Freescale Semiconductor DSPAUDIOEVM User Manual

This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Freescale Semiconductor DSPAUDIOEVMUG Users Guide Rev. 2.4, 08/2004
Paragraph Page Number Number
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
Freescale Semiconductor TOC-1
Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 DSPAUDIOEVM Architecture ....................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Daughterboard ........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2.2 Motherboard ...........................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Debugger Interfaces .....................................................................................................................................................1
1.3.1 Suite56 OnCE ‰ Debugger ................. .......................... ... .......................... ... .... ....................................................1
1.3.2 Symphony Debugger Interface ..............................................................................................................................1
1.4 Microcontrollers ...........................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Config MPU .................................................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Debug MPU ..................................................................................................................................................................2
1.7 Getting Started ..............................................................................................................................................................2
1.8 Running the Passthru Code ..........................................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2 Motherboard
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Configuration Jumpers .................................................................................................................................................3
2.2.1 JP1/JP2 - S/PDIF Transmitter Output .................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.2 JP3/JP4 – S/PDIF Receiver Input ..........................................................................................................................3
2.2.3 JP5 — Pass-thru Header ........................................................................................................................................3
2.2.4 Debugger and Microcontroller Configuration .......................................................................................................4 PJ6 Debug MPU Crystal Selection ..................................................................................................................4 JP7 – MPU Program Control ...........................................................................................................................4 JP8 – SHI Debug Source Selection .................................................................................................................4 JP9 – OnCE/JTAG Debugger Source Selection ..............................................................................................4 JP10 – Config / Debug MPU Communication ................................................................................................5 JP11 – AUX Mode Input Source Selection .....................................................................................................5
2.3 Signal Headers ..............................................................................................................................................................5
2.3.1 P1 — PPI Header ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3.2 P2 — OnCE Header ...............................................................................................................................................5
2.3.3 P3 — ANALOG I/O ..............................................................................................................................................6
2.3.4 TP1 / TP2 Headers .................................................................................................................................................6
2.4 On-board Debugger Connections .................................................................................................................................6
2.4.1 J2 — USB Interface ...............................................................................................................................................6
2.4.2 J3 — RS232 Interface ............................................................................................................................................7
2.4.3 J4 — Parallel Port Debugger Interface ..................................................................................................................7
2.5 External I/O .................................. ... .... ......................... .... .... ......................... .... ... ........................................................7
2.5.1 J9 / J10 — Microphone Inputs ...............................................................................................................................7 RV1/RV2 - Microphone Gain Control ............................................................................................................7
2.5.2 J11 / J12 — Analog Outputs ..................................................................................................................................7
2.5.3 J13 — Headphone Outputs ....................................................................................................................................8 SW2 / SW3 — Channel Select ..................... ... .... ......................... .... .... ......................... .... ... ...........................8 RV3 / RV4 — Headphone Volume Select ......................................................................................................8
3.1 DSPX36XDB1 .............................................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Mode Selection ............................. ... .... ......................... .... ......................... .... .... ...........................................................8
3.3 Memory ........................................................................................................................................................................9
3.4 JP11 - Clock Selection .................................................................................................................................................9
3.5 Daughterboard Audio I / O and Clock Control Header ................................................................................................9
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This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
TOC-2 Freescale Semiconductor
3.5.1 TIO0 – Timmer Port ..............................................................................................................................................9
3.5.2 JP1 - Synchronous/Asynchronous Clock Control ..................................................................................................9
3.5.3 JP2 – Single/Double Speed Clocking Control .....................................................................................................10
3.5.4 JP3 - FST_1 Connection ......................................................................................................................................10
3.5.5 JP4 – SCKT_1 Connection ..................................................................................................................................10
3.5.6 JP5 - FSR_1 Connection ............................................ .... ... .......................... ... ......................................................10
3.5.7 JP6 - SCKR_1 Connection ...................................................................................................................................10
3.5.8 JP7 - DSP MUTE Control ....................................................................................................................................10
3.5.9 JP8 - INT_0/SPDIF Error Flag Connection ................................................... .... ... ...............................................10
3.5.10 JP9 - SDO5/SDI0 Configuration .................... .... ......................... .... ... .......................... ... ....................................10
3.5.11 JP10 SDO4/SDI1 Configuration ..........................................................................................................................10
