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KT912F634UG User’s Guide Rev. 2.0 10/2013
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.3
Important Notice
3Important Notice
Freescale provides the enclosed product(s) under the following conditions:
This evaluation kit is intended for use of ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT OR EVALUATION PURPOSES
ONLY. It is provided as a sample IC pre-soldered to a printed circuit board to make it easier to access inputs,
outputs, and supply terminals. This evaluation board may be used with any development system or other
source of I/O signals by simply connecting it to the host MCU or computer board via off-the-shelf cables. This
evaluation board is not a Reference Design and is not intended to represent a final design recommendation
for any particular application. Final device in an application will be heavily dependent on proper printed circuit
board layout and heat sinking design as well as attention to supply filtering, transient suppression, and I/O
signal quality.
The goods provided may not be complete in terms of required design, marketing, and or manufacturing related
protective considerations, including product safety measures typically found in the end product incorporating
the goods. Due to the open construction of the product, it is the user's responsibility to take any and all
appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge. In order to minimize risks associated with the
customers applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to
minimize inherent or procedural hazards. For any safety concerns, contact Freescale sales and technical
support services.
Should this evaluation kit not meet the specifications indicated in the kit, it may be returned within 30 days from
the date of delivery and will be replaced by a new kit.
Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes
no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor
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“Typical” parameters can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All
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Freescale Semiconductor’s KIT912F634EVME is a system solution which gives the user the capability to easily
evaluate most of the features provided by the MM912F634 - integrated dual low-side and dual high-side switch
with embedded MCU and LIN transceiver for relay drivers. The MM912F634 features two dice in a single
package. The 16-bit core and the analog die are connected by means of the Die-to-Die interface that provides
direct address access to the registers on the analog die. The analog die contains HS and LS switches, as well
as a PWM module, ADC module, timer module, SCI module, LIN physical interface, and other general registers.
All external signals are accessible via header connectors, and most of the signals can also be checked via test
points. The evaluation module board also includes the TBDML programming/debugging interface, so no
external interface is needed. The board can be powered either from two 4.0
LIN connector. For quick familiarization with the device, a graphical user interface, based on FreeMASTER
software, is provided together with the module. Thanks to the GUI, the user can easily evaluate the peripheral
modules, or directly access the registers on the analog die.
4.1MM912F634 Features
•16-Bit S12 CPU, 32 kByte FLASH, 2.0 kByte RAM
•Background Debug (BDM) and Debug Module (DBG)
•Die-to-die bus interface for transparent memory mapping
•On-chip oscillator and two independent watchdogs
•LIN 2.1 physical layer interface with integrated SCI
•Low power modes with cyclic-sense and forced wake-up
•Current Sense Module with selectable gain
•Reverse-battery-protected Voltage Sense Module
•Two protected low-side outputs to drive inductive loads
•Two protected high-side outputs
•Chip temperature sensor
•Hall sensor supply
•Integrated voltage regulator(s)
KIT912F634EVME Introduction
mm banana connectors or from the
1. When working with the kit, always use an isolated laboratory power supply.
2. Keep in mind all ESD rules when handling the board. Avoid touching the connector pins, they are directly
connected to the device pins. Even though the device pins are ESD protected, this protection has its limits.
Some EDS events can destroy or damage the device, or cause its malfunction.
KT912F634UG User’s Guide Rev. 2.0 10/2013
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.5
Required Equipment
Tabl e 1. Explanation of Acronyms
D2DDie to Die bus
BDM Background Debug
EVBEvaluation BoardLEDLight Emitting Diode
EVM Evaluation ModuleLINLocal Interconnect
Electrostatic Sensitive
GNDIn this document: main
supply ground
GPIOGeneral Purpose
GUIGraphical User
ADCAnalog to Digital
5Required Equipment
•PC Computer running Windows XP or higher
•12V Power Supply
•USB Cable (supplied)
MCUMicrocontroller Unit
HSHigh Side (switch)
LSLow Side (switch)
PWM Pulse Width
SCISerial Communication
TBDML Turbo BDM Lite
6Setup Guide
6.1Hardware Setup
Setup and connections for the KIT912F634EVME are straightforward.
The KIT912F634EVME requires a connection to the power supply and a connection to the PC or notebook via
the USB cable.
Follow these steps to set up the board:
1. Plug the USB cable into the connector J101 and connect the other end of the cable to the PC or notebook.
2. A basic jumper configuration is required to be able to use the KIT912F634EVME. See Table 2 for details.
Table 3 provides a complete index of jumper settings.
3. Connect a laboratory power supply via banana connectors to the board, using J2 (V_S supply) and J3
(GND). Alternatively, the LIN connector can be used for powering the board. The supply voltage has to be
in the range of 8.0 to 18
JP8, JP9 are closed.
6Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Figure 2 depicts a complete setup.
V. When power is applied to the KIT912F634EVME, the green power-on LEDs D6
V), D7 (supply), and D8 (+2.5 V) are lit when power is present and the corresponding jumpers JP4,
KT912F634UG User’s Guide Rev. 2.0 10/2013
Tab l e 2. KIT912F634EVMEJumper Options for Basic Functionality
Power Supply
(+12 V)
LIN Connector
Setup Guide
JP1Supplying of the device logic (VDDX regulator) and Hall sensor supply
regulator enabled
Supplying of the device logic (VDDX regulator) and Hall sensor supply
regulator disabled
JP2Supplying of the HS drivers enabledclosed
Supplying of the HS drivers disabledopen
JP14BDM signal from TBDML interface enabledclosed
BDM signal from TBDML interface disabled, external BDM interface can
be used (connected to J4)
JP15RST signal from TBDML interface enabledclosed
RST signal from TBDML interface disabled, external BDM interface can
be used (connected to J4)
Figure 2. KIT912F634EVMEBasic Hardware Setup
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.7
KT912F634UG User’s Guide Rev. 2.0 10/2013
Hardware Description
7Hardware Description
7.1Board Description
Figure 3 is a snapshot of the EVM with key component and connector locations. The following list corresponds
with the numbers listed on the picture.
1. LEDs to indicate of HS and LS switching
2. Input power connectors
3. Prototype area
4. TBDML interface
5. LIN connector
6. Wake-up button
7. Reset button
8. BDM connector for external programming/debugging BDM interface
9. MM912F634CV1AE
The board is protected against reverse battery voltage by diode D10, which can withstand up to 3.0 A
continuous current. The board operation is straightforward, as is the TDBML interface. (See section “
on page 9), the board contains the passive components required for proper operation of the MM912F634.
Connectors provide access to all device pins and test points for important signals.
There are fifteen jumpers on the board. Power to the LEDs is provided through jumpers JP4, JP8, JP10, JP11,
JP12, and JP13. Removing these jumpers allows low power mode current consumption to be demonstrated.
JP6 supplies power to zener diode D11.
Two push buttons are included: SW1 resets the MCU, and SW2 allows wake-up from one of the low power
A small prototype area allows fast connection of additional components. Key power and ground vias are located
around the prototype area.
The EVM has three different grounds: LIN ground, main supply ground (also referred to as GND), and analog
ground. All grounds are connected together at a single point on the board, located under the MM912F634. The
bottom copper layer of the EVM and copper areas on the top surface are both assigned to GND.
Figure 3. Evaluation Module Board
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8Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
The MM912F634 is a single package solution that integrates an HCS12 microcontroller with a SMARTMOS™
analog control IC, interfacing via the new high performance Die-to-Die Interface (D2D). The D2D controlled
analog die combines system basis chip and application specific functions, including a Local Interconnect
Network (LIN) transceiver.
The D2D Interface realizes the advantage of a seamless MCU register map, integrating the analog die registers,
while providing faster access than SPI based systems. The HCS12 includes 32
and a special Die-to-Die Interface, serial peripheral interface (SPI), real time interrupt (RTI), computer operating
properly (COP), and an internal clock generator module. The analog die provides two high side and two low side
outputs with diagnostic functions, voltage regulators for a 5.0
current sense amplifier, four channel timer (TIM), two channel pulse width modulation (PWM) capability, 10
analog to digital converter (ADC), battery voltage sense (VSENSE), and local interconnect network (LIN).
The MM912F634 has three main operating modes: Normal (all functions available); Sleep (VDD off, Wake-up
via LIN, Wake-up inputs (L0-L5), Cyclic Sense, and Forced Wake-up) and Stop (V
capability, Wake-up via LIN bus, Wake-up inputs (L0-L5), Cyclic Sense, forced Wake-up, and external reset).
The Turbo BDM Light interface is a programming and debugging tool, and constitutes an interface between a
PC and the BDM debugging port of Freescale microcontrollers. It enables the debugger and other SW tools to
communicate with the microcontroller, and download code into its on-chip flash, etc. Among the benefits of using
the TBDML on the EVM is a much higher communication speed than other USB/BDM interfaces. It is also not
necessary to connect external devices to the EVM when programming/debugging is needed.
A BDM connector (J4) is placed on the EVM to allow the connection of another BDM tool. In this case, the
jumpers JP14 and JP15 should be removed to disable the TBDML interface.
Hardware Description
k of flash memory, 2.0 k of RAM,
V and 2.5 V MCU supply, window watchdog,
on with limited current
7.2Jumper Settings
In Figure 4 is the picture of the EVM with location of all jumpers. Table 3 summarizes the jumper settings.
