Freedom9 freeGuard Slim 100 Quick Install Manual

Quick Install Guide
freeGuard Slim 100
freedom to succeed
Quick Install Guide for the freeGuard Slim 100
freeGuard Slim 100
Power cord
Power supply
2 Ethernet cales
2 x RJ-45 cables
CD with user manual
freeGuard Slim 100
This guide provides information for the initial setup and configuration of the appliance.
• User guide
• CLI reference Guide
Network Traffic and Security Management
The freeGuard Slim 100 appliance is a com­pact, low power device that delivers high performance security and networking traffic management capabilities to seam lessly enhance existing network infrastruc
1. Connect the power supply to the appliance power
receptacle on the back panel of the unit
2. Connect the power supply to the AC power source
3. The Power LED on the front panel will turn ON
You are ready to configure your freeGuard Slim 100 applicance. There are two options: Option 1: Connecting the serial cable for text-based configuration Option 2: Connecting the cables for web-based setup
Front and back panels
The freeGuard Slim 100 front panel is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1
The freeGuard Slim 100 back panel is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2
The freeGuard Slim 100 reset button is shown in figure
Figure 3
1. Plug one end of the serial cable into the serial port
labeled CONSOLE on the back panel of the appliance
2. Plug the RJ-45 to DB9 console cable adapter to the management station
3. Plug the serial cable with the DB9 connector to the management station
4. Turn on the freeGuard Slim 100 appliance and the management station if they are not already on
Use your preferred terminal program to manage the device. The serial console settings are as follows: Baud rate: 38,400 Data bits: 8 Parity: No Stop bit: 1 Flow control: None
5. The freeGuard Slim 100 appliance takes approxi­mately 60 seconds to completely initialize. After the appliance is completely initialized, you will see the following prompt: Press Enter to active this console
6. Press the Enter key to enter a login name and password. The default login credentials are: Login: admin
Password: admin
Now you are ready to perform other configuration tasks using the appliance
Revision 1.0 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2008 Freedom9 Inc.
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Quick Install Guide
freeGuard Slim 100
freedom to succeed
1. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the interface
(eth0) on the front panel of the appliance
2. Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on the management station
3. Turn on the appliance and the management station if they are not already on
4. Adjust the IP Address of the management station to
5. Using a web browser, point the browser to
6. You will be prompted to enter a user name and password. Enter the following: User name: admin
Password: admin
7. Change the default password for the freeGuard Slim 100 appliance by going to the System > Admin >
Administrators page from the menu
8. Select Admin in the User Name field. Enter the old password and the new password. Click Apply.
Once the power is connected to the appliance, you can connect it to other network devices. Use either of the two Ethernet interfaces labeled eth0 or eth1. These interfaces allow you to connect to other network devices as required.
Figure 4 displays the eth1 interface connected to an Internet router using a twisted pair Ethernet cable, while the eth0 interface is connected to a switch on your local area network (LAN) using another twisted pair Ethernet cable
Figure 4
Setting the time on your appliance
Use the following commanc to enable logging for monitoring, trouble shooting and tracking. Set up a Syslog server to collect logs.
1. You can provide the IP Address of a syslog server using the following commands. The default is enabled. cli-> set syslog enable
cli-> set syslog config
2. Once the syslog server is enabled, you can enable log messages to be sent to the syslog server as follows: cli-> set log module policy level
information destinaton syslog
Every new connection will now be sent to the syslog server
3. If you do not have a syslog server and want to enable internal logging on the appliance, you can enable internal logging using the following command: cli-> set log module policy level
notification destination internal
4. To view the internal log messages, use the following command: cli-> get log message
Jul 26 12:02:09 2007 freedom9 id=slim100 policy[138] [INFO] proto=17 re= dst=192.168.255:137 packet dropped due to policy deny!
Default Configurations
The following are the default settings used when the appliance is powered on for the first time. Be sure to have your management IP Address available during configuration. Mode: Transparent Zone for eth0: Global Zone for eth1: Global Zone for br0: Global IP Address for br0: Policies: NetFlow is enabled Top-talkers is enabled Management: Bandwidth management features are disabled. The following management protocols are enabled: SSH Syslog SNMP (Pubic community) HTTP and HTTPS Ping
The default setting for the freeGuard Slim 100 appliance is GMT. If you want to change this setting, use the following command: cli->set clock 07/26/2007 12:00:00
Enable logging
Revision 1.0 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2008 Freedom9 Inc.
Setting up the syslog and NetFlow servers
Use the following CLI commands to set up your syslog and NetFlow servers: set syslog config ip-address set netflow config ip-address port port
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