4.1 DSPX37XDB1 ...........................................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Mode Selection ............................. ... .... ......................... .... ......................... .... .... .........................................................11
4.3 Memory ......................................................................................................................................................................11
4.4 JP1 - Clock Selection .................................................................................................................................................11
4.5 Daughterboard Audio I / O and Clock Control Header ..............................................................................................12
4.5.1 JP3 - Synchronous/Asynchronous Clock Control ................................................................................................12
4.5.2 JP4 – Single/Double Speed Clocking Control .....................................................................................................12
4.5.3 JP5 - DSP MUTE Control ....................................................................................................................................12
4.5.4 JP6 - FSR_1 Connection ............................................ .... ... .......................... ... ......................................................12
4.5.5 JP7 - SCKR_1 Connection ...................................................................................................................................12
4.5.6 JP8 - SCKT_1 Connection ....................................................... .... .... ......................... .... .......................................12
4.5.7 JP9 - FST_1 Connection ......................................................................................................................................12
4.5.8 JP10 - SDO5/SDI0 Configuration .......................................................................................................................12
4.5.9 JP11 - SDO4/SDI1 Configuration .......................................................................................................................13
4.5.10 JP12 - Master Clock Configuration Control ........................................................................................................13
4.5.11 JP13 - SPDIF Lock LED Source Select ..............................................................................................................13
4.5.12 JP14 - SPDIF Lock Connection ..........................................................................................................................13
4.6 JP2 - I2C Boot ROM Enable .......................... ......................... .... ... .......................... ... .... ...........................................13
4.7 P1 - ESAI Receive In ............................. .... .... ......................... .... ... .......................... ... .... ...........................................13
4.8 P2 - ESAI Transmit Out .............................................................. ... .... ......................... .... ...........................................13
Chapter 5 DSP56374 Daughterboard
5.1 DSPX374DB1 ............................................................................................................................................................14
5.2 Mode Selection ............................. ... .... ......................... .... ......................... .... .... .........................................................14
5..3 Memory ......................................................................................................................................................................14
5.4 JP12 – Clock Selection ...............................................................................................................................................14
5.5 Daughterboard Audio I/O and Clock Control Header ................................................................................................15
5.5.1 JP1 – Synchronous/Asynchronous Clock Control ...............................................................................................15
5.5.2 JP2 – Single/Double Speed Clocking Control .....................................................................................................15
5.5.3 JP3 – FSR_1 Connection .....................................................................................................................................15
5.5.4 JP4 – SCKR_1 Connection ..................................................................................................................................15
5.5.5 JP5 – SDO5/SDI0 Configuration .........................................................................................................................15
5.5.6 JP6 – SDO4/SDI1 Configuration .........................................................................................................................15
5.5.7 JP7 – Watchdog Timer Connection .....................................................................................................................15
5.5.8 JP8 – SD03/SDI2 Configuration ..........................................................................................................................15
5.5.9 JP9 – FST/FST_1 Selection .................................................................................................................................16
5.5.10 JP10 – SCKT/SCKT_1 Selection ........................................................................................................................16
5.5.11 JP11 – DSP Mute Control ...................................................................................................................................16
5.5.12 JP13 – I2C Boot ROM Enable .............................................................................................................................16
Table of Contents
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DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
Freescale Semiconductor TOC-3
5.5.13 JP14 – S/PDIF Lock Control ...............................................................................................................................16
5.5.14 JP15 – Master Clock Control ...............................................................................................................................16
5.5.15 P1 – ESAI Receive In ..........................................................................................................................................16
5.5.16 P2 – ESAI Transmit Out ......................................................................................................................................16
Appendix A Schematics
A.1 Motherboard Schematics ............................................................................................................................................17
A.2 DSP5636x Daughterboard Schematics ......................................................................................................................29
A.3 DSP56371 Daughterboard Schematics ......................................................................................................................33
A.4 DSP56374 Daughterboard Schematics ......................................................................................................................35
Appendix B EVM Bill of Materials
Table Of Contents
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
4 Freescale Semiconductor
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
Freescale Semiconductor 1
Chapter 1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
The DSPAUDIOEVM Evaluation Board is used to demonstrate the abilities of the DSP5636x and DSP56367x families of Digital Signal Processors and to provide a hardware to ol allowing the development of app lications that use these devices.
The DSPAUDIOEVM is designed for the following purposes:
To allow new users to become fami liar with the features of the 56300 architecture: The tools and examples provided wi th th e DSPAUDIOEVM facilitate evaluation of the feature set and the benefits of the family.
T o serve as a platform for real-time software development: The tool suite enables the user to develop and simulate routines, download the software to on-chip or on-board RAM, and then run and debug the software using a debugger via the JTAG/OnCE port or the Serial Host Interface port. The breakpoint features of the OnCE port enable the user to easily specify break conditions and to execute user -devel oped soft ware at fu ll speed, un til the break co nditions a re satisfie d. The a bility to examin e and mo dify all user-accessible registers, memory, and peripherals through the OnCE or SHI port greatly facilitates the task of the developer.
