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1.4.1Data ALU ............................................................................................................................................................1-3 ALU Registers ......................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4.2Address Generation Unit (AGU) ........................................................................................................................1-4
1.4.3Program Control Unit (PCU) ..............................................................................................................................1-4
2.5Clock and PLL ...........................................................................................................................................................2-4
2.6Interrupt and Mode Control .......................................................................................................................................2-4
2.8Enhanced Serial Audio Interface ...............................................................................................................................2-8
2.9Enhanced Serial Audio Interface_1 .........................................................................................................................2-12
2.10Dedicated GPIO - Port G .........................................................................................................................................2-16
3.1Data and Program Memory Maps .............................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.4External Memory Support ...................................................................................................................................3-5
3.1.5DMA and Memory ..............................................................................................................................................3-5
5.2PLL and Clock Signals ..............................................................................................................................................5-1
5.4.2PLL Frequency Multiplication ............................................................................................................................5-3
5.4.3PLL Output Frequency (PLL Out) ......................................................................................................................5-4
5.6Operating Frequency (Fosc) ......................................................................................................................................5-6
5.7PLL Programming Model .........................................................................................................................................5-7
6.2Programming Model ..................................................................................................................................................6-1
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
TOC-2Freescale Semiconductor
Table of Contents
6.2.1Port C and E Signals and Registers .....................................................................................................................6-1
6.2.2Port G Signals and Registers ...............................................................................................................................6-1 G Control Register (PCRG) ..................................................................................................................6-1 G Direction Register (PRRG) ...............................................................................................................6-1 G Data register (PDRG) ........................................................................................................................6-2 clocking control ....................................................................................................................6-2
6.2.3Port H Signals and Registers ...............................................................................................................................6-3 H Control Register (PCRH) ..................................................................................................................6-3 H Direction Register (PRRH) ...............................................................................................................6-3 H Data register (PDRH) ........................................................................................................................6-4
7.5Characteristics Of The SPI Bus ...............................................................................................................................7-11
7.6.2I2C Data Transfer Formats ................................................................................................................................7-13 Data in I2C Slave Mode ................................................................................................................7-15 Data In I2C Slave Mode ..............................................................................................................7-15
7.7.4I Data in I2C Master Mode ..............................................................................................................7-16 Data In I2C Master Mode ............................................................................................................7-16
7.7.5SHI Operation During DSP Stop ......................................................................................................................7-17
7.7.6GPIO- HREQ Signal and Registers ..................................................................................................................7-17
C Slave Mode .................................................................................................................................................7-14
C Master Mode ...............................................................................................................................................7-15
C Bus ...............................................................................................................................7-11
8.2ESAI Data and Control Pins ......................................................................................................................................8-2
8.2.1Serial Transmit 0 Data Pin (SDO0) ....................................................................................................................8-3
8.2.2Serial Transmit 1 Data Pin (SDO1) ....................................................................................................................8-3
8.2.3Serial Transmit 2/Receive 3 Data Pin (SDO2/SDI3) ..........................................................................................8-3
8.2.4Serial Transmit 3/Receive 2 Data Pin (SDO3/SDI2) ..........................................................................................8-3
8.2.5Serial Transmit 4/Receive 1 Data Pin (SDO4/SDI1) ..........................................................................................8-3
8.2.6Serial Transmit 5/Receive 0 Data Pin (SDO5/SDI0) ..........................................................................................8-3
8.2.7Receiver Serial Clock (SCKR) ...........................................................................................................................8-4
8.2.8Transmitter Serial Clock (SCKT) .......................................................................................................................8-4
8.2.9Frame Sync for Receiver (FSR) ..........................................................................................................................8-5
8.2.10Frame Sync for Transmitter (FST) .....................................................................................................................8-6
8.2.11High Frequency Clock for Transmitter (HCKT) ................................................................................................8-6
8.2.12High Frequency Clock for Receiver (HCKR) .....................................................................................................8-6
8.3ESAI Programming Model ........................................................................................................................................8-6
8.3.1ESAI Transmitter Clock Control Register (TCCR) ............................................................................................8-6 Synchronous Mode Selection (SYN) - Bit 6 .................................................................................8-24 Transmit External Buffer Enable (TEBE) - Bit 7 ..........................................................................8-24 Alignment Control (ALC) - Bit 8 ..................................................................................................8-24
8.3.6ESAI Status Register (SAISR) ..........................................................................................................................8-25 Serial Input Flag 0 (IF0) - Bit 0 ......................................................................................................8-26 Serial Input Flag 1 (IF1) - Bit 1 ......................................................................................................8-26 Serial Input Flag 2 (IF2) - Bit 2 ......................................................................................................8-26
8.4.1ESAI After Reset ..............................................................................................................................................8-32 Direction Selection ............................................................................................................................8-34
8.5GPIO - Pins and Registers .......................................................................................................................................8-35
