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Impel€ant Safety hsstxuctions
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Re_o_d Y®u_ Mode_ and Serial
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plate ocatedo se eitsdeo _e
do@ ope_s9 Kee!,tfese£u_>e_'s
fo lut_e eeence
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Registe_ Your' Produ(t
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Uset'edTe onyas st_{;ced_ ths
Owne sGudea!c leOpe_atng
Inst_u(tionsca_(t _c dedw/hyo,_
P_otect Children
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Prevent Injury
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dyeI ? stb#, i ,,tailed a deie(ti(a/J) 9:o ndedbysqtaiifiedse'vi]_ _peso:" _
accords ce_,',,tk iocaico_es ,stala_,onins tctorsa:epacked rst_e@)erfo _e
r staie"s eh- en(e Pea to ff,_SIA/IA iON I['/ST/:UC:/ONS fo dt,_'a ed g (:u_A _g
pu_o,dt es ! th< d_ e' ',t :,,vedtoa _,w ocaton, ave tc_ecl, edar,dretstaled
by a q _a/fed sevce pe:<>on
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tkl/_ paiI and s_inAdng must be petfoImed by at: authorized seiviiei
_]essspe( cay e:ios e;(ie(i :: sOwne sGtde Useonya_Aho:zed
facoy eats
Do notta spa wt! co tos
,=, Do not sa o so'e :e (:rye wse_e : wI be exposed to te weethe
t )((: )i/ , , A _ t _