It em No .:F J210
Brief History
First designed in 1 95 3, t he MiG-21 is widely renowned as a classic Cold War er a brute and holds the distinction
of being the most produced supersonic jet fighter in the world. More than 11,000 MiG-21s of different variations
have flown for over 6 0 countries over a period of mo re than 60 years. In f ac t, the unmistakable outline of the Mi G21 can still be seen today in the sk ie s of ov er 15 countries that still oper at e this hi st or ic warplane. Th e MiG-21 ha s
earned its place i n av ia ti on h is to ry a s a versatile workhorse and venerable foe.
Dominate the ski es with Freewing’s 1/9 scale MiG-21! Its impressive 1730mm length makes t hi s MiG-21 one of
Freewing’s longest mod el a ir cr af t. Its removable wings, horizon ta l st ab ilizer, and vertical stabilizer ma ke t ra nsport
very e as y. Even t he nose c on e and pitot tube are re mo va bl e! Freewing h as recreate d ma ny scale de ta il s of the
MiG-21 “MF” variant, an d the ai rc ra ft is powered b y an 80mm 12-blade ED F and an all-new 3 53 0- 18 00 KV outrunner motor and 1 00 A ESC. Newly de si gn ed metal ge ar digital servos co ntrol the ail er on s, flaps, elevators, and
rudder, and an i nt eg ra te d circuit boa rd simplifies wiring in the la rg e battery bay. M ag ne ti c fuel tanks and the i co ni c
“blisters” throughout the f us el ag e help complete the loo k and feel of the menacin g MiG-21. Although an 80mm
class aircraft, the Freewing MiG-21 features th e retr ac ta bl e landin g gear of a 90mm cl as s ai rc ra ft . Durabl e
aluminum trail in g li nk s tr ut s an d ta ll wheels allow operation on short grass fields.
Flight Features
The Freewing Mi G- 21 is suitable for in termediate and advanced p il ot s with EDF flying e xp er ie nc e. The model’s
strong th ru st an d flaps shortens the takeoff distance to 30 m et er s. Optimized design allows the F re ew in g M iG-21
to fly sta bl y a t b ot h fast and slow speeds. In fact, the ai rc ra ft ca n m aintain a slow “high alpha” attitude of up to 40
degrees withou t st al li ng . The delta wing and swe pt t ai l gi ve t he a ir cr aft crisp responsiveness but gentle handling.
Al so , the battery bay w as d esigned to accommodate an optional Freewing Gyro E 51 , sold separately, to further
supplement the stable fly in g characteristics of th e Freewing MiG-21. Experience the th ri ll of a 4 0 degree pass w it h
Color Scheme Introdu ction
Freewing presents it s M iG -2 1 in two color schemes. The class ic “S ov ie t Silver” scheme includes d ec al s from
four countries in si de the bo x to al lo w pilots to customize their m od el aircraft. A “High Vis” sc he me is a lso available
that features the bl ue /w hi te /g re y co lor scheme of the MiG-21-93 variant for increased visibility in the sky.
1. This is not a toy! Operators should have some basic experience. Beginners should operate only under the guidance
of a professional instructor.
2. Before beginning assembly, please read through the instructions and carefully follow them throughout the build.
3. Freewing and it's vendors will not be held responsible for any losses due to improper assembly and operation.
4. Model airplane operators must be at least 14 years of age.
5. This airplane is made of EPO foam material, covered with surface spray paint. Don't use chemicals to clean as it may
cause damage.
6. You should avoid flying in areas such as public places, areas with high voltage power lines, nearby highways, airports
or in other areas where laws and regulations clearly prohibit flight.
7. Do not fly in bad weather conditions, including thunderstorms, snow, etc.
8. Lipo batteries should be properly stored in a fire proof container and be kept at a minimum of 2M distance away from
flammable or explosive materials.
9. Damaged or scrap batteries must be properly discharged before disposal or recycling to avoid spontaneous
combustion and fire.
10. At the Flying Field, properly dispose of any waste you have created, don't leave or burn your waste.. Ensure that your
throttle is in the low position and that your radio is turned on before connecting the Lipo battery.
11. Ensure that the throttle is in the lowest position and transmitter is turned on, before connecting a Lipo Battery to the
ESC of the aircraft.
12. Do not try to catch the airplane while in flight. Wait for the airplane to come to a complete stop before handling.
2.Product Basic Information
2. Package list
3.PNP Assembly Instructions
6. Servo installation instruction
7. Landing Gear assembly/installation
8. Control board use introduction
9. 3-Axis Gyro use introduction
10.Center of Gravity
11.Power system introduction
11.Motor Parameters
12.Control direction test
13.Dual Rates
9.Battery Installation.
10.Servo Introduction.