8.5.1Port C (ESAI) GPIO - Pins and Registers ........................................................................................................8-35 C Control Register (PCRC) ................................................................................................................8-35 C Direction Register (PRRC) ..............................................................................................................8-35 C Data register (PDRC) ...................................................................................................................... 8-36
8.5.2Port E (ESAI_1) GPIO - Pins and Registers .....................................................................................................8-36 E Control Register (PCRE) .................................................................................................................8-37 E Direction Register (PRRE) ..............................................................................................................8-37 E Data register (PDRE) .......................................................................................................................8-37
8.6.1Initializing the ESAI Using Individual Reset ...................................................................................................8-38
8.6.2Initializing Just the ESAI Transmitter Section .................................................................................................8-38
8.6.3Initializing Just the ESAI Receiver Section ......................................................................................................8-38
9.2.1Timer After Reset ...............................................................................................................................................9-2
10.4Description of Registers ..........................................................................................................................................10-2
10.4.1 Watchdog Control Register (WCR) .................................................................................................................10-2
10.4.4 Watchdog Service Register (WSR) ..................................................................................................................10-3
10.5 Operation in Different Modes ................................................................................................................................10-3
A.1DSP56374 Bootstrap Program .................................................................................................................................A-1
A.2Using The Serial EEPROM Boot Mode ...................................................................................................................A-5
4-1Interrupt Priority Register P ......................................................................................................................................4-4
4-2Interrupt Priority Register C ......................................................................................................................................4-4
5-9PLL Control (PCTL) Register ...................................................................................................................................5-7
7-3SHI Programming Model—Host Side ......................................................................................................................7-3
7-4SHI Programming Model—DSP Side .......................................................................................................................7-3
7-9Acknowledgment on the I2C Bus ............................................................................................................................7-12
7-11I2C Bus Protocol For Host Read Cycle ...................................................................................................................7-13
8-6Normal and Network Operation ..............................................................................................................................8-13
8-11SAICR SYN Bit Operation .....................................................................................................................................8-25
C Bit Transfer .......................................................................................................................................................7-12
C Start and Stop Events ........................................................................................................................................7-12
C Bus Protocol For Host Write Cycle ..................................................................................................................7-13
9-20Timer Module Programmer’s Model ......................................................................................................................9-19
C-5Phase Lock Loop Control Register (PCTL) ...........................................................................................................C-16
C-6SHI Slave Address and Clock Control Registers ...................................................................................................C-17
C-8ESAI Transmit Clock Control Register ..................................................................................................................C-19
C-9ESAI Transmit Control Register ............................................................................................................................C-20
C-10ESAI Receive Clock Control Register ...................................................................................................................C-21
C-11ESAI Receive Control Register ..............................................................................................................................C-22
C-12ESAI Common Control Register ............................................................................................................................C-23
C-13ESAI Status Register ..............................................................................................................................................C-24
C-14ESAI_1 Transmit Clock Control Register ..............................................................................................................C-25
C-15ESAI_1 Transmit Control Register ........................................................................................................................C-26
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
LOF-2Freescale Semiconductor
List of Figures
C-16ESAI_1 Receive Clock Control Register ...............................................................................................................C-27
C-17ESAI_1 Receive Control Register ..........................................................................................................................C-28
C-18ESAI_1 Common Control Register ........................................................................................................................C-29
C-19ESAI_1 Status Register ..........................................................................................................................................C-30
C-20Timer Prescaler Load and Prescaler Count Registers (TPLR, TPCR) ...................................................................C-31
C-22Timer Load, Compare and Count Registers ...........................................................................................................C-33
C-23GPIO Port C ...........................................................................................................................................................C-35
C-24GPIO Port E ............................................................................................................................................................C-36
C-25GPIO Port G ...........................................................................................................................................................C-37
2-1DSP56374 Functional Signal Groupings ..................................................................................................................2-1
2-5Clock and PLL Signals ..............................................................................................................................................2-4
2-6Interrupt and Mode Control .......................................................................................................................................2-4
2-8Enhanced Serial Audio Interface Signals ..................................................................................................................2-8
2-9Enhanced Serial Audio Interface_1 Signals ............................................................................................................2-12
2-10Dedicated GPIO - Port G Signals ............................................................................................................................2-16
2-11Timer Signal ............................................................................................................................................................2-18
4-5Interrupt Sources Priorities Within an IPL ................................................................................................................4-4
5-4PLL Control (PCTL) Register Bit Definitions ..........................................................................................................5-8
7-4SHI Data Size ............................................................................................................................................................7-8
7-5HREQ Function In SPI Slave Mode ..........................................................................................................................7-9
8-3Transmitter High Frequency Clock Divider ..............................................................................................................8-9
8-5ESAI Transmit Slot and Word Length Selection ....................................................................................................8-14
8-6Receiver High Frequency Clock Divider ......................................................................................
