FreeWave WavePro WP201-100 User Manual

WavePro™ WP201 Access Point
For Model: - 100
User Manual
Part Number: LUM0073AA Revision: Feb-2017
Safety Information
The products described in this manual can fail in a variety of modes due to misuse, age, or malfunction. Systems with these products must be designed to prevent personal injury and property damage during product operation and in the event of product failure.
FreeWave Technologies, Inc. warrants the FreeWave® Wireless Data Radio (Product) against defects in materials and manufacturing for a period of one year from the date of shipment, depending on model number. In the event of a Product failure due to materials or workmanship, FreeWave® will, at its discretion, repair or replace the Product. For evaluation of Warranty coverage, return the Product to FreeWave® upon receiving a Return Material Authorization (RMA).
In no event will FreeWave Technologies, Inc., its suppliers, or its licensors be liable for any damages arising from the use of or inability to use this Product. This includes business interruption, loss of business information, or other loss which may arise from the use of this Product.
Warranty Policy will not apply in the following circumstances:
1. If Product repair, adjustments, or parts replacements are required due to accident, neglect, or undue physical, electrical, or electromagnetic stress.
2. If Product is used outside of FreeWave® specifications as stated in the Product's data sheet.
3. If Product has been modified, repaired, or altered by Customer unless FreeWave® specifically authorized such alterations in each instance in writing.
WP201-100 Return Material Authorization (RMA) Policy and Procedures
This policy describes the responsibilities and procedures of the Customer and FreeWave when a WP201-100 Product return is required.
When a request for a WP201-100 Product replacement has been verified by FreeWave’s Customer Support, FreeWave’s policy for processing the device returned due to a fault is to replace the device with a new or refurbished device upon receipt of the reported faulty product.
FreeWave's RMA policy is subject to change without notice.
In-Warranty Replacement Procedure
1. Customer contacts FreeWave Customer Support to report the non-functioning WP201-100 Product.
2. FreeWave Customer Support:
a. Verifies that a Product replacement is the appropriate action. b. Issues a FreeWave RMA number.
3. The Customer pays the shipping costs to return the WP201-100 Product to FreeWave.
4. FreeWave sends a new or refurbished WP201-100 Product to the Customer.
Important!: Any visual or external damage noted on a returned Product may void the warranty.
This will be communicated back to the customer and a Purchase Order (PO) will be requested from the customer for Product replacement.
FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
5395 Pearl Parkway, Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301
Toll Free: 1.866.923.6168
Fax: 303.786.9948
Copyright © 2017 by FreeWave Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
Table of Contents
Preface 8
1. WP201-100 Overview 10
1.1. Assumptions 11
1.2. WP201-100 Included Equipment 11
1.3. User-supplied Equipment 13
1.4. WP201-100 Hardware Layout 14
1.4.1. Front of the WP201-100 14
1.4.2. Back of the WP201-100 15
1.4.3. Left Side of the WP201-100 16
1.4.4. Bottom of the WP201-100 16
1.4.5. Right Side of the WP201-100 17
2. Installation and Setup 18
2.1. Connect to the WP201-100 Access Point 19
