IF_ if the information in this manua[ is not followed exactly, a fire
or expJosion may resuJt causing property damage, personaJ injury or death.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other app[iance. Refer to your serial plate for
-- WHAT TO DO JFYOU SMELL GAS: applicable agency certification
• Do not try to Hght any appliance.
• Do not touch any eJectrica[ switch; do not use any phone in your building.
Immediately ca[[ your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. FoIIow the gas suppIier's instructions,
tf you cannot reach your gas supplier, ca[[ the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier,
Forexisting 29" (73.7 cm) cutout width
opening, you must call the Service Center for
optional thinner side panels. Also you mus_
prepare the countertop edge as shown in tne
30" Min.
76.2 cm Min.
"Countertop Preparation" section (see page 7/.
These surfaces shouH be fiat & Jeveled
(hatched area).
to Clear
for a 31 >2
1 Y2"Max.
(81 cm) Wide
Approx. 7/8"
(4.8 cm)
Locate Cabinet Doors 1"
(2.5 cm) Min. from
: _24" Mira
Cutout Opening.
i / (61cmMin.)
*** IMPORTANT: To avoid cooktop gmass breakage for cutout
width (E dimension) of more than 30 11!6" (76.4 cm), make
sure the appliance is centered in the counter opening while
pushing into it. Raise leveling legs at maximum position,
insert the appliance in the counter and then [eveL Make
Grour_ed Jonction Box or Wall Outlet Should Be
Located 8" to 17" (20.3 cm to 43.2 cm) From Right
Cabinet and 2" to 4" (5.1 cm to 10.2 cm) From Floor
sure the unit is supported by the leveling legs
not by the smoothtop glass itself.
355/8" @05cm)- :_0" (76,2 cm) :_1Y2"(80cm) 28 5116" (71,9cm) 30±1116" 21 3/4" {55,2cm) Min, %518"(93cm) Max
36 518" (9_ crn) (76,2±0,15cm) 22 I18" (56,2 cm) Max 35 5/8" (905cm) Min
NOTE: Wiring diagram for these appliances are enclosed in this booklet.
Printed in United States
' ' Cabinet)
24" {61 cm) Min with
P/N 318201671 (0511) Rev C
English - pages 1-12
Espano[ - p_ginas 13-24
Fran_ais - pages 25-_6
Wiring Diagrams - pages 3g-40

1,Do not pinch the power supply cord or the flexible gas conduit between the range and the wall,
2. Do not seal the range to the side
3.24" (61 cm) minimum clearance
between the cooktop and the bottom
of the cabinet when the bottom of
wood or metal cabinet is protected by
not less than Y4" (0.64 cm) flame
retardant millboard covered with not
less than No. 28 MSG sheet metal,
0.015"(0.4 ram) stainless steel,
0.024"(0.6 ram) aluminum, or 0.020"
(0.5 mm) copper.
30" (762 cm) minimum clearance when
the cabinet is unprotected.
4. For cutouts below 22 7/8"(58.1 cm),
appliance will slightly show out of the
5.Atlow at least 19 Y4" (48.9 cm)
clearance for door depth when it is
Door Open
22 7/8"(58,1 cm) rain,
23 1/4"(59,05 cm) max,
IMPORTANT: Cabinet and countertop
(see Note 4)
width should match the cutout width.
1 (2.86 cm)
" Cabinet)
% 5/8" (90,5 crn) - 30" (76,2 crn) :_1Y2"(80 crn) 28 5/I6" (71,9 cm) 30±I/16" 21 W4" (55,2 cnl) Min 36 5/8" (93 cm) Max
36 5/8" (9:_ cm) (76,2±0,15 cm) 22 1/8" (56,2 cm) Max :_ 5/8" (905 cm) Min
24" (61 cm) Min with

Important Notes to the Installer
1. Readallinstructionscontainedintheseinstallation
2. Removeall packing material from the oven
3. Observeallgoverningcodesandordinances.
4. Besureto leavetheseinstructionswithtileconsumer.
Important Note to the Consumer
Keep these instructions with your owner's guide for future
Installation of this range must conform with local codes
or, in the absence of local codes, with the National Fuel
Gas Code ANS! Z223. l--latest edition.
