Fredenstein Artistic Microphone Preamplifier Plus
The Artistic MicPre Plus features a revolutionary tube type distortion circuit. The variable color
control allows to adjust this feature from very subtle to extremely pronounced . In addition the
Color feature is also level dependent in the same way tube gear behaves.
Variable color enables a myriad of new creative possibilities and prevents cold and stale sounds.
Turning the Color knob all the way counter clockwise, the Color LED turns off and the Color
circuit is completely disabled.
Another key component to achieve best performance levels is the OPA2 discrete audio operational
amplifier. As all Fredenstein products, it is not a copy of an older design, but a proprietary design
manufactured in SMT technology. Matched and integrated dual input transistors guarantee vastly
improved specifications compared to older designs. The OPA2, following the tradition of well
known manufactures, is socketed and can be exchanged without tools. The industry standard pinout makes it compatible with many manufactures. The sound is further defined by the Americanmade steel-core output transformer, which is known for its smooth vintage sound without being
dark or just “mid-rangy”.
A 2 MOhms high impedance direct input is located on the front-panel, it accepts balanced and
unbalanced signals, the rear microphone input is automatically disconnected when a plug is inserted
in the DI connector.
The Artistic MicPre Plus features a maximum gain of 65 dB, a 20 dB Pad, switchable polarity,
selectable input impedance, and Phantom-Power support. The output level is indicated with a SIG
and a +20dB LED.
As all Fredenstein products, the Artistic MicPre Plus is designed by a German-American team and
manufactured in Taiwan.
Please power down your rack or box first before inserting the Artistic Pre Plus. The power
requirements are not very demanding at a maximum of +/-50mA. The Artistic Pre Plus should work
in weaker racks as well.
Fredenstein Artistic MicPre Plus Manual V1.0 DEC 17, 2018 Page 1