Freescale’s i.MX family of microprocessors has
demonstrated leadership in the portable handheld
market. Building on the success of the MX (Media
Extensions) series, the i.MX21 (MC9328MX21)
provides a leap in performance with an ARM926EJ-S™
microprocessor core that provides native security and
accelerated Java support in addition to highly integrated
system functions. The i.MX products specifically
address the needs of the smartphone and portable
product markets with their intelligent integrated
peripherals, advanced processor core, and power
management capabilities.
The i.MX21 features the advanced and power-efficient
ARM926EJ-S core operating at speeds up to 266 MHz
and is part of a growing family of Smart Speed products
that offer high performance processing optimized for
lowest power consumption. On-chip modules such as a
video accelerator module, LCD controller, USB On-TheGo, CMOS sensor interface, and two synchronous serial
interfaces offer designers a rich suite of peripherals that
can enhance any product seeking to provide a rich
This document contains information on a product under development. Freescale reserves the right to change or discontinue this
product without notice.
multimedia experience. In addition, the i.MX21 provides optional hardware enabled security features
including high assurance boot mode, unique processor IDs, secret key support, secure RAM, and a security
monitor. These optional features enable secure e-commerce, digital rights management (DRM),
information encryption, and secure software downloads.
For cost sensitive applications, the NAND Flash controller allows the use of low-cost NAND Flash
devices to be used as primary or secondary non-volatile storage. The on-chip error correction code (ECC)
and parity checking circuitry of the NAND Flash controller frees the CPU for other tasks. WLAN,
Bluetooth and expansion options are provided through PCMCIA/CF, USB, and MMC/SD host controllers.
The i.MX21 is packaged in a 289-pin MAPBGA.
Figure 1. i.MX21 Functional Block Diagram
MC9328MX21 Product Preview, Rev. 1.1
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This document uses the following conventions:
•Logic level one is a voltage that corresponds to Boolean true (1) state.
•Logic level zero is a voltage that corresponds to Boolean false (0) state.
•To set a bit or bits means to establish logic level one.
•To clear a bit or bits means to establish logic level zero.
•A signal is an electronic construct whose state conveys or changes in state convey information.
•A pin is an external physical connection. The same pin can be used to connect a number of signals.
•Asserted means that a discrete signal is in active logic state.
— Active low signals change from logic level one to logic level zero.
— Active high signals change from logic level zero to logic level one.
•Negated means that an asserted discrete signal changes logic state.
— Active low signals change from logic level zero to logic level one.
— Active high signals change from logic level one to logic level zero.
•LSB means least significant bit or bits, and MSB means most significant bit or bits. References to low and
high bytes or words are spelled out.
•Numbers preceded by a percent sign (%) are binary. Numbers preceded by a dollar sign ($) or 0x are
is used to indicate a signal that is active when pulled low: for example, RESET.
1.2Target Applications
The i.MX21 is targeted for advanced information appliances, smart phones, Web browsers, digital MP3 audio
players, handheld computers based on the popular Palm OS platform, and messaging applications.
1.3Reference Documentation
The following documents are required for a complete description of the i.MX21 and are necessary to design
properly with the device. Especially for those not familiar with the ARM926EJ-S processor or previous
DragonBall products, the following documents are helpful when used in conjunction with this manual.
ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARM Ltd., order number ARM DDI 0100)
ARM7TDMI Data Sheet (ARM Ltd., order number ARM DDI 0029)
ARM920T Technical Reference Manual (ARM Ltd., order number ARM DDI 0151C)
MC9328MX21 Product Brief (order number MC9328MX21P/D)
MC9328MX21 Reference Manual (order number MC9328MX21RM/D)
MC9328MX1 Product Brief (order number MC9328MX1P/D)
MC9328MX1 Data Sheet (order number MC9328MX1/D)
MC9328MX1 Reference Manual (order number MC9328MX1RM/D)
The Freescale manuals are available on the Freescale Semiconductor Web site at These
documents may be downloaded directly from the Freescale Web site, or printed versions may be ordered. The
ARM Ltd. documentation is available from
MC9328MX21 Product Preview, Rev. 1.1
Freescale Semiconductor3
1.4Ordering Information
Table 1 provides ordering information for the i.MX21.
Table 1. i.MX21 Ordering Information
Marking Package SizePackage TypeOperating range
MC9328MX21VG289-lead MAPBGA
0.65mm, 14mm x 14mm
MC9328MX21VK289-lead MAPBGA
0.65mm, 14mm x 14mm
MC9328MX21VH289-lead MAPBGA
0.8mm, 17mm x 17mm
MC9328MX21VM289-lead MAPBGA
0.8mm, 17mm x 17mm
MC9328MX21DVG289-lead MAPBGA
0.65mm, 14mm x 14mm
MC9328MX21DVK289-lead MAPBGA
0.65mm, 14mm x 14mm
MC9328MX21DVH 289-lead MAPBGA
0.8mm, 17mm x 17mm
MC9328MX21DVM289-lead MAPBGA
0.8mm, 17mm x 17mm
MC9328MX21CVG289-lead MAPBGA
0.65mm, 14mm x 14mm
MC9328MX21CVK289-lead MAPBGA
0.65mm, 14mm x 14mm
MC9328MX21CVH 289-lead MAPBGA
0.8mm, 17mm x 17mm
MC9328MX21CVM289-lead MAPBGA
0.8mm, 17mm x 17mm
The i.MX21 boasts a robust array of features that can support a wide variety of applications. Below is a brief
description of i.MX21 features.
