FRIATEC FRIALEN Fitting Instructions Manual

-Large Pipe Technique for laying large pipes and relining pipe networks
Fitting Instructions
Contents Page
FRIALEN® Safety Fittings:
1. Safety 3
2. Areas of Application 3
3. Standard publications and specifications for use 4
4. Couplers from d 250 mm 6
5. Saddle parts - Top Loading 16
6. Pipeline relining 26
7. Update of these assembly instructions 30
For further information on the processing of FRIALEN® Safety Fittings, please contact:
FRIATEC Aktiengesellschaft Technical Plastics Division P.O.B. 710261 · D-68222 Mannheim Phone +49 621 486-1486 Fax +49 621 479196 Internet: Email: Hotline +49 621 486-1486
1. Safety
1.1 Safety advice and tips
The following warning symbols are used in these assembly instructions:
DANGER! Describes impending danger!
Non-observance of this warning may lead to serious damages to health and objects.
WARNING! Describes a dangerous situation!
Non-observance of this warning may cause minor injuries or damage to objects.
IMPORTANT! Describes advice and other useful information!
2. Areas of Application
FRIALEN® Safety Fittings are used for weld joints at pressure pipes made
of polyethylene in the dimensions SDR 17.6 to SDR 11 for use in gas and water supply, pressure drainage, industry and landfill construction.
For processing of pipes SDR > 17.6, please call us.
When operating with other media than water and natural gas, please contact our application engineering department.
The information and processing instructions mentioned on the fitting or enclosed shall apply predominantly.
3. Standard publications and specifications for use
For detailed and up-to-date information on FRIALEN® Safety Fittings, please see the technical datasheets available on the Internet (
Please observe the guidelines of the DVGW standard publications, and of the DVS, BGR 500 (VBG 50), EN 1555, EN 12201, EN 13244, UVV and respectively national regulations.
DANGER! The described sequence of the processes is absolutely to be adhered to.
FRIALEN® Safety Fittings can be used with pipes made of PE 100, PE 80, PE 63, PE 50 according to DIN 8074/75, EN 1555-2, EN 12201-2,
EN 13244-2, ISO 4437 and ISO 4427. For PE pipes, a fusion flow rate MFR 190/5 in the range of 0.2 – 1.7g/10 min. applies.
We recommend using pipes with a limited dimension tolerance range, tolerance class B.
FRIALEN® Safety Fittings consist of PE 100 and meet the requirements according to DIN 16963-5, -7, EN 1555-3, EN 12201-3, EN 13244-3, ISO 8085-3 as well as the DVGW test bases. FRIALEN® Safety Fittings can be fused with FRIAMAT® Electrofusion Units at ambient temperatures between - 10 °C and + 45 °C. Fittings from d 710 between 0 °C and + 45 °C.
For material transition joints, the material- or system-specific standards and installation guidelines apply in addition.
WARNING! Fusion with other pipe materials such as e.g. PP, PVC etc. is not possible.
Pipes and moulded components should have settled to a balanced temperature level between - 10 °C and + 45 °C (Couplers UB d 710 between 0 °C and + 45 °C) when being processed.
FRIALEN® Safety Fittings are identified by a batch marking. This reads from left to right:
• Production week (KW) (stamp 1+2)
• Production year (stamp 2)
• Material identification letter (stamp 3)
KW 14/01/E
The FRIALEN® Safety Fittings can be stored and processed for a long time, provided the general storage specifications are adhered to. When properly stored (in closed rooms or containers (boxes)) and/or not exposed to UV radiation as well as effects of weather (humidity etc.), a storage and processing period of more than 4 years can be assumed.
WARNING! Improperly stored component parts may not be processed because this may result in leaking fusion joints.
An automatic component traceability is possible when using e.g. traceability­capable FRIAMAT® Electrofusion Units with a special barcode (see Figure 9) which contains the specific data of the fitting, e.g. manufacturer, dimension, material, batch. These data on component traceability can be electronically archived together with the fusion process data.
IMPORTANT! Manual electrofusion units (without barcode reader), e.g. FWS 225, are no longer state-of-the art. Processing of FRIALEN® Safety Fittings with these units is thus no longer possible.
3.1 Pressure load-bearing capability
The pressure load-bearing capability of FRIALEN® Safety Fittings made of PE 100 is expressed in SDR stages.
pipe outer diameter d
pipe wall thickness s
The design factor C (calculation coefficient for PE components) depends on the area of application and the specifications (min. 1.25).
Fitting material: PE 100 Water Gas
(FRIALEN® standard)
SDR Stage maximum operating pressure maximum operating pressure
in bar for new: C = 1.25 in bar for new: C = 2
17 10 5 11 16 10
7.4 25 -
The parts are identified and usable with regard to their load-bearing capability according to the above table.
DANGER ! Fusion with escaping media is not permissible.
4. Couplers from d 250 mm
4.1 Cutting to length of pipes
Cut off the pipe in a right angle to the pipe axis (see Figure 1). A suitable tool is a PE pipe cutter or a saw with toothing suitable for plastics.
Distinctive conical oblique pipeends must be cut off, if necessary.