This range has been design certified by CSA
international. As with any appliance using gas and
generating heat, there are certain safety precautions you
should follow. You will find them in the Useand Care
Guide, read it carefully.
• Be sure your range is instai[ed and grounded
properly by a qualified installer or service
• This range must be electrically grounded in
accordance with toca[ codes or, in their absence,
with the National EJectrica[ Code ANSJ/NFPA No.
7O--Jatest edition. See Grounding Instructions on
page 4.
• The installation of appliances designed for
manufactured (mobile) home installation must conforra
with Manufactured Home Construction and Safety
Standard, title 24CFR, part 3280 [Formerly the Federal
Standard for Mobile Home Construction and Safety,
title 24, HUD (part 280)] or when such standard is not
applicable, the Standard for Manufactured Home
Installation 1982 (Manufactured Home Sites,
Communities and Setups), ANSI Z225.1/NFPA 501A-
latest edition or with local (.odes.
To reduce
• All ranges
• Injury to
persons could
• Install anti-tip
packed with
the risk of tipping of tile
range, the range must be
secured by properly
installed anti-tip bracket
provided with the range.
To check if the bracket is
installed properly, grasp
the top rear edge of the
range and carefully tilt it
forward to make sure the
range is anchored.
Make sure the wal[ coverings around the range
can withstand the heat generated by the range.
• Before installing the range in an area covered
with linoleum or any other synthetic floor
covering, make sure the floor covering can
withstand heat at [east 9B°F above room
temperature without shrinking, warping or
discoloring. Do not install tile range over carpeting
unless you place an insulating pad or sheet of 1/
4"(10,!6 cm) thick plywood between the range and
• Do not obstruct the flow of combustion air at the
oven vent nor around the base or beneath the
tower front panel of the range. Avoid touching the
vent openings or nearby surfaces as they may become
hot while tile oven is in operation. This range requires
fresh air for proper burner combustion.
Never leave children alone or
unattended [n the area where an appliance [s [n use.
As children grow, teach them the proper, safe use of all
appliances. Never leave the oven door open when the
range is unattended.
Stepping, leaning or sitting on the
doors or drawers of this range can result in serious
injuries and can also cause damage to the range.
• Do not store items of interest to children in the
cabinets above the range. Children could be seriously
burned climbing on the range to reach items.
To eliminate the need to reach over the surface
burners, cabinet storage space above the burners
shouId be avoided.
Adjust surface burner flame size so it does not
extend beyond the edge of the cooking utensil.
Excessive flame is hazardous.
Do not use the oven as a storage space. This
creates a potentially hazardous situation.
Never use your range for warming or heating the
room. Prolonged use of the range without adequate
ventilation can be dangerous.
• Do not store or use gasoline or other fJammabIe
vapors and liquids near this or any other
appliance. Explosions or fires could result.
In the event of an electrical power outage, the surface
burners can be lit manually. To light a surface burner,
hold a lit match to the burner head and slowly turn the
Surface Control knob to LITE. Use caution when
lighting surface burners manually.
• Reset all controis to the "off" position after using
a programmable timing operation.
• Remove broiler pan, food and other utensiJs
before self-cleaning the oven. Wipe up excess
spillage. Follow the precleaning instructions in the Use
and Care Guide.

Power Supply Cord Kit (U.S.A.)
The user is responsible for connecting the power supply
cord to the connection block located behind the back
panel access cover.
This appliance may be connected by means of
permanent "hard wiring" (flexible armored or
nonmetallic shielded copper cable), or by means of a
power supply cord kit. Only a power supply cord kit rated
at 125/250 volts minimum, 40 amperes and marked for
use with ranges shall be used. See chart for cord kit
connection opening size information. Cord must have
either 3 or 4 conductors.
