Freescale Semiconductor 802.15.4 User Manual

Embedded Bootloader
Reference Manual
Rev. 0.0, 09/2004
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Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 2
About This Book..................................................................................................................... vi
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................vii
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.................................................................................................vii
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1 Embedded Bootloader Description.................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Target............................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Ported Targets...............................................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Features.........................................................................................................................................1-3
1.3 Benefits .........................................................................................................................................1-3
1.4 Potential Issues .............................................................................................................................1-3
1.4.1 Optional Firmware Upload Settings .............................................................................................1-4
Chapter 2 Using the Embedded Bootloader........................................................................2-1
2.1 Upload Firmware ..........................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Use Case One................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Use Case Two ...............................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Safe Mode Boot ............................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Updating Non-volatile Memory (NVM).......................................................................................2-3
2.2.1 An Example of How to Change the MAC Address ......................................................................2-3
2.3 System Bus Frequency..................................................................................................................2-4
2.4 UART Baud Rate..........................................................................................................................2-4
Chapter 3 Test Tool – Zigbee Flash Tool............................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version.......................................................................................3-2
3.1.1 Using the Tools Menu Option.......................................................................................................3-2
3.1.2 Using the View Menu Option.......................................................................................................3-3
3.1.3 Selecting the Firmware File to Upload .........................................................................................3-4
3.1.4 Using the Help Menu....................................................................................................................3-6
3.1.5 Changing the NVM Data in Flash or File.....................................................................................3-6
3.2 Command Line Version (CMD)...................................................................................................3-8
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 iii
3.2.1 Normal Use Example (Default) ....................................................................................................3-9
3.2.2 Flash Erase Disabled Example......................................................................................................3-9
Chapter 4 Embedded Bootloader Programming................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Programming To An Empty (Erased) Board ................................................................................4-1
4.2 Upgrading The Embedded Bootloader .........................................................................................4-5
Chapter 5 Application Integration Reference Guide........................................................... 5-1
5.1 Product Deliverables.....................................................................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Embedded Bootloader Image........................................................................................................5-1
5.1.2 Application Support Files.............................................................................................................5-1
5.1.3 Application Linker File.................................................................................................................5-2
5.2 Application....................................................................................................................................5-2
5.2.1 Compiler Defines..........................................................................................................................5-2
5.2.2 Unreferenced Symbols..................................................................................................................5-2
5.2.3 System Clock Setup......................................................................................................................5-3
5.3 Application Support Files.............................................................................................................5-3
5.3.1 DigiType.h ....................................................................................................................................5-3
5.3.2 Gb60_io.h .....................................................................................................................................5-3
5.3.3 Crt0.c and Crt.h.............................................................................................................................5-4
5.3.4 Embedded_Bootloader.h and Embedded_Bootloader.c ...............................................................5-5
5.3.5 NV_Data.c and NV_Data.h ..........................................................................................................5-5
5.3.6 ISR_Vectors.c...............................................................................................................................5-5
5.3.7 DummyIsr.c ..................................................................................................................................5-6
Chapter 6 Port Integration Reference Guide....................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Embedded Bootloader Build Environment...................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 HCS08 Compiler...........................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.2 HCS08 Linker...............................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.3 HCS08 LibMaker..........................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Product Deliverables.....................................................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Embedded_Bootloader.mcp..........................................................................................................6-2
6.2.2 HCS08_Flash_Lib.Lib..................................................................................................................6-2
6.2.3 Embedded_Bootloader_Functionality_Lib.Lib ............................................................................6-2
6.2.4 Source Files...................................................................................................................................6-2
iv Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
6.3 Porting to a Specific Target ..........................................................................................................6-3
6.3.1 Code and Data Segments ..............................................................................................................6-3
6.3.2 Standard Libraries.........................................................................................................................6-3
6.3.3 Compiler #defines.........................................................................................................................6-3
6.4 Source Files...................................................................................................................................6-4
6.4.1 Target.h.........................................................................................................................................6-4
6.4.2 Reset_Vector.c..............................................................................................................................6-5
6.4.3 Embedded_Bootloader_Target.h ..................................................................................................6-5
6.4.4 HW_Init.h .....................................................................................................................................6-6
6.4.5 HW_Init.c .....................................................................................................................................6-6
6.4.6 main.c............................................................................................................................................6-6
Chapter 7 Embedded Bootloader Public Function Description......................................... 7-1
7.1 802.15.4/Zigbee Application Accessible Functions .....................................................................7-1
7.1.1 Enable_Download_Firmware .......................................................................................................7-1
7.1.2 Hard_Reset....................................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.3 Update_NV_RAM........................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.4 NV_Flash_Setup...........................................................................................................................7-4
7.1.5 FL_ICG_Setup..............................................................................................................................7-4
7.1.6 UART_Port_Select .......................................................................................................................7-5
Chapter 8 Embedded Bootloader Memory Map.................................................................. 8-1
Appendix A Release Folder and File Structure...................................................................A-1
A.1. Folder Structure ........................................................................................................................... A-1
A.2. File Structure................................................................................................................................A-2
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 v
About This Book
This guide provides a detailed description of Freescale’s Embedded Bootloader and describes how to port Freescale’s Embedded Bootloader to a specific PCB/target..
