FGR2 Transceiver Firmware Updates
The sections below describe the updates and known limitations in each firmware version for the FGR2
transceiver models. The most recent version is listed first. The latest firmware versions are available on the
FreeWave Web site at www.FreeWave.com. You can also view the latest firmware available for most models in
Tool Suite. For more information about the additions and updates in each release, see the FGR2 Wireless Data
Transceivers U ser Manual and R eference Guide.
Version v10.6.7
Release Date: July 2013
Note: If you upgrade from firmware 8.77 or 8.78 to firmware v10.6.7 and experience
issues or inconsistent results, contact FreeWave Technical Support at
303.381.9200 or by email at moreinfo@freewave.com.
Additions and Changes:
Corrected problem with serial radios set to RS485 changing to RS232 operation when no setting
change was made. This change only applies to radios that include an RS485 setting for the
Known Limitations and Work Arounds:
In the Network Diagnostics application within Tool Suite, the transceivers report having the incorrect
firmware version installed.
In the Operation Mode tab in Tool Suite (Modem Mode menu in the terminal interface), Ethernet
parameters display. These options do not apply to this transceiver.
Supply voltage readings within Tool Suite can fluctuate and differ from those readings on an external
voltage meter.
When the Use Break to Access Setup setting is set to use the transceiver's current baud rate (a
setting only available through the terminal interface), the Diagnostic port's baud rate does not set to
the default or the Baud Rate setting, resulting in unreadable output. If you use this Use Break to
Access Setup setting, use the data port for configuration.
Version v10.6.6
Release Date: October 2012
Note: If you upgrade from firmware 8.77 or 8.78 to firmware v10.6.6 and experience
issues or inconsistent results, contact FreeWave Technical Support.
Additions and Changes:
Updated firmware version to use the vX.X.X format.
Added AES 128, 192, and 256 encryption capability. AES functionality is enabled at the factory. To
upgrade an existing transceiver to use the AES functionality, contact FreeWave Technical Support.
You must set AES settings using the terminal interface, as Tool Suite versions and before do
not include AES.
Part Number: LFW0006AA
Revision: B www.FreeWave.com
Last Updated: 07/02/2013 1.866.923.6168 • 303.381.9200
Removed the Ultra Low Power Mode feature.
Known Limitations and Work Arounds:
In the Network Diagnostics application within Tool Suite, the transceivers report having the incorrect
firmware version installed.
In the Operation Mode tab in Tool Suite (Modem Mode menu in the terminal interface), Ethernet
parameters display. These options do not apply to this transceiver.
When the Use Break to Access Setup setting is set to use the transceiver's current baud rate (a
setting only available through the terminal interface), the Diagnostic port's baud rate does not set to
the default or the Baud Rate setting, resulting in unreadable output. If you use this Use Break to
Access Setup setting, use the data port for configuration.
Version 8.78
Release Date: December 2011
Additions and Changes:
AES zeroization - AES capability now supports zeroization, attempting to hold to NAVSO P5239,
and various locks and checks against zeroized keys. (This update does not apply to FGR2 models).
Clear 8th data bit when set to 7 data bits - In a case where one radio is programmed with 7 data
bits, and parity enabled, the parity bit is transferred by the radios as the 8th data bit, and sent out the
on the other side. This corrupts the data. Now if the radio is set to 7 data bits, it clears the 8th data bit
on serial receive.
Repeater un-shifts timing in OTA slot - Repeaters shift half of their timing to ensure their
transmissions lineup exactly in time with the masters (2nd layer deep). During an over the air
firmware upgrade, the repeater shifted half of it's timing, but did not unshift the timing. This could build
into a timing problem causing drop of link on sufficient missed packets.
Ultra Low Power Mode - ULPM Enable and ULPM Sleep parameters now available in the
Transmission Characteristics settings. For more information about Ultra Low Power Mode, see the
Parameter Reference chapter in this manual.
Version 8.77
Release Date: May 2011
Additions and Changes:
Added support for mirror bits and multi-band master sync.
You can now select Mirrored Bit Master or Mirrored Bit Slave as an operation mode.
Version 8.73
Release Date: October 2009
Additions and Changes:
LFW0006AA Rev B