For mobile homes, new installations, recreational
vehicles, or areas where local codes do not permit
grounding through neutral, a 4 conductor power supply
cord kit rated at 125/250 volts minimum, 40 amperes
and marked for use with ranges should be used (see
Figure 5).
Terminals on end of wires must be either closed loop or
open-end spade lugs with upturned ends. Cord must
have strain-relief clamp.
See below for 3 or 4 conductor wire connection.
U.S.A. Style
Figure 1
Do not loosen the nuts which secure
the factory-installed range wiring to terminat block
while connecting range. Electrical faiture or toss of
electrical connection may occur.
Factory Connected Power Supply
Cord (Canada only)
This range isequipped with a factory-connected power
cord (see Figure 2). Cord must be connected to a
grounded 120/240 volt or 120/208 volt range outlet. If
not outlet isavailable, have one installed by a qualified
Range Connection Opening Size Chart
Refer to chart below for proper range connection opening size and power
supply cord kit ampere rating information. See serial plate on appliance for
kilowatt rating data.
Seeserial Plateon the
Appliance for KW Rating
120/240 Volts 120/208 Volts
0- 8.7 kw 0- 7.8 kw
8.8-16.5kw 7.9- 12.5kw
16.6-22.5kw 12.6-18.5kw
Cord Kit
30 Amp
40 Amp
50 Amp
Diameter (inches (cm)) of
Appliance Connection Opening
Cord Kit Connection
1 1/8(2.9) 7/8(2.2)
1 3/8 (3.5) 1 1/8 (2.9)
1 318 (3.5) 1 318 (3.5)
NOTE: Electric Slideqn Range is shipped from factory
with 1 1/8" (2.9 cm) dia. hole as shown on figure 4. If a
larger hole is required, punch out the knockout.
Risk of fire or electrical shock exists if
an incorrect size range cord kit is used, the
Installation Instructions are not followed, or the
strain retief bracket is discarded.
Canada Style
Figure 2
Electrical Shock Hazard
Electrical ground is required on this appliance.
• Do not connect to the electrical supply untit
appliance is permanentJy grounded.
• Disconnect power to the circuit breaker or fuse
box before making the electrical connection.
This appliance must be connected to a
grounded, metallic, permanent wiring system,
or a grounding connector should be connected
to the grounding terminal or wire lead on the
Failure to do any of the above could result in a
fire, personal injury or electrical shock.

EJectricaJ Connection to the Range
This appliance is manufactured with the neutral terminal
connected to the frame.
Note: Refer to the wiring diagram in the center pages of
this manual.
Three Conductor Wire Connection to Range
(The 3-conductor cord or cable must be replaced with a
4-conductor cord or cable where grounding through the
neutral conductor is prohibited in new installations,
mobile homes, recreational vehicles or in other areas
where local codes do not permit neutral grounding)
If local codes permit connection of the frame grounding
conductor to the neutral wire of the copper power supply
cord (see Figure 4):
1. Remove the 3 screws at the lower end of the rear
wire cover, then bend the lower end of the rear wire
cover (accesscover) upward to expose range
terminal connection block (see Figure 3).
Figure 3
2. Remove the 3 loose nuts (after you removed the
rubber band) on the terminal block using a3/8" nut
driver or socket.
3. Connect the neutral white wire of the copper power
supply cord to the center silver-colored terminal of
the terminal block, and connect the other wires to
tile outer terminals. Match wires and terminals by
color (red wires connected to the right terminal,
black wires connected to the left terminal).
4. Replace the 3 nuts on the terminal block. (See
Figure 4)
5. Lower the terminal cover and replace the 3 screws.
Simverco[ored TerminaU
Red wire
suppRied by the user
must be installed at Fo 240 V
this [ocation receptacle out knockout
Figure 4 Cord Kit Hole
Hole. Punch
for 1o3/8" Dia.
Four Conductor Wire Connection to Range
(mobile homes)
1. Remove the 3 screws at the lower end of tile rear
wire cover, then raise the lower end of the rear wire
cover (accesscover) upward to expose range
terminal connection block (see Figure 3).