T o serve as a platform for hardware development: The hardware platform enables the user to connect external hardware peripherals. The on-board peripherals can be disabled, providing the user with the ability to reassign any and all of the DSP’s peripherals. The OnCE port’s unobtrusive design means that all of the memory on the board and on the DSP chip is available to the user.
1.2 DSPAUDIOEVM Architecture
The DSPAUDIOEVM system is a development tool for authoring and testing of Digital Audio DSP software. It can also be used as a demo platform for Motorola’s digital audio DSP technologies. Th e EVM system consists of a motherboard and a daughterboard (Ordered separately).
1.2.1 Daughterboard
Several different daughterboards are available to support both 5636x and 5637x Digital Signal Processor families. Each daughterboard connects to the motherboard using two 96-pin connectors and, depending on the DSP, also contains external SRAM, FLASH or EEPROM. (For more information on specific daughterboards see their specific sections of this manual.)
1.2.2 Motherboard
The motherboard has a variety of dig ital and analog audio I/O including:
4 switchable S/PDIF inputs (2 optical and 2 Coaxial)
4 simultaneous S/PDIF outputs(3 Coaxial and 1 Coaxial/Optical)
12 analog output channels (6 st ereo RCA type connectors)
2 analog microphon e inputs
2 analog inputs (1 stereo RCA type connectors)
Headphone output (can mix any combination of analog signals using switch array)
The motherboard uses an included external universal power supply (100-220V AC, 50-60 Hz). The power supply uses an IEC three pin power connector for the AC supply. The user must supply the AC cable required to connect power to the region specific AC power connection.
1.3 Debugger Interfaces
1.3.1 Suite56 OnCE Debugger
The motherboard also supports multiple debugger interfaces. The Motorola high speed parallel port OnCE command converter tool is embedded in the EVM (no special cables are required). An IEEE 1284 Parallel port cable is included in the EVM kit for convenience.
This OnCE interface can be used with the Motorola Suite56 tool set software and documentation available at
1.3.2 Symphony Debugger Interface
In addition to OnCE debugging, the motherboard includes a real time Symp hony Debugger Interface (S DI). This debugger uses either a RS-232 or USB interface and allows SPI or I
C communication to th e DSP fro m a P C fo r real time debugging and c onfig ura tio n o f th e DSP. The software and documentation to enable use of the SDI debugger are available on the web: software download.
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
2 Freescale Semiconductor
The SDI software is designed for users of ROM-based Software Architecture enabled DSPs. It cannot be used with generic or "B" ROM DSPs.
1.4 Microcontrollers
There are two HC08 Motoro la m icr oco ntro llers in c lud ed i n th is E V M. They each have a dedicated function and are re-flashable in the event a field upgrade is required to the EVM.
1.5 Config MPU
This is an HC908GP32 m icrocontroller and is pre-programmed with software to enable all of the on-board AKM components and clocking mode changes. This microcontroller also controls the mute functionality of the fin al a ud io ou tp uts and the switching of the inp uts sourced to the DSP daughterboard.
1.6 Debug MPU
This is an HC908JB16 and is pre-programmed with software to allow communication (from a host PC to the DSP) via the serial RS232 and USB ports in conjunct ion with the supplied SDI d e bugger software.
1.7 Getting Started
The first step to using your EVM system is to insert the daughterboard into the motherboard. The connectors are keyed to be inserted in only one direction.
Connecting the power supply is the next step and we recommend always using a grounded AC power cord for both improved audio performance and safety. Connect the power supply to the AC power source first and then to the EVM at th e round J1 connector. When the connector is properly seated, all five of the power LEDs located next to the J1 connector should be illuminated.
1.8 Running the Passthru Code
Each daughterboard is shipped wi th a simple piece of passthru code stored in the on-board FLASH or EEPROM device. To run this code, ensure that the boot mode, controlled by switch SW1, is set to boot the DSP from the on-board FLASH or EEPROM device. See the daughterboard specific section for more information regarding bootm odes.
For the above mentioned passthru function the source device is selected by setting the jumpers of JP11 (AUX in). The default setting from the factory configures the system to source audio data from the optical RX1 S/PDIF input. Altern ate set tings are descr ibed in Section,
JP11 – AUX Mode Input Source Selection. The DSP passthru software passes the audio sourced from the selected input to the first 4 stereo
analog outputs (AOUT 1-4). You can listen to these outputs by connecting an external amplifier and speaker to the RCA outputs or by using the built-in headphone amplifie r. To use the headphone outpu t selec t the de sire d ana lo g outp ut signals usin g th e left and righ t channel select switches (SW2/SW3) and adjust the left and right volume sliders (RV3/RV4).