8-11ESAI Receive Slot and Word Length Selection ......................................................................................................8-21
8-12PCRC and PRRC Bits Functionality .......................................................................................................................8-35
8-13PCRE and PRRE Bits Functionality .......................................................................................................................8-37
9-1Timer Prescaler Load Register (TPLR) Bit Definitions ..........................................................................................9-20
9-2Timer Prescaler Count Register (TPCR) Bit Definitions ...................................................................................... 9--20
9-3Timer Control/Status Register (TCSR) Bit Definitions ........................................................................................ 9--21
9-4Inverter (INV) Bit Operation ...................................................................................................................................9-24
C-4Interrupt Sources Priorities Within an IPL .............................................................................................................C-10
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
LOT-2Freescale Semiconductor
This manual describes the DSP56374 24-bit digital signal processor (DSP), its memory, operating modes and peripheral modules. The
DSP56374 is a member of the DSP56300 family of programmable CMOS DSPs. Changes in core functionality specific to the DSP56374 are
also described in this manual.
The SCF5250 is designed to support a multitude of digital signal processing applications that require a lot of horsepower in a small package.
While generic in its signal-processing capabilities, the DSP56374 includes various built-in audio processing features designed to meet the
needs of both consumer and automotive audio applications. The DSP56374 provides a wealth of audio-processing functions, including a basic
operating system, various equalization algorithms, compression, signal generator, tone control, fade/balance, level meter/spectrum analyzer,
and many more. The DSP56374 also supports various matrix decoders and sound-field processing algorithms. The SCF5250 uses the high
performance, single-clock-per-cycle DSP56300 core family of programmable CMOS digital signal processors (DSPs) combined with the
audio signal processing capability of the Freescale (formerly Motorola) Symphony™ DSP family. This design provides a two-fold
performance increase over Freescale’s popular DSP56000 family of DSPs while retaining code compatibility. Significant architectural
enhancements include a barrel shifter, 24-bit addressing, and direct memory access (DMA).
This manual is intended to be used with the following publications:
•The DSP56300 Family Manual (DSP56300FM/AD), which describes the CPU, core programming models and instruction set
•The DSP56374 Technical Data Sheet (DSP56374/D), which provides electrical specifications, timing, pinout and packaging
descriptions of the DSP56374.
These documents, as well as Freescale’s DSP development tools, can be obtained through a local Freescale Semiconductor Sales Office or
authorized distributor.
To receive the latest information on this DSP, access the Freescale DSP home page at the address given on the back cover of this document.
This manual contains the following sections and appendices.
Section 1—DSP56374 Overview
-Provides a brief description of the DSP56374, including a features list and block diagram. Lists related documentation needed
to use this chip and describes the organization of this manual.
Section 2—Signal/Connection Descriptions
-Describes the signals on the DSP56374 pins and how these signals are grouped into interfaces.
Section 3—Memory Configuration
-Describes the DSP56374 memory spaces, RAM and ROM configuration, memory configurations and their bit settings and
memory maps.
Section 4—Core Configuration
-Describes the registers used to configure the DSP56300 core when programming the DSP56374, in particular the interrupt
vector locations and the operation of the interrupt priority registers. Explains the operating modes and how they affect the
processor’s program and data memories.
Section 5—Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) and Clock Generator
-Describes the DSP56374 PLL and clock generator capability and the programming model for the PLL (operation, registers and
Section 6—General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
-Describes the DSP56374 GPIO capability and the programming model for the GPIO signals (operation, registers and control).
Section 7—Serial Host Interface (SHI)
-Describes the serial input/output interface providing a path for communication and program/coefficient data transfers between
the DSP and an external host processor. The SHI can also communicate with other serial peripheral devices.
Section 8—Enhanced Serial Audio Interface (ESAI)
-Describes one of the full-duplex serial port for serial communication with a variety of serial devices.
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductori
Section 9—Triple Timer Module (TEC)
-Describes the Architecture, Programming model, and operating modes of three identical timer devices available for use as
internals or event counters. Describes the operation of the Triple Timer and its many functions.
Section 10—Watchdog Timer Module (WDT)
-Describes the Architecture, Programming model and, operating modes of the watchdog timer.
Appendix A—Bootstrap Program
-Lists the bootstrap code used for the DSP56374.
Appendix B—Equates
-Lists equates for the DSP56374.
Appendix C—Programming Reference
-Lists peripheral addresses, interrupt addresses and interrupt priorities for the DSP56374. Contains programming sheets listing
the contents of the major DSP56374 registers for programmer reference.
Appendix D—BSDL
-Provides the BSDL data for the DSP56374.
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
iiFreescale Semiconductor
Revision History
The following table summarizes revisions to this document.
1.1Nov 2004Previous release.
1.2July 2007Chapter 6 • In section 6.2.2 Port G Signals and Registers, corrected register
acronyms (PCRG, PRRG, PDRG).
• In Table 6-2, corrected statements for ERI1, ETI0, ERI0.
Appendix B • In Equates statements, corrected addresses for PDRG, PRRG, PCRG
on page B-4.
