Freescale Semiconductor TWR-K60F120M User guide

TWR-K60F120M Tower Module
User's Manual
Rev 1.0
Freescale Semiconductor Inc.
Table of Contents
1.1 Contents .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Features .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Getting Started ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Reference Documents ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 K60FN1M0 Microcontroller ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Clocking .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 System Power ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 RTC VBAT .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4 Debug Interface ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 OSJTAG .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Cortex Debug+ETM Connector ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 NAND Flash ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.6 Infrared Port ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.7 Accelerometer ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 Potentiometer, Pushbuttons, LEDs .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.9 General Purpose Tower Plug-in (TWRPI) Socket ............................................................................................... 11
2.10 Touch Interface .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.11 Ethernet ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.12 USB ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.12.1 FS/LS USB ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
2.12.2 HS USB ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.13 Secure Digital Card Slot .............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.14 External Bus Interface – FlexBus ............................................................................................................................ 13
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Dec 13, 2011
Initial Release for PWA 700-27167 Rev B
Nov 20, 2012
Added information on running EVB at 150MHz Added jumper details for rev C board Added information on using trace
List of Figures
Figure 1. Freescale Tower System Overview .............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2. Callouts on front side of the TWR-K60F120M ............................................................................. 6
Figure 3. Callouts on back side of the TWR-K60F120M .............................................................................. 6
Figure 4. TWR-K60F120M Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 7
List of Tables
Table 1. Cortex Debug+ETM Connector Pinout .......................................................................................... 9
Table 2. General Purpose TWRPI socket pinout ....................................................................................... 11
Table 3. Touch TWRPI socket pinout ........................................................................................................ 12
Table 4. Ethernet operation jumper settings ........................................................................................... 12
Table 5. TWR-K60F120M Jumper Table .................................................................................................... 14
Table 6. I/O Connectors and Pin Usage Table........................................................................................... 15
Table 7. TWR-K60F120M Primary Connector Pinout ............................................................................... 17
Table 8. TWR-K60F120M Secondary Connector Pinout ........................................................................... 20
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Revision History
1 TWR-K60F120M and TWR-K60F120M-KIT Overview
The TWR-K60F120M is a development board for the K10, K20 and K60 family 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4 MCUs. The TWR-K60F120M is populated with a device rated for 120 MHz operation across the full -40C to 85C temperature range. At room temperatures the board can be over-clocked to 150 MHz to allow for evaluation of the K10, K20, and K60 devices that are rated for 150 MHz operation across the full temperature range.
The TWR-K60F120M is a Tower Controller Module compatible with the Freescale Tower System. It can function as a stand-alone, low-cost platform for the evaluation of the Kinetis K10, K20, and K60 family of microcontroller (MCU) devices. The TWR-K60F120M features the Kinetis K60 low-power microcontroller based on the ARM® Cortex™-M4 architecture with USB 2.0 HS Controller, USB 2.0 full­speed OTG controller and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC.
The TWR-K60F120M is available as a stand-alone product or as a kit (TWR-K60F120M-KIT) with the Tower Elevator Modules (TWR-ELEV) and the Tower Serial Module (TWR-SER). The TWR-K60F120M can also be combined with other Freescale Tower peripheral modules to create development platforms for a wide variety of applications. Figure 1 provides an overview of the Freescale Tower System.
Figure 1. Freescale Tower System Overview
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1.1 Contents
The TWR-K60F120M contents include:
TWR-K60F120M board assembly 3ft USB cable Interactive DVD with software installers and documentation Quick Start Guide
The TWR-K60F120M-KIT contains:
TWR-K60F120M MCU module TWR-ELEV – Primary and Secondary Elevator Modules TWR-SER – Serial module including USB host/device/OTG, Ethernet, CAN, RS232 and RS485
1.2 Features
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the TWR-K60F120M with some of the key features called out. The following list summarizes the features of the TWR-K60F120M Tower MCU Module:
Tower compatible microcontroller module MK60FN1M0VLQ12: K60FN1M in a 144 LQFP with 120 MHz operation Touch Tower Plug-in Socket General purpose Tower Plug-in (TWRPI) socket On-board JTAG debug circuit (OSJTAG) with virtual serial port 2Gb of SLC NAND flash memory Three axis accelerometer (MMA8451Q) Four (4) user-controllable LEDs Four (4) capacitive touch pads Two (2) user pushbutton switches Potentiometer Battery Holder for 20mm lithium battery (e.g. 2032, 2025) Micro-SD Card slot
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Figure 2. Callouts on front side of the TWR-K60F120M
Figure 3. Callouts on back side of the TWR-K60F120M
1.3 Getting Started
Follow the Quick Start Guide found printed in the TWR-K60F120M box or the interactive DVD for the list of recommended steps for getting started. There are also lab walk-through guides available on the tool support page for the TWR-K60F120M:
1.4 Reference Documents
The documents listed below should be referenced for more information on the Kinetis family, Tower System, and MCU Modules. These can be found in the documentation section of
K60F120M or
TWR-K60F120M Tower Module User's Manual Page 6 of 23
JTAG, Power, SCI
144 LQFP
Tower Elevator Expansion Connectors
SDHC, I2S, SPI, I2C, ADC, USB, DAC, PWM, UARTs, Flexbus, Ethernet, and ULPI
50 MHz OSC
Freescale Device
External Connectors Interface Circuits Power
Infrared Port
IR Output
GPIO / Interrupts
General Purpose
Tower Plug-in
Touch Tower Plug-in
SD Card Slot
32.768 KHz XTAL
TWR-K60F120M-QSG: Quick Start Guide TWR-K60F120M-SCH: Schematics TWR-K60F120M-PWB: Design Package K60 Family Product Brief K60 Family Reference Manual Tower Configuration Tool
2 Hardware Description
The TWR-K60F120M is a Tower Controller Module featuring the MK60FN1M0VLQ12an ARM Cortex­M4 based microcontroller with USB 2.0 HS Controller, USB 2.0 full-speed OTG controller and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC in a 144 LQFP package with a maximum core operating frequency of 120MHz. It is intended for use in the Freescale Tower System but can operate stand-alone. An on-board debug circuit, OSJTAG, provides a JTAG debug interface and a power supply input through a single USB mini­AB connector. Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the TWR-K60F120M. The following sections describe the hardware in more detail.
2.1 K60FN1M0 Microcontroller
The TWR-K60F120M module features the MK60FN1M0VLQ12. The K60 microcontroller family is part of the Kinetis portfolio of devices built around an ARM Cortex-M4 core. Refer to the K60 Family Product Brief and the K60 Family Reference Manual for comprehensive information on the MK60FN1M0VLQ12 device. The key features are listed here:
Figure 4. TWR-K60F120M Block Diagram
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+ 16 hidden pages