Demonstration Board for Freescale MC9S08GB60
Includes DEMO9S08GB60-SP version
Axiom Manufacturing • 2813 Industrial Lane • Garland, TX 75041
Email: Sales@axman.com Web: http://www.axman.com

M68DEMO908GB60 01/12/05
CAUTIONARY NOTES...........................................................................................................................................................3
GETTING STARTED...............................................................................................................................................................5
EFERENCE DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................................................................5
M68DEMO908GB60 STARTUP............................................................................................................................................6
What Do the Demo Programs Do?......................................................................................................................................6
Applying the Demo Programs .............................................................................................................................................7
TABLE1: Demo Program Option Selections.......................................................................................................................8
Selecting the Demo Programs .............................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 2: Demo Program Selection....................................................................................................................................8
DEBUG MONITOR OPERATION.........................................................................................................................................9
MONITOR MEMORY MAP:.................................................................................................................................................9
M68DEMO908GB60 BOARD OPERATION.......................................................................................................................10
POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................................................................10
ON_OFF Switch ................................................................................................................................................................10
PWR - Power Jack.............................................................................................................................................................10
PWR_SEL Option ..............................................................................................................................................................11
RYSTAL ..........................................................................................................................................................................11
Y1 C
R3 (XPG2) and R4 (XPG1) Options..................................................................................................................................11
AND SCI2 PORTS...........................................................................................................................................................11
SCI1 and SCI2 Connection................................................................................................................................................12
LED 1-5 I
JP2 – VREFL.....................................................................................................................................................................13
JP1 – PWM / DAC ................................................................................................................................................................14
AND 1.8V REFERENCE .........................................................................................................................................13
USH SWITCHES...................................................................................................................................................13
M68DEMO908GB60 I/O PORT CONNECTORS ...............................................................................................................14
AND PTB I/O PORT CONNECTOR..........................................................................................................................14
ORT CONNECTOR..................................................................................................................................................15
DEBUG PORT......................................................................................................................................................................15

M68DEMO908GB60 01/12/05
Cautionary Notes
1) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) prevention measures should be applied whenever handling
this product. ESD damage is not a warranty repair item.
2) Axiom Manufacturing does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of
any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under patent
rights or the rights of others.
3) EMC Information on the M68DEMO908GB60 board:
a) This product as shipped from the factory with associated power supplies and cables, has
been verified to meet with requirements of CE and the FCC as a CLASS A product.
b) This product is designed and intended for use as a development platform for hardware
or software in an educational or professional laboratory.
c) In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the
user may be required to take adequate prevention measures.
d) Attaching additional wiring to this product or modifying the products operation from the
factory default as shipped may effect its performance and also cause interference with
other apparatus in the immediate vicinity. If such interference is detected, suitable
mitigating measures should be taken.
This development board applies option selection jumpers. Terminology for application of the
option jumpers is as follows:
Jumper on, in, or installed = jumper is a plastic shunt that fits across 2 pins and the
shunt is installed so that the 2 pins are connected with the shunt.
Jumper off, out, or idle = jumper or shunt is installed so that only 1 pin holds the shunt,
no 2 pins are connected, or jumper is removed. It is recommended that the jumpers be
idled by installing on 1 pin so they will not be lost.
This development board applies hard wired option selection for JP2 (VREFL). This option
selection applies a circuit trace between the option pads to complete a default connection. This
type connection places an equivalent Jumper Installed type option. The circuit trace between
the option pads may be cut with a razor blade or similar type knife to isolate the default
connection provided. Applying the default connection again can be performed by installing the
option post pins and shunt jumper, or by applying a wire between the option pads.

M68DEMO908GB60 01/12/05
The M68DEMO908GB60 is an evaluation or demonstration board for the M9S08GB60
microcontroller. Development of applications is quick and easy with the included DB9 serial
cable, sample software tools, examples, and debug monitor. The prototyping area provides
space to apply the MCU I/O to your needs. The DEBUG port is provided for development tool
application and is compatible with HCS08 BDM interface cables and software.
♦ M9S08GB60 CPU
* 60K Byte Flash
* 4K Bytes Ram
* 56 I/O lines (64 pins)
* 5 channel TPM 2 Timer
* 3 channel TPM 1 Timer
* 8 Channel 10 BIT A/D
* SPI and IIC Serial Ports
* 2 x SCI Serial Ports
* Key Board Wake-up Ports
* Clock generator w/ FLL
* up to 40Mhz operation
♦ 32Khz Crystal
♦ Regulated +3.3V power supply
♦ SCI1 Serial Port w/ RS232 DB9-S Connector
* SCI1 Serial Port
♦ SCI2 Serial Port w/ RS232 DB9-S Connector
* SCI1 Serial Port
♦ Power ON/OFF switch
♦ User Components Provided
* 5 LED Indicators (PTF0-3, PTD0)
* 4 Push Switches (PTA4-7)
* Digital to Analog (PTD2, PTB1)
* 1.8Volt reference
♦ MCU I/O Port connector provides all digital I/O
♦ Analog or PTB I/O Port connector provides analog inputs or PTB I/O
♦ Prototype Area
♦ 2 x AA Battery Holder
♦ Supplied with DB9 Serial Cable, Documentation (CD),
Manual, and Batteries or Wall plug type power supply.
Board Size 4” x 4.5”
Power Input: +6 to +12VDC, 9VDC typical
Current Consumption: 30ma @ 9VDC input

M68DEMO908GB60 01/12/05
The M68DEMO908GB60 single board computer is a fully assembled, fully functional
development board for the Freescale MC9S08GB60 microcontroller. Provided with 2 AA
batteries or wall plug power supply, and serial cable. Support software for this development
board is provided for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP operating systems.
Development board users should also be familiar with the hardware and software operation of
the target HCS08 device, refer to the provided Freescale User Manual for the device and the
HCS08 Reference Manual for details. The demonstration board purpose is to promote the
features of the 9S08GB60 device or to assist the user in quickly developing an application with
a known working environment. Users should be familiar with memory mapping, memory types,
and embedded software design for the quickest successful application development.
Application development may be performed by applying the embedded serial interface monitor,
or by applying a compatible HCS08 BDM cable with supporting host software. The monitor
provides an effective and low cost debug method. Note that when a BDM cable is applied to
the DEBUG Port for debugging, the BDM pod should be powered from an external supply.
The serial debug monitor is provided in the development board HCS08 device internal flash
memory and applies some HCS08 resources for operation. See the AN2140 application note
from Freescale for complete details. User applications operated under monitor control may be
configured for dedicated operation by applying the User Reset Vector (0xFBFE/F) and
programming the application into the device flash. The monitor will remain in protected flash
memory for future use if needed.
Reference Documentation
Reference documents are provided on the support CD in Acrobat Reader format.
AN2140 – HCS08 Serial Monitor application note.
9S08GB_GT60UM.pdf – 9S08GB60 user manual
HCS08RM.pdf – HCS08 core user manual with instruction set
M68DEMO908GB60_SCH_B.pdf – M68DEMO908GB60 board schematics