•ARM926EJ-S Core Complex
•enhanced Multimedia Accelerator (eMMA)
•Optional Security System
•Display and Video Modules
— LCD Controller (LCDC)
— Smart LCD Controller (SLCDC)
— CMOS Sensor Interface (CSI)
•Bus Master Interface (BMI)
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Signal Descriptions
•Wireless Connectivity
— Fast Infra-Red Interface (Fast IR)
•Wired Connectivity
— USB On-The-Go (USBOTG) Controller
— Four Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (UART1, UART2, UART3, and UART4)
— Two Configurable Serial Peripheral Interfaces (CSPI1 and CSPI2) for High Speed Data Transfer
— Inter-IC (I
— Two Synchronous Serial Interfaces (SSI) with Inter-IC Sound (I
•Standard System Resources
— Clock Generation Module (CGM) and Power Control Module
— Three General-Purpose 32-Bit Counters/Timers
— Watchdog Timer
— Real-Time Clock/Sampling Timer (RTC)
— Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) Module
— Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC)
— General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Ports
— Debug Capability
2Signal Descriptions
This section identifies and describes the i.MX21 signals and their pin assignments. The i.MX21 signals are listed in
Table 2.
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions
Signal NameFunction/Notes
External Bus/Chip Select (EIM)
A [25:0]Address bus signals
D [31:0]Data bus signals
EB0MSB Byte Strobe—Active low external enable byte signal that controls D [31:24], shared with
EB1Byte Strobe—Active low external enable byte signal that controls D [23:16], shared with SDRAM
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
EB2Byte Strobe—Active low external enable byte signal that controls D [15:8], shared with SDRAM
EB3LSB Byte Strobe—Active low external enable byte signal that controls D [7:0], shared with SDRAM
OE Memory Output Enable—Active low output enables external data bus, shared with PCMCIA
CS [5:0]Chip Select—The chip select signals CS [3:2] are multiplexed with CSD [1:0] and are selected by
the Function Multiplexing Control Register (FMCR) in the System Control chapter. By default CSD
[1:0] is selected. DTACK is multiplexed with CS4.
ECBActive low input signal sent by flash device to the EIM whenever the flash device must terminate an
on-going burst sequence and initiate a new (long first access) burst sequence.
LBAActive low signal sent by flash device causing the external burst device to latch the starting burst
BCLKClock signal sent to external synchronous memories (such as burst flash) during burst mode.
RWRW signal—Indicates whether external access is a read (high) or write (low) cycle. This signal is
also shared with the PCMCIA PC_WE.
DTACKDTACK signal—External input data acknowledge signal, multiplexed with CS4.
BOOT [3:0]System Boot Mode Select—The operational system boot mode of the i.MX21 upon system reset is
determined by the settings of these pins.
SDRAM Controller
SDBA [4:0]SDRAM non-interleave mode bank address signals. These signals are multiplexed with address
signals A[20:16].
SDIBA [3:0]SDRAM interleave addressing mode bank address signals. These signals are multiplexed with
address signals A[24:21].
MA [11:0]SDRAM address signals. MA[9:0] are multiplexed with address signals A[10:1].
DQM [3:0]SDRAM data qualifier mask multiplexed with EB[3:0]. DQM3 corresponds to D[31:24], DQM2
corresponds to D[23:16], DQM1 corresponds to D[15:8], and DQM0 corresponds to D[7:0].
CSD0SDRAM Chip Select signal. This signal is multiplexed with the CS2 signal. This signal is selectable
by programming the Function Multiplexing Control Register in the System Control chapter.
CSD1SDRAM Chip Select signal. This signal is multiplexed with the CS3 signal. This signal is selectable
by programming the Function Multiplexing Control Register in the System Control chapter.
RASSDRAM Row Address Select signal
CASSDRAM Column Address Select signal
SDWESDRAM Write Enable signal
SDCKE0SDRAM Clock Enable 0
SDCKE1SDRAM Clock Enable 1
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
Clocks and Resets
EXTAL26MCrystal input (26MHz), or a 16 MHz to 32 MHz oscillator (or square-wave) input when internal
oscillator circuit is shut down.
XTAL26MOscillator output to external crystal
EXTAL32K32 kHz crystal input
XTAL32KOscillator output to 32 kHz crystal
CLKOClock Out signal selected from internal clock signals. Please refer to clock controller for internal
clock selection.
EXT_48MThis is a special factory test signal. To ensure proper operation, connect this signal to ground.
EXT_266MThis is a special factory test signal. To ensure proper operation, connect this signal to ground.
RESET_INMaster Reset—External active low Schmitt trigger input signal. When this signal goes active, all
modules (except the reset module, SDRAMC module, and the clock control module) are reset.
RESET_OUTReset Out—Internal active low output signal from the Watchdog Timer module and is asserted
from the following sources: Power-on reset, External reset (RESET_IN
), and Watchdog time-out.
PORPower On Reset—Active low Schmitt trigger input signal. The POR signal is normally generated by
an external RC circuit designed to detect a power-up event.
CLKMODE[1:0]These are special factory test signals. To ensure proper operation, leave these signals as no
OSC26M_TESTThis is a special factory test signal. To ensure proper operation, leave this signal as a no connect.
TEST_WB[2:0] These are special factory test signals. However, these signals are also multiplexed with GPIO
PORT E as well as alternate keypad signals. If not utilizing these signals for GPIO functionality or
for it’s other multiplexed function, then configure as GPIO input with pull up enabled, and leave as
a no connect.
TEST_WB[4:3] These are special factory test signals. To ensure proper operation, leave these signals as no
WKGDBattery indicator input used to qualify the walk-up process. Also multiplexed with TIN.
TRSTTest Reset Pin—External active low signal used to asynchronously initialize the JTAG controller.
TDOSerial Output for test instructions and data. Changes on the falling edge of TCK.
TDISerial Input for test instructions and data. Sampled on the rising edge of TCK.
TCKTest Clock to synchronize test logic and control register access through the JTAG port.
TMSTest Mode Select to sequence the JTAG test controller’s state machine. Sampled on the rising
edge of TCK.
JTAG_CTRLJTAG Controller select signal—JTAG_CTRL is sampled during the rising edge of TRST. Must be
pulled to logic high for proper JTAG interface to debugger. Pulling JTAG_CRTL low is for internal
test purposes only.
RTCKJTAG Return Clock used to enhance stability of JTAG debug interface devices. This signal is
multiplexed with OWIRE, hence utilizing OWIRE will render RTCK unusable and vice versa.
