1. High byte (H) of index register is not stacked.
Figure 2. Interrupt Stack Frame
NOTE:To maintain compatibility with the M6805 Family, H (the high byte of the index
register) is n ot stacked during interru pt processing . If th e interrupt se rv ic e
routine modifies H or uses the indexed addressing mode, it is
the user’s responsibility to save and restor e it prior to returning.
|Interrupt service routine
2M68HC08 Family Reference GuideMOTOROLA
Figure 3. H Register Storage
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Interrup t Vect or Lo cat io ns
Notation Used in Instruction Set Summary
See Table 2 for the instruction set summary.
Table 1. M68HC08 Vectors
cale Semiconductor,
= Contents of register or memory location shown inside parentheses
( )
= Is loaded with (read: “gets”)
= Boolean AND
= Boolean OR
= Boolean exclusive OR
= Multiply
= Divide
= Concatenate
= Negate (two’s complement)
= Sign extend
CPU Registers
CCR=Condition code register
H=Index register, higher order (most significant) eight bits
X=Index register, lower order (least significant) eight bits
PC=Program counter
PCH=Prog ram counter, higher order (most significant) eight bits
PCL=Program count er, lower order (least significant) eight bits
SP=Stack pointer
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Memory and Addressing
M:M + $0001
Condition Code Register (CCR) Bits
=Two’s complement overflow indicator, bit 7
= Half carry, bit 4
= Interrupt mask, bit 3
= Negative i n d icator, bit 2
= Zero indicator , bit 1
= Carry/borrow, bit 0 (carry out of bit 7)
= A memory location or absolute data, depending on addressing
= A 16-bit value in two consecutive memory locations. The higher-
order (most significant) eight bits are located at the address of M,
and the lower-order (least significant) eight bits are located at the
next higher sequential address.
= The relative offset, which is the two’s complement number stored
in the last byte of machine code corresponding to a branch
cale Semiconductor,
Bit Status BEFORE Execution of an Instruction (n = 7, 6, 5, ... 0)
=Bit n of memory location used in operation
=Bit n of accumulator
=Bit n of index register H
=Bit n of index register X
=Bit n of the source operand (M, A, or X)
1. For 2-byte operati ons such as LDHX, STHX, and CPHX, n = 15 refers to bit 15 of the
2-byte word or bit 7 of the most significant (first) byte.
Bit Status A F TE R Execution of an Instructio n
=Bit n of the result of an operation (n = 7, 6, 5, … 0)
1. For 2-byte operations such as LDHX, STHX, and CPHX, n = 15 refers to bit 15 of the
2-byte word or bit 7 of the most significant (first) byte.
CCR Activity Figure Notation
–=Bit not affected
0=Bit forced to 0
1=Bit forced to 1
=Bit set or cleared according to results of operation
U=Undefined after the operation
4M68HC08 Family Reference GuideMOTOROLA
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Machine Coding Notation
dd=Low-order eight bits of a direct address $0000–$00FF (high byte assumed
ee=Upper eight bits of 16-bit offset
ff=Lower eight bits of 16-bit offset or 8-bit offset
ii=One byte of immediate data
jj=High-order byte of a 16-bit immediate data value
kk=Low-order byte of a 16-bit immediate data value
hh=High-order byte of 16-bit extended address
ll=Low-order byte of 16-bit extended address
rr=Relative offset
to be $00)
cale Semiconductor,
Explanation of Italic Expressions in Source Form Col umn
n = Any label or expression that evaluates to a single integer in the range 0–7
opr8i = Any label or expression that evaluates to an 8-bit immediate value
opr16i = Any label or expression that evaluates to a 16-bit immediate value
opr8a = Any label or expression that evaluates to an 8-bit value. The instruction
treats this 8-bit value as the low order eight bits of an address in the direct
page of the 64-Kbyte address space ($00xx).
opr16a = Any label or expression that evaluates to a 16-bit value. The instruction
treats this value as an address in the 64-Kbyte address space.
oprx8 = Any label or expression that evaluates to an unsigned 8-bit value; used
for indexed addressing
oprx16 = Any label or expression that evaluates to a 16-bit value. Since the
MC68HC08S has a 16-bit address bus, this can be either a signed or an
unsigned value.
rel = Any label or expression that refers to an address that is within –128 to
+127 locations from the next address after the last byte of object code for
the current instruction. The assembler will calculate the 8-bit signed
offset and include it in the object code for this instruction.
Address Modes
INH=Inherent (no operands)
IMM= 8-bit or 16-bit immediate
DIR=8-bit direct
EXT= 16-bit extended
IX=16-bit indexed no offset
IX+=16-bit indexed no offset, post increment (CBEQ and MOV only)
IX1= 16-bit indexed with 8-bit offset from H:X
IX1+=16-bit indexed with 8-bit offset, post increment (CBEQ only)
IX2= 16-bit indexed with 16-bit offset from H:X
REL =8-bit relative offset
SP1= Stack pointer relative with 8-bit offset
SP2= Stack pointer relative with 16-bit offset
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Table 2. Instruction Set Summ ar y (Sheet 1 o f 8)