Appendix C • In Figure C-24, corrected register addresses for PCRG, PRRG, PDRG.
• In Table C-2, corrected register acronyms for PCRG, PRRG, PDRG.
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductoriii
Manual Conventions
The following conventions are used in this manual:
•Bits within registers are always listed from most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB).
•When several related bits are discussed, they are referenced as AA[n:m], where n>m. For purposes of description, the bits are
presented as if they are contiguous within a register. However, this is not always the case. Refer to the programming model diagrams
or to the programmer’s sheets to see the exact location of bits within a register.
•When a bit is described as “set”, its value is 1. When a bit is described as “cleared”, its value is 0.
•The word “assert” means that a high true (active high) signal is pulled high to V
low to ground. The word “de-assert” means that a high true signal is pulled low to ground or that a low true signal is pulled high to
High True/Low True Signal Conventions
Signal/SymbolLogic StateSignal StateVoltage
1. PIN is a generic term for any pin on the chip.
2. Ground is an acceptable low voltage level. See the appropriate data sheet for the range
of acceptable low voltage levels (typically a TTL logic low).
3. V
is an acceptable high voltage level. See the appropriate data sheet for the range of
acceptable high voltage levels (typically a TTL logic high).
or that a low true (active low) signal is pulled
•Pins or signals that are asserted low (made active when pulled to ground)
-In text, have an overbar (e.g., RESET
is asserted low).
-In code examples, have a tilde in front of their names. In example below, line 3 refers to the SS0 pin (shown as ~SS0).
•Sets of pins or signals are indicated by the first and last pins or signals in the set (e.g., SDO0–SDO5).
•Code examples are displayed in a monospaced font, as shown below:
Example Sample Code Listing
BSET#$000007,X:PCRC; Configure:PC7line 1
BCLR#$000007,X:PRRC; Configure:PDC7line 2
; SDO4/SDI1 as PC7 for GPIO Input line 3
•Hex values are indicated with a dollar sign ($) preceding the hex value, as follows: $FFFFFF is the X memory address for the core
interrupt priority register (IPR-C).
•The word “reset” is used in four different contexts in this manual:
-the reset signal, written as “RESET
-the reset instruction, written as “RESET,”
-the reset operating state, written as “Reset,” and
-the reset function, written as “reset.”
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
ivFreescale Semiconductor
Chapter 1
DSP56374 Overview
The DSP56374 is designed to support a multitude of digital signal processing applications requiring a lot of horsepower in a small package.
This manual describes the DSP56374 24-bit digital signal processor (DSP), its memory, operating modes and peripheral modules.
The DSP56374 is a member of the Symphony™ family of programmable CMOS DSPs and is built on the high performance,
single-clock-per-cycle DSP56300 core. The DSP56374 is provided in either an 80-pin or 52-pin package. This design provides a two-fold
performance increase over Freescale’s (formerly Motorola) popular DSP56000 Symphony family of DSPs while retaining code compatibility.
Significant architectural enhancements include a barrel shifter, 24-bit addressing and direct memory access (DMA). Changes in core
functionality specific to the DSP56374 are also described in this manual. See Figure 1-1 for the block diagram of the DSP56374.
DMA Unit
Six Channel
Expansion Area
Memory Expansion Area
X Data
Two 56-bit Accumulators
Data ALU
24+56→56-bit MAC
56-bit Barrel Shifter
Y Data
* ESAI_1 and dedicated GPIO pins are not available in the 52-pin package.
Figure 1-1. DSP56374 Block Diagram
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor1-1
DSP56300 Core Description
1.2DSP56300 Core Description
The DSP56374 uses the DSP56300 core, a high-performance, single clock cycle per instruction engine that provides several times the
performance of Freescale’s (formerly Motorola’s) popular DSP56000 core family while retaining code compatibility.
The DSP56300 core family offers a new level of performance in speed and power, provided by its rich instruction set and low power
dissipation, thus enabling a new generation of wireless, telecommunications and multimedia products. For a description of the DSP56300
core, see Section 1.4, DSP56300 Core Functional Blocks. Significant architectural enhancements to the DSP56300 core family include a
barrel shifter, 24-bit addressing, an instruction patch module and direct memory access (DMA).
The DSP56300 core familymembers contain the DSP56300 core and additional modules. The modules are chosen from a library of standard
predesigned elements such as memories and peripherals. Note that new modules may be added to the library to meet customer specifications
in future DSP56300 products. A standard interface between the DSP56300 core and the on-chip memory and peripherals supports a wide
variety of memory and peripheral configurations. Refer to Chapter 3, Memory Configuration.
Core features are described fully in the DSP56300 Family Manual. Pinout, memory and peripheral features are described in this manual.
•DSP56300 modular chassis
-150 Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) with a 150 MHz clock at an internal logic supply (QVDDL) of 1.25V.
-Object Code Compatible with the 56k core.
-Data ALU with a 24 x 24 bit multiplier-accumulator and a 56-bit barrel shifter;16-bit arithmatic support.