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
CMOS Sensor Interface
CSI_D [7:0]Sensor port data
CSI_MCLKSensor port master clock
CSI_VSYNCSensor port vertical sync
CSI_HSYNCSensor port horizontal sync
CSI_PIXCLKSensor port data latch clock
LCD Controller
LD [17:0]LCD Data Bus—All LCD signals are driven low after reset and when LCD is off. LD[15:0] signals
are multiplexed with SLCDC1_DAT[15:0] from SLCDC1 and BMI_D[15:0]. LD[17] signal is
multiplexed with BMI_WRITE
and EXT_DMAGRANT signals.
of BMI. LD[16] signal is multiplexed with BMI_READ_REQ of BMI
(or simply referred
to as VSYNC)
LP_HSYNC (or simply
referred to as HSYNC)
LSCLK Shift Clock. This signal is multiplexed with the BMI_CLK_CS from BMI.
OE_ACDAlternate Crystal Direction/Output Enable.
CONTRASTThis signal is used to control the LCD bias voltage as contrast control. This signal is multiplexed
SPL_SPRSampling start signal for left and right scanning. This signal is multiplexed with the SLCDC1_CLK.
PSControl signal output for source driver (Sharp panel dedicated signal). This signal is multiplexed
CLSStart signal output for gate driver. This signal is invert version of PS (Sharp panel dedicated
REVSignal for common electrode driving signal preparation (Sharp panel dedicated signal). This signal
SLCDC1_CLKSLCDC Clock output signal. This signal is multiplexed and available at 2 alternate locations. These
SLCDC1_CSSLCDC Chip Select output signal. This signal is multiplexed and available at 2 alternate signal
Frame Sync or Vsync—This signal also serves as the clock signal output for gate
driver (dedicated signal SPS for Sharp panel HR-TFT). This signal is multiplexed with
Line Pulse or HSync
with the BMI_READ from BMI.
with the SLCDC1_CS.
signal). This signal is multiplexed with the SLCDC1_RS.
is multiplexed with SLCDC1_D0.
Smart LCD Controller
are SPL_SPR and SD2_CLK signals of LCDC and SD2, respectively.
locations. These are PS and SD2_CMD signals of LCDC and SD2, respectively.
of the BMI.
SLCDC1_RSSLCDC Register Select output signal. This signal is multiplexed and available at 2 alternate signal
locations. These are CLS and SD2_D3 signals of LCDC and SD2, respectively.
SLCDC1_D0SLCDC serial data output signal. This signal is multiplexed and available at 2 alternate signal
locations. These are and REV and SD2_D2 signals of LCDC and SD2, respectively. This signal is
inactive when a parallel data interface is used.
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
SLCDC1_DAT[15:0]SLCDC Data output signals for connection to a parallel SLCD panel interface. These signals are
multiplexed with LD[15:0] while an alternate 8-bit SLCD muxing is available on LD[15:8]. Further
alternate muxing of these signals are available on some of the USB OTG and USBH1 signals.
SLCDC2_CLKSLCDC Clock input signal for pass through to SLCD device. This signal is multiplexed with
SSI3_CLK signal from SSI3.
SLCDC2_CSSLCDC Chip Select input signal for pass through to SLCD device. This signal is multiplexed with
SSI3_TXD signal from SSI3.
SLCDC2_RSSLCDC Register Select input signal for pass through to SLCD device. This signal is multiplexed
with SSI3_RXD signal from SSI3.
SLCDC2_D0SLCD Data input signal for pass through to SLCD device. This signal is multiplexed with SSI3_FS
signal from SSI3.
Bus Master Interface (BMI)
BMI_D[15:0]BMI bidirectional data bus. Bus width is programmable between 8-bit or 16-bit.These signals are
multiplexed with LD[15:0] and SLCDC_DAT[15:0].
BMI_CLK_CSBMI bidirectional clock or chip select signal.This signal is multiplexed with LSCLK of LCDC.
BMI_WRITEBMI bidirectional signal to indicate read or write access. This is an input signal when the BMI is a
slave and an output signal when BMI is the master of the interface. BMI_WRITE is asserted for
write and negated for read.This signal is muxed with LD[17] of LCDC.
BMI_READBMI output signal to enable data read from external slave device. This signal is not used and
driven high when BMI is slave.This signal is multiplexed with CONTRAST signal of LCDC.
BMI_READ_REQBMI Read request output signal to external bus master. This signal is active when the data in the
TXFIFO is larger or equal to the data transfer size of a single external BMI access.This signal is
muxed with LD[16] of LCDC.
BMI_RXF_FULLBMI Receive FIFO full active high output signal to reflect if the RxFIFO reaches water mark
value.This signal is muxed with VSYNC of the LCDC.
BMI_WAITBMI Wait—Active low signal to wait for data ready (read cycle) or accepted (write_cycle). Also
multiplexed with VSYNC.
External DMA
EXT_DMAREQExternal DMA Request input signal. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI1_RDY.
EXT_DMAGRANTExternal DMA Grant output signal. This signal is multiplexed with LD[16].
NAND Flash Controller
NF_CLENAND Flash Command Latch Enable output signal. This signal is multiplexed with PC_POE of
NF_CENAND Flash Chip Enable output signal. This signal is multiplexed with PC_CE1 of PCMCIA.
NF_WPNAND Flash Write Protect output signal. This signal is multiplexed with PC_CE2 of PCMCIA.
NF_ALENAND Flash Address Latch Enable output signal. This signal is multiplexed with PC_OE of
NF_RENAND Flash Read Enable output signal. This signal is multiplexed with PC_RW of PCMCIA.
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
NF_WENAND Flash Write Enable output signal. This signal is multiplexed with and PC_BVD2 of PCMCIA.
NF_RBNAND Flash Ready Busy input signal. This signal is multiplexed with PC_RST of PCMCIA.
NF_IO[15:0]NAND Flash Data input and output signals. NF_IO[15:7] signals are multiplexed with A[25:21] and
A[15:13]. NF_IO[7:0] signals are multiplexed with several PCMCIA signals.
PCMCIA Controller
PC_A[25:0]PCMCIA Address signals. These signals are multiplexed with A[25:0].