2. Remove the 3 loose nuts (after you remove the
rubber band) on tile terminal block using a 3/8" nut
driver or socket.
3. Remove the grounding strap from the terminal block
and from the appliance frame.
4. Connect the ground wire (green) of the copper
power supply cord to the frame of the appliance
with the ground screw, using the hole in the frame
where the ground strap was removed (see Figure 5).
5. Connect the neutral of the copper power supply cord
to the center silver-colored terminal of the terminal
block, and connect the other wires to the outer
terminals. Match wires and terminals by color (red
wires connected to the right terminal, black wires
connected to the left terminal).
6. Replace the 3 nuts on the terminal block (see figure
7. Lower tile terminal cover and replace the 3 screws.

out knockout
for 1-3/8" Dia.
Cord Kit Hole
A strainreFief
supplied by the user
must be installed at
this Focation
NOTE: Be sure to remove the supphed
grounding strap
Figure 5
ro 240 v receptacle
Direct Electrical Connection to the Circuit
Breaker, Fuse Box or Junction Box
If the appliance is connected directly to the circuit
breaker, fuse box or junction box, use flexible, armored
or nonmetallic sheathed copper cable (with grounding
wire). Supply a U.L listed strain-relief at each end of the
cable. At the appliance end, tile cable goes through the
Direct Connection Hole (see Figure 5) on the Cord
Mounting Plate. Wire sizes (copper wire only} and
connections must conform to the rating of the appliance.
Where local codes permit connecting the appliance-
grounding conductor to the neutral (white} wire
(see Figure 6}:
(The 3-conductor cord or cable must be replaced with a
4<onductor cord or cable where grounding through the
neutral conductor is prohibited in new installations,
mobile homes, recreational vehicles or in other areas
where local codes do not permit neutral grounding)
1. Disconnect tile power supply.
2. In the circuit breaker, fuse box or junction box
connect the appliance and residence cable wires as
shown in figure 6.
Cable from
White Wire
White Wire
Green U,L,-misted
(or Bare Copper) Conduit
Wire Cable from Connector
Range (or CSA misted)
Figure 6
3-Wire (Grounded Neutral} Electrical System
(Example: Junction Box}
Where tocaJ codes DO NOT permit connecting the
appliance-grounding conductor to the neutral
(white} wire, or if connecting to 4-wire electrical
system (see Figure 7}:
1. Disconnect the power supply.
2. Separate the green (or bare copper) and white
appliance cable wires.
3. In the circuit breaker, fuse box or iunction box:
connect appliance and residence cable wires as
shown in figure 7.
Cable from
Green Residence Junction
(or Bare Copper) Box
White Wire
(or Bare Copper) White Wire
Wire (Neutram)
Cable from Conduit
Appmiance Connector
(or CSA misted)
Figure 7 - 4oWire Electrical System
(Example: Junction Box)

Cabinet Construction
To eliminate the risk of burns or fire by
reaching over heated surface units, do not have cabinet
storage space above the range. If there is cabinet
storage space above range, reduce risk by installing a
range hood that projects horizontally a minimum of 5"
(12.7 cm) beyond tile bottom of tile cabinet.
Countertop Preparation
• The cooktop sides of the range fit over the cutout edge
of your countertop.
• If you have a square finish (fiat) countertop, no
countertop preparation isrequired. Cooktop sides lay
directly on edge of countertop.
• Formed front-edged countertops must have molded
edge shaved flat 3/4" (1.9 cm) from each front corner
of opening (Figure 8).
• Tile countertops may need trim cut back 3/4"(1.9
cm) from each front corner and/or rounded edge
flattened (Figure 8).
Formed or tile countertop
trimmed ¾" (1.9 cm) back at
(1.9 cm)
• tf the existing cutout width is greater than
30 1/16" (76,4 cm), reduce the 3A" (1.9 cm)
Countertop must be level. Place a level on the
countertop, first side to side, then front to back. If the
countertop is not level, tile range will not be level. The
oven must be level for satisfactory baking results.
