Fuselag e Lengt h
Flight Weight
Motor Siz e
Prop Size
Recomme nded Ba ttery
Retract s
Elevato r
Throttl e
Metal Sca le Elec tric Retr act
Specificat ion
Materia l
Landing ge ar ca bin d oor c ont rol
Vector con trol
50A ESC (2pc s)
4pcs 9g ser vo ; 4pcs 1 7g servo
6S 22.2V 37 00mAh 3 0C
70m m EDF 2pc s
(1p cs norm al,1p cs reve rse)
2849- 2200K V 2pc s
1500mm (5 9")
1280mm (5 0-3/8 ")
2900g (10 2.29 oz.)
2850g (10 0.6 oz. )
At the same t ime, fo r each vers ion, we p rovide tw o kinds o f configu ratio n options ( ARF, Airfra me ), please
accordi ng the fo llowing p ictur es to check t he prod ucts and th eir acc essorie s.
Thanks very much fo r your purchasing o ur Freewing ME262 mod el plane. The M e 262 Schwalbe was th e
world's fir st operatio nal jet-pow ered fighte r aircraft. I ts a symbol air craft,it ma rks a human avi ation techn ology
a big step forward. M e 262-----the nam e itself is a legend. Som e people say that it is t he angel brought th e
dawn of human aviat ion industry. Some people say its put t he wing of devil. But o ne thing is certain : as the
focus of debate, Me 262 has a constant ch arm.
This Me262 mode l pl ane use EPO mater ial, also added a lot o f carbon materi al to strengthen it s structure.
The full scale electr ic metal retracts can e ffectively so lve the huge impact when la nding. Complex pain t
technology make s this Me 262 looks ver y close to the real aircr aft.
We use a lots o f ingenious des ign makes this co mplex dual EDF je t assemble-wo rk has become ver y simple.
Most of Me 262 sparep arts, can be easy and q uick install and remo val.We also p rovide sparepar t support,
you are very easy to ma intain your Me 262 in f uture flight.
Ite m No.: F3 801
产品 编号:
版本 号:
Vers ion No. : F3801 -V01
F38 01-V0 1
Me 262
F38 01
The follo wing is o ur basic sp ecifi cation.