PC_D[15:0]PCMCIA Data input and output signals. These signals are multiplexed with D[15:0].
PC_CD1PCMCIA Card Detect1 input signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFIO[7] signal of NF.
PC_CD2PCMCIA Card Detect2 input signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFIO[6] signal of NF.
PC_WAITPCMCIA Wait input signal to extend current access This signal is multiplexed with NFIO[5] signal
of NF.
PC_READYPCMCIA Ready input signal to indicate card is ready for access. This signal is multiplexed with
NFIO[4] signal of NF.
PC_RSTPCMCIA Reset output signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFRB signal of NF.
PC_OEPCMCIA Memory Read Enable output signal asserted during common or attribute memory read
cycles. This signal is multiplexed with NFALE signal of NF.
PC_WEPCMCIA Memory Write Enable output signal asserted during common or attribute memory cycles.
This signal is shared with RW of the EIM.
PC_VS1PCMCIA Voltage Sense1 input signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFIO[2] signal of NF
PC_VS2PCMCIA Voltage Sense2 input signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFIO[1] signal of NF
PC_BVD1PCMCIA Battery Voltage Detect1 input signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFIO[0] signal of NF
PC_BVD2PCMCIA Battery Voltage Detect2 input signal. This signal is multiplexed with NF_WE signal of NF
PC_SPKOUTPCMCIA Speaker Out output signal. This signal is multiplexed with PWMO signal.
PC_REGPCMCIA Register Select output signal. This signal is shared with EB2 of EIM.
PC_CE1PCMCIA Card Enable1 output signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFCE signal of NF.
PC_CE2PCMCIA Card Enable2 output signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFWP signal of NF.
PC_IORDPCMCIA IO Read output signal. This signal is shared with EB3 of EIM.
PC_IOWRPCMCIA IO Write output signal. This signal is shared with OE signal of EIM.
PC_WPPCMCIA Write Protect input signal. This signal is multiplexed with NFIO[3] signal of NF.
PC_POEPCMCIA Output Enable signal to enable voltage translation buffers and transceivers. This signal is
multiplexed with NFCLE signal of NF.
PC_RWPCMCIA Read Write output signal to control external transceiver direction. Asserted high for read
access and negated low for write access. This signal is multiplexed with NFRE
signal of NF.
PC_PWRONPCMCIA input signal to indicate that the card power has been applied and stabilized.
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
CSPI1_MOSIMaster Out/Slave In signal
CSPI1_MISOMaster In/Slave Out signal
CSPI1_SS[2:0]Slave Select (Selectable polarity) signal. CSPI1_SS2 is also multiplexed with USBG_RXDAT.
CSPI1_SCLKSerial Clock signal
CSPI1_RDYSerial Data Ready signal. Also multiplexed with EXT_DMAREQ.
CSPI2_MOSIMaster Out/Slave In signal. This signal is multiplexed with USBH2_TXDP signal of USB OTG.
CSPI2_MISOMaster In/Slave Out signal. This signal is multiplexed with USBH2_TXDM signal of USB OTG.
CSPI2_SS[2:0]Slave Select (Selectable polarity) signals. These signals are multiplexed with USBH2_FS,
CSPI2_SCLKSerial Clock signal. This signal is multiplexed with USBH2_OE signal of USB OTG
CSPI3_MOSIMaster Out/Slave In signal. This signal is multiplexed with SD1_CMD.
CSPI3_MISOMaster In/Slave Out signal. This signal is multiplexed with SD1_D0.
CSPI3_SSSlave Select (Selectable polarity) signal multiplexed with SD1_D3.
CSPI3_SCLKSerial Clock signal. This signal is multiplexed with SD1_CLK.
General Purpose Timers
TINTimer Input Capture or Timer Input Clock—The signal on this input is applied to all 3 timers
simultaneously. This signal is muxed with the Walk-up Guard Mode WKGD
Clock, and Reset Controller module.
TOUT1 (or simply TOUT) Timer Output signal from General Purpose Timer1 (GPT1). This signal is multiplexed with
SSI1_MCLK and SSI2_MCLK signal of SSI1 and SSI2. The pin name of this signal is simply
TOUT2Timer Output signal from General Purpose Timer1 (GPT2). This signal is multiplexed with PWMO.
TOUT3Timer Output signal from General Purpose Timer1 (GPT3). This signal is multiplexed with PWMO.
USB On-The-Go
USB_BYPUSB Bypass input active low signal.
USB_PWRUSB Power output signal
USB_OCUSB Over current input signal
USBG_RXDPUSB OTG Receive Data Plus input signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT15.
USBG_RXDMUSB OTG Receive Data Minus input signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT14.
USBG_TXDPUSB OTG Transmit Data Plus output signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT13.
signal in the PLL,
USBG_TXDMUSB OTG Transmit Data Minus output signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT12.
USBG_RXDATUSB OTG Transceiver differential data receive signal. Multiplexed with CSPI1_SS2.
USBG_OEUSB OTG Output Enable signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT11.
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Freescale Semiconductor11
Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
USBG_ONUSB OTG Transceiver ON output signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT9.
USBG_FSUSB OTG Full Speed output signal. This signal is multiplexed with external transceiver
USBH1_RXDPUSB Host1 Receive Data Plus input signal. This signal is multiplexed with UART4_RXD and
SLCDC1_DAT6. It also provides an alternative multiplex for UART4_RTS, where this signal is
selectable by programming the Function Multiplexing Control Register in the System Control
USBH1_RXDMUSB Host1 Receive Data Minus input signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT5. It also
provides an alternative multiplex for UART4_CTS.
USBH1_TXDPUSB Host1 Transmit Data Plus output signal. This signal is multiplexed with UART4_CTS and
SLCDC1_DAT4. It also provides an alternative multiplex for UART4_RXD, where this signal is
selectable by programming the Function Multiplexing Control Register in the System Control
USBH1_TXDMUSB Host1 Transmit Data Minus output signal. This signal is multiplexed with UART4_TXD and
USBH1_RXDATUSB Host1 Transceiver differential data receive signal. Multiplexed with USBH1_FS.
signal of USB OTG. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT10.