Cooktop sides of range fit over edges of countertop
For existing cutout width of 29" (73,7 cm) (Figure g):
front corners of countertop
Figure 8 opening.
2 3/16"
(5.56 cm)
Gas Supply- Installation
When shipped from tile factory, this unit is designed to
operate on 4"(10,16 cm) water column (I .0 kPa)Natural
gas manifold pressure. A convertible pressure regulator is
connected to the range manifold and MUST be connected
in series with tile gas supply line. To accesstile regulator,
remove tile drawer.
For proper operation, the maximum inlet pressure to
the regulator should be no more than 14"(35,56 cm) of
water column pressure (3.5 kPa).
The inlet pressure to the regulator must be at least 1" (.25
kPa)greater than tile regulator manifold pressure setting.
The regulator issetfor 4" (! 0,16 cm) water column (I .0
kPa) Natural gas manifold pressure; the inlet pressure must
be at least 5"(12.60 cm) water column (!.25 kPa) Natural
gas. For LP/Propanegas, the regulator must be set for
10"(25,4 cm) water column (2.5 kPa)manifold pressure;
the inlet pressure must be at least 11"(27,9 cm) water
column (2.75 kPa).
The supply line should be equipped with an approved
shutoff valve (see Figure 12). This valve should be located
in tile same room as the range and should be in a location
that allows easeof opening and (:losing. Do not block
accessto the shutoff valve. The valve is for turning on or
shutting off gasto the appliance. Open the shutoff valve in
the gas supply line. Wait a few minutes for gas to move
through tile gas line.
Tile gas supply between the shutoff valve and the regulator
may beconnected by rigid piping or by A.G.A./C.G.A.-
approved flexible metallic uniomconnected piping where
local codes permit use.
The gas supply piping can be through the side wall of the
right cabinet. The right side cabinet isan ideal location for
the main shutoff valve.
Connection to Pressure Regulator
Tile regulator is already installed on the appliance.
Do not makethe connection too tight. The
regulator isdiecast.Overtightening may crack the regulator
resulting in a gasleakand )ossiblefire or explosion.
You must also dear 2 3/16"
(5.56 cm) of material from
29" 1_/_"
front of countertop.
(73.7 cm) _(3.2 cm)
_re Formed or tile countertop trimmed lYg' (3.2
cm) back at front corners of countertop
Figure 10

Manual GAS FLOW Pressure
Shutoff Hare _ Hare ReguHator
VaHve Union Union
On, _J t t t
k,_ NippHe FHexibHe NippHe.........................
Off Connector
All connections must be wrench4ightened
Figure 11
Assemble the flexible connecter from the gas supply pipe
to the pressure regulator in the following order:
1. manual shutoff valve (not supplied)
2. 1/2" nipple (not supplied)
3. 1/2" flare union adapter (not supplied)
4. flexible connector (not supplied)
5. 1/2" flare union adapter (not supplied)
6. 1/2" nipple (not supplied)
7. pressure regulator (supplied)
The gas supply line to the shutoff valve should be
1/2"(1,27 cm) or 3/4"(1.9 cm) solid pipe.
The user must know the location of the main shutoff
valve and have easy access to it.
When using flexible gas conduit on the range, allow
suffi(ient slack to pull the range outside the cutout for
cleaning or servicing.
NOTE: Do not allow the flexible conduit to get pinched
between the wall and the range. To visually check,
remove tile range drawer.
Usepipe-joint compound made for usewith Natural and
LP/Propanegas to seal all gas connections. If flexible
connectors are used, be certain connectors are not kinked.
Once regulator is in place, open the shutoff valve in the
gas supply line. Wait a few minutes for gas to move
through the gas line.
Leak testing of the appliance shah be conducted
according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Check for leaks. After connecting the range to the gassupply,
checkthe systemfor leakswith amanometer. Ifa manometer
isnot available,turn on tile gassupply and usea liquid leak
detector at alljoints and connections to check for leaks.
