2. What performance I can expect from Freeloader Classic?
• After 1 day in full sun (9am to 6pm) the Freeloader Classic hub will be pretty much
fully charged. When connected to your device it will deliver power for 30minutes to
2hours depending on the device.
• If Freeloader Classic is positioned behind a window, again facing south in full sun
conditions the time needed to fully charge Freeloader Classic’s battery will be up
to 3 days. The reason for this increase in time is that most glass incorporates UV
filters, which naturally reduce the amount of irradiation needed to enable solar
panels to operate effectively.
• In cloudy conditions, Freeloader Classic may take approximately 1 1/2 times longer
to charge than the above mentioned times, but this is depending on the time of
year, density of cloud etc.
3. Freeloader’s LCD panel shows it has some charge but it wont deliver it to my
• In such circumstances Freeloader’s LCD panel will not be illuminated and it means
the battery level in your device is similar to the battery level in Freeloader. You will
need to either allow Freeloader longer to charge up more fully or allow your device
to discharge further before connecting the two (see note 1).
4. Can I charge my Freeloader Classic hub whilst at the same time powering a
• No. If Freeloader Classic’s hub is empty you will not be able to simultaneously
charge and deliver power. The reason is that Freeloader Classic delivers power to a
device approximately 10 times quicker than its solar cells can charge up its hub.
5. Will charging Freeloader Classic from its solar cells behind glass cause me any
• Not really a problem but it will increase the time needed to charge the hub
sometimes up to three times longer than if outside.
6. I have Freeloader Classic positioned on a shady windowsill.
Will the Freeloader Classic still charge?
• Yes the Freeloader Classic will still be charged by its solar cells but it will take a lot
longer compared to being outside in full sun - up to 4-5 days longer in fact.
7. Can I leave the Freeloader Classic out in the rain?
• No, we do not recommend getting the Freeloader Classic wet, however, should this
happen accidentally, please dry both hub and cells in a dry airy position away from
children and food stuffs. The solar cells should be fine; however, the hub / battery
may be unsalvageable. A trial will soon tell, however, we would recommend this
trial be done outside by the solar cells only and NOT the USB charge cable. If the
hub will not work a new one can be ordered from www.solartechnology.co.uk
8. How do I connect Freeloader Classic to my device as I don’t seem to have a
connector in the Freeloader Classic pack that fits?
• To connect up a device where no connection tip is supplied please use the original
sync cable (the cable you use for connecting to a PC) and insert the USB end into
Freeloader Classic’s Power Out (3) socket. Then connect to your device in the
normal way.