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
Freescale Semiconductor 3
Chapter 2 Motherboard
2.1 Introduction
This section will define the mo therboard and daug hterboard jumper and switch functionalit y including their de fault setting. The jumpers allow flexibility to re-route sig nals througho ut the bo ard, bu t only the sim ple jumper setti ngs will be c overed in this d ocumentatio n. Mo re advan ced EVM users will be able to experiment with alternate con figurations us ing this section in conj unction with the sche matic included in Appendix A. The default jumper settings are indicated with the dark gray boxes.
2.2 Configuration Jumpers
2.2.1 JP1/JP2 - S/PDIF Transmitter Output
The JP1 and JP2 headers are designed to allow selection of the S/PDIF output sources driven by the daughterboard (DSP), AKM 4101 S/PDIF transmitter, or AKM 4114 S/PDIF receiver. The DSP option on the se jumpers is for future flexibility to allo w for m ultiple S/PDIF signals t o be sourced from the daughterboard directly. One of the S/PDIF signals (TXSD4, TXSD5, o r TXSD6) can be directed to the TX4 output by selecting it, using JP 2 and selecting the 4101TX4 option in the TX4 section of JP1. The 4114TX jumper option on TX4 is to allow direct connection of the S/PDIF receiver relay to S/PDIF out. The ADO jumper option on TX1 allows the S/PDIF transmitter (DAX port) of certain DSPs to be connected to the S/PDIF output connector.
2.2.2 JP3/JP4 – S/PDIF Receiver Input
The JP3 jumper allows for har dware configuration of the AKM 4114 S/PDIF receiver. The default setting is for software control mode and the AKM 4114 is configured by the Motorola HC908GP32 configuration microcontroller on the motherboard.
The JP4 jumper controls the S/PDIF receiver input source to allow direct routing to the daughterboard using the DSP setting or selecting connection to the AKM 4114 (default).
2.2.3 JP5Pass-thru Header
This jumper block is included to give convenient access to all the critical audio clocks and data lines. These jumpers can be removed to allow for rerouting of the audio sign als withi n the board an d to allow fo r expansion to external boards. As an example, this header could be used to connect to an external audio codec board for evaluation of the Motorol a DSP with a specific audio codec.
Table 2-1. JP1 / JP2 – S/PDIF Transmitter Output
TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 4101TX4
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Table 2-2. JP3 / JP4 – S/PDIF Receiver Input
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
4 Freescale Semiconductor
Configuration Jumpers
2.2.4 Debugger and Microcontroller Configuration PJ6 Debug MPU Crystal Selection
The JP6 jumper is for selection of RS232 or USB co mmunication when using the SDI debugger. Note that USB mode is not possible when using the Win NT software version. The RS 23 2 positi on sho uld b e jumpered when the RS232 interface is used for the SDI debugger, and the USB/PGM position should be used when using the USB interface for the SDI debugger or when reprogramming of the Debug Micro is required. Only one of these jumpers should be connected at any one time. Use of the wrong jumper setting will cause SDI communication failure to occur or a reduction in the data transfer rate. JP7 – MPU Program Control
The JP7 jumpers are only used when the on-b oard microcontrollers are to be re-programmed . P l acing a jumper in the PGM position places the selected microcontroller in program mode upon power-on. The microcontroller to be programmed is selected by placing a jumper in either the DEBUG MPU or CONFIG MPU positions. With no jumper in the PGM position, the other two jumpers are ignored. JP8 – SHI Debug Source Selection
The JP8 jumpers are for selection of various debugger modes. The default selection is for SDI debugge r use. The PPI port can be used with legacy "PPP Development Interface" software and a PPI cable although the latest SDI debugger software is the preferred option for future upgradability and support. The third option, CONFIG MPU, is not currentl y supported on the EVM. Only one jumper position sho uld be used at any one time. JP9 – OnCE/JTAG Debugger Source Selection
The JP9 jumpers are used for selection of alternative debugging tools such as the Suite 56 OnCE interface mentioned earlier. To use this, simply connect to a host PC with a paralle l cable and have a jumper in the PARALLEL positions. The OnCE jumper option can be used if the user wishes to connect an external OnCE/JTAG debugger interface to the board. The USB/RS232 option is not currently supported and only one jumper should be inserted at a time.
Table 2-3. JP5 — PASS-THRU Header
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DACB 1/2
Table 2-4. Debug and Crystal MPU Settings
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JP6 JP7 JP8 JP9 JP10 JP11
Signal Headers
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Freescale Semiconductor 5 JP10 – Config / Debug MPU Communication
The JP10 jumpers provide a communication port between the debug microcontroller and the configuration microcontroller. When the SDI debugger is used and the AUX5 jumper is out, the SDI debugger interface controls the audio input source. The JP10 jumpers pro vi de a communication port be tween the debug m icrocontroller and the configuration microcontroller. When the SDI debugger is used, and the AUX5 jumper is out, the SDI debugger interface controls the audio input source. To allow this, all JP10 jumpers should be populated. JP11 – AUX Mode Input Source Selection
The JP11 jumpers are present as an alternative to using the SDI debugger software to select between the various inputs available. If the AUX5 jumper is present then the following jumper setting s will result in the input selectio n sho w n in Table 2-5
2.3 Signal Headers
These headers allow for external debu gger connections, analog output signal measurement, and GPIO access.