USBH1_OEUSB Host1 Output Enable signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT2.
USBH1_FSUSB Host1 Full Speed output signal. This signal is multiplexed with UART4_RTS and
USBH_ONUSB Host transceiver ON output signal. This signal is muxed with SLCDC1_DAT0.
USBH2_RXDPUSB Host2 Receive Data Plus input signal. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI2_SS[1] of CSPI2.
USBH2_RXDMUSB Host2 Receive Data Minus input signal. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI2_SS[2] of
USBH2_TXDPUSB Host2 Transmit Data Plus output signal. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI2_MOSI of
USBH2_TXDMUSB Host2 Transmit Data Minus output signal. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI2_MISO of
USBH2_OEUSB Host2 Output Enable signal. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI2_SCLK of CSPI2.
USBH2_FSUSB Host2 Full Speed output signal. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI2_SS[0] of CSPI2.
USBG_SCLUSB OTG I2C Clock Output signal. This signal is multiplexed with SLCDC1_DAT8.
USBG_SDAUSB OTG I2C Data Input/Output signal. This signal is multiplexed with SLCDC1_DAT7.
USBG_TXR_INTUSB OTG transceiver Interrupt input. Multiplexed with USBG_FS.
Secure Digital Interface
SD1_CMDSD Command bidirectional signal—If the system designer does not want to make use of the
internal pull-up, via the Pull-up enable register, a 4.7K–69K external pull up resistor must be
added. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI3_MOSI.
SD1_CLKSD Output Clock. This signal is multiplexed with CSPI3_SCLK.
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
SD1_D[3:0]SD Data bidirectional signals—If the system designer does not want to make use of the internal
pull-up, via the Pull-up enable register, a 50 K–69K external pull up resistor must be added.
SD1_D[3] is muxed with CSPI3_SS while SD1_D[0] is muxed with CSPI3_MISO.
SD2_CMDSD Command bidirectional signal. This signal is multiplexed with SLCDC1_CS signal from
SD2_CLKSD Output Clock signal. This signal is multiplexed with SLCDC1_CLK signal from SLCDC1.
SD2_D[3:0]SD Data bidirectional signals. SD2_D[3:2] are which are multiplexed with SLCDC1_RS and
SLCDC_D0 signals from SLCDC1.
UARTs – IrDA/Auto-Bauding
UART1_RXDReceive Data input signal
UART1_TXDTransmit Data output signal
UART1_RTSRequest to Send input signal
UART1_CTSClear to Send output signal
UART2_RXDReceive Data input signal. This signal is multiplexed with KP_ROW6 signal from KPP.
UART2_TXDTransmit Data output signal. This signal is multiplexed with KP_COL6 signal from KPP.
UART2_RTSRequest to Send input signal. This signal is multiplexed with KP_ROW7 signal from KPP.
UART2_CTSClear to Send output signal. This signal is multiplexed with KP_COL7 signal from KPP.
UART3_RXDReceive Data input signal. This signal is multiplexed with IR_RXD from FIRI.
UART3_TXDTransmit Data output signal. This signal is multiplexed with IR_TXD from FIRI.
UART3_RTSRequest to Send input signal
UART3_CTSClear to Send output signal
UART4_RXDReceive Data input signal which is multiplexed with USBH1_RXDP and USBH1_TXDP.
UART4_TXDTransmit Data output signal which is multiplexed with USBH1_TXDM.
UART4_RTSRequest to Send input signal which is multiplexed with USBH1_FS and USBH1_RXDP.
UART4_CTSClear to Send output signal which is multiplexed with USBH1_TXDP and USBH1_RXDM.
Serial Audio Port – SSI (configurable to I2S protocol and AC97)
SSI1_CLK Serial clock signal which is output in master or input in slave
SSI1_TXDTransmit serial data
SSI1_RXDReceive serial data
SSI1_FSFrame Sync signal which is output in master and input in slave
SSI1_MCLKSSI1 master clock. Multiplexed with TOUT.
SSI2_CLKSerial clock signal which is output in master or input in slave.
SSI2_TXDTransmit serial data signal
SSI2_RXDReceive serial data
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Signal Descriptions
Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
SSI2_FSFrame Sync signal which is output in master and input in slave.
SSI2_MCLKSSI2 master clock. Multiplexed with TOUT.
SSI3_CLKSerial clock signal which is output in master or input in slave. This signal is multiplexed with
SSI3_TXDTransmit serial data signal which is multiplexed with SLCDC2_CS
SSI3_RXDReceive serial data which is multiplexed with SLCDC2_RS
SSI3_FSFrame Sync signal which is output in master and input in slave. This signal is multiplexed with
SAP_CLKSerial clock signal which is output in master or input in slave.
SAP_TXDTransmit serial data
SAP_RXDReceive serial data
SAP_FSFrame Sync signal which is output in master and input in slave.
I2C_CLKI2C Clock
OWIREOne wire input and output signal. This signal is multiplexed with JTAG RTCK.
PWMOPWM Output. This signal is multiplexed with PC_SPKOUT of PCMCIA, as well as TOUT2 and
TOUT3 of the General Purpose Timer module.
KP_COL[7:0]Keypad Column selection signals. KP_COL[7:6] are multiplexed with UART2_CTS and
UART2_TXD respectively. Alternatively, KP_COL6 is also available on the internal factory test
signal TEST_WB2. The Function Multiplexing Control Register in the System Control chapter must
be used in conjunction with programming the GPIO multiplexing (to select the alternate signal
multiplexing) to choose which signal KP_COL6 is available.
KP_ROW[7:0]Keypad Row selection signals. KP_ROW[7:6] are multiplexed with UART2_RTS and UART2_RXD
signals respectively. Alternatively, KP_ROW7 and KP_ROW6 are available on the internal factory
test signals TEST_WB0 and TEST_WB1 respectively. The Function Multiplexing Control Register
in the System Control chapter must be used in conjunction with programming the GPIO
multiplexing (to select the alternate signal multiplexing) to choose which signals KP_ROW6 and
KP_ROW7 are available.
