FRIGIDAIRE Washer Dryer User Manual

Printed inU. S. A.
P/N131593000 (9603)
For your safety, theinfontBticointhisttBnualmustbefolloitfedtotrdnimzetheriskof
fixeorexplcsicnortopreventpir^jertydarna^, perscaial injury or loss of life.
tenottryto light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phene in your building.
dear the reem, building or area of all cccupants.
Immediately call your gas supplier from a nei^bor' s phone. Follow the gas supplier' s
If you cannot reachyour gas supplier, call the fire cfepartirHnt.
Installaticnandserviceraustbeperforrr^byaqualifialinstaller, servicea^ncyorttegas supplier.
Versión enespafiol Prrói let" T?egi sj~T7^1~ i m 2
Irp^rt^itiMietYlrBtructicns . . . 2-3 Washing Procedures Stain Removal
Common Washing Problems .... 9
Ehrying ProcedLires ............................ 10
Common Drying Problems .... 11
Care and Cleaning TWoidServicsGhazklist Warranty and Service
Versión en eí^afSol
si desea obterer una cepia en español
cteeste№nualcfelljfeuario, sírvase
escribirá ladirraciáiqLE se incliye a
axLtiriLacicn. Solicite la P/N131547000.
Spanish Owner' s Guides
Frigidaire СЬпрапу
P. О. Box 9061 Dublin, Ohio 43017-0961
5-7 7-8
Product Registraticn
Thank you for chsosing this Isjndry
oenber. This ожег' sguidewill explain
proper epemtion and care.
Record Your Sisdel and Serial Ntimbers
Record below the model and serial
numbers found on the laundry center
serial plate locatedontte insideof the
dryer door. Keep these numbers for
future referercs.
Model Number
Serial Number
Date of Purchase
Register Your Product
The self-addressed PRODUCT
RBGff ^niAinCM CARD should be f i 11 ed
incarpletely, signedandreturrEd.
Exportant Safety Tript-nifjt*! ГПЯ
Read all instructions before using this laundry center.
usiigthis laundry center, coiplywiththebasicwamin^listedbelcw.
JTbiEducEtteriskof fire, electrical shock, or injury topersensvinen
Failure to corply with these v®mir^ oculdresult insericusperscnal injuries.
Prevent Fire
soakedin, or spotted with cpsoliœ, cleaning solvants, kerosene, cœkingoils, v«xss, etc. Donot store ttese itertB cnor near the dryer. These substances give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
center. Ihese substances give off vapors that could ignite theireterials.
esç)losive substances to the wash water. These substances give off vapors that could ignite or e>ç3locte.
water system that has not been used for 2 weeks or more. HXDiROGEtl GAS IS EXPTOSIVE. If the hot water system has not been used for such a period, before using the washer, turn co all hot water faucets and let the water flow from each
for several minutes. This will rel^se any accumulatedhydxcgen gas. I^fliro^n gas is flammable; donot smoke or use an open flame during this time.
ri±bercrsimilarlytexturedrul±ier-likematerials, or items attaining feathos or down. Use Mr Fluff (Nolfeat) only.
thedryer, lint screenhousingandexhaustductshouldbecleanedapprcKirrately every 18 rrenths by qualified service perscnnel. in excessive amount of lintbuild­ipi in these areas couldresult in inefficient dryirgardpossible fire. See Care and CLeanlug, pages 12-13.
] Do not wash or dry items that have been previous ly c leaned in,
j Do not put oi ly or greasy rags or clothing on tep of the laundry
]Do not add gasoline, cleaning solvents, or other flammable or
jUnder certain conditions, hydrcgai gas may be produced in a hot
JTbpaievmt fire, dorEtuseteattodryitarscoitainirgplastic, foam
jCLeantte dryer lint screenbeforeor after each load. Theintariorof
"1996WhiteConsolidateiIndustries, Inc.
All г1ф1з r^errad.
This Owner' s Qiide provides general cpostirg instructions foryM: laundry center. It also contains infonrmticri about features for several otter models. Your laundry center may not teve every feature included.