2.2. Setup the Computer IP Address Configuration 21
2.3. Access the WP201-100 24
2.4. Changethe Wireless Mode 25
2.5. Wall Mounting Installation - WP201-100 28
2.6. Pole Mounting Installation - WP201-100 32
2.6.1. Included Equipment 32
2.6.2. User Supplied Equipment 32
3. Configuring the WP201-100 36
3.1. Access Point Configuration 37
3.2. Mesh-AP or Mesh-Only Configuration 42
3.3. WDS - Access Point Configuration 48
3.4. WDS - Bridge Configuration 55
3.5. WDS - Station Configuration 61
4. Testing and Discovery 66
4.1. Discover Devices Connected to the WP201-100 67
4.2. Run a Ping Test 68
4.3. Run a SpeedTest 69
4.4. Run a Traceroute Test 70
5. Backup, Restore, and Upgrade the WP201-100 71
5.1. Reset tab Procedures 71
5.2. Firmware window Procedures 71
5.3. Reboot the WP201-100 72
5.4. Restore the WP201-100 Factory Defaults 73
5.5. Restore to User Defaults 75
5.6. Backup WP201-100 Factory Settings 76
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FreeWave Technologies, Inc.
5.7. Backup the WP201-100User Settings as the Default 78
5.8. Reset to the WP201-100 Defaults 79
5.9. Restore the WP201-100 to Factory New Settings 81
5.10. Restore the WP201-100 to the User Default 83
5.11. Upgrade the WP201-100 Firmware 84
5.11.1. Download the UpgradeFile 84
5.11.2. Install the Upgrade File 87
6. Viewing Information 90
6.1. Scanning for Access Points 91
6.2. View the WP201-100 Log Information 92
6.3. Viewing WP201-100 Connection Information 93
6.4. View the WP201-100 Device Status 94
7. Administration 95
7.1. Changing the WP201-100 Account Password 96
7.2. Fast Roaming Activation 97
7.3. Guest Network Settings - Activate and Define 100
7.4. Define a Guest Network Security Mode 102
7.5. Define a WPA-Enterprise Security Mode 105
7.6. Define a WPA-PSK Security Mode 107
7.7. Email Alert - Activate and Define 109
7.8. Reboot Schedule- Activate and Define 111
7.9. Remote Log Activation 113
7.10. Set the WP201-100 Time 114
7.10.1. Manually Set the Date and Time 114
7.10.2. Automatically Set the Date and Time 115
7.10.3. Set the WP201-100 Time Zone 115
7.11. Setup IPv4 Static IP Settings 117
7.12. Setup of IPv6 Settings 119
7.13. SNMP Settings - Activate andDefine 121
7.14. Spanning Tree Settings - Activate and Define 123
7.15. SSH and HTTPS Settings Activation 125
7.16. WiFi Scheduler - Activate andDefine 126
7.17. Wireless MAC Filter - Activate and Define 128
7.18. Wireless Traffic Shaping - Activate and Define 130
7.19. Canceling Unsaved Changes in the WP201-100 132
8. Examples of WP201-100 Networks 133
8.1. Access Point Mode 134
8.2. Mesh-AP Mode 135
8.3. Mesh-Only Mode 136
8.4. Wireless Distribution System (WDS) - AP Mode 137
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
8.5. Wireless Distribution System (WDS) - Bridge Mode 138
8.6. Wireless Distribution System (WDS) - Station Mode 139
9. WP201-100 Software Environment 140
9.1. WP201-100 Window Components 141
9.1.1. Tabs 141 Changes tab 141 Reset tab 141 Logout tab 141
9.1.2. WP201-100 Access Panel 142
9.2. Account window 143
9.3. Advanced window 144
9.3.1. SNMP Settings area 145
9.3.2. Telnet, SSH and HTTPS Setting areas 148
9.3.3. Email Alert area 150
9.4. Basic window 152
9.4.1. IPv4 Settings area 153
9.4.2. IPv6 Settings area 154
9.4.3. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Settings area 156
9.5. Connections window 158
9.5.1. Connection window - Default 158
9.5.2. Connections window - Mesh 160
9.5.3. Connections window - WDS Access Point (AP) 161
9.5.4. Connections window - WDS Bridge 162