Noisy Supply Pins
NVDDNoisy Supply for the I/O pins. There are six (6) I/O voltage rings, NVDD1 through NVDD6.
NVSSNoisy Ground for the I/O pins
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Table 2. i.MX21 Signal Descriptions (Continued)
Signal NameFunction/Notes
Supply Pins – Analog Modules
(formally AVDD)
QVSS (internally
connected to AVSS)
QVDDPower supply pins for silicon internal circuitry
QVSSQuiet GND pins for silicon internal circuitry
QVDDXPower supply pin for the ARM core, connect directly to QVDD
Supply for analog blocks
Quiet GND for analog blocks (QVSS and AVSS are synonymous)
Internal Power Supply
This section contains the electrical specifications and timing diagrams for the i.MX21 processor.
3.1Maximum Ratings
Table 3 provides information on maximum ratings.
Table 3. Maximum Ratings
Supply voltageV
Maximum operating temperature range of i.MX21T
Storage temperatureTest-55150°C
-0.3 3.3 V
- 40 / -30 / 0 70 / 85°C
3.2Recommended Operating Range
Table 4 provides the recommended operating ranges for the supply voltages. The i.MX21 processor has multiple
pairs of VDD and VSS power supply and return pins. QVDD, QVDDx, and QVSS pins are used for internal logic.
All other VDD and VSS pins are for the I/O pads voltage supply, and each pair of VDD and VSS provides power
to the enclosed I/O pads. This design allows different peripheral supply voltage levels in a system.
Because AVDD pins are supply voltages to the analog pads, it is recommended to isolate and noise-filter the
AVDD pins from other VDD pins.
For more information about I/O pads grouping per VDD, please refer to Table 4 on page 15.
Table 4. Recommended Operating Range
I/O supply voltageNVDD 2, 3, 4, 5, 62.703.30V
I/O supply voltageNVDD 11.703.30V
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Table 4. Recommended Operating Range (Continued)
Internal supply voltage (Core = 266 MHz)QVDD, QVDDx1.451.65V
Analog supply voltageAVDD1.703.30V
3.3DC Electrical Characteristics
Table 5 contains both maximum and minimum DC characteristics of the i.MX21.
MPEG4 Playback (QVGA) from MMC/SD card,
30fps, 44.1kHz audio)
SiddStandby current (QVDD, QVDDx= 1.55V)–360–µA
Input high voltage0.7NVDD–NVDDV
Input low voltage0–0.3NVDDV
Output high voltage0.8NVDD––V
Output low voltage––0.2NVDDV
Positive input threshold voltage, Vi=V
Negative input threshold voltage, Vi=V
Hysteresis (V
− V
Input low leakage current
= GND, no pull-up or pull-down)
Input high leakage current
, no pull-up or pull-down)
Output high current
–0.3 ––
–– ±1µA
–– ±1µA
––Slow Pad: -6
Fast Pad: -5
Output low current
Output leakage current
Input capacitance––5pF
Output capacitance––5pF
, output is tri-stated)
Slow Pad: 6
Fast Pad: 5
–– ±5µA
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3.4AC Electrical Characteristics
The AC characteristics consist of output delays, input setup and hold times, and signal skew times. All
signals are specified relative to an appropriate edge of other signals. All timing specifications are specified
at a system operating frequency from 0 MHz to 133 MHz (core operating frequency 266 MHz) with an
operating supply voltage from V
DD min
to V
DD max
timing is measured at 30 pF loading.
Table 6. Tri-State Signal Timing
TRISTATETime from TRISTATE activate until I/O becomes Hi-Z–20.8ns
Table 7. 32k/26M Oscillator Signal Timing
EXTAL32k input jitter (peak to peak) for both System PLL and MCUPLL–520ns
EXTAL32k input jitter (peak to peak) for MCUPLL only–5100ns
EXTAL32k startup time800––ms
under an operating temperature from TL to TH. All
Table 8. CLKO Rise/Fall Time (at 30pF Loaded)
Best CaseTypicalWorst CaseUnits
Rise Time0.801.001.40ns
Fall Time0.741.081.67ns
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3.5DPLL Timing Specifications
Parameters of the DPLL are given in Table 9. In this table, T
predivider and T
is the output double clock period.
is a reference clock period after the
Table 9. DPLL Specifications
ParameterTest ConditionsMinimumTypicalMaximumUnit
Reference clock frequency rangeVcc = 1.5V16–320MHz
Pre-divider output clock frequency
Double clock frequency rangeVcc = 1.5V160–560MHz
Pre-divider factor (PD)–1–16–
Total multiplication factor (MF)Includes both integer
MF integer part–5–15–
MF numeratorShould be less than the denominator0–1022–
MF denominator–1–1023–
Frequency lock-in time after
full reset
Vcc = 1.5V16–32MHz
and fractional parts
FOL mode for non-integer MF
(does not include pre-multi lock-in time)
FOL mode for non-integer MF (does not
include pre-multi lock-in time)
FPL mode and integer MF (does not
include pre-multi lock-in time)
FPL mode and integer MF (does not
include pre-multi lock-in time)
= 560 MHz, Vcc = 1.5V
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3.6Reset Module
The timing relationships of the Reset module with the POR and RESET_IN are shown in Figure 2 and
Figure 3 on page 20. Be aware that NVDD must ramp up to at least 1.7V for NVDD1 and 2.7V for
NVDD2-6 before QVDD is powered up to prevent forward biasing.
Can be adjusted depending on the crystal
start-up time 32KHz or 32.768KHz
Figure 2. Timing Relationship with POR
Exact 300ms
7 cycles @ CLK32
14 cycles @ CLK32
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Figure 3. Timing Relationship with RESET_IN
Table 10. Reset Module Timing Parameter Table
1.8V +/- 0.10V3.0V +/- 0.30V
14 cycles @ CLK32
1Width of input POWER_ON_RESET800–800–ms
2Width of internal POWER_ON_RESET
(CLK32 at 32 KHz)
37K to 32K-cycle stretcher for SDRAM reset7777Cycles of
414K to 32K-cycle stretcher for internal system reset
and output reset at pin RESET_OUT
5Width of external hard-reset RESET_IN
14141414Cycles of
4–4–Cycles of
64K to 32K-cycle qualifier4444Cycles of
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3.7External DMA Request and Grant
The External DMA request is an active low signal to be used by devices external to i.MX21 processor to request
the DMAC for data transfer.
