FreeWave ZumLink Z9-PC, ZumLink Z9-PC-SR001 User's Reference Manual

Covers Model: Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
Part Number: LUM0077AA
Revision: Sep-2018
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
Safety Information
The products described in this manual can fail in a variety of modes due to misuse, age, or malfunction and is not designed or intended for used in systems requiring fail-safe performance, including life safety systems. Systems with the products must be designed to prevent personal injury and property damage during product operation and in the event of product failure.
Warning! Verify power is OFF before connecting or disconnecting the interface or RF cables.
Warranty Information
FreeWave Technologies, Inc. warrants the FreeWave® ZumLink Z9-PC or Z9-PC-SR001 (Product) that you have purchased against defects in materials and manufacturing for a period of two years from the date of shipment, depending on model number. In the event of a Product failure due to materials or workmanship, FreeWave will, at its discretion, repair or replace the Product. For evaluation of Warranty coverage, return the Product to FreeWave upon receiving a Return Material Authorization (RMA). The replacement product will remain under warranty for 90 days or the remainder of the original product warranty period, whichever is longer.
FreeWave’s Warranty does not apply in the following circumstances:
1. If Product repair, adjustments, or parts replacements are required due to accident, neglect, or undue physical, electrical, or electromagnetic stress.
2. If Product is used outside of FreeWave specifications as stated in the Product's data sheet.
3. If Product has been modified, repaired, or altered by Customer unless FreeWave specifically authorized such alterations in each instance in writing. Where applicable, this includes the addition of conformal coating.
Warning! The Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 are sold as a multi-board solution, assembled at the FreeWave factory. Any alteration, including the separation of the individual boards, voids the FreeWave warranty.
FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
5395 Pearl Parkway, Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301
Toll Free: 1.866.923.6168
Fax: 303.786.9948
Copyright © 2018 by FreeWave Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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and contains proprietary information owned by FreeWave. This document cannot be reproduced in whole or in
part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
Table of Contents
Preface 12
1. Overview 14
1.1. Communication Method 15
1.2. ZumBoost Technology 15
1.2.1. Adaptive Spectrum Learning 15
1.2.2. Forward Error Correction 15
1.2.3. Packet Aggregation 15
1.2.4. Packet Compression 16
1.3. ZumIQ Application Environment 16
2. Included & User-supplied Equipment 17
2.1. Included Equipment 17
2.2. User-supplied Equipment 17
3. Port Connections and Pinout Assignments 18
3.1. Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 Port Connections 19
3.2. Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 COM1 and COM2 Pinout Assignments 20
Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 J4 Power / Ethernet Pinout Assignments 22
4. Installation 24
4.1. Power Setup 25
4.2. Installation 25