-Program Control with position independent code support.
-Six-channel DMA controller.
-Provides a wide range of frequency multiplications (1 to 255), predivider factors (1 to 31), PLL feedback multiplier (2 or 4),
Output divide factor (1, 2 or 4) and a power-saving clock divider (2
-Internal address tracing support and OnCE for Hardware/Software debugging.
-JTAG port, supporting boundary scan, compliant to IEEE 1149.1.
-Very low-power CMOS design, fully static design with operating frequencies down to DC.
-STOP and WAIT low-power standby modes.
•On-chip Memory Configuration
-6Kx24 Bit Y-Data RAM and 4Kx24 Bit Y-Data ROM.
-6Kx24 Bit X-Data RAM and 4Kx24 Bit X-Data ROM.
-20Kx24 Bit Program and Bootstrap ROM including a PROM patching mechanism.
-6Kx24 Bit Program RAM.
-Various memory switches are available. See memory table below.
Table 1-1. DSP56374 Memory Switch Configurations
: i = 0 to 7) to reduce clock noise
Bit SettingsMemory Sizes (24-bit words)
X Data
Y Data
X Data
Y Data
X X 0 6k6k6k20k4k4k
•Peripheral modules
-Enhanced Serial Audio Interface (ESAI): up to 4 receiver pins and up to 6 transmitter pins, master or slave. I
S, Sony, AC97,
network and other programmable protocols.
-Enhanced Serial Audio Interface I (ESAI_1): up to 4 receiver pins and up to 6 transmitter pins, master or slave. I
AC97, network and other programmable protocols. Note: Available in the 80-pin package only
-Serial Host Interface (SHI): SPI and I
C protocols, 10-word receive FIFO, support for 8-, 16- and 24-bit words. Three noise
reduction filter modes.
-Triple Timer module (TEC).
-Most pins of unused peripherals may be programmed as GPIO pins. Up to 47 pins can be configured as GPIO on the 80-pin
package and 20 pins on the 52-pin package.
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
S, Sony,
1-2Freescale Semiconductor
DSP56374 Audio Processor Architecture
-Hardware Watchdog Timer
-80-pin and 52-pin plastic LQFP packages.
1.3DSP56374 Audio Processor Architecture
This section defines the DSP56374 audio processor architecture. The audio processor is composed of the following units:
•The DSP56300 core is composed of the Data ALU, Address Generation Unit, Program Controller, DMA Controller, Memory
Module Interface, Peripheral Module Interface and the On-Chip Emulator (OnCE). The DSP56300 core is described in the
document DSP56300 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor Family Manual, Freescale (formerly Motorola) publication
•Phased Lock Loop and Clock Generator
•Memory modules.
•Peripheral modules. The peripheral modules are defined in the following sections.
Memory sizes in the block diagram are defaults. Memory may be differently partitioned, according to the memory mode of the chip. See
Table 1-1 and Section 1.4.7, On-Chip Memory for more details about memory size.
1.4DSP56300 Core Functional Blocks
The DSP56300 core provides the following functional blocks:
•Data arithmetic logic unit (Data ALU)
•Address generation unit (AGU)
•Program control unit (PCU)
•DMA controller (with six channels)
•Instruction patch controller
•PLL-based clock oscillator
•OnCE module
In addition, the DSP56374 provides a set of on-chip peripherals, described in Section 1.5, Peripheral Overview.
1.4.1Data ALU
The Data ALU performs all the arithmetic and logical operations on data operands in the DSP56300 core. The components of the Data ALU
are as follows:
•Bit field unit, comprising a 56-bit parallel barrel shifter (fast shift and normalization; bit stream generation and parsing)
•Conditional ALU instructions
•24-bit or 16-bit arithmetic support under software control.
•Four 24-bit input general purpose registers: X1, X0, Y1 and Y0
•Six Data ALU registers (A2, A1, A0, B2, B1 and B0) that are concatenated into two general purpose, 56-bit accumulators (A and
B), accumulator shifters
•Two data bus shifter/limiter circuits ALU Registers
The Data ALU registers can be read or written over the X memory data bus (XDB) and the Y memory data bus (YDB) as 24- or 48-bit
operands (or as 16- or 32-bit operands in 16-bit arithmetic mode). The source operands for the Data ALU, which can be 24, 48, or 56 bits (16,
32, or 40 bits in 16-bit arithmetic mode), always originate from Data ALU registers. The results of all Data ALU operations are stored in an
All the Data ALU operations are performed in two clock cycles in pipeline fashion so that a new instruction can be initiated in every clock,
yielding an effective execution rate of one instruction per clock cycle. The destination of every arithmetic operation can be used as a source
operand for the immediately following arithmetic operation without a time penalty (i.e., without a pipeline stall). (MAC)
The MAC unit comprises the main arithmetic processing unit of the DSP56300 core and performs all of the calculations on data operands. In
the case of arithmetic instructions, the unit accepts as many as three input operands and outputs one 56-bit result of the following formExtension:Most Significant Product:Least Significant Product (EXT:MSP:LSP).