After assertion of External DMA request the DMA burst will start when the channel on which the External request
is the source (as per the RSSR settings) becomes the current highest priority channel. The external device using the
External DMA request should keep its request asserted until it is serviced by the DMAC. One External DMA
request will initiate one DMA burst.
The output External Grant signal from the DMAC is an active-low signal.When the following conditions are true,
the External DMA Grant signal is asserted with the initiation of the DMA burst.
•The DMA channel for which the DMA burst is ongoing has request source as external DMA Request (as
per source select register setting).
•REN and CEN bit of this channel are set.
•External DMA Request is asserted.
After the grant is asserted, the External DMA request will not be sampled until completion of the DMA burst. As
the external request is synchronized, the request synchronization will not be done during this period. The priority of
the external request becomes low for the next consecutive burst, if another DMA request signal is asserted.
Worst case—that is, the smallest burst (1 byte read/write) timing diagrams are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 on
page 21. Minimum and maximum timings for the External request and External grant signals are present in
Table 11 on page 22.
Figure 4 shows the minimum time for which the External Grant signal remains asserted when an External DMA
request is de-asserted immediately after sensing grant signal active.
Figure 4. Assertion of DMA External Grant Signal
Figure 5 shows the safe maximum time for which External DMA request can be kept asserted, after sensing grant
signal active such that a new burst is not initiated.
Data read from
External device
Data written to
External device
NOTE: Assuming in worst case the data is read/written from/to External device as per the above waveform.
Figure 5. Safe Maximum Timings for External Request De-Assertion
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Table 11. DMA External Request and Grant Timing Parameter Table
3.0 V
Minimum assertion time of
External Grant signal
Maximum External request
assertion time after assertion of
Grant signal
Maximum External request
assertion time after first read
Maximum External request
assertion time after completion of
first write
In this mode MMD_MODE_SEL bit is set and MMD_CLKOUT bit is cleared. BMI_WRITE and
BMI_CLK/CS are input signals to BMI driving by ATI MMD chip set. Output signal BMI_READ_REQ
can be used as interrupt signal to inform MMD that data is ready in BMI TxFIFO for read access. MMD
can write data to BMI RxFIFO anytime as CPU or DMA can move data out from RxFIFO much faster
than the BMI interface. Overflow interrupt is generated if RxFIFO overflow is detected. Once this
happens, the new coming data is ignored. Read BMI Timing
Figure 6 shows the MMD read BMI timing when the MMD drives clock.
On each rising edge of BMI_CLK/CS BMI checks the BMI_WRITE
logic level to determine if the current
cycle is a read cycle. It puts data into the data bus and enables the data out on the rising edge of BMI_CLK/
CS if BMI_WRITE is logic high. The BMI_READ_REQ is negated one hclk cycle after the BMI_CLK/
CS rising edge of last data read. The MMD cannot issues read command when BMI_READ_REQ is low
(no data in TxFIFO).
Note: All the timings assume that the hclk is running at 133 MHz.
Note: The MIN period of the 1T is assumed that MMD latch data at falling edge.
Note: If the MMD latch data at next rising edge, the ideally max clock can be as much as double, but because the BMI data pads
are slow pads and it max frequency can only up to 18Mhz, the max clock frequency can only up to 36 MHz. Write BMI Timing
Figure 7 on page 24 shows the MMD write BMI timing when MMD drives clock. On each falling edge of
BMI_CLK/CS BMI checks the BMI_WRITE logic level to determine if the current cycle is a write cycle.
If the BMI_ WRITE is logic low, it latches data into the RxFIFO on each falling edge of BMI_CLK/CS
Note: All timings assume that the hclk is running at 133 MHz.
Note: At this mode, the maximum frequency of the BMI_CLK/CS can be up to 36 MHz (doubles as maximum data pad speed).
RxD1RxD2Last RxD
Can be asserted any timeCan be asserted any time
Th Drives the BMI_CLK/CS
In this mode MMD_MODE_SEL and MMD_CLKOUT are both set. The software must know which
mode it is now (READ or WRITE). When the BMI_WRITE is high, BMI drives BMI_CLK/CS out if the
TxFIFO is not emptied. When BMI_WRITE is low, user can write a 1 to READ bit of control register1 to
issue a write cycle (MMD write BMI). Read BMI Timing
Figure 13 on page 29 shows the MMD read BMI timing when BMI drives the BMI_CLK/CS. When the
BMI_WRITE is high, the BMI drives BMI_CLK/CS out if data is written to TxFIFO (BMI_READ_REQ
become high), BMI puts data into data bus and enable data out on the rising edge of BMI_CLK/CS. The
MMD devices can latch the data on each falling edge of BMI_CLK/CS.
It is recommended that the MMD do not change the BMI_WRITE signal from high to low when the
BMI_READ_REQ is asserted. If user writes data to the TxFIFO when the BMI_WRITE is low, the BMI
will drive BMI_CLK/CS out once the BMI_WRITE
Note: In this mode, the max frequency of the BMI_CLK/CS can be up to 36Mhz(double as max data pad speed).
Note: The BMI_CLK/CS can only be divided by 2,4,8,16 from HCLK. Write BMI Timing
Figure on page 26 shows the MMD write BMI timing when BMI drives BMI_CLK/CS.
When the BMI_WRITE signal is asserted, the BMI can write a 1 to READ bit of control register to issue
a WRITE cycle. This bit is cleared automatically when the WRITE operation is completed. In a WRITE
burst the MMD will write COUNT+1 data to the BMI. The user can issue another WRITE operation if the
MMD still has data to write after the first operation completed.
The BMI can latch the data either at falling edge or the next rising edge of the BMI_CLK/CS according to
the DATA_LATCH bit. When the DATA_LATCH bit is set, the BMI latch data at the next rising edge and
latch the last data using the internal clock.
