1. Router Table Steel Stand
Use the instructions included with
the Steel Stand (RTL01) to
assemble the legs.
2. Router Table Top
With the eight #10 x 3/4" screws
(J) included, attach the Router
Table Top to the Steel Legs using
the Steel Legs instruction sheet
STEP 6 for layout details.
3. Router Table Insert
Router Table Insert Plate–Before
installing the insert plate, install
the 8 leveling screws (K) in the
threaded screw holes located in
the recessed hole in the table
top. The aluminium router table
insert plate (35000.0105) in then
installed from the top of the table
in the recessed hole cut in the
tabltop and rests on top of the
leveling screws. To level the
plate, insert the included allen
wrench (L) through the access
holes in the plate and turn the
leveling screws counter clock-
wise to raise the plate and clock-
wise to lower the plate. Lay a
straight edge across the plate
and table top to verify that the
plate is flush with the top of the
table. Move to step 4 in these
instructions before locking down
the insert plate..
4. Router
Router Installation (RTS5220 and
RTS5300 Models Only)–The
insert plate provided with thess
two packages is pre-drilled for
the included router. To attached
the plate to the router, lay the
plate across the base of the
router and align the three coun-
tersunk holes in the insert plate
with the three threaded holes in
the router base. Secure the plate
to the router with the three 6mm
flat head screws that are pack-
aged with the router. From the
top of the table, lower the router
through the recessed opening
until the insert plate is resting on
the 8 leveling screws installed in
step 3. Ensure that the plate is
flush with the table top and re-
adjust the leveling screws if nec-
essary. Once level, secure the
plate to the table using the four
Phillips head bolts (E)..
5. Router Table Fence
Attach the guards and fence
boards to the SH-5 fence per the
instructions. The fence is mount-
ed to the router table with the
included screw handles. These
thread into two of the six inserts in
the Table Top located adjacent to
the Insert Plate. Select the proper
pair of inserts based on the
desired location of the fence in
relationship to the router bit
System Assembly Instructions
Each component of the Freud RTS5000, RTS5220, and RTRS5300 Router Table System contains instructions. Read and understand all
warnings and instructions included with each individual component before assembly or use.