address. A "resolvable" address is generated using an IRK.
Will appear when BD_Addr Type is Random, Private, and Resolvable. A host device with a list of IRKs can search the list to identify a peer device that has previously authenticated with the host. This field can be used to identify Bluetooth low energy devices that have previously authenticated.
A user-added name for the device, often used to make device identification easier during the analysis. Can be any alpha-numeric string.
low energy device
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3.1.4 BPA low energy Datasource Information

The ComProbe BPA low energy Information tab is one of the three tabs that appear when you first start the low energy analyzer.
Figure 3.6 - BPA low energy Information Tab
There are several pieces of information on this display:
l Displayed in the text window is the serial number of the connected BPA 600 device. To update the device
list click Refresh Device List.
l If you want to load the latest ComProbe BPAle hardware firmware, you select the Update Firmware
l The current firmware is displayed under Firmware Version.

3.1.5 BPA low energy Update Firmware

When you select the Update Firmware on the BPA Low Energy datasource information tab, the Update BPA low energy ComProbe firmware dialog appears. You use this dialog to update your low energy analyzer with the latest firmware.
It is very important that you update the firmware. If the firmware versions are not the same, you will not be able to start sniffing.
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Figure 3.7 - BPA low energy Information Tab Update Firmware Dialog
1. Make sure the ComProbe BPA low energy analyzer is attached.
2. Select the location of the firmware file.
3. Select Flash Device. The download begins, with the Status bar displaying the progress. When the download is complete, you can check the firmware version by checking the Status field.
4. Select Done when the update is finished.

3.2 Decoder Parameters

Some protocol decoders have user-defined parameters. These are protocols where some information cannot be discovered by looking at the data and must be entered by the user in order for the decoder to correctly decode the data. For example, such information might be a field where the length is either 3 or 4 bytes, and which length is being used is a system option.
There may be times when the context for decoding a frame is missing. For example, if the analyzer captures a response frame but does not capture the command frame, then the decode for the response may be incomplete. The Set Initial Decoder Parameters window allows you to supply the context for any frame. The dialog allows you to define any number of parameters and save them in a template for later use
The decoder template function provides the capacity to create multiple templates that contain different parameters. This capability allows you to maintain individual templates for each Bluetooth® network monitored. Applying a template containing only those parameters necessary to decode transmissions particular to an individual network, enhances the efficiency of the analyzer to decode data.
If you have decoders loaded which require decoder parameters, a window with one tab for every decoder that requires parameters appears the first time the decoder is loaded.
For help on setting the parameters, click the Help button on each tab to get help information specific to that decoder.
If you need to change the parameters later,
l Choose Set Initial Decoder Parameters... from the Options menu on the Control and Frame
Display windows.
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Figure 3.8 - Select Set Initial Decoder Parameters... from Control window
The Set Initial Decoder Parameters window opens with a tab for each decoder that requires parameters.
Figure 3.9 - Tabs for each decoder requiring parameters.
l Each entry in the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window takes effect from the beginning of the
capture onward or until redefined in the Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog.
Override Existing Parameters
The Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog allows the user to override an existing parameter at any frame in the capture where the parameter is used.
If you have a parameter in effect and wish to change that parameter
l Select the frame where the change should take effect
l Select Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters... from the Options menu, and make the needed
changes. You can also right-click on the frame to select the same option.
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Figure 3.10 - Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters... from Control window
Figure 3.11 - Example: Set Subsequent Decode for Frame #52, RFCOMM
l Each entry in the Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog takes effect from the specified frame
onward or until redefined in this dialog on a later frame.
l The Remove Override button will remove the selected decode parameter override.
l The Remove All button will remove all decoder overrides.
If you do not have decoders loaded that require parameters, the menu item does not appear and you don't need to worry about this feature.

3.2.1 Decoder Parameter Templates Select and Apply a Decoder Template
Select Set Initial Decoder Parameters... from the Options menu on the Control window
or the Frame Display window.
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Click the Open Template icon in the toolbar and select the
desired template from the pop up list. The system displays the content of the selected template in the Initial Connections list at the top of the dialog
3. Click the OK button to apply the selected template and decoders' settings and exit the Set Initial Decoder Parameters dialog. Adding a New or Saving an Existing Template
Add a Template
A template is a collection of parameters required to completely decode communications between multiple devices. This procedure adds a template to the system and saves it for later use:
Click the Save button at the top of the Set Initial
Decoder Parameters dialog to display the Template Manager dialog.
2. Enter a name for the new template and click OK.
The system saves the template and closes the Template Manager dialog.
3. Click the OK button on the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window to apply the template and close the dialog.
Save Changes to a Template
This procedure saves changes to parameters in an existing template.
After making changes to parameter settings in a user defined template, click the Save button at
the top of the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window to display the Template Manager dialog.
2. Ensure that the name of the template is listed in the Name to Save Template As text box and click OK.
3. The system displays a dialog asking for confirmation of the change to the existing template. Click the Yes button.
The system saves the parameter changes to the template and closes the Save As dialog.
4. Click the OK button on the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window to apply the template and close the window. Deleting a Template
After opening the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window click the Delete button in the
The system displays the Template Manager dialog with a list of saved templates.
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2. Select (click on and highlight) the template marked for deletion and click the Delete button.
The system removes the selected template from the list of saved templates.
3. Click the OK button to complete the deletion process and close the Delete dialog.
4. Click the OK button on the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window to apply the deletion and close the dialog.

3.2.2 Selecting A2DP Decoder Parameters

Decoding SBC frames in the A2DP decoder can be slow if the analyzer decodes all the parts (the header, the scale factor and the audio samples) of the frame. You can increase the decoding speed by decoding only the header fields and disregarding other parts. You can select the detail-level of decoding using the Set Initial
Decoder Parameters window.
Note: By default the decoder decodes only the header fields of the frame.
1. Select Set Initial Decoder Parameters from the Options menu on the Control window or the Frame Display window.
2. Click on the A2DP tab.
3. Choose the desired decoding method.
Figure 3.12 - A2DP Decoder Settings
4. Follow steps to save the template changes or to save a new template.
5. Click the OK button to apply the selection and exit the Set Initial Decoder Parameters window.

3.2.3 L2CAP Decoder Parameters About L2CAP Decoder Parameters
Each entry in the Set Initial Decoder Parameters dialog takes effect from the beginning of the capture onward or until redefined in the Set Subsequent Decoder Parameters dialog.
Figure 3.13 - L2CAP Decoder parameters tab
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