2.3.1 P1 — PPI Header
The PPI header connections are to allow for backwards compatibility with existing PPI software tool set and to allow easy access to the SHI port connections f r om the motherboard. Note that when using PPI source, JP8 must have PPI Port jumper in place.
2.3.2 P2OnCE Header
The P2 OnCE header is for connection of an external OnCE/JTAG debugger tool to the OnCE/JTAG port of the DSP on the daughterboard. Further explanation of the OnCE /JTAG signal definition can be found in the DSP u sers guid e s. The P2 OnCE header is for connection of an external OnCE/JTAG debugger tool to the OnCE/JTAG port of the DSP on the daughterboard. Further explanation of the OnCE/JTAG signal definition can be found in the DSP users guides. Note that when using an external OnCE/JTAG debugger tool, the JP9 JTAG jumper should be in the "OnCE" position.
Table 2-5. JP11 Selections
Input Selected Aux5 Aux4* Aux3 Aux2 Aux1
RX1 1 0 0 0 0
RX2 1 0 0 0 1
RX3 1 0 0 1 0
RX4 1 0 0 1 1
AIN1 1 0 1 0 0
SDI debugger selects input
0 X X X X
* When the Aux5 jumper is present, the Aux4 jumper directly controls the mute functionality of the EVM motherboard.
Table 2-6. P1 — PPI Header
NC(1) * * SS/HA2
SDA * * MOSI / HA0
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This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
6 Freescale Semiconductor
On-board Debugger Connections
2.3.3 P3ANALOG I/O
The Analog I/O header allows for analog acc ess to input signals before the A/D (AIN1) op-amp stage and th e output signals after the D/A (AO1-6) op-amp stage. This section is provided for ease of analog measurement and anal og I/O connector relocation.
2.3.4 TP1 / TP2 Headers
TP1 and TP2 jumper blocks route to daughterboard for GPIO test points and future flexibility. On the DSP 56362/6/7 parts, as an example, these headers are connected to the DSP HDI08 port. See daughterboard schematics and ap pendix for device specifics.
2.4 On-board Debugger Connections
The connectors discussed in this section are the on-board debuggers. For specific information on using the debuggers, see the relevant User’s Manuals.
2.4.1 J2 — USB Interface
This connector is used in conjunction with the SDI software to debug a DSP using USB communications. See Section 2.2.4, Debugger and
Microcontroller Configuration for the proper jumper settings to use this interface.
Table 2-7. P2 — OnCE Header
TDI(1) * * GND
VDD * * N/C
N/C * * N/C
Table 2-8. P3 — Analog I / O
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Table 2-9. TP1 Header — GP TP18
TP1 * * TP8
TP2 * * TP7
TP3 * * TP6
TP4 * * TP5
Table 2-10. TP2 Header — GP TP916
TP9 * * TP16
TP10 * * TP15
TP11 * * TP14
TP12 * * TP13
External I/O
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2.4.2 J3 — RS232 Interface
This connector can be used for debu gging or for in-fie ld updating of th e microcontrolle r code. T o use th is port for debugg ing, the SDI software must be used. See Section 2.2.4, Debugger and Microcontroller Configuration for the proper jumper settings to use this interface.
2.4.3 J4 — Parallel Port Debugger Interface
This connector is used for the on-board Suite56 Parallel Port Command Converter. In conjunction with the Suite56 software, this interface provides a high- speed debugger connection through the JTAG/OnCE port of the DS P. See Section 2.2.4 , Debugger and Mi c rocontroller
Configuration for the proper jumper settings to use this interface.
2.5 External I/O
2.5.1 J9 / J10 — Microphone Inputs
There are two microp hone inputs availabl e at 1/8inch microphone connectors J9 and J10 labeled MIC1 and MIC2. Th ese can also be monitored via hea dphones by switching MIC1 and MIC2 on. The input levels of these c an be adjusted with the potentiometers at RV1 and RV2 labeled MIC1 LEVEL and MIC2 LEVEL. These signals are connected to th e ADC2 A/D converter.