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor1-3
DSP56300 Core Functional Blocks
The multiplier executes 24-bit × 24-bit, parallel, fractional multiplies, between two’s-complement signed, unsigned, or mixed operands. The
48-bit product is right-justified and added to the 56-bit contents of either the A or B accumulator. A 56-bit result can be stored as a 24-bit
operand. The LSP can either be truncated or rounded into the MSP. Rounding is performed if specified.
1.4.2Address Generation Unit (AGU)
The AGU performs the effective address calculations using integer arithmetic necessary to address data operands in memory and contains the
registers used to generate the addresses. It implements four types of arithmetic: linear, modulo, multiple wrap-around modulo and
reverse-carry. The AGU operates in parallel with other chip resources to minimize address-generation overhead.
The AGU is divided into two halves, each with its own Address ALU. Each Address ALU has four sets of register triplets, and each register
triplet is composed of an address register, an offset register and a modifier register. The two Address ALUs are identical. Each contains a
24-bit full adder (called an offset adder).
A second full adder (called a modulo adder) adds the summed result of the first full adder to a modulo value that is stored in its respective
modifier register. A third full adder (called a reverse-carry adder) is also provided.
The offset adder and the reverse-carry adder are in parallel and share common inputs. The only difference between them is that the carry
propagates in opposite directions. Test logic determines which of the three summed results of the full adders is output.
Each Address ALU can update one address register from its respective address register file during one instruction cycle. The contents of the
associated modifier register specifies the type of arithmetic to be used in the address register update calculation. The modifier value is decoded
in the Address ALU.
1.4.3Program Control Unit (PCU)
The PCU performs instruction prefetch, instruction decoding, hardware DO loop control and exception processing. The PCU implements a
seven-stage pipeline and controls the different processing states of the DSP56300 core. The PCU consists of the following three hardware
•Program decode controller (PDC)
•Program address generator (PAG)
•Program interrupt controller
The PDC decodes the 24-bit instruction loaded into the instruction latch and generates all signals necessary for pipeline control. The PAG
contains all the hardware needed for program address generation, system stack and loop control. The Program interrupt controller arbitrates
among all interrupt requests (internal interrupts, as well as the five external requests: IRQA, IRQB, IRQC, IRQD and NMI) and generates the
appropriate interrupt vector address.
PCU features include the following:
•Position independent code support
•Addressing modes optimized for DSP applications (including immediate offsets)
•On-chip memory-expandable hardware stack
•Nested hardware DO loops
•Fast auto-return interrupts
The PCU implements its functions using the following registers:
•PC—program counter register
•SR—Status register
•LA—loop address register
•LC—loop counter register
•VBA—vector base address register
•SZ—stack size register
•SP—stack pointer
•OMR—operating mode register
•SC—stack counter register
The PCU also includes a hardware system stack (SS).
1.4.4Internal Buses
To provide data exchange between blocks, the following buses are implemented:
•Peripheral input/output expansion bus (PIO_EB) to peripherals
•Program memory expansion bus (PM_EB) to program memory
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
1-4Freescale Semiconductor
DSP56300 Core Functional Blocks
•X memory expansion bus (XM_EB) to X memory
•Y memory expansion bus (YM_EB) to Y memory
•Global data bus (GDB) between registers in the DMA, AGU, OnCE, PLL, BIU and PCU, as well as the memory-mapped registers
in the peripherals
•DMA data bus (DDB) for carrying DMA data between memories and/or peripherals
•DMA address bus (DAB) for carrying DMA addresses to memories and peripherals
•Program Data Bus (PDB) for carrying program data throughout the core
•X memory Data Bus (XDB) for carrying X data throughout the core
•Y memory Data Bus (YDB) for carrying Y data throughout the core
•Program address bus (PAB) for carrying program memory addresses throughout the core
•X memory address bus (XAB) for carrying X memory addresses throughout the core
•Y memory address bus (YAB) for carrying Y memory addresses throughout the core
All internal buses on the DSP56300 family members are 24-bit buses. See Figure 1-1.
1.4.5Direct Memory Access (DMA)
The DMA block has the following features:
•Six DMA channels supporting internal and external accesses
•One-, two- and three-dimensional transfers (including circular buffering)
•End-of-block-transfer interrupts
•Triggering from interrupt lines and all peripherals
1.4.6PLL-based Clock Oscillator
The clock generator in the DSP56300 core is composed of two main blocks: the PLL, which performs clock input division, frequency
multiplication, skew elimination and the clock generator (CLKGEN), which performs low-power division and clock pulse generation.
PLL-based clocking:
•Allows change of low-power divide factor (DF) without loss of lock
•Provides output clock with skew elimination
•Provides a wide range of frequency multiplications (1 to 255), predivider factors (1 to 31), PLL feedback multiplier (2 or 4), Output
divide factor (1, 2 or 4) and a power-saving clock divider (2i: i = 0 to 7) to reduce clock noise
The PLL allows the processor to operate at a high internal clock frequency using a low frequency clock input. This feature offers two
immediate benefits:
•A lower frequency clock input reduces the overall electromagnetic interference generated by a system.
