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This user’s guide provides a detailed description of the hardware of the MC13853 evaluation board demo
kit. It documents the RF, DC, and control requirements for proper operation in three bands (GSM850,
PCS1900, and WCDMA 2100).
The objective of this manual is to establish guidelines to facilitate the use of this LNA on a PCB evaluation
board, namely:
•The RF interface, input and output.
•The DC supplies and logic control inputs.
•The serial peripheral interface (SPI).
This manual is intended for the end-user of the MC13853 evaluation board.
This document is organized into three chapters and one appendix:
Chapter 1: Initial Instructions
Chapter 2: Evaluation Board
Chapter 3: Test Equipment Bench Line-up
Appendix: DC and Control Wiring Harness
Revision History
The following table summarizes revisions to this document since the previous release (Rev. 1.2).
Revision History
Chapter 1Replaced Figure 1-3. Inserted a new Step 7 on page 6. Replaced
images in Figure 1-4.
Chapter 2Replaced Figure 2-1.
Please note the following:
•All RF interconnections are to be with low loss coaxial cabling using clean SMA type RF
connectors, including using the correct manufacturer’s torque at the connecting point.
•All DC supply lines must be able to safely carry peak currents in excess of 2 A under minimum
voltage drop.
•All control lines (SPI lines and parallel cable) must be kept away from strong RF fields.
•ESD protection procedures must be followed. As a minimum, test equipment should be grounded,
a grounded hand strap must be used, and the lab bench fitted with a conductive mat (not exceeding
1 MΩ to ground).
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
The following list defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
DCS18001800 MHz cellular band, MS transmit 1710 to 1785 MHz
EDGEEnhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution, uses 3pi/8 PSK modulation
EGSM900900 MHz cellular band, MS transmit 880 to 915 MHz
EGPRSEnhanced General Packet Radio Service
ESDElectrostatic Discharge
EVBEvaluation Board, usually a multilayer printed circuit
GPIBGeneral Purpose Instrumentation Bus, uses IEEE488.2 standard
GSMGlobal System Mobile, uses GMSK modulation
GSM850850 MHz cellular band, MS transmit 824.0 to 849.0 MHz
PCS19001900 MHz cellular band, MS transmit 1850 to 1910 MHz
This chapter describes the RF and control basic requirements of the MC13853 LNA evaluation board (Iota
The following items are supplied with the Freescale MC13853 Demo Kit:
1. MC13853 LNA evaluation board (Iota)
2. Serial peripheral interface (SPI) board (MMM6038SPI)
3. Control software CD-ROM
4. DC and control cable harness
The evaluation board interconnects with the MMM6038SPI via a eight wire cable. The MMM6038SPI
connects via a parallel port cable to the PC computer.
On the evaluation board, all the coaxial RF connectors are of the SMA type. In order to minimize damage
to these, connections are to be made using low loss flexible coaxial cables with male SMA connectors
mating towards the evaluation board. The mating surfaces must be clean (tissue paper and standard grade
isopropyl alcohol can be used); if not, the amplifier performance can be affected. The applied torque via a
5/16” wrench at the connecting point must not exceed the manufacturers specification. There are a total of
6 SMA female connectors attached to the evaluation board. The DC and control connector is of a 8-pin,
right-angle header type. The Appendix A, “DC and Control Wiring Harness” provides the details and cable
harness wiring.
Before any RF or DC cabling is attached, caution must be used that the board is grounded first. This
prevents ESD when attaching the remaining cables.
Do not exceed the maximum ratings as given in the MC13853 Data Sheet,
in particular the maximum applied DC voltage and RF input level. Operate
in a safe ESD environment on the test bench.
Refer to Figure 1-1. Attach the DC and control cable harness (detailed in Appendix A, “DC and Control
Wiring Harness”) to the evaluation board:
Attach the cable harness end labeled SPI into the interface board as shown in Figure 1-1.