5. Firmware Upgrade 27
5.1. Download the Upgrade File 28
5.2. Upgrade Summary - v1.1.01 31
5.2.1. Downgrade 31
5.2.2. Upgrade 31
5.2.3. Upgrade from Firmware v1.0.7.0 32
5.2.4. Upgrade from Firmware v1.0.6.0 32
5.2.5. Upgrade from Firmware v1.0.4.3 (Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001) 33
5.2.6. Upgrade from Firmware v1.0.4.2 (Z9-P and Z9-PE) 33
5.3. Firmware Upgrade - Drag and Drop 34
5.4. Firmware Upgrade - Web Interface 40
5.4.1. Setup the Computer IP Address Configuration 41
5.4.2. Install the Upgrade File using the Web Interface 45
6. Configuration 51
6.1. Drag and Drop Configuration - ZumLink 52
6.2. Drag and Drop Configuration - ZumIQ 58
6.3. CLI Configuration 64
6.3.1. Connect the Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 to the Computer 64
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
6.3.2. Tera Term Activation and ZumLink Setup 65
6.3.3. Tera Term Activation and ZumIQ Setup 70
6.4. Web Interface Configuration 74
6.4.1. Connect the Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 to the Computer 75
6.4.2. Setup the Computer IP Address Configuration 76
6.4.3. Web Interface Configuration - Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 80
7. Creating a Basic ZumLink Gateway and Endpoint Network 84
8. ZumIQ Application Environment 86
8.1. Optional: Download the ZumIQ Application Environment 87
8.2. Optional: Drag and Drop - Installation of ZumIQ Application Environment 89
8.3. Optional: Web Interface - Installation of ZumIQ Application Environment 92
8.4. Activating ZumIQ 97
8.5. Verify ZumIQ Activation 99
8.6. Using ZumIQ as DEVUSER 101
9. Web Interface Administration 103
9.1. Access the Web Interface 104
9.2. Change the COM Parameters 106
9.3. Change the Data Path Parameters 110
9.4. Change the Encryption Parameters 113
9.5. Change the Local Diagnostics 116
9.6. Change the Network Parameters 119
9.7. Change the NTP Parameters 122
9.8. Change the Radio Settings Parameters - Endpoints 125
9.9. Change the Radio Settings Parameters - Endpoint-Repeaters 129
9.10. Change the Radio Settings Parameters - Gateways 133
9.11. Change the Radio Settings Parameters - Gateway-Repeaters 137
9.12. Change the Security Parameters 141
9.13. Change the Services Parameters 144
9.14. Change the SNMP Parameters 147
9.15. Change the System Info Parameters 150
9.16. Change the Terminal Server Relay Parameters 153
10. Change the Passwords 156
10.1. Change the ADMIN Password 157
10.2. Change the DEVUSER Password 157
11. IP Filtering 158
11.0.1. Example: Network Topology with Traffic at the Gateway 162
12. Repeaters 163
12.1. Repeater - Setup Table 165
12.1.1. Hopping OFF Repeater Setup 165
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
12.1.2. Hopping ON Repeater Setup 166
12.2. Basic Gateway and Endpoint-Repeater Setup 168
12.2.1. Open a Terminal Emulator Application 169
12.2.2. Hopping On: Gateway and Endpoint-Repeater Setup 172
12.2.3. Hopping Off: Gateway and Endpoint-Repeater Setup 174
12.3. Repeater - Examples 176
12.3.1. Gateway-Repeater 177
12.3.2. Endpoint-Repeater 178
12.3.3. Multiple Repeaters: Gateway-Repeater and Endpoint-Repeater 179
12.3.4. Multiple Repeaters: Four Endpoint-Repeaters 180
13. Approved Antennas 181
13.0.1. Omni-Directional Antennas 181
13.0.2. Directional Antennas 181
13.0.3. Alternative Antennas 182
14. COM Parameters 183
