3.2.3 Temperature control:
There is 3℃ temperature comprehension in HEAT mode. Not available for COOL, AUTO or DRY
3.2.4 Sleep mode:
Temperature will be adjusted automatically when the sleep mode is set. The set temperature will
increase 1℃ after running 1 hour in Cooling or dehumidifying mode. Temperature will decrease 1℃ after
running 1 hour in heating mode. The set temperature will be controlled between 16℃ and 32℃.
When the air conditioner runs in sleep mode, the Max. indoor fan speed is set at medium level.
Indoor fan motor will stop running after stopping the compressor for 30 seconds. (In cool mode, indoor fan
motor will not stop).
3.2.5 The front panel
The front panel will be opened either the air conditioner is started running or air refres h function is
started; or it will be closed.
Indoor fan motor will be started running only the front panel is opened completely.
3.3 Operating mode
3.3.1 Auto-operating mode: (not available for cooling-only type air conditioner)
When air conditioner stars running or the set temperature is adjusted under this mode, Master
controller can select running mode (cooling or heating) automatically by the D-value between indoor
temperature and set temperature. It runs in cooling mode when Tr≥Ts (Tr: Room temperature, Ts: Set
temperature) and in heating mode when Tr<Ts.
In heating mode, When Tr≥Ts+3℃ lasts for 15 minutes. It turns into cooling mode.
In cooling mode, when Tr≤Ts-2℃ lasts for 15 minutes. It turns into heating mode.
When Ts-2℃< Tr < Ts+3℃, it keeps original operating mode.
Temperature control range: 16℃-32℃; Original value: 24℃;
Temperature control precision: ±1℃;
Temperature control range: 16℃-32℃; Original value: 24℃;
Temperature control precision: ±1℃;
Characters on control:
4-way reversing valve closes:
When Tr≥Ts+1℃, compressor runs; When Tr≤Ts-1℃, compressor stops; The control circuit will
stop compressor only after it has run at least 5 minutes. The compressor can be restarted 3 minutes later
the turn-off.
Fan speed control:
Auto: When Tr>Ts+2℃, high speed;
When T s+1℃≤Tr<T s+2℃, medium speed;
When Tr< Ts+1℃, low speed.
Manual: Users can select the fan speed of high, medium or low level as n e eded when the air conditioner is