9.5.5. Connections window - WDS Station 164
9.6. Device Status window 165
9.6.1. Device Information area 165
9.6.2. LAN Information area 167
9.6.3. Wireless LAN Information area 169
9.6.4. Wireless Mesh Informationareas 171
9.6.5. Statistics area 172
9.7. Firmware window 173
9.8. Log window 175
9.9. Reboot or Restore window 177
9.10. Site Survey window 178
9.11. Time Zone window 179
9.12. Tools window 181
9.12.1. Ping Test Parameters area 182
9.12.2. Traceroute Test Parameters area 183
9.12.3. Speed Test Parameters area 184
9.12.4. Device Discovery area 185
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9.13. Unsaved window 186
9.14. WiFi Scheduler window 187
9.14.1. Auto Reboot Settings area 188
9.14.2. WiFi Scheduler area 189
9.15. Wireless window 191
9.15.1. Wireless Settings area 192
9.15.2. Operation Mode area 193
9.15.3. Wireless Settings area 197
9.15.4. Wireless Settings area - OperationMode = WDS Station 199
9.15.5. Mesh and Mesh Advanced Settings areas 200
9.15.6. WDS Link Settings area 202 WDS Link Settings area for WDS Bridge with WEP Security 203
9.15.7. Guest Network Settings area 204
9.15.8. Fast Handover, Management VLAN Settings, and Cross Band VLAN Pass Through areas 206
9.16. Wireless Edit dialog box 208
9.16.1. Wireless Security area 209 Security Mode = WEP 209 Security Mode = WPA-PSK 209 Security Mode = WPA-Enterprise 211
9.16.2. Fast Roamingarea 213
9.16.3. Wireless MAC Filter area 214
9.16.4. Wireless Traffic Shapingarea 215
9.17. Wireless Edit dialog box - WDS Station Mode 216 Operation Mode = WDS Station / Security Mode = WEP 216 Operation Mode = WDS Station / Security Mode = WPA(2)-PSK 216 Operation Mode = WDS Station / Security Mode = WPA(2)-Enterprise 218
9.18. Wireless Edit dialog box - Guest Network 220
9.19. Microsoft® Enter name of file to save to dialogbox 222
9.20. Microsoft® File Upload dialog box 223
9.21. Microsoft® Opening Backup dialog box 224
10. WP201-100 CLI List 225
10.1. Primary Commands 225
10.2. Status Commands 226
10.3. System Commands 227
10.4. 2.4GHz Wireless Commands 228
10.5. 5GHz Wireless Commands 231
10.6. WP201-100 Management Commands 234
11. WP201-100 Factory Defaults 239
11.1. Account Settings 240
11.2. FirmwareUpgrade Settings 240
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
11.3. Log Settings 240
11.4. Management Settings 240
11.4.1. Email Alert 240
11.4.2. HTTPS Setting 241
11.4.3. SNMP Setting 241
11.4.4. SNMPv3 Settings 241
11.4.5. SSH Setting 241
11.4.6. TrapDestination 242
11.4.7. Telnet Setting 242
11.5. Network - Basic Settings 242
11.6. Network - Wireless Settings 242
11.6.1. 2.4GHz 242
11.6.2. 5GHz 243
11.6.3. Fast Handover 244
11.6.4. Guest Network Settings 244
11.6.5. Mesh Advanced Settings 244
11.6.6. 2.4GHz Mesh Settings 244
11.6.7. 5GHz Mesh Settings 245
11.6.8. WDS AP / Bridge 245
11.6.9. WDS Station 245
11.6.10. Wireless Settings 245
11.6.11. Wireless Setting - 2.4GHz 246
11.6.12. Wireless Setting - 5GHz 247
11.7. Time Zone Settings 248
11.8. Tools Settings 248
11.9. WiFi Scheduler Settings 249
12. WP201-100 Release Notes 250
12.1. Version 2.1.3 250
12.2. Version 252
12.3. Version 252
13. WaveProWP201-100 IP Address Recovery 253
13.1. Wireshark® - Network Sniffer IP Address Recovery 253
13.2. SuperScan v3.0 - Port-scan Tool IP Address Recovery 254
Appendix A: WP201-100 Technical Specifications 256
Appendix B: WP201-100 Available Accessories 260
Appendix C: FreeWave Legal Information 261
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual


Where to Find Additional Information
Use the WP201-100 website,, to download the latest version of the Quick Start Guide.
Contact FreeWave Technical Support
For up-to-date troubleshooting information, check the Support page at FreeWave provides technical support Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain
Time (GMT -7).
l Call toll-free at 1.866.923.6168. l In Colorado, call 303.381.9200. l Contact us through e-mail at
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual

1. WP201-100 Overview

Thank you for purchasing the WavePro WP201 Access Point. The FreeWave WP201-100 is a high-powered, long-range, 3x3 Dual-Band, Wireless,
802.11ac/a/b/g/n Outdoor Access Point. It can be configured as:
l an AccessPoint. l a B.A.T.M.A.N. Mesh (Mesh-AP or Mesh-Only). l a Wireless Distribution System (WDS-AP, Station, or Bridge).
The FreeWave WP201-100:
l is easyto installin almost any location with its PoE (Power over Ethernet) Injector for quick
outdoor installation.
l enables network administrators to control its transmit power and feature settings for
selecting narrow bandwidths and traffic shaping.
l supports wireless encryption including Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA-PSK/ WPA2-PSK)
Encryption, and IEEE 802.1x with RADIUS.
The WP201-100is designed to operate in a variety of outdoor environments and:
l SupportsIEEE 802.11ac/a/b/g/nwireless standards with a maximum speed of:
l 450Mbps data rate on a 2.4GHz frequencyband under 802.11b/g/n mode. l 1300Mbps data rate on a 5GHz band under 802.11ac/a/n mode for communicating to
and from 5GHz capable computers, tablets or smart phones or transferring files.
Example: Several WP201-100 Access Points can be deployed in a campus setting using the 5GHz band as a backhaul to provide multiple 2.4GHz wireless cells for computers or mobile devices in common outdoor areas.
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1. WP201-100 Overview
Included Equipment
Qty Description
1 WP201-100 Quick Start Guide 1 WP201-100 Access Point 1 Mounting Bracket A 1 PoE+ Injector B 1 Mounting Kit Package (includes screws, masonry wedge anchor bolts) C
l A maximum of 29dBm transmit power, enablinglong range connectivity.
l The WavePro WP201 covered in this document has a maximum combined transmitted
output power of: 23dBm for FCC ID KNYPRW5000AA and 29dBm for FCC ID KNYPRW5000AB.
l There are three detachable:
l 5dBi 2.4GHz omni-directional antennas.
l 7dBi 5GHz omni-directionalantennas. l Mesh Supported (2.4GHz and 5GHz). l Compatible with 802.3at - capable switches or injectors. l Band Steering dynamicallyshifts Dual Band clientsto 5GHz for better throughput
l SecuredGuest Network option available
l Maximum data rates are based on IEEE 802.11 standards. l Actualthroughput and range may vary depending on many factorsincluding environmental
conditions, distance between devices, radio interference in the operating environment, and
mix of devicesin the network.
l Featuresand specificationsare subject to change without notice. l Trademarks and registered trademarksare the property of their respective owners.

1.1. Assumptions

It is assumed the user has these skills and knowledge to setup and use the WP201-100.

1.2. WP201-100 Included Equipment

The WP201 package containsthese items:
l Physicalinstallation of network equipment. l RF network design, usage, propagation and verification. l IP network setup and verification.
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
Included Equipment
Qty Description
2 Green / Yellow #10AWG Ground Cables D 1 PackagedGround Screw E 1 Universal Power Adapter F 1 Pole Mounting Bracket G 3 7dBi 5GHz omni-directional antennas H 3 5dBi 2.4GHz omni-directional antennas H 2 Band Clamps I
Note: For additional equipment, see WP201-100 Available Accessories (on page 260).
Figure 1: WP201 Included Accessories
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1. WP201-100 Overview

1.3. User-supplied Equipment

l Computer with:
l an Ethernet port.
l Windows® 7 or greater.
l Internet Browser: Chrome®, Firefox®, Internet Explorer®, Opera®, Safari®.
Caution: The default browser in Windows® 10 is Microsoft® Edge. The WP201-100 software does NOT automatically download to the computerusing
Use one of the other identified browsers instead.
l Qty-2: CAT5e / CAT6 Ethernet cables WITHOUT strain relief l Broadband Internet Service (Cable or DSL Modem) l Wall Mounting Installation - WP201-100 (on page 28) or
Pole Mounting Installation - WP201-100 (on page 32):
l Drill with 8mm diameter drill bit (for wall installation)
l Hammer (for wall installation)
l Medium Flat-head screwdriver
l Metric Box-end Wrenches
l Pliers
l SmallFlat-head screwdriver
l SmallPhillips-head screwdriver
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
Front of the WP201-100 with Antennas
# Name Description
Accessory Location***
1 2.4 GHz Antennas Detachable 5 dBi 2.4 GHz omni-directional H 2 5 GHz Antennas Detachable 7 dBi 5 GHz omni-directional H

1.4. WP201-100 Hardware Layout

These images identify the hardware layout of the WP201-100:
l Front of the WP201-100 (on page 14) l Back of the WP201-100 (on page 15) l Left Side of the WP201-100 (on page 16) l Right Side of the WP201-100 (on page 17) l Bottom of the WP201-100 (on page 16)
Note: For additional equipment, see WP201-100 Available Accessories (on page 260).

1.4.1. Front of the WP201-100

Figure 2: Front of the WP201-100 with Antennas
Note: ***See the WP201-100 Included Equipment (on page 11).
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1. WP201-100 Overview
Back of the WP201-100
# Name Description
Accessory Location***
3 Mounting Holes The Mounting Holes are used to attach the Mounting
Bracket to the WP201-100.
4 Ground screw
Using the enclosed Packaged Ground Screw, attach the loopend of oneof the supplied Ground Cables to the ground point on the back of the WP201-100.
Important!: The Green Ground Cable MUST BE
attached to the WP201-100 BEFORE the Mounting Bracket is attached.