14.1. baudrate 184
14.2. breakBeforeSendUs 184
14.3. connectionDrops 185
14.4. databits 186
14.5. delayBeforeSendMs 186
14.6. duplex 187
14.7. flowControl 188
14.8. handler 188
14.9. mode 190
14.10. parity 191
14.11. RxBytes 191
14.12. stopbits 192
14.13. TerminalServerPort 192
14.14. TerminalServerTimeOut 193
14.15. TxBytes 194
15. config Parameters 196
15.1. addTraceMask 197
15.2. factoryDefaults 197
15.3. getCurrentConfig 197
15.4. handleDragDrop 197
15.5. licenseState 197
15.6. loadConfig 198
15.7. removeTraceMask 198
15.8. reset 198
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
15.9. restore 199
15.10. save 200
16. dataPath Parameters 201
16.1. aggregateEnabled 202
16.2. compressionEnabled 203
16.3. fecRate 204
16.4. MacTableEntryAgeTimeout 206
16.5. otaMaxFragmentSize 207
16.6. routeMinSignalMarginThresh 207
17. date Parameters 209
17.1. dcAppStartTime 210
17.2. dcAppUptime 210
17.3. time 211
17.4. timeString 211
17.5. upTime 212
17.6. upTimeString 212
18. encryption Parameters 214
18.1. activeKey 215
18.2. encryptionMode 215
18.3. getKey 216
18.4. remoteRestore 217
18.5. remoteSave 217
18.6. setKey 217
19. localDiagnostics Parameters 219
19.1. signalLevel 220
19.2. signalMargin 220
19.3. cntBadBCC 221
19.4. cntBadSync 221
19.5. cntETX 221
19.6. cntSTX 221
19.7. getStats 221
19.8. interfaceBytesRx 222
19.9. interfaceBytesTx 222
19.10. interfaceDataRx 222
19.11. interfaceDataTx 222
19.12. MacTableClear 223
19.13. MacTableShow 223
19.14. monitoredNode 224
19.15. noiseLevel 224
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
19.16. RadioAckTx 225
19.17. RadioBadAckRx 225
19.18. RadioBadCRC 226
19.19. RadioBadSync 226
19.20. RadioContentionDrop 227
19.21. RadioLLRx 227
19.22. RadioLLTx 228
19.23. RadioNoAckTx 229
19.24. RadioReliableRx 229
19.25. RadioReliableTx 229
19.26. RadioRexmit 229
19.27. RadioRx 229
19.28. RadioSendingDrop 230
19.29. RadioTimedOut 230
19.30. RadioTooLong 230
19.31. RadioTooShort 230
19.32. RadioTx 230
19.33. resetsDetected 231
19.34. resetSent 231
19.35. resetStats 231
19.36. RxSuccess 232
19.37. showChannelDiags 232
19.38. showNodeDiags 233
19.39. timestamp 233
19.40. TxAvailability 234
19.41. TxSuccess 235
19.42. VSWR 235
20. network Parameters 237
20.1. gateway 238
20.2. ip_address 238
20.3. mac_address 239
20.4. MTU 239
20.5. nameserver_address1 240
20.6. nameserver_address2 241
20.7. netmask 241
20.8. netmaskFilterEnabled 242
20.9. stpEnabled 243
20.10. txqueuelen 244
21. networkStats Parameters 245
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
21.1. rx_bytes 246
21.2. rx_dropped 246
21.3. rx_errors 247
21.4. rx_packets 247
21.5. tx_bytes 248
21.6. tx_dropped 248
21.7. tx_errors 249
21.8. tx_packets 249
22. NTP Parameters 250
22.1. ntp_address 251
22.2. ntpDate 252
22.3. ntpReference 252
22.4. ntpRestart 253
23. radioSettings Parameters 254
23.1. beaconBurstCount 255
23.2. beaconInterval 256
23.3. frequencyKey 257
23.4. frequencyMasks 259
23.5. lnaBypass 261
23.6. maxLinkDistanceinMiles 262
23.7. networkId 263
23.8. nodeId 264
23.9. radioFrequency 265
23.10. radioHoppingMode 267
23.11. radioMaxRepeaters 269
23.12. radioMode 272
23.13. radioRepeaterSlot 273
23.14. rfDataRate 274
23.15. txPower 277
24. radioSettingsHelpers Parameters 279
24.1. frequencyMasksErrors 280
24.2. rCli 280
24.3. resetRadio 280
24.4. setAllRadioSettings 280