The Embedded Bootloader is intended for use with the IEEE® 802.15.4 evaluation kits (EVK). However, it is possible to upload applications with the Embedded Bootloader in the development phase, but the Embedded Bootloader will not provide any debug functions.
The Embedded Bootloader provides an easy and inexpensive way to upload new firmware and eliminate the requirements for expensive debug/development tools. The only requirement is a standard PC with an RS232 UART/USB interface running Windows 2000 or XP.
The Embedded Bootloader must be used with the Zigbee Flash Tool which can be found in the Test Tool Suite ‘Test Tool.exe’.
This document describes Embedded Bootloader version 5.01.
This document is intended for application developers.
This document is organized into eight chapters and one appendix.
Chapter 1 Embedded Bootloader Description — This chapter gives an overview of the
Embedded Bootloader.
Chapter 2 Using the Embedded Bootloader — This chapter describes the basic
functionality of the Embedded Bootloader.
Chapter 3 Test Tool, Zigbee Flash Tool — This chapter describes the Zigbee Flash Tool.
The GUI and Command Line versions are covered.
Chapter 4 Programming the Embedded Bootloader — This chapter describes how to
program the Embedded Bootloader to flash memory.
Chapter 5 Application Integration Reference Guide — This chapter describes the
deliverables required to build an 802.15.4/Zigbee Application with the Embedded Bootloader.
Chapter 6 Port Integration Reference Guide — This chapter describes the deliverables
required and how to integrate them to make an executable Embedded Bootloader for a specific PCB.
Chapter 7 Embedded Bootloader Public Function Description — This chapter provides
a description of the, from an 802.15.4/Zigbee application, accessible functions in the Embedded Bootloader.
Chapter 8 Memory Map — This chapter describes the Bootloader Memory Map. Appendix A Release Folder and File Structure — This appendix shows the folder and file
structure for this release.
vi Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
This document uses the following notational conventions:
Courier monospaced type indicates commands, command parameters, code examples,
expressions, data types, and directives.
Italic type indicates replaceable command parameters.
All source code examples are in C.
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
BDM debugger A debugger using the BDM interface for communication with the MCU. An
example is the P&E BDM Multilink debugger for HCS08.
BDM Background Debug Module
EVB Evaluation Boards - this term covers the DIG-528-2 (EVK) and DIG536-2
(SARD) boards.
EVK Evaluation Kit
GUI Graphical User Interface
MAC Medium Access Control
MCU MicroController Unit
NVM None-Volatile Memory
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
S19 ‘S19’ is the file extension used for the Motorola binary image format. The S19
file encapsulates the binary image as a list of ASCII records. Each record contains a length -, address -, data - and checksum field. The 16 bit address field allows a memory space for up to 64 KB. The S19 can be generated with Metroworks Codewarrior IDE and is the product from the linking process. S19 does not contain additional information to a debugger (where to look for source files).
Safe Mode Boot The Embedded Bootloader boots up using safe default system values.
HIWAVE P&E HCS08 debugger GUI.
CPROG P&E HCS08 flash programming tool called from HIWAVE. The tool is also
available in a command line version where scripts can be made.