BMI_WRITE signal can not be negated when the WRITE operation is proceeding.
Note: The BMI_CLK/CS can only be up to 30Mhz if BMI latch data at the falling edge and can be up to 36Mhz (double as max
data pad speed) if BMI latch data at the next rising edge.
Note: Tds1 is the receive data setup time when BMI latch data at the falling edge.
Note: Tds2 is the receive data setup time when BMI latch data at the next rising edge.
3.8.2Connecting BMI to External Bus Master Devices
In this mode both MASTER_SEL bit and MMD_MODE_SEL bit are cleared and the MMD_CLKOUT
bit is no useful. BMI_WRITE and BMI_CLK/CS are input signals driving by the external bus master. The
Output signal BMI_READ_REQ can be used as an interrupt signal to inform external bus master that data
is ready in the BMI TxFIFO for a read access. The external bus master can write data to the BMI RxFIFO
anytime since the CPU or DMA can move data out from RxFIFO much faster than the BMI interface. An
overflow interrupt is generated if RxFIFO overflow is detected. Once this happens, the new coming data
is ignored.
Each falling edge of BMI_CLK/CS will determine if the current cycle is read or write cycle. It drives data
and enables data out if BMI_WRITE
CS is logic low and BMI_WRITE is logic high.
Each rising edge of BMI_CLK/CS will determine if data should be latched to RxFIFO from the data bus.
is logic high. The D_EN signal remains active only while BMI_CLK/
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RxDTxDLast TxD
Figure 10. Memory Interface Slave Mode, External Bus Master Read/Write to BMI Timing
Table 16. External Bus Master Read/Write to BMI Timing Table
setup timeTs11––ns
hold timeTh0––ns
receive data hold timeTrdh3––ns
transfer data setup timeTtds6–14ns
transfer data hold timeTtdh6–14ns
read_req hold timeTrh6–24ns
Note: All the timings are assumed that the hclk is running at 133 MHz.
3.8.3Connecting BMI to External Bus Slave Devices
In this mode the BMI_WRITE, BMI_READ and BMI_CLK/CS are output signals driving by the BMI
module. The output signal BMI_READ_REQ is still driving active-in on a write cycle, but it can be
ignored in this case. Instead, it is used to trigger internal logic to generate the read or write signals. Data
write cycles are continuously generated when TxFIFO is not emptied.
To issue a read cycle, the user can write a value of 1 to the READ bit of control register. This bit is cleared
automatically when the read operation is completed. A read cycle reads COUNT+1 data from the external
bus slave. The user can write a 1 to the READ bit while there is still data in the TxFIFO, but the read cycle
will not start until all data in the TxFIFO is emptied. If the read cycle begins, the write operation also
cannot begin until this read cycle complete.
In this master mode operation, Int_Clk is derived from HCLK through an integer divider DIV of BMI
control register and it is used to control the read/write cycle timing by generate WRITE
and CLK/CS
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Specifications Interface Master Mode Without WAIT Signal
The WAIT control bit (BMICTLR1[29]) is used in this mode. When this bit is cleared (default), the
BMI_WAIT signal is ignored and the CS cycle is terminated by Wait State (WS) control bits. Figure 11
shows the BMI timing when the WAIT bit is cleared.
(reference only)
(reference only)
BMI writeBMI writeBMI write
DMA or CPU write data to TxFIFO
On the next Int_Clk BMI issues a write cycle
BMI_READ_REQ is still logic high, BMI issues next write cycle
Last TxD
A 1 is written to READ bit of control reg1
Figure 11. Memory Interface Master Mode, BMI Read/Write to External Slave Device Timing without Wait
Signal (MMD_MODE_SEL=0, MASTER_MODE_SEL=1) Interface Master Mode with WAIT Signal
When the WAIT control bit is set, the BMI_WAIT signal is used and the CS cycle is terminated upon
sampling a logic high BMI_WAIT
When the BMI_WRITE is asserted, the BMI will detect the BMI_WAIT signal on every falling edge of
the Int_Clk. When it detected the high level of the BMI_WAIT, the BMI_WRITE will be negated after
1+WS Int_Clk period. If the BMI_WAIT is always high or already high before BMI_WRITE is asserted,
this timing will same as without WAIT
Int_Clk period.
28Freescale Semiconductor
signal. Figure 12 shows the BMI write timing when the WAIT bit is set.
signal. So the BMI_WRITE will be asserted at least for 1+WS
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(reference only)
Figure 12. Memory Interface Master Mode, BMI Write to External Slave Device Timing with Wait Signal
Figure 13 shows the BMI read timing when the WAIT bit is set. As write timing, when the BMI_READ is
asserted, the BMI will detect the BMI_WAIT signal on every falling edge of the Int_Clk. When it detected
the high level of the BMI_WAIT, the BMI_READ will be negated after 1+WS Int_Clk period. If the
BMI_WAIT is always high or already high before BMI_READ is asserted, this timing will same as
without WAIT signal. So the BMI_READ will be asserted at least for 1+WS Int_Clk period.
(reference only)
Figure 13. Memory Interface Master Mode, BMI Read to External Slave Device Timing with Wait Signal
3.9SPI Timing Diagrams
To use the internal transmit (TX) and receive (RX) data FIFOs when the SPI 1 module is configured as a
master, two control signals are used for data transfer rate control: the SS
signal (input). The SPI 1 Sample Period Control Register (PERIODREG1) and the SPI 2 Sample Period
Control Register (PERIODREG2) can also be programmed to a fixed data transfer rate for either SPI 1 or
SPI 2. When the SPI 1 module is configured as a slave, the user can configure the SPI 1 Control Register
(CONTROLREG1) to match the external SPI master’s timing. In this configuration, SS becomes an input
signal (output) and the SPI_RDY
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signal, and is used to latch data into or load data out to the internal data shift registers, as well as to
increment the data FIFO.
Figure 14. Master SPI Timing Diagram Using SPI_RDY Edge Trigger
Figure 15. Master SPI Timing Diagram Using SPI_RDY