24.5. syncSettingsFromRadio 280
25. runtimeEnvironment Parameters 281
25.1. rteInstalledByAppsVersion 282
25.2. rteReset 282
25.3. rteTemplateVersion 283
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
25.4. rteVersion 284
26. security Parameters 285
26.1. enableEthernetLogin 286
26.2. enablePtpInterface 286
27. services Parameters 288
27.1. timeOutCli 289
28. SNMP Parameters 290
28.1. roCommunityName 291
28.2. rwCommunityName 291
28.3. snmpUser 292
28.4. v1Enabled 293
28.5. v2cEnabled 294
28.6. v3Enabled 294
29. system Parameters 296
29.1. dump 297
29.2. dumpFormat 297
29.3. dumpPage 298
29.4. dumpTag 299
29.5. dumpTopic 299
29.6. filter 299
29.7. help 300
29.8. login 300
29.9. logout 300
29.10. modbusLayout 301
29.11. pages 301
29.12. password 301
29.13. passwordRestoreDefaults 302
29.14. showLayout 303
29.15. tags 303
29.16. whoami 303
30. systemInfo Parameters 304
30.1. deviceConfiguration 305
30.2. deviceFirmwareVersion 305
30.3. deviceId 306
30.4. deviceModel 306
30.5. deviceName 307
30.6. hopTableVersion 307
30.7. layoutHash 308
30.8. licenses 308
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
30.9. modelCode 309
30.10. radioFirmwareVersion 310
30.11. radioModel 310
30.12. radioModelCode 311
30.13. radioSerialNumber 311
30.14. resetInfo 312
30.15. rteTemplateVersion 312
30.16. rteVersion 312
30.17. serialNumber 313
31. TerminalServerRelay Parameters 314
31.1. remote_termserv_ip_address 315
31.2. termserv_relay_mapping 315
32. Examples - Terminal Server Relay 318
32.1. Connected Terminal Servers and Terminal Server Relay 319
32.9. Example: Multicast 327
33. Web Interface 328
33.1. COM window 329
33.2. Config window 331
33.3. Data Path window 333
33.4. Date window 335
33.5. Encryption window 337
33.6. File Upload window 339
33.7. Help window 341
33.8. Home window 343
33.9. Local Diagnostics window 344
33.9.1. Upper Half 345
33.9.2. Lower Half 346
33.10. Network window 347
33.11. Network Diagnostics window 349
33.12. Network Stats window 351
33.13. NTP window 353
33.14. Radio Settings window 355
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
33.14.1. Gateway Radio Mode 356
33.14.2. Endpoint Radio Mode 357
33.15. Radio Settings Helpers window 358
33.16. Runtime Environment window 360
33.17. Security window 361
33.18. Services window 363
33.19. SNMP window 365
33.20. System Info window 367
33.21. Terminal Server Relay window 369
33.22. User Data - Drag and Drop window 371
34. Release Notes 373
34.1. Version 1.1.01 373
34.2. Version 377
34.3. Version (Initial Release) 380
35. Mechanical Drawing - Z9-PC 381
35.1. Z9-PC 381
35.2. Z9-PC-SR001 382
36. Hop Tables 383
36.1. Standard Hop Set - ZumLink 900MHz Channels 384
36.1.1. RF Data Rate: 115.2 kbps 384
36.1.2. RF Data Rate: 250 kbps 385
36.1.3. RF Data Rate: 500 kbps 385
36.1.4. RF Data Rate: 1 Mbps 386
36.1.5. RF Data Rate: 1.5 Mbps 386
36.1.6. RF Data Rate: 4 Mbps 387
37. ZumLink MIB 388
37.1. CPU Usage 389
37.2. Disk Usage 390
37.3. Memory Usage 392
37.4. FreeWave Technologies-MIB 394
37.5. SNMP Write Access 410
Appendix A: Technical Specifications 412
Appendix B: LEDs 416
Normal Operation 416
Z9-PC-SR001 RJ-45 Ethernet Connector LEDs 417
Appendix C: Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 Files and Descriptions 418
Appendix D: FreeWave Legal Information 420
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual


Contact FreeWave Technical Support
For up-to-date troubleshooting information, check the Support page at
FreeWave provides technical support Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time (GMT -7).
l Call toll-free at 1.866.923.6168.
l In Colorado, call 303.381.9200.
l Contact us through e-mail at
Additional Information
Note: Use the website to download the latest documentation for Z9-
PC / Z9-PC-SR001. Registration is required to use this website.
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

1. Overview

Thank you for purchasing the FreeWave Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001.
ZumLink is the latest generation of radios offered by FreeWave and consists of enclosed and board level radios.
l Z9-PC is a board level 900MHz OEM Ethernet radio module.
l Z9-PC-SR001 is a board level 900MHz OEM Ethernet radio module with an RJ-45
Ethernet connector.
The Z9-PC or Z9-PC-SR001 are radio modules ideally suited for OEM applications where it will be embedded in the OEM product. It is built with the smallest possible footprint and with minimal industry standard physical connectivity. The intent is for the user to design their own custom interface to the radio module.
The interface board in the Z9-PC-DEVKIT is not intended to be used in the field. Rather it is a temporary mechanism to allow a user to evaluate the radio modules without needing to first design their own interface. If the user desires a ZumLink Ethernet product that has industry standard connectivity built-in, models Z9-P or Z9-PE should be considered.
The Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 900MHz Series:
l Operates in the unlicensed 900MHz ISM band (902-928 MHz).
l Provides a maximum of 30dBm transmit output power.
l Is FCC compliant as both a Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) and a Digital
Modulating (DM) radio.
l Provides ZumIQ, a Linux-based application environment for the deployment of applications
at the edge
l Has one Ethernet port, two serial ports, and one micro USB port.
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1. Overview
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
Note: The frequency hopping capability is available at all bandwidths and the single channel (DM) operation is available for bandwidths of at least 500 kHz.

1.1. Communication Method

ZumLink uses Listen Before Talk (LBT) and Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) where there are no assigned slots. The radios transmit when the channel is clear.
l The Gateway broadcasts packets to all Endpoints within range.
l The Endpoints unicast packets back to the Gateway.
l The Gateway acknowledges the Endpoint packets.
FreeWave’s traditional protocol has a Gateway Time Slot and an Endpoint Time Slot within a frame.
l The Gateway transmits in its slot and listens in the Endpoint slot.
l The Endpoint transmits its slot and listens in the Gateway slot.

1.2. ZumBoost Technology

ZumLink incorporates ZumBoost technology using four performance-enhancing algorithms used
together or independently to improve throughput in the most demanding RF environments:

1.2.1. Adaptive Spectrum Learning

l Learns which RF signals are part of the ZumLink network and which are not, reducing bad
packets and retransmissions.
l Standard on all ZumLink radios, the "Listen Before Talk" algorithm provides spectrum
monitoring, delivering network intelligence and increasing throughputs in noisy environments.

1.2.2. Forward Error Correction

l The fecRate (on page 204) increases the reliability of the data transferred over the air at the
cost of some transmission throughput.
l Improves sensitivity by 3dB to maximize range and link range in noisy environments.
l Adds redundant information to a data stream to detect packet errors and corrects them to
avoid retransmission of the packet.

1.2.3. Packet Aggregation

l The aggregateEnabled (on page 202) setting increases throughput of small packets by
combining multiple packets into a single packet minimizing the number of packets required for transmission.
l Does NOT affect medium and large packets.
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1. Overview
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

1.2.4. Packet Compression

l When the compressionEnabled (on page 203) setting is enabled, the outgoing packets are
analyzed and, if the data packet can be compressed, sent compressed to transmit fewer bits over the air.