If 1/4 inch to 1/8 inch adaptors are used for the mi crophone connection use only stereo-st ereo or mono-mono style adapters. Stereo-mono o r mono-stereo adapters will result in a short of the incoming audio signal to ground. RV1/RV2 - Microphone Gain Control
These potentiometer s control the input levels for MIC1 an d MIC2 respectively. To prevent damage, alway s sta rt with th e se co ntrols in a low setting, i.e., twisted left. These inputs can be monitored directly, using the on-board headphone amplifier.
2.5.2 J11 / J12Analog Outputs
Fixed pre-amp outputs (Variable through Digital Volume control on the DSP) are provided for 12 channels of output. These RCA connections can be fed into a variable or fixed amplifier stage. Care should be taken to verify signal integrity before connecting to large fixed amplifiers to avoid audible noise or sp eaker damage.
These outputs are located at J11 and J12.
If using the Software Architecture, the analog outputs correspond to the following:
AOUT1 WHITE Left Main AOUT1 RED Right Main
AOUT2 WHITE Left Surround AOUT2 RED Right Surround
AOUT3 WHITE Center AOUT3 RED Subwoofer
AOUT4 WHITE Left Back AOUT4 RED Right Back
Table 2-11. J11
White White White
Red Red Red
Table 2-12. J12
White White White
Red Red Red
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8 Freescale Semiconductor
AOUT5 WHITE Left Secondary AOUT5 RED Right Secondary
AOUT6 WHITE Unassigned AOUT6 RED Unassigned
2.5.3 J13Headphone Outputs
These channels can also be monitored with the on-board headphone amplifier. The channel listened to is selected via switches SW2 and SW3. Moving the switch to the right will enable the corresponding channel. There are right and left volume sliders (RV3 and RV4) to allow variations in volume level and balance control. Headphones should be plugged in to the J13 1/8-inch headphone connector. SW2 / SW3 — Channel Select
These switches control what is routed to the on-board headphone amplifier. Moving the switch to the right will enable the corresponding channel. Multiple switches/channels can be enabled at one time, and the signals will be summed into the corresponding headphone channel. RV3 / RV4 — Headphone Volume Select
These sliders allow for volume and balance adjustment for the headphone amplifier. T o help prevent damage to headphones or hearing, always start with the sliders in a low-volume position.
3.1 DSPX36XDB1
This daughterboard supports the 56362, 56364, 56366, and 56367. The following sections describe the jumper and switch settings available on the DSPX36XDB1. A schematic for this daughterboard can be found in Appendix A.
3.2 Mode Selection
Var ious boot-up modes can be selected via the MO DE pins and pins PB13 and PB 14 settings can be deter m ined using switch bank SW1. Switch position “ON” = sign al hi gh. Table 3-1 shows the modes available for the 56362/366/367. Table 3-2 shows the modes available for the
56364. See device-specific user manual for full details of each boot mode.
All other modes are reser ved and should not be used.
Table 3-1. Mode Selection for 56362/366/367
0 0 0 0 X X Expanded mode (execute from $C00000)
0 0 0 1 X X Bootstrap from external FLASH
0 0 1 0 0 1 Bootstrap SA in SPI mode*
0 0 1 0 1 1 Bootstrap SA in I2C mode*
0 1 0 1 X X Boot from SHI (slave SPI mode)
0 1 1 1 X X Boot from SHI (slave I2C mode)
1 0 0 0 X X Expanded mode (execute from $008000)
1 1 0 0 X X Bootstrap in HDI08 ISA mode
1 1 0 1 X X Bootstrap in HDI08 HC11 mode
1 1 1 0 X X Bootstrap in HDI08 8051 mode
1 1 1 1 X X Bootstrap in HDI08 69302 mode
* These modes are only applicable to DSPs which have the embedded ROM based Software Architecture (SA).
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
Freescale Semiconductor 9
3.3 Memory
The daughter board i nclu des thr ee 12 8Kx8 S RAM (o ne 128 Kx8 S RAM fo r the 56 364 daught erbo ard). T here is also a 512K x8 FLA SH de vice resident on the board. From factory the FLASH is programmed with an audio passthru code to allow simple verification of initial board operations. See Section 1.8, Running the Passthru Code for an explanation of running the passthru code.
3.4 JP11 - Clock Selection
Jumper bank JP11 allows for the following clocking modes:
OSC – Clock DSP from canned oscillator at U7 (not Populated) XTAL – Clock DSP from 24.576MHz crystal at X1 (default mode) EXT – Clock DSP fro m motherboard 24 .576MHz clock source
Only one of the JP11 options sho uld be popu la ted at the same time .
3.5 Daughterboard Audio I / O and Clock Control Header
3.5.1 TIO0 – Timmer Port
This is connected directly to the TIO0 pin on the DSP.