1.4.2. Back of the WP201-100

Figure 3: Back of the WP201-100
Note: ***See the WP201-100 Included Equipment (on page 11).
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1.4.3. Left Side of the WP201-100

Left Side of the WP201-100
# Name Description
5 Serial Number label The Serial Number of the WP201-100 is 9 digits.
Bottom of the WP201-100
# Name Description
Accessory Location***
6 5GHz Antenna Detachable 7 dBi 5 GHz omni-directional H 7 LAN Port 1 (PoE
802.3at Ethernet port for RJ-45 cable.
8 2.4GHz Antenna Detachable 5 dBi 2.4 GHz omni-directional H 9 LAN Port 2 (PSE
802.3af Ethernet port for RJ-45 cable.
10 5GHz Antenna Detachable 7 dBi 5 GHz omni-directional H
Figure 4: Left Side of the WP201-100

1.4.4. Bottom of the WP201-100

WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
Figure 5: Bottom of the WP201-100
Note: ***See the WP201-100 Included Equipment (on page 11).
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1. WP201-100 Overview
Front of the WP201-100
# Name Description
11 LED Indicators: LED lights The LEDs are:
l Power l LAN Port 1 l LAN Port 2 l 2.4 GHz Connection l 5 GHz Connection

1.4.5. Right Side of the WP201-100

Figure 6: Right of the WP201-100
Note: ***See the WP201-100 Included Equipment (on page 11).
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual

2. Installation and Setup

This section provides procedure information about installation and initial setup of the WP201-100.
l Connect to the WP201-100 Access Point (on page 19). l Setup the Computer IP Address Configuration (on page 21). l Access the WP201-100 (on page 24). l Change the Wireless Mode (on page 25). l Wall Mounting Installation - WP201-100 (on page 28). l Pole Mounting Installation - WP201-100 (on page 32).
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2. Installation and Setup

2.1. Connect to the WP201-100 Access Point

Power Notes
l The Universal Power Adapter operates from voltages 100 to 240VAC, 50-60Hz. l The WP201-100 is powered through the E1 Port (PoE Input) by any PSE (Power
Sourcing Equipment) which supports IEEE 802.3at (PoE+) including the provided PoE+
l Using 100 to 240VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz input power, the WP201-100 can power a PoE
(802.3af) device connected to the WP201-100 E2 Port (PSE Output).
1. Remove the protectivecaps from the antenna ports.
2. Attach using a strong hand-tighten the 2.4GHz and 5GHz antennasto their same-labeled antennaports on the WP201-100.
3. If applicable, replace the protective caps on unused antenna ports.
4. Remove the compression gland assembly from the E1 Port (PoE Input).
5. Thread one end of the Ethernet cable through the cap of the compression gland.
6. Insert the compression gland onto the Ethernet cable.
7. Connect the assembled Ethernet cable (WITHOUT strain-relief) to the E1 Port (PoE
Input) of the WP201-100 and the other end into the AP/Bridge port on the PoE+ Injector.
Figure 7: Compression Gland on the CAT5e / CAT6 Ethernet cable
attached to the E1 Port (PoE Input)
8. Tightenthe compression gland cap on the E1 Port (PoE Input).
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9. Connect the second Ethernet cable to the Network port of the PoE+ Injector and to the Ethernet port on the computer.
10. Connect the Power Adapter to the DC IN port of the PoE+ Injector and plug the other end into an AC electrical outlet.
11. Attach the loop end of one of the supplied Ground Cables to the Ground screw on the PoE+ Injector.
12. Attach the wire end of the Green / Yellow #10AWG Ground Cable to an earth / safety ground (the loop end was attached to the WP201 in a previousstep).
Figure 8: Connecting the WP201-100 Access Point
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2. Installation and Setup