Do not use a flame to check for leaks
from gas connections. Checking for leaks with a flame
may result in a fire or explosion.
All openings in the wall or floor where tile range isto be
installed must be sealed.
Tighten all connections if necessary to prevent gas
leakage in the cooktop or supply line.
Disconnect this range and its individual shutoff
valve from tile gas supply piping system during any
pressure testing of tile system at test pressures greater
than 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa or 14"(35,56 cm) water column).
Isolate the range from the gas supply piping system
by closing its individual manual shutoff valve during any
pressure testing of tile gas supply piping system at test
pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa or
14"(35,56 cm) water column).
Open position
Figure 12
Tile supply line must be equipped with an approved
manual shutoff valve. This valve should be located in the
same room as the range and should be in a location that
allows ease of opening and closing. Do not block access
to the shutoff valve. The valve isfor turning on or
shutting off gas to the appliance.
LPiPropane Gas Conversion
This appliance can be usedwith Natural gas or LP/Propane
gas. It isshipped from the factory for usewith natural gas.
If you wish to convert your range for use with LP/Propane
gas, use the supplied fixed orifices located in a bag
containing the literature marked "FOR LP/PROPANEGAS
CONVERSION." Follow the instructions packaged with
the orifices.
The conversion must be performed by aqualified service
technician in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and all local codes and requirements. Failure
to follow these instructions could result in serious injury
or property damage. The qualified agency performing
this work assumes responsibility for the conversion.
Failure to make the appropriate
conversion can result in personal injury and property

MOVing the Appliance for
rvicing and Cleaning
Turn off the range line fuse or circuit breakers at the main
power source, and turn off the manual gas shut-off valve.
Make sure the range is(:old. Remove the service drawer
(warmer drawer on some models) and open the oven door.
Lift the range at the front and slide it out of the cut-out
opening without creating undue strain on the flexible gas
conduit. Make sure not to pinch the flexible gas conduit at
the back of the range when replacing the unit into the cut-
out opening. Replace the drawer, closethe door and switch
on the electrical power and gas to tile range.
Range Installation
Important Note: Door removal is not a requirement for
installation of the range, but isan added convenience.
Refer to the Use and Care Guide for oven door removal
the unit by lowering the leveling legs.
11.Level the range (seesection9). The floor where the range
isto beinstalled must be level.Follow the instructions under
"Levelingtile Range".
12. Adjust leveling legs so that the underside of the
cooktop is sitting on tile countertop.
13. Carefully screw in tile back leveling leg until the
cooktop glass overhang touches slightly the countertop.
The cooktop glass must not support the unit.
14. Then carefully screw in tile front two leveling legs
(similar to !3) until the glass overhang touches slightly
the countertop.
15.1fthe range is not level, pull unit out and readjust
leveling legs, or make sure floor is level.
Installation For 29" Existing Cutout Wide Opening
I. You must replace the actual side trims by new and
smaller side trims. Thesenew side trims can be ordered
through a Service Center.
2. Follow instructions supplied with your new sidetrims to
replace the actual side trims with the new ones.
3. Checkif the countertop isprepared for 29" cutout wide
opening in "Countertop Preparation" section.
4. Install range as in the "installation Without Side
Panels" section above.
Standard Installation
The range cooktop overlaps the countertop at the
sides and the range rests on the floor. The cooktop is
31Y_" (1,27 cm) (81 cm) wide.
2. Install base cabinets 30" (76.2 cm) apart. Make sure
they are plumb and level before attaching cooktop.
Shave raised countertop edge to clear 31 1/2 "(I ,27
cm) wide range top rim.
3. Install cabinet doors 31 " (78.7 cm) rain. apart so it
will not interfere with range door opening.