Figure 4. Position of Jumpers on the EVM
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.9
Hardware Description
Table 3. Jumper Setting
JP1Supplying of the device logic (VDDX regulator) and hall sensor supply regulator enabledclosed
Supplying of the device logic (VDDX regulator) and hall sensor supply regulator disabledopen
JP2Supplying of the HS drivers enabledclosed
Supplying of the HS drivers disabledopen
JP3Wake-up pin L0 connected to HS1 output1-2
Wake-up pin L0 connected to wake-up button SW22-3
JP4VDDX output voltage (+5.0 V) connected to LED D6 closed
VDDX output voltage (+5.0 V) not connected to LED D6open
JP5BKGD/MODC pin connected to +5.0 V via a 3.0 k pull-up resistor1-2
BKGD/MODC pin connected to GND2-3
JP6Supply voltage is connected to Zener diode D11closed
Supply voltage is not connected to zener diode D11 (when the current consumption of the
device in low power modes is demonstrated).
JP7TCLK pin (#44) is connected to 8.0 V (also jumper JP6 has to be inserted and the board has
to be powered at least with 8.0 V) to disable of the watchdog.
TCLK pin (#44) is connected to GND2-3
JP8Supply voltage (+5.0 to 18 V) is connected to LED D8closed
Supply voltage (+5.0 to 18 V) is not connected to LED D8open
JP9VDD output voltage (+2.5 V) is connected to LED D8closed
VDD output voltage (+2.5 V) is not connected to LED D8open
JP10Diode D2 is connected to output HS2closed
Diode D2 is not connected to output HS2open
JP11Diode D1 is connected to output HS1closed
Diode D1 is not connected to output HS1open
JP12Diode D3 is connected to output LS1closed
Diode D3 is not connected to output LS1open
JP13Diode D4 is connected to output LS2closed
Diode D4 is not connected to output LS2open
JP14BDM signal from TBDML interface enabledclosed
BDM signal from TBDML interface disabled, external BDM interface can be used (connected
to J4)
JP15RST signal from TBDML interface enabledclosed
RST signal from TBDML interface disabled, external BDM interface can be used (connected
to J4)
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10Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
7.3Connector Description
LIN (J1)
Power (J2 & J3)
BDM (J4)
Signal (J5)
Signal (J6)
Signal (J7)
Signal (J8)
USB (J101)
BDM Programming (J102)
There are 10 connectors on the EVM. A list of the connector and pin assignments are in the following
paragraphs. In the following tables, the “Supply voltage” is meant to supply a voltage protected against a reverse
polarity by diode D10.
Hardware Description
Figure 5. Connectors
Tab l e 4. Connector Designations
LIN ConnectorJ1
Power ConnectorJ2 & J3
BDM ConnectorJ4
Signal ConnectorsJ5, J6, J7 &J8
USB ConnectorJ101
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.11
Hardware Description
7.3.2LIN Connector J1
The LIN connector allows a connection to the LIN bus, and provides alternate power to the board. It is a MOLEX
multi-pole connector 39-30-3035 (4.20
Tab l e 5. LIN Connector J1
Pin No.Description
2Supply voltage
3LIN bus
7.3.3Power Connectors J2, J3
Power connectors J2 (positive supply - red) and J3 (ground - black) are sockets for widely used 4.0 mm banana
7.3.4BDM Connector J4
mm pitch, right angle), and its mating part is MOLEX 39-01-4030.
A standard BDM connector (header 2x3, 2.54 mm (0.1”) pitch) is placed on the EVB, to provide the user an
external BDM programming/debugging interface connection. The pin assignment is listed in
Table 6.
Table 6. BDM Connector
Pin No.Description
6+5.0 V
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12Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
7.3.5Signal Connector J5
Connector J5 is the header type 3x2, 2.54 mm (0.1”) pitch. Table 7 shows the pin assignments.
Pin No.Description
7.3.6Signal Connector J6
The connector type is header 2x5 pins, 2.54 mm pitch. Pin assignment is listed in Table 8.
Hardware Description
Tabl e 7. Signal Connector J5
1HS1 output
2HS2 output
4LS1 output
5LS2 output
6Supply voltage
Tabl e 8. Signal Connector J6
Pin No.Description
1HS1 output
2Wake-up/analog input L0
3Wake-up/analog input L1
4Wake-up/analog input L2
5Wake-up/analog input L3
6Wake-up/analog input L4
7Wake-up/analog input L5
8Supply voltage
10Analog ground
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.13
Hardware Description
7.3.7Signal Connector J7
Signal connector J7 contains the ports PTA and PTB, and the output of the Hall sensor supply regulator. Supply
voltage, VDDX regulator output (+5.0
connector J7 has 2 rows of pins, with 0.1” pitch.