missirg. Firehazaxd, overheatirg and ter^e to fatarics can occur. Ifyourdryerhas
adryingrack, always replace the lint screen\dnen finished using the drying rack.


fraritheaccumulationof lint^ dust and dirt.
] Do not operate the dryer if the lint screen is blocked, daimged or
] Keep area around t±ie exhaust opening and surrounding areas free
Use the laundry center only as
instructed in this Owner' s Guide and
the Cipecating Itastzuctions cards
included with ycur laundry canter.


electrical shock. Do not use an adaptor plug or extension cord or remove groundingprcrig f ran electrical power
cerd. Failure to follcwthisvarnirg'can
cause serious injury, fixeorteath.
Grounding type wall receptacle
]Avoid fire hazard or
Do not under
any circumstances
cut, remove, or bypass
the grounding prong from this piug.


laurxir/or threw rugs against the front or back of the laundry center.




recomnendedby the manufacturer of the fabric softener or product.
Failure to coiplywite these ymninqs cculdresult infire, explosion, serious
bodily injury and/ or damage to the rubber orplasticjarts of the laundry center.
] Do not obstruct the flow of ventilating air. Do not stacik or place
Do not spray any type of aerosol into, on or œar laundry center at
]Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static unless

Protect Children


supervisicnof children is necessary when the laundry center is usednear children.
As childrengrcw, teach them the proper, safeuseof allajpliances.


laundrycenterisunpacked. CMldrenmi^t use them for play. Cbrtcns covered with nxjs, bedspreads or plastic sheets canbeccne airti^t chambers.
] Do not al low children to play on or in the laundry center. Close
jEfestroy the carton, plastickagardottErpadkingimtarialsafterthe
Power supply
cord with 3-prong
grounding plug
Use this way OKLY
N3t6: The instructions cgpearing in
this Owner' s Guide are not meant to cover every possible ccnditicnand situation that may occur. Common
sense and caution must be practiced vten installing, eperatingand iTHintainirg'ary appliance.


injury^ ebserve all vernings onproduct labels.
remove the vasher lid and dryer door to prevent accidental entrapment.
Pngwian^. Tnjliry


laundry center trust be installed and electricallygrounded by aqualified service
person in accordance with local codes. InstallationirBtructicns are packed in the
laundry center for the installer ' s reference. Refer to INSIAIXAriCKf IhEIMjCITQSE fortetailedgrojiidmgprDcedures. If thelaundrycenterisnovedtoanewlocaticn,
have it chamkedandreinstalledbyaqualifiedservioeperson.
] Ifeep laundry products out of children' s reach. To prevent perscnal
] Before the laundry center is removed from service or discarded,
Failure to ccnply with these varnirgs could result in serious perscnal injuries.
Jlbpreventshockhazardandassurestabilityduringcperatian, the
Japortant Safety
XoStrUCtijCllS (ccntiisied}


electrical power cordnust be plumed into aprcperly grounded and polarized 3-
prong outlet. The third grounding prong must never be renoved. Never
I To prevent personal injury or damage to the laundry center, the
ground the laundry center to a gas pipe. Do not use an extension cord or an adaptor plug.


Do not use or mix
li^jid chlorine bleach^th other household chemicals such as toilet cleaners, nutroKJvers, acid or
products containing ammonia.
These mixtures can produce dangerous fumes which can cause
serious injury or death.

A WARNING JFollawpadkagedirecticns when using laundryprcducts. Incorrect

usage canproducepoiscnous gas—resulting in serious injury or death.
Donot combine laundry products for use in 1 load unless specif ied on the
Donot mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids such as vinegar.
^WARNING ] To prevent serious personal inj ury and daniage to the laundry
All repairs and servicingmustbeperformedbyan authorized servicer
unless specificallyreooiTffiodedinthisOwrKr' s Guide. Use only authorized
Donot tanper with controls.
Donot install or store the laundry centerwhere it will be exposed to the
Ü WARNINGjAUffiXS discoonect the laundry center from the electrical supply
before attarptirg any seorvice or cleaning. Failure to do so can result in electrical
shodkor injury.