4. Cutout countertop exactly asshown on page I.
5. A backguard kit can be ordered through Service
6. When you unpack tile range, tile leveling legs at
rear are at the highest position they can be. Make
sure the front leveling legs are also at their highest
7. To provide an optimum installation, the top surface
of the countertop must be level and flat (lie on the
same plane) around the 3 sides that are adjacent to
range cooktop. Proper adjustments to make the top
flat should be made or gaps between the countertop
and the range cooktop may occur.
8. _ To reduce the risk of damaging your
appliance, do not handle or manipulate it by the
ceramic: glass. Manipulate with care.
9. Position range in front of tile cabinet opening.
10. Make sure that the glass which overhangs the
countertop clears the countertop. If necessary, raise
Installation With Backguard
The cutout depth of (21 3/4" (55.2 cm) Min., 22 1/8"
(56.2 cm) Max.) needs to be increased to 24"(!0,16 cm)
(61 cm) when installing a backguard.
Installation With End Panel
A End Panel kit can be ordered through a Service
Installation With Side Panels
A Side Panels kit can be ordered through a Service
Install cabinet doors 31 " (78.7 cm) min. apart so as not
to interfere with range door opening.

Leveling the Range -
Level the range and set cooktop height before
installation in the cut-out opening,
1. Install an oven rack in the center of tile oven.
2. Place a level on the rack (seefigure 13). Take 2
readings with the level placed diagonally in one
direction and then the other. Levelthe range, if
necessary, by adjusting tile 4 leg levelers with a
3. Taking care to not damage the countertop, slide range
into cut-out opening and double check for levelness.
Figure 13
Check Operation
Refer to the Use and Care Guide packaged with the
range for operating instructions and for care and
(.leaning of your range.
Do not touch the elements or burners. They may be hot
enough to cause burns.
Remove all packaging from tile oven before testing.
1. install Burner Bases and Burner Caps
This range is equipped with sealed burners as
shown (see Figure !@.
1. Unpack burner basesand burner caps.
2. Placeburner basesover each gas opening.
3. Make sure the burner is properly aligned and leveled.
Placeburner caps over appropriate burner bases.
NOTE: There are no burner adjustments necessaryon this
Burner Cap (
Figure 14
1.Push in and turn a surface burner knob to the LITE
position. You will hear the igniter sparking.
2. The surface burner should light when gas is available
to the top burner. Each burner should light within four
(4) seconds in normal operation after air has been
purged from supply lines. Visually check that burner
has lit.
3.Once the burner lights, the control knob should be
rotated out of the LITEposition.
There are separate ignition devices for each burner. Try
each knob separately until all burner valves have been
4. Adjust the "LOW" Setting of Surface Burner
Valves (see Figure ! S)
a.Push in and turn each control to LITEuntil burner ignites.
b.QukkJy turn knob to LOWESTPOSITION.
c. If burner goes out, readjust valve asfollows:
Resetcontrol to OFF.Removetile surfaceburner control
knob, insertathin-bladed screwdriver into tile hollow valve
stem and engage the slotted screw inside. Flamesizecan be
increasedor decreasedwith the turn of the screw.Adjust
flame until you can quicklyturn knob from LITEto LOWEST
POSITIONwithout extinguishing tile flame. Flameshould be
assmallaspossiblewithout goin_
Figure 15
5. Operation of Oven Elements
Tile oven is equipped with an electronic: oven control. Each
of the functions has been factory checked before shipping.
However, it issuggested that you verify the operation of
the electronic oven controls once more. Refer to tile
Electronic Oven Control Guide for operation. Follow the
instructions for the Clock, Timer, Bake, Broil, Convection
(some models) and Clean functions.
Bake-After setting the oven to 350% (I 77°C) for baking,
tile lower element in the oven should become red.
Broil-When the oven is set to BROIL, the upper element
in tile oven should become red.
2. Turn on Electrical Power and Open Main Shutoff
Gas Va[ve
3. Check the Igniters
Operation of electric igniters should be checked after
range and supply line connectors have been carefully
checked for leaks and range has been connected to
electric power. To check for proper lighting:
Clean-When the oven is set for a self-cleaning cycle, tile
upper element should become red during the preheat
portion of the cycle. After reaching tile self-cleaning
temperature, tile lower element will become red.