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 vii
[1] Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY Software Reference Manual, 802154MPSRM/D
[2] Zigbee.hlp (see Test Tool installation directory .\help)
[3] Freescale MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 MCU Data Sheet, MC9S08GB60/D
[4] Freescale Application Note, Handling MAC Address Erasure, AN2825/D
[5] Freescale Application Note, Zigbee/802.15.4 Evaluation Kit, Quick Start Guide, AN2772/D
[6] Freescale Embedded Bootloader User’s Guide, MC13192FLUG/D
[7] Freescale Switch Demo Application, AN2773/D
Revision History
The following table summarizes revisions to this manual since the previous release (Rev. 0.0).
Revision History
Location Revision
Entire Document
This document supercedes revision 2.4 of the Freescale Embedded Bootloader User’s Guide, MC13192FLUG/D.
viii Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 1 Embedded Bootloader Description
The Embedded Bootloader is intended for use with the IEEE® 802.15.4 evaluation kits (EVK). However, it is possible to upload applications with the Embedded Bootloader in the development phase, but the Embedded Bootloader will not provide any debug functions.
The Embedded Bootloader provides an easy and inexpensive way to upload new firmware and eliminate the requirements for expensive debug/development tools. The only requirement is a standard PC with an RS232 UART/USB
The Embedded Bootloader must be used with the Zigbee Flash Tool which can be found in the Test Tool Suite ‘Test Tool.exe’.
This document describes Embedded Bootloader version 5.01.
The Embedded Bootloader is located in a protected 4 KB flash block in the highest memory area (0xF000-0xFFFF) of the Freescale MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 microcontroller. (It cannot be accidentally
erased.) A BDM debugger is required to erase the Embedded Bootloader. See the Handling MAC Address Erasure Application Note, AN2825/D
At least one of these communication interfaces must be supported by the target PCB.
interface running Windows 2000 or XP.
1.1 Target
The Embedded Bootloader runs on the Freescale MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 MCU.
The MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 is a member of Freescale’s low-cost, high-performance HCS08 family. It has 60 KB embedded flash (flash sector size of 512 bytes) and 4 KB embedded RAM..
The Embedded Bootloader uses the MC13192 CLKO. See Chapter 2 for more information.
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 1-1
1.1.1 Ported Targets
The Embedded Bootloader must be ported (I/O mapped) to a specific PCB for proper functionality and is currently ported to the following Freescale PCBs:
Axiom AXM-0308:
PC Communication Interface: RS232/UART on COM1 (SCI1)/
RS232/UART on COM2 (SCI2)
Safe Mode Boot Short pins 2-3 on COM1 (SCI1)/
Version Number “AX-0308 Ver 5.01”
DIG528-2 EVK
PC Communication Interface: RS232/UART on COM1 (SCI1)/
Safe Mode Boot Short pins 2-3 on COM1-port (SCI1)
Version Number “528&536 Ver 5.01”
PC Communication Interface: RS232/UART on COM1 (SCI1)
Safe Mode Boot Short pins 2-3 on COM1-port (SCI1)
Version Number “528&536 Ver 5.01”
PC Communication Interface: RS232/UART/USB on COM1 (SCI1)/
Safe Mode Boot Short pins 2-3 on COM1 (SCI1)/
Version Number “ RD01 Ver 5.01”
The generic RD01 target can be used with any PCB using the Freescale Reference Design version 01 I/O layout. The PCB must support at least one communication interface. If a USB is the only interface, use a jumper to short SCI pins 2 and 3 to make Safe Mode Boot available.
Refer to Section 6.3 for details on how to port the Embedded Bootloader to a specific PCB.
1-2 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
1.2 Features
The following features are supported:
Upload firmware (802.15.4/Zigbee application) in Motorola S19 record format through
UART/USB. The S1 data record length must be set to 32 bytes
Auto-Detection of the PC communication interface (see Section 1.1.1, Ported Targets).
Initialize memory including stack of uploaded firmware
Initialize the system clock. Self clocked mode and MC13192 clock setup. Power save mode
Run time update/change of the NVM
See the Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY Software Reference Manual,
802154MPSRM/D, for a detailed description on NVM layout and values.
1.3 Benefits
Users do not have to buy expensive third party debug/development tools to get started.
Users can update the 802.15.4/Zigbee application firmware without having to build in additional
code for interfacing to the Embedded Bootloader (See Section 2.1.3, Safe Mode Boot).
Application firmware can be updated after production by users. However, this requires that the
final product has a communication interface (UART/USB).
Users can update the 802.15.4/Zigbee application firmware even when it is malfunctioning (See
Section 2.1.3, Safe Mode Boot).