DANGER! A non-rectangular pipe cutting may cause the heating coil partially not being covered by the pipe which may result in overheating, uncontrolled melt formation or self-ignition (see Figure 2).
Figure 1
Figure 2
4.2 Measure fusion zone, mark
with a FRIALEN® marker and remove oxide layer
Fusion zone:
The length of the fusion zone corresponds to half the length of the coupler.
At first, remove contaminations from the pipe. A processing allowance of approx. + 5 mm in addition of the insertion depth provides proof after fusion that the oxide layer has been removed properly. Using a manual scraper or FRIALEN® Scraper tools (see Figure 4 a+b+c), the oxide layer, which formed during on the surface of HDPE pipes and spigot fittings during storage, has to be removed completely directly before the assembly.
IMPORTANT! The Scraper tool FWSG 710 S and FWSG 710 L have proved them­selves for a long time in use application and serve for the scraping of pipes in the dimension area d 250 to d 710.
Figure 3
Figure 4a
Figure 4b
Besides, the FWSG 710 S scrapes only half a sleeve length, so that it is possible to scrape spigot fittings. With the FWSG 710 L the whole sleeve length is scraped to make easier the assembly as a slide-over coupler.
The scraper tools FWSG SE 250, 280 and 315 are proper for both, preparation of couplers-, and saddle assembly.
Figure 4c
WARNING! If the oxide layer is not removed completely, inhomogeneous, leaking fusion joints may result.
WARNING! The FWSG 710 scraper tool must in all circumstances be used for fittings from d 710.
A one-time, complete removal is sufficient (min. 0.15 mm).
Damages to the pipe surface as e.g. axial grooves or scratches may not be located within the fusion zone.
WARNING! An excessive swarf removal may result in an excessively large annular gap which either cannot or only insufficiently closed by fusion (for the remedy see item 4.8).
Please thus regularly check the condition of the blade at the manual scraper and the wear of the scraper blade at the scraper tool. Worn blades must be replaced (see FRIALEN® Info No. 1).
Scraper Tool Estimated swarf thickness (mm) Abrasion limit (mm)
FWSG 225 0.25 - 0.35 0.4 FWSG 710 0.30 - 0.40 0.5
FWSG SE 250 - 315 0.25 - 0.35 0.4
Please note that the indicated wearing margin applies to FRIALEN Safety Fittings. Where appropriate please observe manufacturers’ indications.
Filing or sanding are not permitted because contaminations are introduced.
For a control of the complete surface removal over the entire surface, we recommend to apply marking (control) lines (see Figure 3). If during scraping of the surface non-scraped areas occur at some points (e.g. in case of oval pipes), these areas are to be reworked.
The processed zone is to be protected against dirt, soap, grease, subsequently flowing water and unfavourable effects of weather (e.g. moisture, frost formation). Do not touch the fusion zone again after scraping.
WARNING! FRIALEN® Safety Fittings with integrated heating coils guarantee optimal heat transfer through their exposed heating coils and may thus not be scraped at the inside of the fitting.
4.3 External and internal
chamfering of the cutting edge (See Figure 5)
For this purpose, the manual scraper is a suitable tool. A good chamfer on the outside diameter of the face of the pipe will make it easier to fit the coupler. Remove swarves from
within the pipe.
4.4 Restoration of irregular /
Figure 5
oval pipes
Pipes, in particular bundled coils and drums, may loose their roundness during storage. If the pipe out-of­roundness in the fusion zone area exceeds 1.5% of d (outer diameter) or is > 3.0 mm, these pipes must be rounded in the fusion zone area. Please use rounding clamps for this purpose which are installed at the end of the fusion zone (See Figure 6).
Figure 6
WARNING! For the installation of of fittings from d 710 rounding clamps for the pipes need to be applied in all circumstances.
With UB couplers d 280 to d 450 the pipe may be adjusted to the coupler following evaluation of the annular gap (> 1 mm) by using the pre-heating barcode.
WARNING! The pre-heating barcode must be applied when using fittings from d 500.
4.5 Cleaning
The surfaces of the pipes to be fused and the interior surfaces of the FRIALEN® Safety Fittings must be absolutely clean, dry and free from any grease. These areas are to be cleaned with a suitable cleaning agent and exclusively with ab-
sorbent, lint-free and non-dyed paper directly before the assembly
and after scraping (see Figure 7).
Figure 7
We recommend PE cleaning agents which meet the requirements of the test basis DVGW-VP 603, e.g. AHK cleaning agents.
When cleaning, ensure that no contaminations from the unscraped pipe surface are introduced into the fusion zone.
WARNING! When using alcoholic cleaning agents, the alcohol percentage must be at least 99.8% according to DVGW-VP 603.
The cleaning agent must be completely evaporated before starting the fusion process.
Now, using the FRIALEN® marker, re-mark the line (approx. 120 ° distri­buted around the circumference) to show the width of the fusion zone on the pipe since this will have been removed by scraping and cleaning.
The joint surfaces must be clean and dry before installing the fitting. The cleaned fusion zone should not be touched with bare hands. Moisture in the area of the joint area, e.g. because of dew or frost, is to be removed using suitable aids.
The fusion fitting is to be removed from the packaging only directly before the planned processing. The packaging protects the fittings against external influences during transport and storage.
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