"The hotel server requires a live ethernet port for MAC
address printed on the server with DHCP and the ability to
connect outward via TCP to a remote machine."
The hotel server requires the following to function correctly:
➤ Wired (ethernet) local connection with either 10Mbps or 100Mbps
speed. Pure 1Gbps networks will not work.
➤ DHCP service on that local connection. It requires an IP address and
a name-server from the local DHCP server.
➤ DNS to find time synchronization servers at pool.ntp.org.
➤ Stateful UDP handling for NTP updates. Standard on nearly all
commercial firewall appliances and a normal firewall rule in most
Linux or BSD-based firewalls.
➤ Outbound TCP from the hotel server to a remote TCP port 1194 for
the VPN connection to the web server. Web server endpoint IP
addresses may change from time to time.
➤ Stable power. It is strongly advised to install the hotel server with a very
small UPS for power. Do not plug any other systems into the UPS.
• No specific ports need to be forwarded to the hotel computer.
• All communications to the web servers are done via an encrypted VPN.
• Other than the NTP updates, there are no inbound connections of any kind.
• Only NTP is done over a non-encrypted channel.

Things to watch out for during installation:
➤ Captive portals
The MAC address of the hotel server (printed on its label) must be
“white-listed”. The hotel computer cannot work with captive portals.
➤ Missing NTP updates
NTP updates ensure that hotel server internal clock and thermostat
clocks are properly set.
➤ Extreme heat or cold or humidity.
Do not install the hotel computer in the laundry room or near heating
or cooling ducts.
➤ Hotel Server Cooling
Hotel server does not have a fan. It uses cooling fins to cool. Do not
block the cooling fins of the hotel computer or set anything on them.
The hotel computer uses very little power, but heat can build up if the
case is not properly ventilated or the fins are covered.
➤ Large Metal Structure
Large metal structures hinder the performance of the wireless
network. Avoid placing hotel server and hotel server wireless antenna
close do large metal structures such as elevator shafts. Do not install
hotel server and hotel server wireless antenna in a metal cabinet.