The 802.15.4/Zigbee application firmware does not have to include initializing or flash
programming code and can thereby minimize code size.
Can update any NVM data specified by the 802.15.4/Zigbee application.
1.4 Potential Issues
Uses 4 KB of flash (~6.7 % on a MC908HCS08GB60/GT60) and 93 bytes of RAM
(~2,3 % on a MC908HCS08GB60/GT60)
Extended power/boot up time (~17ms) because the Embedded Bootloader must detect the
presence of an application.
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 1-3
1.4.1 Optional Fir mware Upload Settings
Skip flash erase
o Disabled The 802.15.4/Application/NVM (except production data section) is erased
o Enabled The 802.15.4/Application/NVM is NOT erased
Erase production data (get production data from firmware file)
o Disabled The production data section (with MAC address) in NVM are preserved. All
other NVM values are updated with the values from the S19 record file (default)
o Enabled The production data (with MAC address) and all other values in NVM are
erased. All NVM values are updated with the values from the S19 record file
Care must be taken when enabling this option. The user must save a backup of vital production data (MAC address). The production data can be manually added to the NVM structure in the NV_Data.c file.
Do not reset after upload
o Disabled The system is automatically reset after upload (default) o Enabled The system must be manually reset by user
Skip firmware checksum verification
o Disabled A checksum verification of the S19 file data record is performed
The Embedded Bootloader will report the address of the first data mismatch found in the current S19 data record. System must be reset if an error is reported. Check the optional settings and try again.
o Enabled No checksum verification is performed. Flash programming errors cannot be
The UART/USB communication channel is also protected with a protocol checksum.
1-4 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 2 Using the Embedded Bootloader
This chapter describes the Embedded Bootloader functionality. A detailed description of the functions briefly mentioned in this chapter can be found in Chapter 7.
2.1 Upload Firmware
The Embedded Bootloader can be used in different system configurations depending on the PCB and the application. The application should have a user interface feature that makes it possible for the application to call the Enable_Download_Firmware() function:
The application can optionally call the Hard_Reset() function to perform a reset, or the board can be reset manually. The board will now start up in Embedded Bootloader mode.
Start the PC-Tool. See Chapter 3 for more information.
2.1.1 Use Case One
In this case, users send a specific command via the UART to enable firmware upload
B Application Test Tool
l 802.15.4 MAC
d 802.15.4 PHY
e RS232
r Device Driver UART
Or MC908HCS08GT60
/MC13192 PC
Figure 1 Application Supporting RS232 UART or USB Inter face
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 2-1
2.1.2 Use Case Two
In this use case, users push a button on the board to enable firmware upload.
B Application
l 802.15.4 MAC
a User Interface
d 802.15.4 PHY Push Buttons
e I/O
r Device Driver GPIO S101 S102 S103 S104
Or MC908HCS08GT60
Figure 2 Application Supporting an I/O Interface
2.1.3 Safe Mode Boot
The Safe Mode Boot Mode is a special startup mode where the Embedded Bootloader boots using safe system settings thereby resetting the system to a known (default) state.
The Safe Mode Boot can be used to disable the detection of an invalid/malfunctioning application due to items such as code errors, corrupt NVM data, or internal flash programming errors among others. All the NVM memory (except production data and MAC address) is completely erased.
The Safe Mode Boot can also be used to upload firmware without first calling the Enable_Download_Firmware() function. This could be useful if the use cases (as shown in Section 2.1,
Upload Firmware) are not applicable.
Users must perform the following steps to conduct a Safe Mode Boot.
1. Power off the board
2. Disconnect RS232 UART cable (if the RS232 UART interface is used)
3. Short UART TX and RX (pin 2-3) (This works even though the 802.15.4/Zigbee application does not use the UART interface.)
4. Power up again. All LEDs are off.
5. Wait until LED1 goes on (< 1 second)
6. Power off the board
2-2 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
7. Remove short from UART TX and RX and connect UART cable again (if the RS232 UART interface is used)
8. Power up again
9. Embedded Bootloader is ready to receive new firmware (all LEDs on)
10. Start the PC-Tool. See Chapter 3, for more information.
The Safe Mode Boot description is only valid for the Freescale ported
versions of the Embedded Bootloader. Refer to the 802.15.4 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, 802154EBRM/D, for more details about a
specific port of the Embedded Bootloader.