Convection (some models)-When the oven is set to
CONV. BAKE/ROASTat 350% (I 77°C), the convection
element cycles on and off and the convection fan turns.
The convection fan will stop turning when the oven door
is opened during convection baking or roasting.
Warmer Drawer (some mode[s}-Set the control knob
to HI and check to see the drawer is heating.

When All Hookups are Complete
Make sure all controls are left on the OFFposition.
Make sure the flow of combustion and ventilation air to the
range is unobstructed.
Model and Serial Number Location
The serial plate is located on the oven front frame
behind the oven door (some models or on the drawer
side frame (some models).
When ordering parts for or making inquiries about your
range, always be sure to include the model and serial
numbers and a lot number or letter from the serial plate
on your range.
Your serial plate also tells you the rating of the burners,
the type of fuel and the pressure the range was adjusted
for when it left the factory.
Before You Call for Service
Read tile Avoid Service Checklist and operating
instructions in your Use and Care Guide. It may save you
time and expense. The list includes common occurrences
that are not the result of defective workmanship or
materials in this appliance.
Refer to the warranty and service information in your Use
and Care Guide for phone number and address. Please
call or write if you have inquiries about your range
product and/or need to order parts.

Anti-Tip Brackets JnstaJJation
To reduce the risk of tipping of the range,
the range must be secured to the floor by properly
installed anti-tip brackets and screws packed with the
range. Those parts are located in a plastic, bag in the
oven. Failure to install the anti-tip brackets will allow the
range to tip over if excessive weight is placed on an
open door or if a child climbs upon it. Serious injury
might result from spilled hot liquids or from the range
Follow the instructions below to install the anti-tip
If range isever moved to a different location, the anti-tip
brackets must also be moved and installed with the
range. To check for proper installation, see step 5.
TooJs Required:
5/16" (0,79 cm) Nutdriver or Flat Head Screwdriver
Adjustable Wrench
Electric Drill
3/16" (0,48 cm) Diameter Drill Bit
3/16" (0,48 cm) Diameter Masonry Drill Bit (if installinc
in concrete)
Brackets attach to the floor at the back of tile range to
hold both rear leg levelers. When fastening to tile floor,
be sure that screws do not penetrate electrical wiring or
plumbing. The screws provided will work in either wood
or concrete.
1. Unfold paper template and place it flat on the floor
with the back and side edges positioned exactly
where the back and sides of range will be located
when installed. (Use the diagram below to locate
brackets if template is not available (Figure 16)).
2. Mark on the floor the location of the 4 mounting
holes shown on the template. For easier installation,
3/16" (O.S cm) diameter pilot holes I/2"(!,27
cm)(!.3 cm) deep can be drilled into the floor.
3. Remove template and place brackets on floor with
turned up flange to the front. Line up holes in
brackets with marks on floor and attach with 4
screws provided. Brackets must be secured to solid
floor. If attaching to concrete floor, first drill 3/16"
(O.Scm) dia. pilot holes using a masonry drill bit.
4. Level range if necessary, by adjusting 4 leg levelers
with wrench. (See Figure 17 below.)A minimum
clearance of 1/8" (0.8 cm) is required between the
bottom of the range and the rear leg levelers to
allow room for tile anti-tip brackets.
S. Slide range into place making sure rear legs are
trapped by ends of brackets. Range may need to be
shifted slightly to one side as it is being pushed back
to allow rear legs to align with brackets. You may
also grasp tile top rear edge of tile range and
carefully attempt to tilt it forward to make sure
range is properly anchored.
BackEdgeof /
Range or Rear Wall _,-.. "--.
.,--di/s'M, _s,/4"_'_ _'-,
i _ (23.2 c_m) "" (46.4cm) /
Anti-Tip Bracket"-_.. .(71.4 cm)
"--..<.,_(Rear width of range
" with body sides)
Figure 16
Anti-Tip Bracket
Figure 17
Slide Back