•The ability to oscillate at different frequencies reduces costs by eliminating the need to add additional oscillators to a system.
1.4.7On-Chip Memory
The memory space of the DSP56300 core is partitioned into program memory space,
X data memory space and Y data memory space. The data memory space is divided into X and Y data memory in order to work with the two
Address ALUs and to feed two operands simultaneously to the Data ALU. Memory space includes internal RAM and ROM and can not be
expanded off-chip.
There is an instruction patch module. The patch module is used to patch program ROM. The memory switch mode is used to increase the size
of program RAM as needed (switch from X data RAM and/or Y data RAM).
There are on-chip ROMs for program and bootstrap memory (20k x 24-bit), X ROM (4k x 24-bit) and Y ROM(4k x 24-bit).
More information on the internal memory is provided in Chapter 3, Memory Configuration.
1.4.8Off-Chip Memory Expansion
Memory cannot be expanded off-chip. There is no external memory bus.
1.4.9Power Requirements
To prevent a high current condition and damage to the DSP upon power up, the 3.3V source must be applied ahead of the 1.25V source as
shown below.
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor1-5
Peripheral Overview
To prevent high current conditions due to possible improper sequencing of the power supplies, the connection shown below is recommended
to be made between the DSP56374 3.3V and 1.25V power pins.
1.5Peripheral Overview
The DSP56374 is designed to perform a wide variety of fixed-point digital signal processing functions. In addition to the core features
previously discussed, the DSP56374 provides the following peripherals:
•As many as 47 dedicated or user-configurable general purpose input/output (GPIO) signals on the 80-pin package and 20 dedicated
or user-configurable GPIO on the 52-pin package.
•Timer/event counter (TEC) module, containing three independent timers
•Memory switch mode in on-chip memory
•Four external interrupt/mode control lines and one external non-maskable interrupt line
•Enhanced serial audio interface (ESAI) with up to four receivers and up to six transmitters, master or slave, using the I
AC97, network and other programmable protocols
•A second enhanced serial audio interface (ESAI_1) with up to four receivers and up to six transmitters, master or slave, using the
S, Sony, AC97, network and other programmable protocols. Note: only available on the 80-pin package.
•Serial host interface (SHI) using SPI and I
and 24-bit words
•A Hardware Watchdog Timer.
C protocols, with multi-master capability, 10-word receive FIFO and support for 8-, 16-
1.5.1General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
The 80-pin DSP56374 provides 15 dedicated GPIO and 29 programmable pins that can operate either as GPIO pins or peripheral pins (ESAI,
ESAI_1 and TEC). The four MOD pins, as well as the SHI HREQ pin, can also be utilized as GPIO. The ESAI and ESAI_1 pins are configured
as GPIO after hardware reset. Register-programming techniques for all GPIO functionality among these interfaces are very similar and are
described in the following sections.
1.5.2Triple Timer (TEC)
This section describes a peripheral module composed of a common 21-bit prescaler and three independent and identical general purpose 24-bit
timer/event counters, each one having its own register set.
Each timer can use internal or external clocking and can interrupt the DSP after a specified number of events (clocks). Each of the three timers
can signal an external device after counting internal events. Each timer can also be used to trigger DMA transfers after a specified number of
events (clocks) occurred. Each of the three timers connect to the external world through bidirectional pins (TIO0, TIO1 and TIO2). When a
TIO pin is configured as input, the timer functions as an external event counter or can measure external pulse width/signal period. When a
S, Sony,
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
1-6Freescale Semiconductor
Peripheral Overview
TIO pin is used as output the timer is functioning as either a timer, a watchdog or a Pulse Width Modulator. When a TIO pin is not used by
the timer it can be used as a General Purpose Input/Output Pin. Refer to Chapter 9, Triple Timer Module.
1.5.3Enhanced Serial Audio Interface (ESAI)
The ESAI provides a full-duplex serial port for serial communication with a variety of serial devices including one or more industry-standard
codecs, other DSPs, microprocessors and peripherals that implement the Freescale (formerly Motorola) SPI serial protocol. The ESAI consists
of independent transmitter and receiver sections, each with its own clock generator. It is a superset of the DSP56300 family ESSI peripheral
and of the DSP56000 family SAI peripheral. For more information on the ESAI, refer to Chapter 8, Enhanced Serial Audio Interface (ESAI).
1.5.4Enhanced Serial Audio Interface 1 (ESAI_1)
The ESAI_1 is a second ESAI interface. The ESAI_1 is functionally identical to ESAI. For more information on the ESAI_1, refer to
Chapter 9, Triple Timer Module.