1.3. ZumIQ Application Environment

ZumLink provides the ZumIQ Application Environment that allows for the development and deployment of Linux-based applications onto the radio. The application has access to the same computing resources as the radio but is in a segregated section of the Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001.
Note: Any application using a Linux-compatible language can be housed in ZumIQ.
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part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
Included Equipment
Qty Description
1 Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 wireless device.
1 Power Cable with flying leads
1 Quick Start Guide
User & Reference Manual

2. Included & User-supplied Equipment

2.1. Included Equipment

2.2. User-supplied Equipment

l Interface / Power Cables
l USB to micro-USB cable
l FCC approved antenna **
l Computer
Note: **See Approved Antennas (on page 181) for detailed information. Approved antennas can be purchased directly from FreeWave.
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

3. Port Connections and Pinout Assignments

Port Connections
l Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 Port Connections (on page 19)
Pinout Assignments
l Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 COM1 and COM2 Pinout Assignments (on page 20)
l Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 J4 Power / Ethernet Pinout Assignments (on page 22)
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3. Port Connections and Pinout Assignments User & Reference Manual

3.1. Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 Port Connections

Important!: The RJ-45 connector is NOT installed on the Z9-PC.
Warning! The Micro-USB Connector shield is connected to a Common Ground NOT a
Chassis Ground.
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
Figure 1: Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 Port Connections
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3. Port Connections and Pinout Assignments
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 Serial Port Pinout Assignments
Pin Number RS232 Description
1 NC Do Not Connect
2 CD --- (O) Carrier detect output
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

3.2. Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 COM1 and COM2 Pinout Assignments

Figure 2: Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001Pinout Assignments
Note: The information in the table refers to the Serial Ports in Figure 2.
l (I) - Input
l (O) - Output
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part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
3. Port Connections and Pinout Assignments
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 Serial Port Pinout Assignments
Pin Number RS232 Description
3 RTS --- (I) Request to send input
4 TXD --- (O) Transmit data output
5 CTS --- (O) Clear to send output
6 RXD --- (I) Receive data input
7 GND Ground
8 DTR --- (I) Data terminal ready input
9 NC Do Not Connect
10 GND Ground
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
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3. Port Connections and Pinout Assignments
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

Z9-PC and Z9-PC-SR001 J4 Power / Ethernet Pinout Assignments

Figure 3: Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001J4-Power / EthernetPinout Assignments
Note: The information in the table refers to the Serial Ports in Figure 3.
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part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
3. Port Connections and Pinout Assignments
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001J4-Power / EthernetPinout Assignments
Pin Number Assignment Signal Description
1 B+ (Power Input) Input +5 to +12 VDC (±10%)
2 GND GND Ground
3 NC Do Not Connect Reserved for future use.
4 NC Do Not Connect Reserved for future use.
5 GND GND Ground
6 RX- Input Receive minus line for Ethernet
7 RX+ Input Receive plus line for Ethernet
8 GND GND Ground
9 TX- Output Transmit minus line for Ethernet
10 TX+ Output Transmit plus line for Ethernet
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
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Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

4. Installation

l Power Setup (on page 25)
l Installation (on page 25)
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4. Installation
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

4.1. Power Setup

l The Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 is approved to operate with an input voltage range of +5 to +12
VDC (±10%) that can supply at least 0.8 Amps.
l See the Technical Specifications (on page 412) for additional information.
FREEWAVE Recommends: All input power supply wires should be at least 20AWG wires. A dedicated and stable power supply line is preferred. The power supply used MUST provide more current than the amount of current drain listed in the specifications for the product and voltage. (at least 350 mA at 12V)
Warning! Use electrostatic discharge (ESD) protectors to protect the radio from electric shock and provide filtered conditioned power with over-voltage protection.

