FE-IPDS-27S Quick Guide
Product Overview
Plug in PoE cable, or connect ethernet cable and external power supply. Door Open Switch is needed
so doors can be opened from the inside.
After FE-IPDS-27S is powered on, enter *2396#, click
System Information to obtain its IP address.
Enter IP address into Web Browser. Log in page will
show up.
Default values for User Name and Password is
Note: Make sure that Video option is enabled as an option on SIP-server and video codecs are enabled
on SIP-server Extension setup.
After login go to Account->Basic to connect intercom to SIP server.
Status: To display register result.
Display Label: To configure label displayed
on the phone’s LCD screen.
Display Name: To configure name sent to
the other call party for displaying.
Register Name: To enter extension number
you want and the number is allocated by SIP
User Name: To enter user name of the
Password: To enter password for the
Server IP: To enter SIP server’s IP address or
Click Submit button at the bottom to save the changes.
Go to Intercom -> Relay to configure relay.
Relay Select: IPDS-27S support 3 relays
Relay Type: Different locks use different
relay types, default state or invert state. If
you connect the Lock in NO connector, select
default state. Otherwise using invert state.
Relay Delay(sec): Allows door remain
“open” for certain period The range is from
1 to 10 seconds
DTMF Option: IPDS-27S support 1、2、3、
4 digits DTMF unlock code. Please select one
type and enter the corresponding code.
DTMF: Setup 1 digit DTMF code for remote unlock
Multiple DTMF: Setup multiple digits DTMF code for remote unlock.
Status: the status will be changed by the relay state.
Click Submit button at the bottom to save the changes.