2.2. Setup the Computer IP Address Configuration

Note: The images used in these procedures arefor Windows® 7.
1. On the computer, click the Windows® Start button and select Control Panel.
2. View the Control Panel window by Category and click Network and Internet > View
Network Status and Tasks.
3. Click the Change Adapter Settings link.
Figure 9: Change Adapter Settings Link
4. Double-clickthe Local Area Connection link.
Figure 10: Local Area Connection Link
The Local Area Connection Status dialog box opens.
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Figure 11: Local Area Connection Status dialog box
5. Click Properties. The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box opens.
6. Select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option.
Figure 12: Local Area Connection Properties dialog box
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2. Installation and Setup
7. Click Properties. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box opens.
8. Makea note of the current settings (to reverse this procedure later).
9. Select the Use the following IP address option button.
10. In the IP Address text box, enter an IP Address that is
in the same subnet range but a DIFFERENT IP Address than the WP201-100 AND different than the computer IP Address.
Note: The default WP201-100 IP Address is The default subnet mask is
Example: Enter an IP Address from to (but NOT andthe Subnet Mask to
Figure 13: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box
Note: An IP Address is NOT required in the Default Gateway text box.
11. ClickOK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
12. ClickClose twice to close the Local Area Connection Properties and Local Area Connection Status dialog boxes.
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2.3. Access the WP201-100

1. On the computer connected to the WP201-100, open a web browser.
2. In the addressbar of the browser, enter the default WP201-100 IP Address:
Figure 14: Entered IP Address
3. Press <Enter>. The Login window opens.
Figure 15: Login window
4. Enter the default Username and Password (admin for both) and clickLogin. The Device Status window opens.
Note: See the description of the Device Status window (on page165) for detailed information about the options in the window.
Figure 16: Device Status window - Device Information area
5. Verify the WP201-100 Firmware version is the current version available from the site.
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2. Installation and Setup

2.4. Change the Wireless Mode

Note: See Configuring the WP201-100 (on page36) for detailed procedures for each Operation Mode.
1. In the WP201-100 Access Panel, click Wireless. The Wireless window opens.
Note: See the description of the Wireless window (on page 191) for detailed information about the options in the window.
Figure 17: Wireless window
2. Click the Operation Mode list box arrow for the designated frequencyand select the applicable Mode for the WP201-100.
Note: See Examples of WP201-100 Networks (on page 133) for detailed informationand examples using the different Operation Modes.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click Save.
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A Processing bar appears.
WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
Figure 18: Wireless window
Figure 19: Processing bar
The Wireless window refreshes. The Changes tab shows the accumulated number of pending changes ready to apply.
Figure 20: Changes tab showing the number of changes to apply.
4. Click the Changes tab. The Unsaved window opens.
Important!: The change count and the changes listed in the image are examples only. The list
identifies different information dependingon the changes applied to the WP201-100.
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2. Installation and Setup
Figure 21: Unsaved window showing changes to apply.
5. Click Apply to integrate changesidentified in the Unsaved Changes List to the WP201-
100. A Processing bar appears. When the processing is completed, the Device Status window opens.
6. Optional: In the WP201-100 Access Panel, clickWireless to view the saved changesin the
7. Click the Logout tab to exit the WP201-100. A confirmation message appears.
Figure 22: Logout Confirmation message
8. Click OK to confirm the logout.
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual

2.5. Wall Mounting Installation - WP201-100

Tools Needed for this Procedure
l Drill with 8mm diameter drill bit (for wall
l Hammer (for wall installation) l Metric Box-end Wrenches l Medium Flat-head screwdriver
Note: For additional equipment, see WP201-100 Available Accessories (on page 260).
Note: For illustration purposes, the images in this section DO NOT have the antennas or cables
attached to the WP201.
1. Using the Mounting Bracket as a template, mark the locationsof the mounting holes on the wall.
l Pliers l SmallFlat-head screwdriver l SmallPhillips-head screwdriver
Figure 23: Marked locations of the mounting holes
2. Drill a 37mm deep, 8mm diameter hole in each of the markings on the wall.
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2. Installation and Setup
3. Using the masonry wedge anchor bolts in the Mounting Kit Package, and with the threaded ends facing outward, hammer the bolts into the openings.
Caution: Be careful to keep the threaded ends of the bolts visible outside the wall.
Figure 24: Hammer the bolts into the drilled openings
4. Verify all antennas are attached to their correct ports and the Ethernet cable is connected between the PoE+ Injector and the E1 Port (PoE Input) on the WP201.
5. Using the enclosed Packaged Ground Screw, attach the loop end of one of the supplied Green / Yellow #10AWG Ground Cable to the ground point on the Back of the WP201-
100 (on page 15).
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WavePro™ WP201 Access Point: User Manual
Figure 25: Attached Ground Cable
6. Use the smallscrews to attach the Mounting Bracket to the Back of the WP201-100 (on
page 15).
Figure 26: Insert and tighten the screws to attach the bracket
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