Hazardous frniesorGlGcrtriGal shock could occur.
]Do not use any type spray cleanser vten cleaning dryer interior.
Ü WARNING ] To prevent inj ury, do not reach into the washer vdiile parts are
movirg. Before loading, unloading or adding itors, push in the cycle selector kncfc
and allow the tub to coast to a complete stop before reaching inside.
Wait until the dryer has stepped completely before r^ching into the drum.
event of an overheated situation (electric dryers only) . AservicetechnicianiTust replace the thermal limiter switchafter correctirgtte fault.
m The washer is equippedwith an electrical overload protector. The motor will
step if it beccnes overheated. Thewasherwill autamtically restart after acool down period of up to 3 0 minutes, if the washer has not been manual ly turned off during this tirre.
m Fhiluretocoiplywithttesewernirgsaouldinsult inseriouspersonal injuries.
jTbprevent injury, donot leachintothedryer if thedrumismoving.
limiter switch autamtically turns off thedryermotor intheunlnkely


Washing Procedures
• Follow the guidel ines below f or prejaring the wash load.
• Read theWasber C|)exatiiig Instmcticns card for operatingyour specific
Alw^s read and follow fabric care and laundry product labels.
 WARNING ]Tbie±icet±ieriskof fixe, elect^d.cHlshock, cxirijurytopexscm, read
Inpartant Safety Instxucti<i3S, pages 2-4, before cperatiry this washer.

1 Sort lauiidxy Into loads that can be washed together.

Sort items by recartrended water tsnperatures, wash time, andagitate/spin
Separate white, light, and colorfast iterre from dark andncncolorfast itHTB.
S^HTste itans which shed lint from itam which attract 1 int. PeriTBroat
poss, synthetic, kirLtandcno±iioyitG!TBwillpiGkiplintfrcmtc)wels, irgs andchenillebedspiBads.
Separate lacy, sheer and locsely knit iterre fronsturdy itans.

Prepare items forvfashing,

Empty pockets.
Brush of f lint and dirt. Shake out rugs and beach towels.
Close zippers, fastenhccks, tie string and^shes, andrarovencrMshable
trims and omanents.
Rsnovepins, decorative buttons, beltbuckles, andotherobjectsvfeLch
cculdbedaimged. This also heljps protect other items in the wash load.
Mend rips and tears to prevent further daimge during washing.
Placedelicate itans such as bras, shoulder pads, hosiery, andbeltsina
mesh bag to prevent tangí ing during the wash cycle.
Place delicate items inameshbag.

3L Pretreat stains andheavy soil.

SeeStainRODOval, pages 7-8, for details.
4> Add a measured amount of detergent to the wash ttib
before adding the laundry load.
Follow detergent rrsnuf acturer ' s directions. The amount required d^>ends on type of detergent, Icadsizeandsoil level, andvaterhardness.
5, If desired, add liquid bleach to Bleach Dispenser (some
Before adding tte wash load, add liquidbleach to bleach dispenser located in left front oomeruncfartte lid;
3/4 CLÇ) (180ml) forsmall loads
IcLÇ (240 ml) for large leads
1-1/4 CLÇS (300ml) for extra-large leads.
Then add! cup (240 ml) water to flush the dispenser.
Do not use powdered bleach in the bleach dispenser.
FormodelS witbout ablaacbdispenser, dilute the recemnended amount
of liquid dhloriœ bleach in 1 quart (. 95 L) water. ikid it to wash water after
a fewminutes of agitation. Do not pour bleach directly on waf(h load.
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