1.5.5Serial Host Interface (SHI)
The SHI is a serial input/output interface providing a path for communication and program/coefficient data transfers between the DSP and an
external host processor. The SHI can also communicate with other serial peripheral devices. The SHI can interface directly to either of two
well-known and widely used synchronous serial buses: the Freescale (formerly Motorola) serial peripheral interface (SPI) bus and the Philips
inter-integrated-circuit control (I
device. To minimize DSP overhead, the SHI supports single-, double- and triple-byte data transfers. The SHI has a 10-word receive FIFO that
permits receiving up to 30 bytes before generating a receive interrupt, reducing the overhead for data reception. For more information on the
SHI, refer to Chapter 7, Serial Host Interface.
C) bus. The SHI supports either the SPI or I2C bus protocol, as required, from a slave or a single-master
1.5.6Watchdog timer (WDT)
The watchdog timer (WDT) is a 16-bit timer used to help software recover from runaway code. The timer
is a free-running down-counter used to generate a reset on underflow. Software must periodically service
the watchdog timer in order to restart the count down. For more information on the WDT, refer to Chapter 10, Watchdog
Tim er Mod u le.
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor1-7
DSP56374 Overview
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
1-8Freescale Semiconductor
Signal Groupings
Chapter 2
Signal/Connection Descriptions
2.1Signal Groupings
The input and output signals of the DSP56374 are organized into functional groups, which are listed in Ta ble 2 -1.
The DSP56374 is operated from a 1.25 V and 3.3 V supply; however, some of the inputs can tolerate 5.0 V. A special notice for this feature
is added to the signal descriptions of those inputs. Resistor values for pins with pull up or pull down resistors may vary with lot and will be
between 40k ohms and 65k ohms.
Table 2-1. DSP56374 Functional Signal Groupings
Power (V
Functional Group
)11Tab le 2 -2
Number of
Ground (GND)9Table 2-3
Scan Pins1Ta ble 2 -4.
Clock and PLL3Table 2 -5.
Interrupt and mode controlPort H
ESAI_1Port E
Dedicated GPIOPort G
5Ta ble 2 -6.
5Ta ble 2 -7.
12Tab le 2- 8.
12Tab le 2- 9.
15Table 2-10.
Timer3Table 2-11.
JTAG/OnCE Port4Table 2-12.
1. Port H signals are the GPIO port signals which are multiplexed with the MOD and HREQ signals.
2. Port G signals are the dedicated GPIO port signals.
3. Port C signals are the GPIO port signals which are multiplexed with the ESAI signals.
4. Port E signals are the GPIO port signals which are multiplexed with the ESAI_1 signals.
Note: Pins are not 5 V. tolerant unless noted.
Table 2-2. Power Inputs
Power NameDescription
PLLP_VDD(1)PLL Power— The voltage (3.3 V) should be well-regulated, and the input should be provided with
Freescale Semiconductor2-1
(1)PLL Power— The voltage (3.3 V) should be well-regulated, and the input should be provided with
an extremely low impedance path to the 3.3 V
power rail. The user must provide adequate
external decoupling capacitors between PLLA_VDD and PLLA_GND. PLLA_VDD requires a filter
as shown in Figure 2-1. and Figure 2-2. below. See the DSP56374 technical data sheet for
additional details.
an extremely low impedance path to the 3.3 V
power rail. The user must provide adequate
external decoupling capacitors between PLLP_VDD and PLLP_GND.
(1)PLL Power— The voltage (1.25 V) should be well-regulated, and the input should be provided
with an extremely low impedance path to the 1.25 V
power rail. The user must provide
adequate external decoupling capacitors between PLLD_VDD and PLLD_GND.
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
Table 2-2. Power Inputs
Power NameDescription
CORE_VDD (4)Core Power—The voltage (1.25 V) should be well-regulated, and the input should be provided
with an extremely low impedance path to the 1.25 V
adequate external decoupling capacitors.
power rail. The user must provide
(80-pin 4)
(52-pin 3)
SHI, ESAI, ESAI_1, WDT and Timer I/O Power —The voltage (3.3 V) should be well-regulated,
and the input should be provided with an extremely low impedance path to the 3.3 VDD power rail.
This is an isolated power for the SHI, ESAI, ESAI_1, WDT and Timer I/O. The user must provide
adequate external decoupling capacitors.
79SDO5_PC 6
78SDO4_PC 7
77FSR_1_P E1
74FST_1_P E4
73GPIO_PG1 4
70SCKR_1_P E0
60SDO5_1_PE 6
59 SDO4_1_PE 7
56SDO1_PC1 0
55SDO0_PC1 1
54SDO3_1_PE 8
53SDO2_1_PE 9
50SDO1_1_PE 10
49SDO0_1_PE 11
41PLLP_Vd d
IO_Vdd 21
PLLA_Vdd 39
PLLA_Gnd 40
1.25 V
3.3 V
Figure 2-1. 80-pin Vdd Connections
DSP56374 Users Guide, Rev. 1.2
2-2Freescale Semiconductor
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