3.5.2 JP1 - Synchronous/Asynchronous Clock Control
This jumper set controls whether or not the DSP is in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Position B allows the DSP GPIO (pin PB9) to choose the mode. Position C forces the mode to be asynchronous, and no jumper forces synchronous mode. In synchronous mode FST is connected to FSR, and SCKT is connected to SCKR on the ESAI port of the DSP.
Table 3-2. Mode Selection for 56364
0 X 0 0 Jump to PROM starting address
0 X 0 1 Bootstrap from byte-wide memory
0 X 1 0 Reserved
0 X 1 1 Reserved for Burn-in testing
1 X 0 0 Reserved
1 X 0 1 Bootstrap from SHI (slave SPI mode)
1 X 1 0 Bootstrap from SHI (slave I2C mode, clock freeze enabled)
1 X 1 1 Bootstrap from SHI (slave I2C mode, clock freeze disabled
Table 3-3. Daughterboard Audio I / O and Clock Control Header
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
TI0 JP1 JP2 JP3 JP4 JP5 JP6 JP7 JP8 JP9 JP10
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
10 Freescale Semiconductor
Daughterboard Audio I / O and Clock Control Header
3.5.3 JP2 – Single/Double Speed Clocking Control
This jumper set controls whether or not the motherboard is in single or double speed mode. Position D forces the motherboard into double speed mode. Position E allows the DSP GPIO pin PB11 to control the mode (e.g., through a PPP), and no jumper forces single speed mode. An example of this signal’s use is for decoding of DTS 96/24 content. In this mode, it is required to update the masterclock ration expectation in the D/A converters and S/PDIF transmitters becau se the DTS 96/24 decode r doubles the au dio sample rate a s part of the de coding process.
3.5.4 JP3 - FST_1 Connection
This set of jumpers determines whic h fra me syn c cl oc k sour ce is u s ed fo r th e AKM DAC4_ 6 . Th e F p osition directs the ESAI_0 FST signal to DAC4_6. Position G directs the ESAI_1 FST sign al to DAC4_6, and po pulation o f both jumpe rs will synchroniz e/short the two ES AI port FST lines.
Position F should always be populated when using a 56362 or 56364 daughterboard.
3.5.5 JP4 – SCKT_1 Connection
This set of jumpers determines which serial clock source is used for the AKM DAC4_6. Position H directs the ESAI_0 SCKT signal to DAC4_6, position I directs the ESAI_1 SCKT signal to DAC4_6 and population of both jumpers will synchronize/short the two ESAI port SCKT lines.
Position H should alw a ys be populated when using a 56362 or 56364 daughter board.
3.5.6 JP5 - FSR_1 Connection
This jumper connects/shorts the FSR and FSR_1 signals together. No jumper means that the FSR_1 signal stops at the header.
3.5.7 JP6 - SCKR_1 Connection
This jumper connects/shorts the SCKR and SCKR_1 signals together. No jumper means that the SCKR_1 signal stops at the header.
3.5.8 JP7 - DSP MUTE Control
This jumper controls the mute signal whe n used in conjun ction with the Software Architecture or GPIO control . W ith the jump er in pla ce, the mute control is connected to the DSP GPIO pin PB12. No jumper means that mu te functi on al ity will on ly be controlled by the motherboard.
3.5.9 JP8 - INT_0/SPDIF Error Flag Connection
This jumper connects the error flag signal from the AKM 4114 to the DSP GPIO pin PB15. This allo ws the DSP to b e in fo rmed o f the status of the AKM 4114 S/PDIF receiver. If the connection is not desired this jumper can be removed.
3.5.10 JP9 - SDO5/SDI0 Configuration
This jumper set controls the signal con nections of SDO5/SDI0. Depending on the ESAI setting in the DSP, this pin can be conf igured as an input or an output. A jumper in position N feeds the SDI0 signal from the ADC2 microphone source. A jumper in the O position feeds the SDO5 signal to DAC4_6.
3.5.11 JP10 SDO4/SDI1 Configuration
This jumper set controls the input sou rce for SDI1. A jum per in the P position feeds the SDI1 signal from the AKM 41 1 4 S/PDIF receiver . A jumper in the Q position feeds the SDI1 signal from ADC1. There is no available jumper set ting for use of the SDO4 signal.
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
Freescale Semiconductor 11
4.1 DSPX37XDB1
The following s e c tio n d esc r ibes the jumper an d s w itch options for th e D S PX 37 X D B1. The schematic f or the daughterbo ard c an be found in
Section A, Schematics for clarification of all DSP connections.