2.2 Updating Non-volatile Memor y (NVM)
The following steps show how to update the NVM data from an application (code).
1. The Embedded Bootloader must be present on the board.
All EVBs are shipped with the Embedded Bootloader pre-programmed in flash. The Embedded Bootloader can only be erased/programmed with a BDM debugger.
2. Call the Update_NV_RAM() function. This function can change any NVM data.
2.2.1 An Example of How to Change the MAC Address
The following code shows an example of how to change the MAC address.
Update_NV_RAM(&(NV_RAM_ptr->MAC_Address)[0], &pPacket[DATA_INDEX], 8);
pPacket – contains the new MAC address.
Any NVM data can in code be read as a normal construct. For example, use the NV_RAM_ptr to get access to individual data.
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 2-3
2.3 System Bus Frequency
The MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 starts in 4 MHz self clocked mode. The init code changes this to 8 MHz after a few instructions from reset.
If NVM data is found, the system clock (MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 ICG module and MC13192 CLKO)
and other options are setup as specified by the uploaded application. See the Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY Software Reference Manual, 802154MPSRM/D, for more details.
If no NVM data can be found, the following (safe mode boot) values are used:
MC13192 CLKO = 62.5 KHz
MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 bus clock = 16 MHz
2.4 UART Baud Rate
If NVM data is found, the UART baud rate is setup as specified by the uploaded application. Several
values can be used. See the MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 MCU Data Sheet, MC9S08GB60/D for more
The baud rate depends on the NVM values specified by the application. See the Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY Software Reference Manual, 802154MPSRM/D, for more details.
If no NVM data is found, the following (safe mode boot) values are used:
UART baud rate 19200 kbps, 8 data, 1 start, 1 stop, none parity.
2-4 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 3 Test Tool – Zigbee Flash Tool
The Zigbee flash tool is a part of the general Zigbee Test Tool. This chapter provides a brief description of how to use the Zigbee Test Tool to upload new firmware. For more details about installation and other features, see the documentation for the Zigbee Test Tool and the Zigbee.hlp file in Test Tool installation directory .\help.
The flash programming part of the Test Tool can be used with two different user interfaces.
1. The GUI-version in ‘Test Tool.exe’
2. The command line version in ‘Bootloader.exe’ in the ‘S19’ folder.
This description covers Embedded Bootloader version 5.00 of the Zigbee Test Tool.
Uploadable applications in Motorola S19 file format must be copied to the [installation directory]\Freescale\Test Tool\S19 directory in advance. Copy any new applications in S19 format to this folder.
The actual window layout may differ from the figures shown in this document. Refer to the Freescale Zigbee/802.15.4 web page for new or updated applications.
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 3-1
3.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Version
To use the GUI version of the Test Tool, execute the following file:
[installation directory]\Freescale\Test Tool\Test Tool.exe
3.1.1 Using the Tools Menu Option
After clicking on the Tools menu option, click the Communication Settings option to choose the baud rate specified for the current embedded application.
Notice that applications require that you push one or more buttons or some other functions to enable
upload of new firmware. See the Zigbee/802.15.4 Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide, AN2772/D, for a
description of what to do for a specific application.
If no application is downloaded, use the default settings specified for the Embedded Bootloader. See
Chapter 2 for more information.
Use the Add… buttons. Click “Close”.
Tools Menu
Baud Selection Buttons
Add Buttons Close Button
Figure 3 Tools Menu Selection
3-2 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
3.1.2 Using the View Menu Option
After clicking the View menu option, select port COMx and click “OK”. Choose the baud rate specified
for the current embedded application. See the Zigbee/802.15.4 Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide,
AN2772/D, for a description of what to do for a specific application.
If no application is uploaded, you must use the default settings specified for the Embedded Bootloader. See Chapter 2 for more information.
If the USB interface is used, the USB option appears as a new COM port.
Figure 4 View Menu Option
Freescale Semiconductor Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 3-3
3.1.3 Selecting the Firmware File to Upload
In the ‘Flash Section’ window, click on the application file to upload and then click on the “Upload” button. The upload progress bar begins to indicate upload progress.
Upload Button
Upload Progress Field
Application Files
Status/Error Information Field
Figure 5 Firmware Upload
The Status/Error Information Field shows the Status/Error Information received from the Embedded Bootloader.
3-4 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 Freescale Semiconductor
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