4.2. Installation

1. Install an FCC-approved antenna.
2. Connect the antenna feed line to the ZumLink.
Warning! Only FCC approved antennas may be used. See Approved Antennas (on
page 181).
The antenna must be professionally installed on a fixed, mounted, and permanent outdoor structure to satisfy RF exposure requirements. Any antenna placed outdoors must be properly grounded. Use extreme caution when installing antennas and follow all instructions included with the antenna.
If installing a directional antenna, preset the antenna’s direction appropriately.
3. Connect the Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 to a power supply.
Note: Power is shared on the Ethernet / Power 10-pin header.
Note: The Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 is approved to operate with an input voltage range of +5 to
+12 VDC (±10%) that can supply at least 0.8 Amps.
FREEWAVE Recommends: All input power supply wires should be at least 20AWG wires. A dedicated and stable power supply line is preferred. The power supply used MUST provide more current than the amount of current drain listed in the specifications for the product and voltage.
The LED lights blink to show startup.
Note: See LEDs (on page 416) for more information.
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part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
4. Installation
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
4. Connect the USB cable to the computer and the Micro USB end to the Z9-PC / Z9-PC­SR001. The FreeWave Drivers and ZumLink windows may open.
Important!: The USB does NOT power the Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001. It only provides a
configuration interface.
The FreeWave Drivers and ZumLink windows may open.
Figure 4: AutoPlay FreeWave Drivers window
Important!: The driver installs automatically.
Figure 5: ZumLink window
5. Optional: Use the Ethernet port for data communications.
6. Continue with:
l Firmware Upgrade (on page 27)
l Drag and Drop Configuration - ZumLink (on page 52)
l CLI Configuration (on page 64)
l Web Interface Configuration (on page 74)
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and contains proprietary information owned by FreeWave. This document cannot be reproduced in whole or in
part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual

5. Firmware Upgrade

Important!: The Download procedure must be completed first.
These are the basic steps to upgrade the Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 firmware:
A. Download the Upgrade File (on page 28)
B. Optional: Download the ZumIQ Application Environment (on page 87)
C. Review the Upgrade Summary - v1.1.01 (on page 31) to know which files are used to
upgrade from a previous firmware version.
D. Complete either the:
Firmware Upgrade - Drag and Drop (on page 34) or Firmware Upgrade - Web Interface (on page 40)
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and contains proprietary information owned by FreeWave. This document cannot be reproduced in whole or in
part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
5. Firmware Upgrade

5.1. Download the Upgrade File

Note: The images in this procedure are for Windows® 10 and/or Firefox®.
The dialog boxes and windows appear differently on each computer.
1. Click The Login window opens.
Important!: Registration is required to use this website.
2. Enter the User Name and Password.
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
Figure 6: FreeWave Login window
Click . A successful Login message briefly appears. The Help Topics window opens.
4. Click the Firmware link. (Figure 7)
Figure 7: Help Topics window
The Firmware window opens.
5. Click the ZumLink Firmware link. (Figure 8)
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and contains proprietary information owned by FreeWave. This document cannot be reproduced in whole or in
part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
5. Firmware Upgrade
The available firmware/software appears in the window. (Figure 9)
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
Figure 8: Firmware window
Figure 9: Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 Firmware window
6. Click the firmware/software link. The Firmware Upgrade window opens.
7. Select and click the Firmware_v1_1_0_1 attachment. (Figure 10)
Figure 10: Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001 Firmware Upgrade window with
selected Firmware v1_1_0_1 Attachment
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and contains proprietary information owned by FreeWave. This document cannot be reproduced in whole or in
part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
5. Firmware Upgrade
The Opening dialog box opens. (Figure 11)
8. Click OK. The Enter name of file to save to dialog box opens. (Figure 12)
Z9-PC / Z9-PC-SR001
User & Reference Manual
Figure 11: Opening Firmware dialog box
Figure 12: Enter name of file to save to dialog box
9. Search for and select a location to save the .zip file to and click Save. The Enter name of file to save to dialog box closes.
10. Either:
a. Continue with Optional: Download the ZumIQ Application Environment (on page 87) or
b. Open a Windows® Explorer window and find the location where the Firmware v1_1_ file was saved.
11. Double-click the .zip file.
12. Extract the files from the .zip file into the parent location.
Note: The .zip file includes the .pkg and .fcf files used in the upgrade process.
13. Continue with Upgrade Summary - v1.1.01 (on page 31).
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and contains proprietary information owned by FreeWave. This document cannot be reproduced in whole or in
part by any means without written permission from FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
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