Two versions of the DSPX37XDB1 exist: Rev C and Rev D. You can determine the re vision by looking at the bottom side of the board just below the serial num ber. This section documents Rev D of the board which is the cu rrent pr oduction revision. Wh ile the j umper sets are numb ered dif ferently between the revisions, the functional descriptions remain the same. The only functional difference between revisions is the additio n of the boot from on-board serial EEPROM av ailable only on the R ev D board. Schematics for the Rev C board are not included in this manual but are available upon request.
All other modes are reser ved and should not be used.
4.2 Mode Selection
Various boot-up modes can be selected via the MODE pins and pins TP13 and TP14 settings can be determined using switch bank SW1. Switch position “ON”= signal high. See the DSP56371 user manual for full details.
4.3 Memory
The DSPX37XDB1 daughterboard includes one 1Mx8 EEPROM accessed by an I2C-compatible bus. This memory comes pre-programmed with a basic audio passthru code to allow simple verification of the initial board operations. See Section 1.8, Running the Passthru Code for more details.
4.4 JP1 - Clock Selection
Jumper bank JP1 allows for the following clocking modes:
OSC – Clock DSP from canned oscillator at U7 (not Populated) XTAL – Clock DSP from 24.576MHz crystal at X1 (default mode) EXT – Clock DSP fro m motherboard 24 .576MHz clock source
Only one of the JP1 options should be populated at the same time.
Table 4-1. Mode Selection
0 0 1 0 0 1 Bootstrap SA in SPI mode
0 0 1 0 1 1 Bootstrap SA in I2C mode
0 1 0 1 X X Bootstrap from SHI (slave SPI) mode
0 1 1 1 X X Bootstrap from SHI (slave I2C) mode
1 0 0 1 X X Bootstrap from SHI (serial EEPROM) mode
DSPAUDIOEVM Users Guide, Rev. 2.4
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject ot change without notice.
12 Freescale Semiconductor
Daughterboard Audio I / O and Clock Control Header
4.5 Daughterboard Audio I / O and Clock Control Header
4.5.1 JP3 - Synchronous/Asynchronous Clock Control
This jumper set controls whether or not the DSP is in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Position A allows the DSP GPIO (pin PB1) to choose the mode. Position B forces the mode to be asynchronous, and no jumper forces synchronous mode. In synchronous mode FST is connected to FSR, and SCKT is connected to SCKR on the ESAI port of the DSP.
4.5.2 JP4 – Single/Double Speed Clocking Control
This jumper set controls whether or not the motherboard is in single or double speed mode. Position C forces the motherboard into double speed mode. Position D allows the DSP GPIO pin PE10 to control the mode (e.g., through a PPP), and no jumper forces single speed mode. An example of this signal’s use is for decoding of DTS 96/24 content. In this mode, it is required to update the masterclock ration expectation in the D/A converters and S/PDIF transmitters becau se the DTS 96/24 decode r doubles the au dio sample rate a s part of the de coding process.
4.5.3 JP5 - DSP MUTE Control
This jumper controls the mute signal whe n used in conjun ction with the Software Architecture or GPIO control . W ith the jump er in pla ce, the mute control is connected to th e DSP GPIO pi n PE11. No jumper means tha t mute fun c tio nality will o nl y be c ontro lle d b y the motherboard.
4.5.4 JP6 - FSR_1 Connection
This jumper connects/shorts t he FSR and FSR_1 signals together. No jumper means that the FSR_1 signal stops at header P1.
4.5.5 JP7 - SCKR_1 Connection
This jumper connects/shorts the SCKR and SCKR_1 signals together. No jumper means that the SCKR_1 signal st ops at header P1.
4.5.6 JP8 - SCKT_1 Connection
This set of jumpers determines which serial clock source is used for the AKM DAC4_6. Position I directs the ESAI_0 SCKT signal to DAC4_6, position H directs the ESAI_1 SCKT signal to DAC4_6 and population of both jumpers will syn chr o nize /shor t th e two ESAI port SCKT lines.
4.5.7 JP9 - FST_1 Connection
This set of jumpers determines which frame sync clock source is use d for the AKM DAC4_6. The K position di rects the ESAI FST sign al to DAC4_6. Position J directs the ESAI_1 FST signal to DAC4_6, and populati on of both jumpers will synchronize/short the two ESAI port FST lines.
4.5.8 JP10 - SDO5/SDI0 Configuration
This jumper set controls the signal con nections of SDO5/SDI0. Depending on the ESAI setting in the DSP, this pin can be conf igured as an input or an output. A jumper in position L feeds the SDI0 signal from the ADC2 microphone source. A jumper in the M position feeds the SDO5 signal to DAC4_6.
Table 4-2. Daughterboard Audio I/O and clock Control Header
LED = 4114 INT0
4114 INT0 = DSP PF6
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JP3 JP4 JP5 JP6 JP7 JP8 JP9 JP10 JP11 JP12 JP13 JP14
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